Hyperian Felony



9/28/2022 – Post #3

Corey Rebhahn and Allie Torgensen are people who have shoved themselves into the public eye. No one asked them to. They just did it. They seek to solicit money from members of the public all over the world. They seek to radicalize individuals via the combination of livestreams, videos, social media, books and merchandise. Rebhahn and Torgensen are creating an extremist hate group. These two individuals are personally so full of hate regarding their legitimate critics that they attempted to have them arrested and prosecuted by the FBI (!!!!).
Just so you all know, the FBI action was launched on 6 August. This is 28 September. No one has been arrested. No one is in jail. No one has been charged with anything. We’re still writing as usual. So, the Corey gang’s complaint to the FBI TOTALLY FAILED, and that means of course that the FBI are dutybound to now investigate whether their precious resources were deliberately abused by the Corey gang with the aim of resolving a private dispute in which they had become embroiled because of their own plagiarist and cult actions.
The Corey gang fabricated evidence and lied to the FBI, which, as everyone knows, is a felony, so justice will certainly now take its course against the Corey gang. It really must be a question of any day now for the Corey gang to be taken in for questioning regarding the malicious SWATTING campaign they engineered – using the FBI as their DUPES – against their justified critics. The FBI will not be amused by that at all. If you contact the FBI, it had better be legit – not fantasy stuff designed to stop critics exposing your twisted cult!
Anyone who steps into the public sphere and tries to manipulate people and get money from them is of course a legitimate target of criticism, just as people such as Donald Trump and Joe Biden and anyone who is directly trying to exercise power over others is.
Corey Rebhahn and Allie Torgensen are not private and harmless people. Six times a week they actively campaign against us with their ghastly deadstreams, a constant provocation. In response, we criticize them every day. This will go on and on. Until something breaks.
We expect all of the Corey gang to to jail for their collective felony of lying to the FBI to portray their valid critics as dangerous armed maniacs – a 100% LIE, made totally maliciously to fuck over anyone standing in the way of the insane ambitions of Rebhahn and Torgensen, two people fanatically campaigning against normality and creating a hate group of Woke fanatics who despise everyone who does not share their worldview and seek their arrest and imprisonment for not being on board with Wokeism, where the whole world must kneel to exotic minorities and do whatever exotic minorities demand of them. Rebhahn demands a Woke, vegan world where non-binary people are regarded as the highest expression of humanity, and is cheered on in this by Torgensen, his ex squeeze (so we hear).
Obviously, anyone who disagrees with this fanatical and delusional ideology of Hyperianism has the ABSOLUTE RIGHT to criticize it and stop it from spreading. But not according to the Hyperian cultists. They must be protected from any “hate”, they say, meaning that they think it should be illegal to criticize them.
Hyperianism is never going to be free of the situation it is now in. If it had any sense, it would go away. But, of course, it has no sense. It’s an extremist cult. Above all, Hyperianism is how Rebhahn makes his living, and he’s otherwise unemployable. He has never had a normal job in his life and is congenitally incapable of holding down a normal job. That itself is highly telling. Why can’t Rebhahn do a normal job? Because he’s a pathological narcissist and pathological narcissists cannot fit in with normal people in normal workplaces. They always have to carve out a niche where their pathological narcissism is pandered to. Rebhahn’s whole life revolves around his pathological narcissism, and that’s exactly how he wants it. He will never give that up voluntarily. That’s why the best way to end this cult is through Rebhahn going to jail where he can no longer inflict his pathological narcissism on the people.
Cult leaders – like dictators – always end up dead, in jail, or fleeing into exile. It’s the only way it can ever end. These people NEVER choose to end it. So the end must be forced on them, and it always is. You cannot defy the reality principle. It’s always just a question of time.
Why did the Rebhahn cabal phone the FBI? They utterly detested their former mod for leaving them and siding with the AC/PI. They also utterly detested another former senior Hyperian whom they perceived as helping us, so they were more than keen to fuck him over too. They also hated Karen, whom they regarded as a proxy for the AC/PI, so they were itching to try to intimidate her with a lawsuit, and then SWAT her when that failed (they needed instant revenge when Rebhahn’s mad lawsuit was treated with the contempt it deserved). The hatred of these “hyperaware World Shapers, full of compassion for the world”, knows no bounds.
Of course, their No.1 aim is to shut us up and stop us relentlessly exposing their sick, deranged cult. How’s that working out for you?
What do you expect the future of your cult to be? All you’ve got is a few hundred brainwashed members of your cult to sustain you. Are you just going to rely on them to pay your bills forever?
Well, no worries on that front. You don’t need money in jail! Maybe in your jail cells you can at last confront your Shadow. Where better?!
Listen, if you contact the FBI and tell them there is a radicalized armed maniac on the loose – a member of a hate group promoting terrorism and Armageddon and wanting to kill Hyperians, Woke liberals, and POTUS then all of that had better be totally true and not a ridiculous fantasy you childishly and maliciously invented to SWAT your critics because you were upset with stuff they wrote about you. If you initiate a serious FBI action, involving the FBI phoning people, cops visiting people’s homes, and people being interrogated in police HQ, you had better have more to fucking rely on than cherry-picked quotations from novels (!). But the Rebhahn gang didn’t. They claimed their former mod had several guns and was extremely violent and unstable. All of that was total nonsense and actually constitutes blatant defamation, as well as SWATTING.
So, only in fantasy Woke World are people so insane as to imagine that selectively quoting from books is a defensible tactic for involving the FBI in the attempt to silence critics. The real world is very different. Why would the FBI and police want their precious resources abused by bogus, hoax complaints from Woke nutjobs in a cult? That’s why the Rebhahn gang are going to jail. They literally took leave of their senses when they involved the FBI in their dispute with us over their self-evident plagiarism of our work. Instead of admitting what they did and fucking off, they phoned the FBI and said we were plotting to assassinate POTUS!!!! Can you believe the SHEER INSANITY of that?
The person they said was heavily armed and involved in an imminent plot to assassinate POTUS didn’t even have a gun, so there was obviously no plot, meaning that the whole hysterical complaint was a fabrication – and was a SWATTING fabrication – with no basis in reality. And that’s why jail is inevitable for Rebhahn and his mentally ill gang.
We are absolutely LIVID that these nutcases contacted the FBI. But, as it turned out, it was probably the best thing that could have happened since it means these fuckers will all be going to jail, and that will, at last, end this fucking moronic and sick Hyperian cult.
Hilariously, these lunatics actually expect to get away with making their deranged accusation. They are going to rely on quotes from a work of fiction to save themselves!!!! Good luck with that.
Well, you fuckers, you’ll have plenty of time to re-read the novel in question – THE ARMAGEDDON CONSPIRACY – in your jail cells. ENJOY!