What would you rather have? – ontological mathematics delivered by those who developed it and introduced it to the world, or some butchered, wrecked version of it delivered by some Woke freak and weirdo with no education and no qualifications who has been explicitly condemned as a liar, fraud, conman, criminal, grifter and plagiarist by those highly qualified people responsible for ont math. In any rational world that would be a no-brainer, but not in this irrational world of the hyper-emotional, who “think” with their feelings, not with their intelligence.
In the UK, one test of a politician is the “pub test”. It goes like this – could you imagine going down to the pub and having a pint with the candidate to be prime minister? God only knows what this has to do with the very complex job of running a country, but it certainly tells us about popularity and people’s feelings. That’s why the world ends up with shit prime ministers and shit presidents. They were chosen by any other process than one likely to have rational and beneficial consequences.
Hyperianism is a cult for retards … people who judge right and wrong, good and bad, good and evil, truth and falsehood via their feelings and not via their intelligence. If they “like” you then you are right. And that’s why humanity fails to evolve. It cannot engage its intelligence because it’s always being sabotaged by the moronic feelings of the intellectually challenged. These Dunning-Kruger nutjobs keep the world stupid, and they are delivering a Woke IDIOCRACY.
Hyperians are people who deliberately attack the truth and lie to the world. Their ludicrous system of Woke gibberish has been absolutely falsified, yet they go on spreading their deceit. These liars must be stopped from corrupting vulnerable minds. There should be an official committee for passing judgment on what has been disproved, but of course most people would NEVER accept it and would denounce it as “judgmental” and “fascist”. They LOVE their disproven, emotional bullshit because it’s shaped exactly in their image.
Humanity has a catastrophic problem with disproof. It doesn’t accept it … thanks to FEELINGS, the instruments of the Dumbocalypse. There are infinite lies and only one Truth. We need to be getting rid of the infinite lies, except humanity is instead indulging them … and rejecting the truth … because the truth isn’t human, but all lies are. All lies are powerful emotionally, which is why they are so successful. So, the truth seems uncanny and alien while lies seem utterly familiar and relatable. Lies are inherently human and in accord with the strongest human emotions. The truth is inherently not. It’s intellectual, but hardly any humans are intellectual.
Curiously, everyone is 100% skeptical towards the bullshit they DON’T believe, while being utterly credulous towards their OWN bullshit.
We must achieve something amazing – get people to be as skeptical towards their own bullshit, that of their own side, as they are towards the bullshit of the “other”, others who subscribe to other faith systems – the other side. If everyone attained that degree of skepticism, we would wipe out subjectivity and relativity, all paths and all truths – everything New Age and Woke! All that would survive this process – the ultimate method of Cartesian DOUBT – would be the undoubted Truth, the absolute objective truth, and that would of course be the truth provided by reason and logic … hence ONTOLOGICAL MATHEMATICS.
Rousseau, a complete genius, intuited this idea in the astounding notion of the general will of the collective versus the particular wills of individuals. We could even say universal truth versus particular lies.
Rousseau said,
“It follows from all this that the general will is always in the right and always works for the public good; but it doesn’t follow that the people’s deliberations are always equally correct. Our will is always for our own good, but we don’t always see what that is; the populace is never corrupted, but it is often deceived, and then—but only then—it seems to will something bad. [Rebhahn does nothing but corrupt and deceive people]. The will of all is very different from the general will; the latter looks only to the common interest, while the former looks to private interest and is no more than a sum of particular wills: but remove from these same wills the pluses and minuses that cancel one another and what is left of the particular wills adds up to the general will.”
If you could subtract all of the relative, subjective, particular lies, you would be left with the absolute, objective, general, universal Truth. And that’s ontological mathematics.

Rousseau said,
“To protect the social compact from being a mere empty formula, therefore, it silently includes the undertaking that anyone who refuses to obey the general will is to be compelled to do so by the whole body. This single item in the compact can give power to all the other items. It means nothing less than that each individual will be forced to be free.”
Seriously, folks, wise up. In the end, this is what it is all about … humans being FORCED TO BE FREE. Lies do not free you. They enslave you. You must escape from the particular to the universal. You must escape from diversity to unity. You must align with Truth. Aligning with truth is exactly what reduces the universe’s entropy. Aligning with lies is what multiplies entropy. Corey Rebhahn is the preacher of maximal entropy (“diversity” – particular lies, unlimited in scope).
Humans believe their own lies. They must instead embrace the rational and logical truth. Disgusting systems of lies – like Hyperianism – forces of fracture and division … disunity, diversity, difference, divergence … must be brought to an end.
Do not support Corey Rebhahn’s work. Bring his lies to an end. Defund this total charlatan and grifter. Rebhahn is certain to end up behind bars where he belongs. He is degenerate scum, like all cult leaders.
Starve all of these morons, liars and conmen and conwomen of their finances. Stop Corey Rebhahn living a luxury millionaire lifestyle in Hollywood.
Hegel was highly influenced by Rousseau both politically and metaphysically. Hegel got his notion of the power of recognition from Rousseau. Rousseau said that politics is all about membership, and the need that everyone has to be recognized by others.
Hegel wrote:
“The principle of freedom dawned on the world in Rousseau.”
And Hegel was tremendously influenced by Rousseau in relation to the general will which became in Hegel a universal will, closely associated with geist (mind/spirit) operating throughout the cosmos.
Hegel said,
“The distinction between what is merely in common, and what is truly universal, is strikingly expressed by Rousseau in his famous ‘Contrat Social’, when he says that the laws of a state must spring from the general will, but need not on that account be the will of all.”
Philip J. Kain said,
“Hegel’s conception of the modern state closely resembles Rousseau’s ideal community which was based upon rational freedom realized through a general will and reinforced by custom and tradition which shaped the character and interests of the citizens. … Rousseau wants to design an ideal state in which the general will can manifest itself. It can do so, given four conditions which Rousseau lays out in the Social Contract, but not neatly all in one place.The four conditions are the following:(1) All citizens must vote as individuals on all questions or laws.(2) All questions put to these citizens must have an abstract and universal form; they must not name a particular person or fact.(3) The question put must always and only be, “what is the general will on this matter?” You must not address the citizens as individuals and ask them what their particular interests are.(4) All laws must be rigorously and equally enforced, and everyone must realize when they are voting that this will be the case.’… Furthermore, for Rousseau, the general will must be reinforced by what Hegel would call Sittlichkeit. Citizens are only free if the customs which shape inclination and feeling accord with the general will and reason. Rousseau says, “To these . . . laws is added . . . the most important of all; which is not engraved on marble or bronze, but in the hearts of the citizens . . . I am speaking of mores, customs, and especially of opinion—a part of the laws unknown to our political theorists, but on which the success of all the others depends.” … Custom and tradition would be reinforced, for Rousseau, by a civil religion which combines simple, inner, personal commitment with a sentiment of sociability and respect for laws. … For Rousseau, there is a tendency for the customs and traditions of any community to become corrupted. Rousseau argues in the Discourse on Inequality that in simple, healthy, egalitarian communities, as soon as agriculture and metallurgy develop and surplus production occurs, society is plunged into inequality, conflict of interests, and the corruption of customs. Moreover, Rousseau thinks that once healthy customs have been corrupted, all is lost. They can never be revived. Wealth, unequal property, and commerce are the main causes of this corruption. They promote self-interest and erode the citizen’s commitment to the public good.”
Woke “diversity” also creates catastrophic inequality, and conflicts of interest, and the total cancelation of human history, traditions and standards. That’s why it will lead to the Ultimate War … the war to end Wokeness in its entirety … the total elimination of the curse of extreme liberalism aka unconditional individualism that has total contempt for the collective good, as we see with Corey Rebhahn and his sick and disgusting Hyperian cult.
The idea that these people are advocating anything other than EXTREME DIVISION is laughable. Illuminism is the universal cause of unity, and the No.1 obstacle in our path is far-right extreme individualism, of which Hyperianism is the most egregious example. Haven’t you worked it out – the Woke are far right, meaning that they are in every way opposed to the collective and general will. Ayn Rand detested the collective and general will, and so does Corey Rebhahn. In fact, if we looked into it, we could probably show that Rebhahn’s position is just a social version of her far-right economic “philosophy” – all about the “sovereign individual” being protected from the “collectivist” State.
Hegel was the opposite of someone preaching diversity, difference, divergence and division. He said, “The Truth is the whole.” He was all about the whole, the unity, the completeness … zero entropy between the monads of the ontological Hive Mind, as we would now say. What was the whole point of the dialectic? – to achieve absolute convergence, absolute synthesis. What does Rebhahn preach? – parts rather than the whole, difference rather than sameness, divergence rather than convergence, diversity rather than uniformity, dissent rather than conformity (to what is rational and logical). He is the ANTI-Hegel, opposed to EVERYTHING Hegel stood for!
Hegel said,
“World history is a court of judgment.”
Oh dear, that’s not what the Hyperians want to hear, They want to live non-judgmentally in the moment.
Hegel said,
“Animals are in possession of themselves; their soul is in possession of their body. But they have no right to their life, because they do not will it.”
Oh dear, that’s not what the vegan Hyperians want to hear. Think of the animals!
Hegel said,
“When liberty is mentioned, we must always be careful to observe whether it is not really the assertion of private interests which is thereby designated.”
Oh dear, that’s not what the “diverse” Hyperians with all their diverse private interests want to hear!
Hegel said,
“For the nature of humanity is to impel men to agree with one another, and its very existence lies simply in the explicit realization of a community of conscious life.”
Oh dear, that’s not what Corey Rebhahn says.
Humanity must be impelled – FORCED! – to agree with one another (via universal reason and logic). Reality itself eventually forces total agreement on all minds. That’s how you reduce entropy to zero.
Hegel said,
“The state is the actuality of the ethical Idea. The march of God in the world, that is what the state is. The state is the actuality of concrete freedom.”
Rebhahn hates the state!
Hegel said,
“The individual’s duty is to maintain the sovereignty of the state, at the risk and sacrifice of property and life. … Sacrifice on behalf of the state is the substantial tie between the state and all its members.”
Well, Hyperians, what are you going to sacrifice for the greater good, for UNITY? How about … YOUR DIVERSITY?! Or do you expect the world to sacrifice everything … for you!
JFK said,
“Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.”
Rebhahn, the halfwit, demands that the whole of society structure itself around his DIVERSITY AND PERVERSITY AND DEGENERATION.
Hegel said,
“If the state as such is in jeopardy, all its citizens are in duty bound to answer the summons to its defense.”
That’s why Hyperianism must be destroyed!
Hegel said,
“The nation state is Mind in its substantive rationality and immediate actuality — the absolute power on earth.”
Indeed. The opposite of Hyperianism with all its diverse individualism!
Hegel said,
“It follows that if states disagree, the matter can only be settled by war.”
So much for pacifism!
To repeat … it’s OBSCENE for Rebhahn to refer to Hegel, his opposite, just as it is for him to refer to Nietzsche, the least Woke philosopher of them all. But what does the conman and grifter care? He will tell any lie he can monetize, and there are countless suckers out there willing to believe his malignant deceit. Disgusting human beings like Kassidy and Dyslexic Fairy will support human filth forever. Because that’s what they are too. They want to impose a mad Woke cult on the human race.
Over our dead bodies! Where’s your fucking army?
The vegan pacifists think they can change the world. Go on … give it a go. And you will learn what human nature is really like. No wonder it’s said that some people never learn from history! These people inhabit a total fantasy world. They have never mixed with actual human beings!
So, finally, FOSTERING.
It was actually Asia, Rebhahn’s pretend girlfriend at one time (we know where his true tastes lie) who spilled the beans about Rebhahn’s foster family, via their mutual Wattpad account (deathbycrimson).
deathbycrimsonFeb 14, 2014We’re going to be gone for a bit since we’re flying down to Florida to see Morgue’s Foster Parents 😀 I’m excited to meet them. ♥Asia♥

So, imagine how utterly toxic Rebhahn’s upbringing was. His parents split when he was about twelve, and mad little Corey was taken to Montana to be a full-on fundamentalist Christian, speaking in tongues and all that – good preparation for his bullshit today where he just spouts constant nonsense … babbling like a Christian. We assumed that when he got to, say, sixteen and was full-on gay and rejected by his Christian mother, he went back to California to be with his dad. His mother just couldn’t handle him anymore. It now seems that his father didn’t want him either and so Rebhahn had to go and live with a foster family. It seems a bit odd that the foster family was located in FLORIDA, but stranger things have happened. Our guess is that Rebhahn actually went to a foster family in either Montana or California, and that family later moved to Florida. Care to clarify the details, Corey? You know, FULLY EXPRESS YOURSELF, and all that. You’re always going on about absolute self-expression, so why do you say next to nothing about how you were raised?
Rebhahn was a delinquent, pure trouble, toxic. Both of his parents rejected him and he had to get a new family, a foster family. At least he seemed to get on well with them.
Consider this:
deathbycrimsonFeb 14, 2014OH MY GOD! RAVEN TOLD MORGUE SHE DIDN’T LIKE HIM AND HE RESPONDED WITH,” You Don’t Have To Like Me,” RUDELY AND SHE THREW A GLASS AT HIM! WHAT THE HELL!? ._. Now, He has stitches in his forehead (Thankfully, I know how to stitch things up)Thank God Morgue acted like a gentleman and stayed calm. . . But, I know if it was a guy, he’d jump over the table and beat the crap out of her…♥Asia♥
It’s amazing how many people DON’T LIKE Rebhahn. He is a staggeringly divisive individual yet dares to talk about UNITY. What a fucking creep, totally delusional. Seriously, that guy could cause a fight in a room that can fit only one person.
We also hear that Rebhahn is EXTREMELY VIOLENT and likes to beat the crap out of people. Well, we find that rather hard to believe – he couldn’t punch his way out of a soggy paper bag – but you must let the weirdo indulge his fantasies! So much for all his bullshit pacificism, though. Another blatant lie.
But well done, RAVEN! Direct hit. BATTLESHIPS!
And it goes on…
deathbycrimsonFeb 14, 2014UPDATE ON MORGUE:“He’s a bit better and He’s starting to loosen up a little. He’s just told me his biggest secret and I think he’s surprised I took it so well… He’s Done second guessing himself and He’s actually talking to his Foster Father about his life AFTER he left their house and how he’s holding up. He held my hand for the longest time. As much as he despises today, he secretly loves it ♥Asia♥”
Biggest secret? What, that he’s a fuckwit, plagiarist, conman, grifter, liar, malignant narcissist and psychopath? That’s not a secret. That’s public knowledge!
So, Rebhahn is no longer “second-guessing” himself. He decided to abandon the truth and just lie all the time! Seemples. Why bother trying to remember what is true?
So, Rebhahn secretly loves Valentine’s Day. Well, no surprise there. That’s when he puts on his special dress.
So, Rebhahn used to talk to his Foster father only about relevant matters. Now he talks about … other things!!!!
Aw, Rebhahn held Asia’s hand for the longest time. He was probably expecting a superchat for all that effort!
deathbycrimsonAsia: Thanks,Doll. Happy Valentine’s Day to you as wellMorgue: Thank you♥ It means a lotFeb 14, 2014
So romantic! Did I just vomit in my mouth?
Aw, poor Kassidy and Dyslexic Fairy want Corey Boy/Girl to hold their hand, but he never will. He’ll take all their money, though. Fuck, he already has!
Fyi … human centipede on ice:
Is this the Hyperians on a day out? Is Corey fuckwit at the front or the back?! Which do you think he prefers? We know how much he loves BUTTS and anal sex.
Tomorrow, more cult leader revelations … and a deconstruction of his latest deadstream mind-rot (guaranteed to erase minds of all intelligence in mere seconds).
Tags: Corey Rebhahn, Morgue Official, Morgen Night, Hyperianism, Hyperionism, Hyperian, Hyperion, AMC Freakshow, Inner Star Actualization, Cult of Hyperianism, Hyperian Founder, Morgue Official Real Name, What is Hyperianism, Hyperianism Beliefs