Full Retard aka Hyperianism



8/15/2022 Post #1

The AC Response to Corey Rebhahn’s Latest Verbal Diarrhea


So, it has finally happened! Corey Rebhahn (aka Morgue, The Night Bringer) has gone FULL RETARD. Well, it was the only move he had left when his previous smear campaign didn’t work, phoning the FBI didn’t work, and canceling the AC didn’t work. Man, why didn’t this fuckwit go and join the Scientologists, his natural home? Mark Twain said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” What’s the point of even trying to get any rational response from someone who hasn’t even been to school? When you’re a home-schooled Christian Fundamentalist, there’s no way back from that. It means that cult behavior is in your blood. It’s second nature. It’s all you understand.

So, let’s try to simplify this whole situation so that even Corey Rebhahn might be able to grasp what is going on.

The Republican party hates the Democratic party, and vice versa. No part of the Republican worldview informs the Democratic worldview, and vice versa. That’s the way opposition works. You are opposed to EVERYTHING the other side stands for.

So, we absolutely detest the Hyperian cult and its cult leader, and no part of the Hyperian worldview informs any part of our Illuminist worldview. So far, so good. Everything is making perfect sense, right?

But what about Corey’s Hyperian cult? Well, now things get REALLY FREAKY. So, the Hyperians absolutely despise us, calling us N**is, fascists, bigots, and so on. What we should be able to say next is that absolutely no part of the Illuminist worldview informs the Hyperian cult. That should automatically follow. But …

WTF! 100% of the Hyperian answer to existence is taken from “N**i” Illuminism. This is why all this fuckwittery is happening – because one group in a ferocious opposition is laying claim to the answer provided by their absolute enemies, rather than fucking off and subscribing to some braindead Woke “answer” to existence such as the one New Age guru Ken Wilber provides.

Everything that is going on results from the fact that we do not want people we despise to be referring to our answer to existence. However, these people we despise, and who despise us, INSIST on using our answer to existence, while trying to camouflage this inconvenient truth as much as possible, hence why this is all about plagiarism.

By the way, the most prominent plagiarism case ever was between Newton and Leibniz regarding who was first to discover calculus. Newton was the first to do work on calculus but didn’t publish his work. Leibniz came up with a different version of calculus (the basis of today’s calculus) and published first. It is now agreed that the two geniuses discovered calculus independently. Corey Rebhahn isn’t someone with any claim to ontological mathematics. He’s a hack writer cutting and pasting the work of others. He has no originality at all. This is an inveterate copyist. Intellectual innovation is far beyond his severely limited abilities.

It’s a bit of stretch, don’t you think, to imagine a sword swallower on a reality TV show, obsessed with his hair, who hasn’t been to university and doesn’t have any qualifications at all, to somehow be involved with cutting-edge thinking? It’s not just a stretch, it’s unthinkable.

It’s literally impossible for Corey Rebhahn to make any contribution to ontological mathematics, or rationalist philosophy, or idealism, or ANYTHING. All he can do is talk about what other people have done. This is not an intelligent person. 100% of intelligent people have disowned Corey. Why? Because they all see through him. The only people who don’t are the unintelligent people who are, let’s face it, in love with guy. They are all feeling types, who know as much about logic and reason as Corey does, which is nothing at all. Corey’s entire worldview concerns his IMAGE. That’s it. There’s nothing else. He’s a total narcissist, and he uses Machiavellian tactics to advance his narcissism, and psychopathic tactics towards anyone who gets in his way. This is an individual manifesting all three arms of the Dark Triad. That’s why he’s a cult leader. Having all three traits is key to being a cult leader.

Corey’s own former mods have literally stated that he is a plagiarist, and they worked with the guy. That’s WHY he never mentions them. That’s WHY he phoned the FBI about one of them in a sick attempt to wreck his life. Morguey Boy is terrified of the plagiarism charge. His whole dodgy empire relies on convincing the suckers in his cult that he’s not a plagiarist, although all you actually have to do is read the books of Mike Hockney and Dr. Thomas Stark to see facts. But, of course, the cultists absolutely do not want any facts. The facts would ruin the entire fantasy and scam. And they would absolutely never read those books. They are RADIOACTIVE!

Just to remind everyone. Ontological mathematics has ZERO to do with Corey Rebhahn. That’s an incontestable, proven fact that 100% of the brainwashed Hyperian cultists refuse to accept because, of course, as soon as they accept the facts, Hyperianism is finished. So, they simply deny the facts. That’s cognitive dissonance for you. Cults are completely defined by cognitive dissonance.

Hyperianism is a 100% plagiarized version of Illuminism as we have already proved on the AC – before it got canceled by Corey for telling the truth about him every day … in his own words. In fact, Hyperianism was meant to be a vehicle FOR Illuminism until Corey Rebhahn decided that better grifting opportunities were to be had if he were to try to add his own obsessive Woke issues to Illuminism, totally contrary to what Illuminism stands for.

We would like nothing more than for Corey Rebhahn and his weirdo cultists to fuck off from our work as far as they can possibly get, but they refuse to go … because they have bought into the lies of their cult leader that ontological mathematics has something to do with him. It literally has no connection to him AT ALL. None! It took 2500 years for Illuminism to develop the Illuminist answer to existence based on ontological mathematics, and this plagiarist showed up five years ago and just set about stealing this infinitely glittering prize in order to grift from the suckers in his cult. We saw one sucker defending him the other day – perhaps Corey’s top benefactor, who has sent many tens of thousands of dollars in his direction (including vast donations during “charity” livestreams – you know those cringey events where Corey postures and poses regarding the latest Woke issues and burnishes his own image like the good predatory capitalist he is). Well, who wants to admit they gave their money to a conman? So they deny it. That’s how cults work.

You have to ask yourself the simplest question. Why doesn’t Corey Rebhahn fuck off from our work? It’s because without OUR answer to existence, he’s got NOTHING. He’s reduced to just some Woke jerk banging on about hot button Woke issues. Even he doesn’t what to be shoved in that ghetto, even though his two statements have now fully branded the Hyperian cult as WOKE af. Only the Wokest of the Woke remain in the shrinking bunker with Corey. Their next livestream is to hate on J. K. Rowling! FFS. Another Hyperborean Nazi, no doubt. Hey, Morguey Boy, will you start searching through Harry Potter to weaponize quotes to prove that Rowling is a secret fan of the SS and is an extremist white supremacist?

All of this really comes down to the fact that Corey Rebhahn’s grifting operation DEPENDS on our answer to existence. Without it, he can’t grift. Corey doesn’t see any growth potential in a Woke activist group. The “special sauce” Corey adds to his cult is the Illuminist answer to existence. ALL of its allure derives from that. Without it, Hyperianism is over. Corey knows that. Everyone does. That’s why Corey is fighting to the last ditch to use the system of people he openly despises. And this is a guy who is supposedly “hyperaware”, a “World Shaper”, a person using logic and reason. Ho, ho, ho.

In fact, Corey is totally unaware, controlled by unconscious forces, and incapable of exercising reason and logic.

A person who causes all this trouble just to hang on to an answer to existence that has NOTHING TO DO WITH HIM AND HIS CULT, and which belongs to people he detests, and who detest him even more, is not operating as any kind of rational agent.

Our position couldn’t be any more logical. We don’t want our enemies using our work, our answer to existence. 1 + 1 = 2

Corey’s position couldn’t be any less logical. He INSISTS on using our answer to existence, the answer of people he writes smear campaigns against! 2 + 2 = 5.

Only a totally irrational person could adopt such a position, and only totally irrational people could support him. But of course, cults are totally irrational. That’s why they’re cults and not productive movements.

Corey and his cult are obviously of markedly low intelligence. That’s why they’re in an impossible position. They’re like Biden supporters fully committed to Trumpism! It just doesn’t make any sense.

We don’t want these people coming anywhere near our work EVER. We don’t want them mentioning our work EVER. We want them to move as far away from our work as possible. Instead, all of these cultists do nothing but rely on our answer to existence, plagiarized from us by Corey Rebhahn, once a prominent member of online ILLUMINISM when he proclaimed his love and admiration for our work. Good to see Corey maintaining a consistent, rational position.

These people literally denounce us as monsters while trying their hardest to spread OUR answer to existence. WTF! It’s absolute lunacy.

Did you know that Corey dedicated his first book to Nietzsche, a man who was once regarded as THE Nazi philosopher? Hitler even went to see the shrine to Nietzsche that Nietzsche’s sister built. What is it that draws this Woke guy Corey to “Nazi” intellectuals? Is it the smart uniforms, Corey? Corey likes to refer to himself as “Morgue” and “Night Bringer” – good, solid neo-Nazi names!

Apparently, we’re the “Hyperborean Nazis” now, or some shit like that. Do you remember where the name “Hyperianism” comes from? Here’s what Corey had to say on 1 February 2017: “I am heavily leaning towards the name Hyperrationalism, and I have purchased the domain hyperrationalism dot com. I think it fits well and sounds authoritative. A shortened version that I like a lot could be Hyperianism. ‘I am a Hyperian.’ It has the feel of transcendence. Hyperborea (or possibly, Hyperia?) also fits well into a promised land scheme.”

Hmmm, is Corey actually a bit of a Hyperborean N**i himself? Is he projecting onto us? If we’re the Hyperborean N**is, why did we choose to work with this guy in the first place?

So, the latest drivel from Corey will be subjected to our customary dissection in our forthcoming book “The Truth About Hyperianism: The Inside Story of the Rise of a Sinister Woke Cult and Its Sinister Leader”. We expect that to be coming out in the next three months or so. So, no Hyperian cultist should imagine that any of this is going away. We are going to shut down your Woke cult.

ChubbyBunny Megen gave an interesting psychological analysis. She said, “When you grow up in conflict and as an adult you claw your way to the silence you thought you wanted, you no longer know how to function and so you ‘accidentally’ sabotage yourself into conflict, that’s the only place you learned to function.”

Is Corey addicted to trouble because he came from trouble? It’s all he knows.

He also seeks to be PUNISHED because of the fundamentalist Christian brainwashing to which he was exposed. In a way, he’s trying to prove that his mother was right about him all along – he is “of the Devil”.

ChubbyBunny Megen was asked “How did you discover the source material written by Mike Hockney?” Her answer was: “The whispers. You always listen to the people who are whispering. Action is happening behind whispers.”

How come Hyperians had to be whispering about key Illuminist authors whose works formed the entire basis of Hyperianism? That’s the whole point of the plagiarism charge!

In response to the question, “What would I say to any Hyperians reading?”, ChubbyBunny Megen said, “Don’t be stagnant, don’t continue to perpetuate cult behavior, take what’s important and move the fuck on. We all know Hyperianism has reached its end. It has nowhere to go without other people’s material. Some more honesty as none of Hyperianism is Morgue’s work. Doing videos about other people’s topics and writing books about other people’s works is time consuming but not your own work.”

That’s exactly right. All that Morgue does is reheat the work of others, and comment on books, articles and videos of others using the optics provided by us. None of it has got anything to do with him, and everyone knows it. But he’s the guy who earns all the money out of it. He has monetized plagiarism!

Haven’t you worked out all that “hanging out in the chat” nonsense? Corey says, “I get swamped by messages all week long. Now you have my undivided attention and can get your questions answered.” What he means is: I CAN’T MONETIZE ANY MESSAGES I RECEIVE DURING THE WEEK. DURING THE LIVESTREAM I WILL ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS … PROVIDED YOU PAY UP, VIA THE SUPER CHATS. Money, money, money! Why do Corey’s livestreams go on so long – it’s to maximize the opportunity for super chats. We have seen people giving Corey $1000 dollars or more via super chats, and not even asking a question. The truth is THEY’RE IN LOVE. They’re groomed, they’re brainwashed. They want to win the love of their object of veneration, so they literally pay him money to love them, to esteem them, to praise them, to say their name, to pick them out from the crowd and treat them as “special”. So pathetic. So sad.

They actually get giddy when he mentions them.

The Hyperian cult is done. It’s over. It’s got nowhere to go. It will be remembered, with a shudder, as a bizarre misfire of Illuminism. The sole reason why the Hyperians refuse to give up is that although their community is dead now, they can’t cope with that, so they stagger on like zombies, hoping for a miracle. But there are no miracles, just worse horrors to come.

Corey’s grifting operation is now massively degraded. Every livestream is an incredibly tense battle. All of the mods are fully engaged in the fight to stop the truth breaking through. Corey has to watch every word. He has to be super alert to every message in case he makes a slip up. There’s no joy left. Awkward super chats have to be deleted without any acknowledgement. The whole thing is nightmarish.

And this will go on and on and on.

That’s why Hyperianism will collapse. It will implode.

The only reason it hasn’t collapsed already is that cult leaders always have to be dragged out the door. They never volunteer. They never fall on their sword. How do you think they got to be cult leaders in the first place? By relentlessly using their Dark Triad traits.

Hyperianism will end when the outside world has a good look at these people. That’s what happened with the Jim Jones cult. As soon as reality intruded, everyone had to take the Kool-Aid. Don’t worry, the outside world is coming for Hyperianism too. Everyone will see what’s going on with this nasty little cult, led by a liar, thief, conman and plagiarist.

The latest verbal diarrhea from Corey Rebhahn is “throwing red meat to the base” – you know, shoring up his support amongst his most brainwashed cultists … all his Patreon gimps. But the number of people willing to administer the Kool-Aid has enormously shrunk. A few defections amongst these people would definitely end the cult.

Here’s a relevant section from Without the Mob, There Is No Circus:

The Business Model?

The leader of Hyperianism – a very angry man despite all of his rhetoric – will now have to decide what to do. Will he reevaluate his business model and migrate Hyperianism to pastures new, those more appropriate for an entirely Woke message about exotic minorities, using the example of ContraPoints? That way, we can forget all about him and he can get on with whatever Woke nonsense he wants to spout. We don’t care. That way, he can keep his business model more or less on track. He’s already largely heading in that direction.

Or will he be determined to go on trying to refer to Illuminism’s explanation of ultimate reality using ontological mathematics and the PSR? But how can he do that given that we have entirely repudiated him? He can’t go around plagiarizing our work. He can’t pretend it’s his own work. He can’t ignore our denunciation of him. He can’t claim he’s operating “like a university” if he’s using the secret system of a secret society, one that he refuses to acknowledge. No one’s buying any of this. It’s an untenable position. He could get away with his shtick while he seemed to operate under some implied consent from us. Without that consent, he becomes a person teaching a secret system that he took from others – an immensely problematic position for a Woke Messiah posturing as an important, transformative person of honesty and integrity. People would see through him in an instant. His whole system would collapse in chaos. So, that’s a non-runner.

But can a person as narcissistic as this row back? Can he apologize? Can he back down? Can he retreat? Can a person with a Messiah Complex stop? Does he imagine he can somehow just push on through?

As we said, this is an angry person. Does he try to fight back? Does he try to denounce us and call us bigots and fascists, and try to get us canceled and deplatformed and all that? No doubt he’ll try. But, of course, we will retaliate and the whole thing will become a desperate mess for the leader of Hyperianism. We’ve been through all this before. We know how it goes. He’ll get trolled and mauled. People close to him will get dragged into it. Employers and colleagues will find out about it. It will be a clusterfuck. Careers in real life will be ruined.

Moreover, his fans will see a completely different side to this individual – a really nasty, angry, vindictive person, striking back at the people to whom he once pledged his loyalty and whose system he was so eager to use. It won’t be a good look – this non-binary, compassionate man in a dress getting into a bitter conflict. But he seems the type that might well go down that path. He will ruin his brand, but people like that always make foolish mistakes. They are feeling types. They can’t control their emotions, and they can’t think their way through the problem.

Remember, if this were a rational and logical person, he would never have got himself into a situation where the future of his project depended on a group whom he had betrayed and were certain to denounce him at some point. We told him years ago that Hyperianism and Illuminism could no longer go forward together, and we expected him to start steering Hyperianism well away from our work, but it hasn’t departed nearly far enough.

This person saw how things went with NK, then played exactly the same game as NK! That is so bizarre. A kind of madness overtakes certain people when they grasp how powerful ontological mathematics is. Like Gollum, they want the precious for themselves, and somehow imagine they have taken possession of it. But they haven’t.

What would you do if your Hyperian system is based on Illuminism but Illuminism wants nothing to do with you? How do you extricate yourself from that? And remember that you’re posturing as someone teaching humanity how to reach “hyper-awareness”, how to “actualize their inner star” and how to create a “New World Order”. It’s not a good look when it turns out that all of the stuff you’re teaching comes from another group, the Illuminati no less. That’s not going to play well.

But, like we say, we expect the leader of Hyperianism and his glove puppets to be furious – people upon whom the harsh light of truth suddenly shines always get incredibly angry for some reason and lash out – so we call on all decent people to help bring Hyperianism down if it fails to do the honest and decent thing and move on far away from our material.

The leader of Hyperianism was given the privilege to teach this unique, all-important information and then abused that privilege for his own ends. So it goes. Now he must pay the price.

How will the love and light fans of the leader of Hyperianism react when he’s angrily attacking the very people whose system he abused as he poses as someone introducing a whole, benevolent, enlightened new politics? He will look exactly like all the previous corrupt, self-serving, lying politicians.

Not a good look for the compassion and sympathy and empathy and morality and ethics guy promoting minorities as a kind of higher sort of humanity. Oh dear, the leader of Hyperianism must become a fire-breather to rage against us, thus ruining his whole image. And he might get himself deplatformed by YouTube and Facebook in the process. What a mess!

Go on, get fucking angry. Join the dark side. Get yourself canceled for bursting out swearing and ranting! Show the world the real you. No more Mr. Nice Guy. Ruin your constructed image. Show your true colors, those of a supremely entitled bourgeois person.


Nostradamus, or what?

Check out how Corey wages his war against us – always out of sight of the public (so that no one knows that anything is happening). He uses hidden pages, with the links available to the initiated only. No one innocently visiting his website would know that his entire cult is in existential crisis. No one watching his livestreams – where all mention of the crisis is closed down instantly – would have any clue of the nightmare that has engulfed Hyperianism. He has to pretend that everything is “just fine” and indeed “awesome”. This is the conduct of a total cult. Contrast that with how we waged our war against Hyperianism – in our public books, and publicly on our website (you know, the one Corey got canceled so that the public couldn’t get to see what was being said about him!). We want as many people as possible to know what’s going on. He wants as FEW people as possible to know. Because it would be catastrophic for his business model for people to see the truth.

On Corey’s Facebook page, it says, “Discover the nature of reality.” Shouldn’t he have said, “Discover Illuminism’s astonishing answer to the true nature of reality.”

ChubbyBunny Megen said, “This is for the people who know. Morgue’s [latest] response just sealed his fate with the entire intellectual world. They want nothing to do with them and what they are about.”

Absolutely. No intelligent person would ever take this individual seriously, and all of his remaining cultists are all, how shall we say, intellectually challenged. They are all emotional hysterics with no ability at all to exercise logic and reason.

People talk about “red flags” in relation to cults. The biggest red flag is of course Corey’s own behavior following the eruption of these events. Rather than admit that his “organization” is in crisis – as any honest person would do – he simply pretends that nothing has happened, and everything is AWESOME. His former lead moderators are now “unpersons”, never to be commented on. In Stalinist Russia, unpersons were removed from photographs, as if they had never existed. That’s the game Corey is in. Multitudes of people have suddenly “vanished” from Hyperianism, and not one word is said about any of them, and everyone left in the cult agrees not to notice and to say nothing. Isn’t that the ultimate red flag? ONLY a cult behaves that way.

People in Corey’s cult are literally terrified of upsetting him, challenging him, questioning him. They live in terror of his “love” ending. And that’s because the vast majority of remaining cultists are strange woman, with strange lives, in love with this strange man who plainly isn’t interested in them at all. His tastes are altogether much more exotic.

Come on people, wake up.

AN said, “Hyperianism is basically just Morgue worship. He sits on his computer all day making videos and collecting money, and everyone else spends all their time watching the video, promoting Morgue to others, giving him money and telling him how great he is. That’s the whole movement right there. Morgue worship, nothing more, and certainly nothing less.”

Yup! That really is it in a nutshell. Well said, AN.

We highly recommend Wrath’s Docu-Series about “Ex Hyperians Speaking Out Against the CULT”.

Great job by all the contributors! You got out. Well done. You really should be proud of yourselves because it’s definitely not easy getting out of these things once you’ve invested so much in them. It’s so sad that hundreds are still trapped in the cult, but your bravery in speaking out may change a few minds.

We are planning a decisive blow to end this cult, but, even if that doesn’t come off (it’s complex), this cult will be over in three months tops. The whole thing will become such a constant, nightmarish scene that the cult members will be in a permanent state of anxiety and tension, and it will be the most horrible thing to keep putting themselves through this ghastly experience just to save the skin of the cult leader, who will of course still be grifting and lying for all he’s worth. Nothing ever changes!

Corey made a video a while back entitled, “I’ve Been DEBUNKED | Hyperianism Debunked.”

Well, now you really have been debunked, Corey – by the people whose ideas you stole, and by the former members of your own “movement”. Why don’t you do another video on this topic, going through everything we have said about you, and your former followers have said about you? But we all know that’s never going happen. Just write another smear statement against us, or phone the FBI, or contact service providers, or phone the Scientologists for help. NEVER address the truth.

So, here’s the definitive test of whether or not someone’s a cult leader – he can NEVER admit the truth, he can never say anything is going wrong, and he can never admit that he’s wrong, and in the wrong. And all of that’s true of you, Corey.

Man, we’ve made error after error. We’ve fucked up so many times. No doubt about it. We’ve failed, failed and failed, to such an extent that we even quote Samuel Beckett on the topic of failure: “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”

We acknowledge that we’re in the “failing better” game. But our biggest failure of all was ever getting involved with you. What the fuck were we thinking?!

But someone like you – a man with a Messiah Complex – can NEVER admit error. Because then you wouldn’t be the Messiah. And no one would give you any money!

You made another video entitled “I AM A FALSE PROPHET | Reacting to Your Comments”. Well, go on, admit that you ARE a false prophet, a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and respond to the comments everyone is now making about you!

DM said, “One thing that put me off too, was that you had to put your question in a super chat to get it addressed. I mean like, you got to pay him to ask him questions about anything. He hangs out in the chat forever trying to collect money. I can’t stay up all night while he bilks people out of their hard earned money. Like was said, the only movement is money moving into Morgues bank account.”

Isn’t that entirely true, Corey? Why don’t you make a comment? Why are you hiding? What are you hiding? Why are you so afraid of the truth? Why are you always running away, or trying to blame us and demonize us? Why are you always deflecting attention away from your massively lucrative grifting operation?

We are not the ones who made so many people leave Hyperianism. All we did was open their eyes so that they could clearly see you. And when they looked at you without the rose-tinted glasses, they got out fast. But there are still hundreds trapped in your dangerous cult, still wearing the Corey-tinted glasses that warp their minds.

You say you are a person of honesty, integrity and transformation, someone raising human consciousness (ho, ho, ho). So why is it that you literally cannot respond to all the people who have left Hyperianism? You treat them DISGRACEFULLY, as if they don’t exist and never existed, despite all the money and time they devoted to you.

If you said even ONE WORD about it, your horrible reign as a cult leader would end. So, instead of addressing what’s really happening here, you just write nonsense about us – the very people who gave you your once-in-a lifetime opportunity.

You have quoted our novels. Thanks! Those novels are SOOOO good! The novel The Armageddon Conspiracy is all about the apparent bad guys plotting to kill the apparent best thing since sliced bread – until the actual truth is revealed at the end and we see what’s really going on and how the “good thing” was a monster that HAD to be killed. Hmmmm, we could apply the same plot to Hyperianism and YOU, Corey. Maybe we shall!

Rule 1 of survival of a cult leader – never take on writers, never take on people who know all about you, never take on people who are going to relentlessly bombard you with the truth.

David Gee wrote in Patheos in December 2017, “Hyperianism has all the familiar hallmarks of a dangerous cult: it says there is a greater truth being hidden from everyone, it holds unique ‘knowledge’ in front of its followers as an incentive to commit to the faith, and it utilizes projection in stating that it’s the rest of the world that’s brainwashed.
Hyperianism even requires monetary payments to become a member, which is something I found out when I tried to sign up online. … Morgue is a sword swallower, and a former star on AMC’s reality show Freakshow. According to a fan site for the show, he has ‘an amazing Goth look and a taste for the unsettling.’ … Morgue seems to target college-aged individuals who are ‘disenchanted with religion and society,’ according to Jared Hammer, who wrote the only other article I could find on Hyperianism for Uloop. Hammer also writes that Morgue’s group leverages techniques known by cults to lure followers away from society and ‘gain control over their thoughts and behavior.'”

Hyperianism has now almost literally morphed into an offshoot of Scientology!

Corey, it’s over. Everyone knows it’s over. Even you know it’s over.

You’re a sword swallower. Go back and do that. Even better, do what defeated Roman generals knew they had to do – fall on their sword. Stop inflicting all of this trauma on the groomed people who admire you so much and put so much faith in you. Issue a proper statement saying that Hyperianism is ending.

One way or another, Hyperianism IS ending. The only issue is whether you go quietly, or kicking and screaming, as you are currently doing.

Have some dignity.

Soon, all choices will be removed from you. You will become one of the most notorious people in the USA when the outside world comes to have a look at your cult. Wherever you go, people will point at you and mock you, and it’s not as if it’s hard to miss you. Your life will be hell.

Use logic and reason for once in your life. Get out now, while you still have the chance to salvage something.

Step out of the shitshow now … before the shit drowns you.

And it will.

The AC.

(This is Monday, livestream day, another BATTLE DAY. Bring down this cult! Bring down this toxic cult leader.)