Morgue Official’s Golden Wings



10/3/2022 Post #3
De Lano said, “I cannot stand Maria Seedling and Ren Fairy. I know they are being taken advantage of but I see them comment on every single video of these moids.”
Yes, it’s quite astonishing just how fanatical these two particular individuals are. They are OBSESSED with Rebhahn and it’s deeply disturbing. They have no capacity to distance themselves from this scene, to be in any way objective about it. Their entire identity is invested in Hyperianism, and that means it’s impossible to extricate them. Their involvement with Hyperianism will end only when it is taken away from them when Rebhahn is jailed.
These two are prime candidates for committing suicide when that happens since they have staked EVERYTHING on Rebhahn being “the good guy”. What happens when it turns out they have been supporting a sick MONSTER all along!
So, do we have any Patreon experts?
Here’s the thing. Fat Jan the Man reports having 22 PATRONS and getting paid $144 PER MONTH. Rebhahn reports having 319 PATRONS and receiving $2,387 PER CREATION.
But Rebhahn always says, “If you choose all the cheapest options, it’s only five bucks a month.” In other words, you can cap how much you pay each month. We have a suspicion that the vast majority of Rebhahn’s Patrons are indeed paying $5 PER MONTH (the cheapest option), and so we’re not sure what the figure of $2,387 really signifies. If Rebhahn is actually getting paid $2,387 per creation then that’s close to $10,000 PER MONTH (for four creations per month), which is a very tidy sum, making Rebhahn a very wealthy man, just from Patreon and his 319 Patrons alone, never mind all of his other income streams.
However, if the payments “per creation” are actually more likely to be per month than per creation then that changes the picture dramatically. Then Rebhahn is getting around $30,000 from Patreon per annum, which seems more believable to us. So, for those who have used Patreon, do you think the “per creation” calculation is accurate, or is something more complicated going on? Are most Patrons paying $20 per month (for four creations), or $5 (capped)? Does a $5 a MONTH contribution actually get treated as if it were $5 per creation (in order to make Patreon’s figures look more impressive), or does it accurately get calculated as $1.25 per creation?
Just askin’ (for a friend!).
Rebhahn could easily be paying $30,000 rent a year for his swanky Hollywood apartment. If he’s only actually getting $30,000 from Patreon per year then that means he could be in serious financial trouble as his Patreon numbers keep declining.
What do you reckon?
If the Patreon per creation figure is accurate than it means that anyone who can get 300 Patrons each paying twenty bucks a month can make $72,000 per annum. Just think, all you have to do is get three hundred people to stump up twenty dollars per month and you too could be another COREY REBHAHN!
Artemis Maenad said, “ZACK FUNKE could be the biggest problem to ending hyperianism. He donated about $45K during Morgue’s abortion fundraising live stream. The top-tier price is just a minimum. He could afford to pay Corey thousands per creation if he wanted to. He may not be doing that now, but could he be persuaded to prop this up if Corey starts begging? Somebody get Zack some source material STAT!”
The Funkmeister, Mr Funky, sure is a big player in the Hyperian scam.
Rowan James said, “I recall him saying he had been acquainted with a lot of the Authors work which makes this cash pig all the more despicable. He says he makes millions..”
We don’t think this guy has read ANY of our books. If he has then our infamous RADICALIZATION techniques must be SHIT!
Laydee Bugg said, “In addition to being one of Corey’s top Patreon supporters, millionaire Zack Funke could very well be privately sending Corey thousands and thousands of dollars through PayPal…”
Yes, the Funky One could prop up Rebhahn indefinitely.
Laydee Bugg said, “Zack became a top supporter only AFTER being praised and thanked over and over again by Corey at the stream in which he donated the 45K. He was totally groomed.”
Yes, he totally was. It was almost like watching a gambling addict. He loved the adulation he was receiving so much that he just kept giving more and more, as if he had lost his mind. He lost control, but absolutely LOVED that feeling of people being in TOTAL AWE OF THE MILLIONAIRE. Absolutely pathetic. The only good thing about that obscene display of charity porn wealth was that Rebhahn had to stump up $5000. HE WAS NOT PLEASED!
Rowan James said, “…that was disgusting and still makes me sick to think about. A non-cunt would have made one anonymous 45K donation, not 45 of them, publicly!”
YUP! Excellent point.
Artemis Maenad said, “Oh yes the hydroponics that really took the cake. Like you’re Going to get into gardening and not even fucking have dirt. Really bro?”
Heeee … gardening without dirt. Kinda sums up Rebhahn. The thing without the thing.
Laydee Bugg said, “is that a VR headset in the background next to his framed golden wings?”
OMG! He totally has framed Golden Wings!!!
Artemis Maenad said, “yep. and what is with hyperians and stupid shirts?”
So, the full picture is forming: to be Hyperian, you need a stupid shirt and GOLDEN WINGS!! (not forgetting the necropants!).
Artemis Maenad, “It keeps me up at night. The OBJ. The dots. The lines! Deep breaths.”
The whole world wants the answer!
Ezio Creed said, “There were roughly 35 dunces in attendance to that stream — at the time my eyes made a peek. I think I counted thousands of hellos back and forth and a shit ton of [um’s] as the 4 weirdos on screen didn’t know wtf they were talking about.”
Yup, a typical deadstream! What is it with all that mindless “hello” stuff? Can’t that just be take for granted? But then what would they have to say to each other? Tumbleweed!
Artemis Maenad said, “The 2 new suckers were probably just losers who didn’t have money in the bank when the patreon draw came, so they had to get kicked off and scrounge up cash to get back on. Hope so anyway. No new patrons, please! Seen comments of people coming on telling Corey sorry I couldn’t pay but I got back on this month. If you’re so poor why are you doing this? Athon the Abraxion talked about being homeless. And when they do have a place to stay the photos looked like they live in real a shit hole… paying top tier for morgue to live in his bling apartment. These people are insane.”
Yup, the whole thing is so depressing. It’s amazing how much the suckers feel for Rebhahn, while he feels nothing for them.
Lee Daly said, “The Michael Jackson vibe coming off this pic is repugnant. Looks like Rebhahn and Whacko Jacko share(d) the same milliner.”
Lee Daly said, “As for the ‘child’, I’m guessing that what we’re seeing is another side-show freak, and that she’s actually an adult whose growth is retarded. That Corey wants to ‘toy’ with that is still fucking disturbing. He knows what he’s trying to suggest; it’s vile, and in keeping.”
Ah, good spot!
Karen said, “Corey is vile.”
He sure is. It’s an amazing thing that someone so obviously vile still gets support. That’s the human conundrum right there. So many people love psychopaths! Hyperians would never love anyone who WASN’T a psychopath.
Lee Daly said, “what a fucking talentless tool. The cringe was set to 11 on this one.”
The cringe factor is ALWAYS set to 11 when Rebhahn is involved.
“I am the universe” – Morgue
No you’re not!