According to the FBI, “A hate crime is a traditional offense like murder, arson, or vandalism with an added element of bias. For the purposes of collecting statistics, the FBI has defined a hate crime as a ‘criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity.’ Hate itself is not a crime — and the FBI is mindful of protecting freedom of speech and other civil liberties.”
So, there you have it in black and white. Hate is a very different thing from hate crime. You can hate as much as you like – it’s protected under the First Amendment; it’s free speech – as long as you don’t commit a crime.
The sinister cult leader Corey Rebhahn accuses 100% of people who criticize him of being “haters”. The trouble for him is that, even if this were true, it wouldn’t be any kind of crime, and if no crime is committed you can’t complain to the FBI about “hate groups” and “hate crimes”.
Corey Rebhahn and his gang wanted to go to the FBI to make a complaint that would stop the AC from continuing to expose Rebhahn and his degenerate cult. But a complaint about what? No crime was committed by anyone. Rebhahn consulted a lawyer, or his Orange County ex-cop dad, and they told him that he needed a crime, or, failing that, the threat of a crime to get the FBI involved. What would constitute the threat of a crime?
Rebhahn and his gang decided that what RJ said in his resignation post, and what another former senior Hyperian in another message to them, constituted a direct and imminent threat to them, even though no actual threat against them was ever made by anyone. Rebhahn and his gang claimed that RJ and the former senior Hyperian were both armed and dangerous. In fact, neither had guns and neither was dangerous. Rebhahn and his gang said that RJ was unstable and extremely violent. Both claims were absurd. They needed to say this to establish that critical factor – a THREAT. Because, never forget, no crime was ever committed by anyone against Corey Rebhahn and his gang. These people staked EVERYTHING on the mere suggestion that they were under extreme threat from a former mod and former senior Hyperian, and these two individuals had supposedly been radicalized to threaten Rebhahn and his gang by the supposed hate group the AC. But all of this was never anything other than a sick gang trying to manufacture a serious complaint – because there was no valid complaint to be made. At all.
The FBI should never have taken the Rebhahn gang’s nonsense seriously. It’s a disgrace that they did. The FBI special agent who phoned the former senior Hyperian actually said to him that there was no evidence against him and just to be “careful” about what he posted. A total waste of everyone’s time, in other words.
There was never any evidence against anyone and the FBI should never have actioned the preposterous complaint. Whoever authorized that FBI response ought to be investigated and fired. Was pressure applied by Rebhahn’s father? The complaint was self-evidently bogus and malicious. It was self-evidently a malicious swatting complaint, not a real complaint, and the FBI should immediately have treated it as a criminal act by Rebhahn and his gang. A malicious, false complaint to the FBI is a felony, and that’s what this case is all about.
Was RJ a danger to others, or did the malicious Rebhahn gang simply fabricate an illusion that he was a threat? If the latter is true, which it is, then RJ was swatted by these people, and they are all going to jail.
RJ said that when he was visited by two Vancouver cops, they told him that he had supposedly been driving around shouting out the window of his car that he wanted to kill POTUS. Here, at last, we reach a genuine, imminent THREAT – except no such event in the car ever happened. It’s insane.
Everything revolves around this POTUS business.
Let’s think about this. How could anyone know that RJ was shouting out of his car window that he wanted to kill POTUS (the president of a foreign country, given that RJ is Canadian). Who was witness to this? Certainly, the complainants – Rebhahn and his gang – weren’t in Canada to witness any such event, and no one else witnessed it (of course, it never happened so it would be impossible for anyone to witness it!).
Now, it’s possible that the Canadian cops were wrongly relaying what they had been told to investigate. Let’s not forget the exact text of RJ’s POTUS message from two and half years ago which is the central piece of evidence in all this.
RJ said, “Almost missed my turn off the highway because I was daydreaming so hard of all the ways one could execute the current POTUS. Never harms self or others.”
The current POTUS when the message was sent was Donald Trump. RJ explicitly said he was “daydreaming”. He wasn’t shouting out of his car window. That was never said in any post. Where did the cops get that idea from?
So, did the cops get this wrong? They must have because when RJ was interviewed by a detective, no one said anything about RJ shouting out of a car window. The interesting thing is that the cops must have made up this detail because the actual truth made no sense to them. How can you go around to someone’s apartment to ask them extremely serious questions if they were merely “daydreaming” about something. That’s plainly crazy. So, the cops must have said to themselves – “Well, he must have been shouting it out because how can you question people about their daydreams and private thoughts? That’s not a crime.”
The cops actually tried to make the complaint more plausible because it was so inherently implausible! You can daydream about whatever you like. It can never be a crime!
Here’s the next crucial fact. The Vancouver cops didn’t say that they were following up someone’s two-and-half years old daydream about POTUS. They were most certainly talking about someone shouting out VERY RECENTLY that they were going to kill the president, i.e., a day or so earlier. They were looking into an imminent danger, a present threat, not a historical daydream from two a half years ago (in a private chat where Phillip Shope said much worse things!).
These details are critical because there can be no question at all that the Rebhahn gang manipulated a very old message about POTUS to present RJ as a very present danger, in order to sustain their complaint which alleged that although neither RJ nor anyone else had committed any crime, they were imminently threatening to commit incredibly serious crimes, including massacring Hyperians, Woke liberals and POTUS.
Given that absolutely no one was threatening anyone, no one had any weapons, and the central piece of evidence – the POTUS message – was two and half years old, and was about RJ daydreaming, and even concluded with the disclaimer “never harms self or others” then, self-evidently, there was no threat or danger to anyone. When a complainant seeks to create the illusion of a threat when no threat exists in order to engineer a very nasty and disturbing visit from the police for their victim then that’s the exact definition of SWATTING.
Wikipedia says, “Swatting is a criminal harassment tactic of deceiving an emergency service (via such means as hoaxing an emergency services dispatcher) into sending a police or emergency service response team to another person’s address. This is triggered by false reporting of a serious law enforcement emergency, such as a bomb threat, murder, hostage situation, or a false report of a mental health emergency, such as reporting that a person is allegedly suicidal or homicidal and may or may not be armed, among other things.”
This is EXACTLY what happened to RJ at the instigation of the Rebhahn gang. The emergency services were deceived by the Rebhahn gang – resulting in police being sent to RJ’s home address. There was never any threat to Rebhahn and his gang (and POTUS), but the Rebhahn gang concocted the claim that there was.
We have no idea why the FBI are taking so long to arrest Rebhahn and his gang, but you literally couldn’t get a clearer cut example of swatting. This matter is 100% going to conclude with Rebhahn and his gang in jail. Remember, whether or not people hated Rebhahn and his cultists is neither here nor there. No crime was committed against them by anyone. So, everything revolves the legitimacy of their claim to be under extreme threat from RJ and others, a threat that supposedly extended to POTUS and all Woke liberals. If there was NO threat – and obviously there wasn’t – then it automatically means that this was a swatting hoax – which it definitely was.
Either the Rebhahn’s gang complaint was legitimate – in which case RJ and others would now be in jail (they’re not), or the Rebhahn gang’s complaint was illegitimate, in which case it constitutes the felony of lying to the FBI (as well as swatting), and the Rebhahn gang is therefore going to jail.
These people ARE all going to jail. Sadly, it could take a year – who knows?! – before the FBI actually decide to action this. But the crime has already been committed and now all we’re waiting for is for justice to be done. There’s no way out for the Rebhahn gang. They “hanged” themselves when Buffalo Phil dredged up that old post about POTUS concerning a daydream – and the gang then force-fitted it into a tall tale that RJ was a radicalized maniac about to kill people, a staggeringly serious defamation!
Whatever way you slice it, the Corey gang are jail bound. Annoyingly, we have no idea when the FBI are going to take action, but one day they will. The facts are incontestable. The concoction by the Vancouver cops that RJ was shouting out of his car window about killing POTUS was the only way these law enforcement professionals could manufacture any supposed legitimacy to this complaint. Someone silently daydreaming about POTUS two and half years ago isn’t a crime, isn’t a threat. It isn’t anything at all. The very fact that something so bogus is the centerpiece of the Rebhahn gang’s complaint proves absolutely that the complaint was malicious, false and bogus.
Hyperianism WILL be ended by the Rebhahn gang’s fraudulent complaint. That is guaranteed. The only unknown factor is how long the FBI will take to arrest the Rebhahn gang. The FBI are plainly not in any hurry. Two months have passed now since RJ was interviewed by a detective, having been read his rights. Absolutely nothing has happened since. We presume the detective has sent his findings to the FBI and the FBI are just sitting on the whole thing. The case appears to be inactive. But it can’t be. Something has to happen. As soon as it does, Rebhahn and his cult are finished.