The Daily Whistle
How Hyperians Violate
the 5 Meritocratic Principles
Blatant Violations
How Hyperians Violate the 5 Meritocratic Principles
Explore how hyperians violate the 5 Meritocratic Principles under the guidance of sinister cult leader Corey Rebhahn, a.k.a. Morgue Official, Morgen Night, Nightbringer89. The five principles were those which Hyperianism was originally founded but now completely disregards. The Pythagorean Illuminist literature, linked to this website, expounds on the grand system of rationalist meritocracy in great detail. Make yourself acquainted with that work if you haven’t already. These five principles guide this website and those involved in blowing the whistle on Rebhahn and his Woke enterprise. They are:
- No Nepotism
- No Cronyism
- No Discrimination
- Equal Opportunity for All
- Rewarding of Merit
The meritorious do not rely on their parents for special privileges, inheritance, and influence. We are not mere appendages of our family. We are autonomous. We define who we are by our will alone. Our parents or deceased relatives should not author our destiny.
We say NO to nepotism.
The meritorious do not look to others to do their hard work for them or to bypass hard work altogether. We are defined by our works and we are built through our struggles. To abuse the influence of friends or colleagues to get a leg up over others is an abhorrent notion.
We say NO to cronyism.
Talent talks and the talentless ought to have no voice of influence over the world, but many of the most powerful in today’s society are also the most talentless. Nepotism and cronyism allow the talentless to wield power over the talented. Talent transcends designations of age, sex, race, and whatever else, but many people are still oppressed and ignored because of these designations. Talent is all that matters.
We say NO to discrimination.
There is not a single sufficient reason why anyone should start life with a leg up over anyone else. Everyone starts from the same point in the race of life and they go as far as their talents take them. Equal opportunity, unequal outcome. That is the meritocratic way.
We say YES to equal opportunities for ALL.
Since outcomes vary in a true meritocracy then so should the rewards. The meritorious deserve their just rewards with the rewards being reasonably proportional to the outcomes being rewarded. Some will enjoy greater fruits, but only proportionately so. The gap between millionaires and billionaires will cease to exist in this system. There will be no such thing as billionaires in an Illuminated meritocracy. All amassed wealth not spent by an individual will be injected back into the system upon death via 100% inheritance tax. The enforcement of this tax will not be lukewarm.
We say YES to rewarding merit.
Corey Rebhahn of North Hollywood, the cult leader of Hyperianism who goes by the name of Morgue, violates our core values for his own financial and influential benefit. These values, these five meritocratic principles, were once held and endorsed by Rebhahn himself (if only disingenuously). We denounce Corey Rebhahn because he shits on the core values of our movement, values he once claimed to uphold. He knows how hyperians violate the 5 Meritocratic principles and encourages it.
No Nepotism.
Corey Rebhahn may even be using the influence of his family in law enforcement to try to fuck over his detractors and ruin their lives. Corey’s father and stepmother served long careers with the Orange County sheriff’s department. It’s not a stretch of the imagination to assume he sought his parent’s aid when he went to the FBI to ‘swat’ two former senior members of Hyperianism and a 69-year-old woman courageously blowing the whistle on his dangerous cult. Thanks to his dad, this son of a cop keeps his gravy train flowing as he sidesteps the long arm of the law. That won’t last forever though, Corey. Tick tock.
No Cronyism.
Corey Rebhahn relies on all his cronies to do his dirty work for him. They are Susan Mitchell, Jan Erikson, Phillip Shope, and Mark Vanderpool. These cretins, along with Rebhahn’s top supporters on Patreon, allow his grifting operation to continue. Hyperianism wouldn’t exist without these cretins, these cronies. They are the sufficient condition for the continuation of the dangerous extremist cult of Hyperianism. They will be stopped.
No Discrimination.
Corey Rebhahn’s identity cult’s most egregious violation of our core values comes with the discrimination of the working class. Corey Rebhahn is a petite bourgeois YouTube influencer who has never endured a hard day’s work in his life and hence has no conception of the plight of the working class. Hyperianism was supposed to unite and empower the working class above all else, but from the very beginning Rebhahn, in making everything about his own exotic identity issues, did nothing but alienate the working class and turn them away. This is an unpardonable crime against the core values and principles of meritocracy. Corey Rebhahn is guilty of supporting the elitist paradigm he claims to oppose: predatory free-market capitalism – the prime driver of The Influencer – the most discriminatory force on Earth.
Equal Opportunity.
There is no scope for equal opportunity within Hyperianism. If you aren’t Woke, submissive, bland, mediocre, tepid, and banal then you stand no chance within Hyperianism’s ranks. All people of quality that could pose a threat to Rebhahn’s hegemony are either cut down or forced to wither away. Rebhahn’s right-hand woman, Susan Mitchell, sees to this. There is no opportunity for success afforded to the willed and intelligent within the Hyperian movement. This would immediately usurp Morgue’s dominance, a big no-no.
Rewarding Merit.
This is something that never has nor ever will happen in Hyperianism. Corey Rebhahn is a hoarder of wealth and thinks so lowly of the moderators and content creators that prop him up that he can’t be bothered to offer them a dime for their hard work. That is not surprising given Rebhahn’s Machiavellian, narcissistic, and psychopathic nature. It’s all about him. What is so grotesque about Rebhahn’s entire enterprise is that he profits off the work of the Pythagorean Illuminati and their ideas. Morgue doesn’t have a single novel idea of his own worth a cent. He is the least meritorious in Hyperianism but the maximally rewarded. Corey Rebhahn represents everything wrong with today’s world. We will not rest until his influence is nil.
Our core values are our lifeblood. We live and breathe by them. This is a concept completely alien to a grifting narcissist such as Corey Rebhahn. He has no honor. He is incapable of sacrificing himself to anything greater than himself. He has no Sacred Cause other than himself. He is the Great Discordian, antagonizing the General Will for the sake of the will of exotic minorities, who he self-servingly took under his wing while feigning being a part of their struggle. However, if the money wasn’t there, his struggle would be elsewhere. Believe that.