Hyperianism by Gaslight



9/27/2022 – Post #2

Evan Hecht of USA TODAY wrote, “What is gaslighting? According to the Newport Institute, gaslighting is a form of manipulation where the manipulator attempts to make their victim believe what’s happening to them isn’t actually happening and their reality is untrue.”

So, Hyperianism is trying to gaslight its former mod and others by pretending that what happened to them didn’t actually happen. That nothing happened at all, or, if it did, then it was nothing to do with Hyperianism, or, even if it was something to do with Hyperianism (although that fact is never to be mentioned) then those visited by law enforcement were personally responsible for what happened to them, and Corey Rebhahn, Allie Torgensen, Susan Mitchell, Jewel Marsh and Phillip Shope were in no way responsible for anything bad that happened to anyone ever (despite everything being caused by the complaint they made which they refuse to say they made).

The Corey gang are also gaslighting their own Hyperian cultists.

Some Hyperian cultists actually believe that we’re making up all this stuff abut the FBI. They say we’re lying. How’s their mental health going to suffer when they discover that everything we said is true and their Hyperian god has been constantly gaslighting them and pretending reality is something totally different from what it actually is.

Other Hyperians realize that all of this FBI stuff is true, but they can’t possibly say anything about it given that their Hyperian god has never once mentioned it. So, they have to a go into an Orwellian doublethink state where they simultaneously know what is happening and deny they know what is happening. A total mind fuck. When the truth is revealed, as it inevitably will be in due course, all of these people will have mental breakdowns.

Evan Hecht said, “The Newport Institute offers a few examples of what gaslighting is:

  1. Lying about or denying something and refusing to admit the lie even when you show them proof
  2. Insisting that an event or behavior you witnessed never happened and that you’re remembering it wrong
  3. Spreading rumors and gossip about you, or telling you that other people are gossiping about you
  4. Changing the subject or refusing to listen when confronted about a lie or other gaslighting behavior
  5. Telling you that you’re overreacting when you call them out.”

So, the Rebhahn gang deny that any FBI complaint by them ever happened. They have never once openly, unambiguously, referred to such a thing. They have neither confirmed that they made a complaint, nor denied it. They have entirely ignored the issue. This very complaint – a malicious and wholly false complaint – will send them all to jail, yet they never once reference it. We have shown the Hyperians all manner of proof and they have ignored it, claimed we manufactured it, or not reacted at all to it. TOTALLY BIZARRE BEHAVIOUR. Red flag behavior. Rebhahn spread smears about us. Rebhahn and his crew change the subject whenever anything about the FBI comes up. Torgensen claimed that complaining about two cops showing up on your door was an overreaction, no big deal, and nothing like SWATTING. This is all total gaslighting.

Evan Hecht said, “Where did the term gaslighting come from? The Newport Institute says the origin of the word gaslighting comes from the 1938 play Angel Street. Alfred Hitchcock eventually turned the play into the 1944 film Gaslight.’The story follows a man convincing his wife she is going crazy so he can steal from her. When he turns on the lights in the attic to look for his wife’s jewels, the gas light downstairs starts to dim. He tells his wife it’s all in her imagination, gaslighting her into believing the lights were not dimming.”

Corey Rebhahn is constantly gaslighting everyone, pretending that what’s happening isn’t happening.

Rebhahn literally said on his latest mindless livestream, “Planetary civilization is the phase where we are all working together with the knowledge that we are one and we are helping building each other up and creating a world which is about thriving and actualizing our potential and helping each other rather than war and bloodshed and division.”

Says the guy issuing smear campaigns, canceling websites, SWATTING critics, issuing lawsuits and falsely and criminally complaining to the FBI. The sheer hypocrisy of this cult leader is off the scale. But of course, this cult leader’s game is never to reveal what he’s actually up to. That’s why he’s a gaslighter extraordinaire.

The task of all these cult leaders is to fake sincerity.

George Burns said, “The key to success is sincerity. If you can fake that you’ve got it made.”

Rebhahn – a total liar, grifter, conman, fraud, plagiarist and gaslighter – pretends he’s a sincere “world shaper”. Ho, ho, ho

Evan Hecht said of gaslighting, ” You doubt your feelings of reality. You question your judgement and perceptions. You feel vulnerable and insecure. You feel alone and powerless. You wonder if you are what they say you are. You are disappointed in yourself and who you have become. You feel confused. You worry that you are too sensitive. You have a sense of impending doom. You spend a lot of time apologizing. You feel inadequate. You second-guess yourself. You assume others are disappointed in you. You wonder what’s wrong with you. You struggle to make decisions because you distrust yourself.”

All of that will soon happen to the Hyperian cult when the leaders are arrested.

To all you Hyperian fuckwits, stop letting Rebhahn gaslight you. Ask him to be honest with you about the FBI situation. What are you so afraid of? Are you all being held hostage in Rebhahn’s dungeon? Stop being gimps!