10/3/2022 Post #2
So, we’ve been trying to imagine what kind of call Corey Rebhahn made to the FBI. We believe it went something like this:
I am Corey Rebhahn of Hollywood, Los Angeles. My father is a retired member of law enforcement. I am non-binary and vegan and support many liberal causes. I run a pacifist movement for raising human consciousness called Hyperianism. For the last few years, I and my movement have been targeted by a violent hate group called AC/PI. AC stands for “Armageddon Conspiracy”. These people are bigots, transphobes, and fascists. They are a neo-N**I terrorist group radicalizing mentally ill people. They want to kill Hyperians and “Woke liberals” and one of their members has even said he dreams of killing POTUS. This event would supposedly trigger “Armageddon”. Two of the people radicalized by the AC/PI are actually former members of Hyperianism, specially recruited by the AC/PI. One of them lives in Canada, is mentally unstable, extremely violent, and heavily armed. He has a shotgun and two rifles, and maybe other weapons. He is the one who said he wants to kill POTUS. The other sent me a threatening letter and has spoken of violent revolution. I believe he is also armed. I and four senior members of Hyperianism (my four moderators) are now living in fear for our lives from the threat posed by these two violent men. These men know our addresses. I am seeking legal advice, and talking to my father about how all five of us can protect ourselves against these maniacs. I now carry MACE at all times. All of us are terrified. These haters and bigots are exceptionally dangerous people.
I can provide full written evidence regarding the violent nature of these two men, their mental instability, and their threats against us, and also against POTUS. I can show you disgusting quotes from the AC/PI about how much they hate Hyperians, Woke Liberals, members of the lgbtq community, and vegans, and glorify the N**is and violence, and want to bring about Armageddon. They are an extreme revolutionary and terrorist group.
If you were the FBI receiving such a message, you would definitely act on it, wouldn’t you? And they did. The only problem was that it was a total fantasy by a wholly delusional and malicious person doing everything to protect his sick cult from legitimate exposure and criticism. Rebhahn – as everyone knows – loves to cherry pick quotes to create the impression he desires to give others that the AC/PI is some monstrous terrorist group, against which he and Hyperianism are valiantly fighting. Everyone has already seen the evidence of this in his “Statement” and “Message”, which we believe he used heavily in his complaint to the FBI, and to our service provider to get our website canceled.
The truth is the inverse of that portrayed by Rebhahn, of course. Rebhahn is an absolute monster, and his cult of Hyperianism is degenerate, and full of dangerous degenerates, as we have proved conclusively in the many weeks we have been campaigning against these sick cultists and their freakish leader, who actually takes pride in calling himself a FREAK, and walking behind a coffin of NORMALITY. The FBI should be closing down this warped cult at the earliest opportunity.
So, Rebhahn, let’s see the actual version of your complaint, and compare it with our imagined version of your complaint. Let’s see how close we got.
You do know, don’t you, Rebhahn, that your complaint was so obviously ridiculous, malicious and fabricated that it constitutes deliberately lying to the FBI, and you will go to jail because of it. By the way, no group of people living in terror for their lives go on six livestreams a week, without an apparent care in the world. And Fat Jan is the one with access to all the guns, and to deadly rattlesnakes, and you have talked about strangling and stabbing people, and wishing violence against all people who oppose you. You led a radicalized terrorist group called Terrors of Men, which glorified violence and showed a bloodied, dead woman in a bath. Phillip Shope has talked about his absolute hatred of former president Donald Trump and wanting to guillotine him, after his family had been “burned”. Bitchell says that she ceases to consider former members of Hyperianism “human”. You say that they cease to have a “identity”. In other words, they become objects, to which you believe you can do whatever you like.
Which narrative is more convincing, Rebhahn? Will any judge and any jury support a total freak and weirdo like you? You’re living in a fantasy world if you imagine the real world will ever be on your side! You managed to get the FBI to act on your behalf by presenting them with a totally crazed and defamatory allegation. But, at the time, they didn’t know anything about what was really going on. You created a totally false context, which is exposed for the garbage it is as soon as anyone investigates the REAL context – which is that of you, a total maniac and cult leader, savagely and insanely lashing out at those seeking to take down your depraved cult by simply revealing the facts, the truth, about it and you. The FBI will soon be coming for you, and they will be saying that you had zero credible evidence for the astonishingly serious allegations you made – involving a presidential assassination plot! – and were in fact maliciously SWATTING your opponents for exposing your cult.
That’s the reality. Your story was insane. No one had guns, no one threatened you, no one threatened POTUS, no one was mentally unstable, no one was violent, no one was radicalizing anyone, and no one constituted a hate group and terrorist group except Hyperianism. Your SWATTING operation was terrorism. You were trying to create terror in your opponents by taking the extreme measure of setting the FBI on them so that they would flee and stop writing about you. Well, how did that all work out for you?
The FBI will be coming for you, not us. We didn’t complain to them, we didn’t fabricate evidence, we didn’t create a fiction to manipulate them, we didn’t waste their time with arrant nonsense, we didn’t lie to them about what was really going on. But you did all of that. And that’s why you will be jailed for an exceptionally serious felony.
Any day now, Rebhahn, your whole life will fall apart.
Keep making those deadstreams of yours. They make you look totally INSANE. Which you are. Only an insane person would have publicly involved the FBI in this private matter.