The Insanity of Hyperianism

10/3/2022 Post #1
The Case Against Hyperianism
Is Hyperianism a Misanthropy and Murder Cult?
Consider the evidence in the cult leader’s own words:
“If you could MURDER anyone and get away with it, who would it be?” – Corey Rebhahn
“They display proper etiquette at the dinner table while they feast on carefully prepared pieces of the dead. I grip the steak knife and my knuckles turn white as I long to plunge it into their rancid flesh. They can not comprehend the futility of their life. I could show them.” – Corey Rebhahn
“If you had the chance to try human flesh, would you?” – Corey Rebhahn
“I want to eat you.” – Corey Rebhahn
“We are the instruments of destruction. We will sing the songs of creation. #thenewdeath” – Corey Rebhahn
“Everyone has a demon inside yearning to escape. We are all born with it but everyone tries to hide it. First your parents, who are your world and then the world itself. They try to hide it and they usually do. Even you try to hide it. There are a few of us who recognize this and let the demon out little by little and more each time. Those of us who work at this will eventually become the demon. You must help it.” – Corey Rebhahn
“I cannot count how many times some ‘spray on tan’ slut has inquired in disbelief why I dress the way I do, or do the things I do. ‘It’s not sexy’, she informs me. Such stupidity makes me want to strangle the bitch. Why should I be concerned if other people find me attractive in any way? Should I change my identity, for a waste producing organ between the legs? … Morbidly Yours, Morgue” – Corey Rebhahn
“An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. This is reality, and we need both love and hate.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Fight fire with fire.” – Corey Rebhahn
“To those who wish to make our lives hell, we will give you hell.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Hate or love?” – Corey Rebhahn
“This is not playtime, this is not the playground, this is real life. I will not hold hands and sing songs with those who wish to destroy me.” – Corey Rebhahn
“I’m getting sick of all this peace and love.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Unconditional love makes you weak and docile. Should you love the ones who bind you? Should you love the ones who burn you at the stake?” – Corey Rebhahn
“Don’t forget hate, anger, and will. Hate the ones who control and use you. Hate those who seek to make you their slave. Use your anger to fuel your will. Get angry and do something about it. Do not settle for the illusion of peace and freedom. Some of us still have a little fight left in us.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Fuck you!” – Corey Rebhahn
“Long live the heretic, long live the madman. To hell with the rest.” – Corey Rebhahn
“My “leave me the fuck alone” posture. It gets used often.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Stain it red.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Something I wrote:
I have a game
That we could play
Its piece’s made
From blood and clay
You roll the dice
To choose your place
And take your life
To end this race
I have a lie
That I could tell
You’ll never die
And end this hell
Divinely wrought
From deadly spit
The weak are taught
Their wrists to slit
Don’t let them beg
Don’t let them cry
We want them dead
We’ll watch them die” – Corey Rebhahn
“Pariah. #heretic #vagabond #outcast #outlier” – Corey Rebhahn
“Fuck them. I will have nothing to do with the bullshit culture they have created. We are the heretics, we are the rebels, we are the outcasts. We don’t give a shit about being accepted and we put no importance on popularity. We are real, fearless and dangerous.
#fakes #frauds #scum” – Corey Rebhahn
“I burn at maximum and I don’t expect to have a long life.” – Corey Rebhahn
“I’m coming back bitches. It’s time to light the fuse.” – Corey Rebhahn
“The forgotten one
Erased from the pages, lost in history
Forger of insanity
Creator of a new sin
Lord of initiation
Mention not his name” – Corey Rebhahn
“Disgusted by “humanity”.” – Corey Rebhahn
“I’m not anti-social, I just want you dead.” – Corey Rebhahn
“I DO NOT want or need approval from anyone other than myself.” – Corey Rebhahn
“You would make a beautiful corpse.” – Corey Rebhahn
“I have driven kings to madness. Their bodies hang in their own house. Can you see me?” – Corey Rebhahn
“I am the Lecher bitch and I wear the X of castigation. I am the whore of the extreme.” As quoted by Corey Rebhahn
“So many speak when they have nothing to say. My words are precise and toxic.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Say No to Normal.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Normal is dead and I carried the coffin.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Normal… What is normal?” – Corey Rebhahn
“Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Sanity is overrated.” – Corey Rebhahn
“One day you must look in the mirror and accept the fact that you might simply, actually be insane.” – Corey Rebhahn
“So many people are fucked up inside because they are made to be someone they aren’t.” – Corey Rebhahn
“You’re not a person, you’re just an asshole, and I’m gonna fuck the shit out of you.” – Corey Rebhahn
“This is real life baby and I’m an angel.” – Corey Rebhahn
>“We looked to happiness, then to darkness and now to insanity.” – Corey Rebhahn
“I like my wine how I like my people, bitter.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Reality bitches. I’m the real deal.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Right and Wrong DOES NOT EXIST – Eliminating Morality Part 1
SUBSCRIBE! Morgue shares his views on morality. First video in the series proposes that morality does not exist.” – Corey Rebhahn
“They say to live everyday as if it were your last. Be glad I don’t or you’d all be dead.” – Corey Rebhahn
“I can break the rules. Can you?” – Corey Rebhahn
“It’s amazing what you can do when you just don’t give a fuck.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Before we can CREATE, we must DESTROY.” – Corey Rebhahn
“The Insanity Drug.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Terrors of Men: I don’t give a fuck.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Life is my stage, and the show must go on.” – Corey Rebhahn
“If I cut out your eyes, would you still see?” – Corey Rebhahn
“Let’s go HUNTING.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Morbidly Yours,
Strangle the B*tch” – Corey Rebhahn
“Home of Morgue – Musings of a Dead Soul” – Corey Rebhahn
“Ah trivia time! “It wasn’t as dark and scary as it sounds. I had a lot of fun…killing somebody’s a funny experience.”
Do you know who said this?” Yes yes! Albert Desalvo is correct. The Boston Strangler, confessed murderer of 13 women. I knew my bloodthirsty friends would get this one fast.” – Corey Rebhahn
“NEW Update, when are these fuckers going to learn I will not put up with their shit?” – Corey Rebhahn
“Ah Trivia time, here is a favorite of mine: “I believe the only way to reform people is to kill them” Do you know who said it?” – Corey Rebhahn [Serial killer Carl Panzram]
“My glass isn’t half empty or half full, it’s poison filled.” – Corey Rebhahn
“What’s your favorite non-alcoholic drink? And if someone says blood I will stab you!” – Corey Rebhahn
“Things are about to get… strange.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Bite me.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Sanity is for the unimaginative.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Aren’t you sick of all the peace and love? Don’t you want to taste a little blood?” – Corey Rebhahn
“Let’s learn german. Today’s phrase is “Eat shit and die”.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Waking up this early makes me want to kill somebody… well… more so than usual anyway.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Many Enemies bring much Honour [Mussolini]” – Corey Rebhahn
“What would you choose: a happy content life, or would you risk losing EVERYTHING for fame and power?” – Corey Rebhahn
“Thank you bluetooths, for making me appear sane when I talk to myself.” – Corey Rebhahn
“It feels so GOOD to be BAD.” – Corey Rebhahn
“I’m such a nice guy.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Your life is a cancer and I am the cure.” – Corey Rebhahn
“We won’t keep calm.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Feeling dirty.” – Corey Rebhahn
“What do you think is lacking in the world right now? What would you like to see more of? Some of these answers make me want to vomit.” – Corey Rebhahn
“One day you will see my face.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Most of you have no idea who I am. Some of you have seen my shadow. Just wait…” – Corey Rebhahn
“Fallen angels are the true liberators of spirit. We bow to no one and we ask no one to bow to us. Get off your knees and stand on your own feet.” – Corey Rebhahn
“Truer words never spoken. 😉 Morgue … Sticks and stones may break my bones … but a 12 gauge sawed off will BLOW YOUR FUCKIN’ HEAD OFF.” – Corey Rebhahn
“I was going to put something meaningful/inspirational but fuck it… kiss my ass.” – Corey Rebhahn
“I am toxic.” – Corey Rebhahn
And, by the way, if Hyperians complain that we are using cherry-picked quotes from years ago, well, all we’re doing is deploying the exact same tactic as your cult god when he literally told the FBI (!!!) that we were deadly N**i Terrorists, based on quotes from a NOVEL from years ago. So spare us your fucking hypocrisy. Our plan is to make this person the most toxic person on earth, just as he attempted to do to us. And we shall succeed – since this actually is an utterly toxic human being, despite his claim that he doesn’t identify as human. What, do you identify as a PSYCHOPATH?
So, tonight is another deadstream. We all know the drill. This insane person will continue to act as if absolutely nothing is up, that his cult is not in an existential battle, and all of his insane followers will do exactly the same, and not one will ask the cult god to address what is going on. And these people claim to be HYPERAWARE WORLD SHAPERS! In fact, they are all lunatics, and they all ought to be in mental asylums. You cannot make a problem go away by pretending it’s not there. Didn’t you learn that as children? You think that if you don’t look, the thing you fear isn’t there. But it is! And it’s not going away, no matter how much you close your eyes!