Intuitive Women Targeted by Hyperian Cult



9/30/2022 – Post #1
On 13 September, 2018, Corey Rebhahn said, “Hello! Again apologies for lack of comms, life should begin to smooth out for me at the beginning of November. Always drop me a message if you’d like any info from me. So here are two new videos geared towards our current audience, made up of intuitive women.”
Rebhahn targets “mystical” women and women who belong to the extreme feelings type. These people are all highly vulnerable to grifters and they’re all being systematically fleeced by Rebhahn, just like lonely women online searching for love and getting scammed by conmen who start asking them for money. It’s all part of the same phenomenon: women becoming obsessed with a man, with whom they imagine they have an incredibly special relationship, and then sending him money. All of this ought to be illegal.
Rebhahn said, “I know this vibe isn’t anyone’s favorite but I have been doing a great amount of intense research and marketing and feel strongly this will be the most effective way to go for an exoteric public image, while our esoteric practices remain the same.”
It definitely wasn’t our “vibe”! Do you see how Rebhahn at one time supported an esoteric and exoteric strategy, then went completely exoteric and started slagging off all things esoteric. He adopts whatever position offers the most financial opportunities.
Rebhahn said, “The exoteric will have a gateway to the esoteric.”
Not anymore!
Rebhahn said, “These two videos will be accompanied by an entirely new website, and a 16 page free ebook. This booklet will also be able to be produced physically en masse at low cost so it can be easily distrusted around the world, all along with a new social media campaign.”
We’ve just noticed a hilarious Freudian slip: “so it can be easily DISTRUSTED around the world”. You’re right there, Rebhahn. No one can trust anything you do.
Rebhahn said, “This will all be launching to the public, early or mid October. After this launches I plan to create 4 more videos in this style. 1. Destroy the Old to Create the New (deconditioning yourself and becoming autonomous) 2. Your Shadow Self (embracing your shadow and power, standing up to those that try to use you) 3. You are not Your Body (reality is an illusion, you are an eternal mind called a monad). 4. The Dream of Existence (reality is mental, the source and the holos, you have the power of a universe within).”
Yeah, we’re trying to stop YOU from using our work. How do you imagine you will ever get away with plagiarism? It’s just so funny that your pathological narcissism and psychopathy prevent you from grasping that your absurd Hyperianism has no future since the most cursory research by anyone will show that you totally ripped off Illuminism. The only people who agree with you that you are not one of the most extreme examples of plagiarism EVER are the groomed and brainwashed members of your own cult! Hardly the most reliable witnesses!
If you presented all of our books to any university for careful study and then presented all of your books, 100% of universities would tell you that you are an egregious PLAGIARIST: NONE of the substantive ideas you rely on originated with you, and ALL of them originated with us. Being a moron, you don’t actually know what plagiarism is. You laughably think it’s something to do with occasionally mentioning someone’s name! While you inhabit your own fantasy world – your own cult, where no one ever challenges you and you get 100% slavish support – you can delude yourself that all of your mad claims are true. The real world outside your bubble just laughs at you. You are a total cretin, using and abusing the work of others and believing that this will somehow work out for you. Only a Dark Triad cult leader could ever believe such a mad thing.
At least previous cult leaders had some degree of originality. You have none. Copying others is what you do. You copied (badly) Marilyn Manson, the Joker, and us. You have no creativity of your own. You are Ersatz Man, the King of Rip-Offs.
Rebhahn said, “I also plan to begin releasing short 20 page ebooks designed for the intuitive crowd, with a self help angle but geared towards our ideals. About embracing your shadow, using meditation/ lucid dreaming etc as a method to explore your unconscious and activate your higher self rather than destroy the self, and much more.”
Hyperianism is indeed now just a rip-off of all the New Age self-help baloney, and attracts exactly the same brainless, emotional, mystical gang – as the mindless Hyperian “chat” shows every time.
Rebhahn said, “Also, I wanted to tell you than I am highly honored by the book ‘Take them to the Morgue’. Seriously, I don’t get the opportunity to voice this very often because we always discuss strategy but the work you all do is wonderful and I respect it immensely. The sheer Will and intelligence that goes behind your productions is astounding. The reason I have not shared this myself is that I have noticed that it has caused those that have read it to begin lashing out internally against some of the intuitives, and it could be rocky timing with the release of this exoteric direction.”
Isn’t it hilarious that Rebhahn never once referred to that book on his social media? HE TOTALLY IGNORED IT. Not a single share! We came across some pathetic cretins in recent weeks selectively quoting from this book to supposedly show how much we once supported Rebhahn. Yeah, it was such a supportive book that Rebhahn didn’t reference it EVER! That’s because, as Thomas Foster showed in his Open Letter, it was in fact an all-out attack on Rebhahn’s shitty audience. We were trying to get Rebhahn to ditch that audience. He didn’t. He doubled down and that’s now the ONLY audience he has.
Rebhahn said, “I just want to let you know that I want to share this, I am just looking for the most strategic way and time to do so. I’m highly appreciative. I’m thinking the best way would be after the exoteric direction launches, as hints and easter eggs for serious individuals to find/stumble across.”
It’s priceless that we wrote a book with Rebhahn’s freak face and name on the front cover and yet he was so extraordinarily uncomfortable with it that not once did he tell any of his followers about it!
Even back then, it was actually clear that the rupture between Rebhahn and us was total. The book wasn’t the one Rebhahn was hoping for, and Rebhahn and his audience were nothing like what we were hoping for. What a fuck up!
We should have ended all contact with Rebhahn back then, and saved ourselves all the subsequent aggravation. The fact that Rebhahn couldn’t mention an AC book with his own face and name on it shows how bad things really were, how much tension already existed.
As for the morons that selectively quoted from that book in supposed defense of Hyperianism … what a bunch of clueless freaks. Wrong, as ever.