Wikipedia says,
“Karen Stenner is a political scientist specializing in political psychology. Stenner has studied the political activation of authoritarian personality types, and how that activation explains the contemporary success of some authoritarian political figures as well as enduring conflicts between some individuals and the broad tolerance that characterizes liberal democracy.”
The most authoritarian people in the world are cult leaders – people such as Corey Rebhahn (MorgueOfficial). To these people, authority is all. If they lose their authority, they are finished. Rebhahn’s entire behavior in his cult is concerned with retaining his authority. Absolutely everything and everyone that challenges his authority is removed, banned, denied, ignored, avoided. For Rebhahn’s authority to be maintained, it’s essential for all of his cult slaves to comply absolutely with all of his tactics regarding the total avoidance of criticism of Rebhahn. You’ll notice that Rebhahn NEVER does response videos to his many critics. He did one or two in the past, when he could make himself look good and increase his authority, but he now avoids response videos like the plague – because they would DESTROY his authority if he was dealing with actual facts by former member of his cult, now denouncing him. His whole thing is to live in denial and either to pretend that the critics don’t exist, or to dismiss them as nameless trolls. And all of his cult slaves go along with this. For them, Rebhahn’s authority over them is Absolute and Unconditional. They couldn’t even begin to formulate a thought that challenged him. That’s why they’re cult SLAVES.
Karen Stenner has a very interesting take on authority, but she has completely missed how authority works in WOKE WORLD (which of course claims to be anti-authoritarian and yet at all times seeks to cancel, ban, and deplatform its foes – classic NAZI tactics!).
Wikipedia says,
“Stenner distinguishes between authoritarianism and conservatism, using ‘authoritarianism’ to refer to a resistance to interpersonal difference (i.e. diversity of people and beliefs at a given moment), and ‘conservatism’ as resistance to change. Authoritarianism can thus be thought of as aversion to difference across space, whereas conservatism is aversion to difference across time.”
Look at how Stenner associates authoritarianism with right wingers and with an aversion to difference. With Wokeness, authoritarianism is “liberal” and is an extreme aversion to sameness, convergence, the general will, the commonwealth …. the best interests of all. Wokeness promotes the best interests of countless competing, anomic, anarchic, chaotic factions.
Wikipedia says,
“For example, one may be a conservative libertarian, but libertarianism is the opposite end of a spectrum from authoritarianism, since the former is defined by encouragement of individual difference and resistance to centralized authority.”
This is Stenner’s fallacy. Libertarianism is extremely authoritarian in its promotion of the hatred of government and the State and worship of the super-rich, “free-market” capitalism, and so on. Its authoritarianism is prosecuted through wealth … the wealthy have all the authority and everyone else can fuck off and die. In Woke World, authority resides with the freaks, weirdos, anomics, exotics, divergent, and so on – and the NORMAL can fuck off and die.
Wikipedia says,
“She thus argues that much of what is conventionally referred to as ‘racism’ is perhaps better understood as ‘difference-ism,’ with moral and political diversity (as opposed merely to ethnic diversity) especially provoking intolerant attitudes from authoritarian individuals. In particular, she highlights how authoritarians’ expressions of racial, moral, and political intolerance depreciated by approximately 50% when survey respondents were misled to believe that NASA had discovered extraterrestrial life forms which were ‘very different from us in ways we are not yet even able to imagine.'”
This appears to imply that aliens are given the benefit of the doubt! Well, they’re aliens, after all!
Wikipedia says,
“Stenner argues that conservatives value stability and certainty over increased uniformity, and therefore, will embrace racial diversity, civil liberties and moral freedom to the extent they are already institutionalized and authoritatively-supported traditions within a given society.”
That sounds about right regarding conservatives. They don’t mind other races as long as the other races assimilate and integrate – all for one and one for all. The conservatives hate multi-culturalism, which is of course all about anti-assimilation and absence of integration.
Wikipedia says,
“She argues that conservatives may be drawn towards authoritarianism only when public opinion is fractious and there is a general loss of confidence in major institutions; i.e. when the prospect of revolution appears less daunting to them than the current state of affairs.”
And this reflects American conservatism today. America conservatives now WANT a fight. And they’ll provoke it … and win it – since look at whom they’re fighting … the biggest creeps, cowards and weaklings in human history … freaks and weirdos like the pathetic half-man Corey Rebhahn. That guy can’t fight. He can only complain – but what happens when no one gives a fuck about his complaints? What does this eunuch do then?
Wikipedia says,
“Authoritarians however want difference restricted regardless of circumstances; even when so doing would necessitate vast social reforms and instability. By this account, she asserts that authoritarians are never more tolerant than when reassured and pacified by an autocratic culture, and never more intolerant than when forced to endure a vibrant democracy.”
The Woke want “difference CELEBRATED regardless of circumstances; even when so doing would necessitate vast social reforms and instability”. So, in what way are they different from the “authoritarians”? They are identical, but with a polar opposite aim – to increase rather than decrease difference and diversity.
Stenner wrote,
“If authoritarianism is concerned with sacrificing individual freedom and diversity to group authority and conformity, and if authoritarians have the motives and capacities I have ascribed to them, [then] it is easy to see that the central elements of democracy are not just anathema, but actually insensible to authoritarians. Disagreement, dissent, and disobedience; determination of the ‘common good’ by debate and negotiation between partisans of competing worldviews: none of this [is] comprehensible, let alone palatable from the authoritarian perspective.”
Stenner is basically a typical negative libertarian who finds positive liberty inherently “authoritarian.” She no doubt despises Rousseau who said that some people must be FORCED TO BE FREE! Which is one of the greatest statements of all time. How many people are free in a “democratic” corporatocracy enforcing totalitarian WOKE ideology? The Nazis didn’t let you choose to ignore the Swastika, and the Woke don’t give you any freedom to avoid the “Pride” totalitarian banner.
Wikipedia says,
“Through survey techniques identifying authoritarianism in respondents, Stenner identifies personality attributes and values shared by those with pro-authoritarian inclinations, and argues that these traits inform an opposition to difference and an attachment to uniformity which are then activated in the presence of normative societal threats.”
Wokeness TRIGGERS authoritarianism in the masses!
Wikipedia says,
“Such threats to uniformity thus transform a personality attribute into a politically salient reaction which ultimately serves to defend one’s beliefs and identification with the collective.”
It’s hilarious the way liberals always demonize the COLLECTIVE and worship extreme individualism, which they regard as the opposite of authoritarianism when it’s fact it’s just another face of authoritarianism – the authority of all those who detest collectivism and collective action for the collective good!
Wikipedia says,
“Most notably, she cites perceptions of poor leadership and belief diversity (i.e. lack of consensus in group values) as being the two most significant factors contributing to the authoritarian response, though she also notes that authoritarians are generally susceptible to the false consensus effect and thus are not likely to perceive normative threats until they have become highly apparent.”
Well, Wokeness has made all the threats to normality CRYSTAL CLEAR.
Wikipedia says,
“Stenner also stresses that expressions of moral, political, and racial intolerance can only be ameliorated by emphasizing unity through common social/cultural identities, and that democracy cannot be sustained in the absence of substantial commonality.”
Wokeness absolutely destroys substantial commonality. Its commitment to freakishness, weirdness, anomie, anarchy, extreme individualism is going to trigger a simply enormous authoritarian response.
Stenner said,
“We tend to imagine, despite a preponderance of evidence, that everyone can be socialized away from intolerance toward greater respect for difference, if only we have the will, the resources, and the opportunity to provide the right experiences. … According to this wishful understanding of reality, the different can remain as different as they like and the intolerant will eventually have their intolerance educated out of them. But all the available evidence indicates that exposure to difference, talking about difference, and applauding difference — the hallmarks of liberal democracy — are the surest ways to aggravate those who are innately intolerant, and to guarantee the increased expression of their predispositions in manifestly intolerant attitudes and behaviours. Paradoxically, then, it would seem that we can best limit intolerance of difference by parading, talking about, and applauding our sameness. … This strategy is not nearly as daunting as it might sound, as it is the appearance of sameness that matters, and that apparent variance in beliefs, values, and culture seem to be more provocative of intolerant dispositions than racial and ethnic diversity. What is daunting is the fierce resistance that such proposals encounter from those very actors with the greatest stake in promoting tolerance and respect for difference. But blind faith aside, the science of democracy yields some inescapable, if heretical conclusions. Ultimately, nothing inspires greater tolerance from the intolerant than an abundance of common and unifying beliefs, practices, rituals, institutions, and processes. And regrettably, nothing is more certain to provoke increased expression of their latent predispositions than the likes of ‘multicultural education,’ bilingual policies, and non-assimilation. In the end, our showy celebration of, and absolute insistence upon, individual autonomy and unconstrained diversity pushes those [who are] by nature least equipped to live comfortably in a liberal democracy not to the limits of their tolerance, but to their intolerant extremes. … We can do all the moralizing we like about how we want our ideal democratic citizens to be. But freedom is most secure and tolerance is maximized when we design systems to accommodate how people actually are, because some people will never live comfortably in a modern liberal democracy.”
This is exactly why Wokeness will FAIL. It is so dumb – so committed to championing difference (what divides us) rather than sameness (what unites us) – that it will inevitably lead to a spectacular war. All the signs are there. America is where it will all kick off given how extremely polarized that society is.
Stenner and Jonathan Haidt said,
“Western liberal democracies have now exceeded many people’s capacity to tolerate them.”
And that’s why Western liberal democracy is about to die and it will almost certainly be replaced by something belonging to the far right, involving a STRONG MAN (dictator). We already have the model for what is coming – the Nazis replacing the feeble, liberal, “WOKE“, Weimar Republic.
So, now we arrive at Morgy Porgy’s emails from 2019 concerning the NK fiasco. We actually agreed with NK regarding most of his contemptuous opinions on Hyperianism, Hyperians and Morgue – but NK had extended his hatred of Hyperianism to us and was actively trying to undermine us.
Here’s an extract from a public message NK posted:
In that time, I had also witnessed how Hyperianism operates from the inside. An inner circle made up of almost exclusively women who idolized Morgue and thought he could do no wrong would carry out whatever Morgue asks of them. They would plagiarize, backbite, connive, and attack each other and anyone else close to Morgue, and would fall in whenever anyone made a fuss. I was horrified, and relayed this to the AC/GS authors, but they seemed to have no problem with it. Apparently, it was I who had the problem and the doctrine now was “whatever works is the name of the game”. How was anyone supposed to attract any talent in such an environment?
In mid to late 2018 I received an invitation to come to LA and meet with a number of people interested in the material. I accepted and was touched by the generosity of my hosts, who helped my fiancée and I to stay in LA for a week. We arranged for a party on the 30th of December where we were to meet with a number of driven people keen on sharing the material in their own spheres. One of them was Morgue.
Unfortunately, that night did not go positively. Once Morgue arrived, he began to demand that we all join Hyperianism. Our bemused faces and refusal infuriated him. Morgue had prepared a speech whose logic consisted of a simple syllogism (We’re all one, Hyperianism is about this unity, therefore join Hyperianism) and we didn’t buy it. I sat down with Morgue to speak with him face to face, and explained to him why I didn’t want to become a Hyperian, why that didn’t make sense to me, and why I have to take my own path. In short, I cannot get along with infantile mysticism and superstition, he was lying to people or abusing their psychological weaknesses, and I wanted to cut an honest path here. I thought Morgue would understand and just let me be, since I had helped him to learn all this material after all.
Morgue instead went into a tirade about how we were all “assholes” for not joining with him. At the top of his lungs, he yelled how he didn’t care about veganism, that it was just a ploy to get likes, that he couldn’t give a damn if the Earth burns. What he said mattered most was “marketing”. I wondered what sort of marketing it was, if he was just getting likes, and everything we worked for was inverted for the sake of his “marketing”. Nothing was sacred to this man. I questioned him on these lines, and he stormed off. He said that if we aren’t becoming Hyperians, we wouldn’t be famous or wouldn’t accomplish anything, that he was wasting his time, and that he was now off to smoke some DMT. We were at a loss for words.
So we went upstairs to witness this, and here Morgue was, smoking DMT to the music of Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio. If that’s not escapism, I don’t know what is. After hitting the pipe several times he grew frustrated and asked if any of us have meth pipes. The answer was no from the entire room. After all, why would we have meth pipes? Morgue once again became furious, he called us idiots for not having meth pipes, and bragged about having an entire collection of meth pipes. He bragged about his destructive drug habits and thought nothing of it. I thought to myself, “What the hell have I gotten myself into? I have to start thinking about how to get out of this.” There is no way I can see this ending but in a terrible way.
Morgy Porgy is now a very creepy, covert, playacting person, so he would never be so overtly angry and lashing out so openly (wrecking his own carefully constructed image). It’s more probable that some of these events happened and then were “amped up” by NK for effect. NK actually relayed some of these events to us previously, but without any of the drama.
Here’s what NK previously said: “Morgue is, of course, very popular. His strength is his ability to talk to stupid people, but he doesn’t have much of an ability to actually talk to people on his level or above. In fact, when discussing strategy with Morgue, I think that either he doesn’t understand it and it goes over his head, or he always keeps his mouth shut to never respond to matters of strategy. [My girlfriend] thinks it’s a little bit of both, and that he doesn’t know what he’s doing, that he decides things on a whim. That is fine so long as he remains effective and focused. During our Dec 30th party together, Morgue did betray that he was hiding some problems previously unknown to us. First off, it appeared that he was neglecting to eat and that he visited the bathroom too many times, indicating possible bulimia. His teeth were so thin they were transparent, so there’s that. Secondly, after getting quite drunk and attempting to smoke an entheogenic substance provided at the party, he asked why we didn’t have meth pipes for them. We all jokingly played that down but he became agitated about that and said he had several at home. Two weeks later, when I got home I asked him about the above and told him I was concerned, but he denied all of the above and chalked it up to drunkenness. Okay, fair enough, but that remains a minor point of concern going forward. One way or another, this suggests self-destructive tendencies and a disregard for health and wellbeing. This sort of behavior is also something that can be a problem for him if someone opposed to us were to blackmail him or seek to discredit him or undermine his fanbase’s morale. Morgue approached us all during that party and suggested we all band together under a single brand. Every one of us denied the need for this because it would diminish our general appeal. Unless it’s a strictly material difference (such as left or right), usually one does not go far by appearing as a single unit. Furthermore, we specified that we would have much more success by hitting different demographics by a varied approach. He did not seem to understand this, and got flustered. I found the whole thing puzzling, frankly. Morgue discussed working more closely with me. I accepted but only conditionally. I will see what it is that he has to offer, but otherwise I am more and more committed to building my own personal brand amongst an intellectual and social elite. I have a clear ten year plan now for building up my influence and control. Whatever we work on has to synergize with what I do, otherwise I will not take on the strategic risk.”
You can see that these two accounts do not reconcile; NK doesn’t originally mention any crazy outbursts by Rebhahn and even talks about possibly doing further work with him – impossible if Rebhahn had really acted as claimed. The original account NK sent us is much more credible than the later account he posted, which is his manipulative propaganda.
Moreover, NK knew perfectly well that we had very serious issues with Hyperianism – we discussed it MANY times! – but hey ho. As it turned out, we had very serious issues with him too, especially since he was actually the leader of online Illuminism at the time.
Morgue 26 Jul 2019
Apologies, I just woke up. I know that you aren’t familiar with the details. I’ll happily address anything, if you’d like me to. This is just so sick. I want nothing to do with this person.
Morgue 26 Jul 2019 at 22:37
I agree 100%. A united response from you, myself, and Z, will be most effective. That will clear up any confusion and show clearly who is an outright troll. How do you feel we should proceed?
Morgue 26 Jul 2019
Hmm I’m actually not sure about this to be honest. The problem is, is that everyone views NK as a saint. Right now they take everything he says as gospel. The weight of his words are about equal to mine. The only person/group they place higher than him is you/AC/GS. I think we need to, at the very least, deny a few things, illustrate a handful of his offenses, while always maintaining a high ground. IMO it would be very effective if you were to at least acknowledge that he has caused problems, because right now, nobody believes that. They all think he is 100% clean and the only person they would believe is you/AC.
Here is a general idea.. I would think something along the lines of (this is just an illustration of tone and written from my POV):
“The situation with NK is very unfortunate, especially because it is coming from someone that I considered a friend. I wanted nothing more than to work with him in cooperation to create a new future. Unfortunately, he has demonstrated to be a different person behind the scenes. He has sown division and confusion through outright lies. He has been spreading baseless rumors, using the Cimmeria page for his own ends, fabricating wild conspiracy theories about the legitimacy of the authors, and attempting to damage the reputation of myself, Z, Hyperianism, Illuminism, and the AC/GS authors. This has been shocking to say the least. I wish him well on his projects. Anyone that would like to follow him, should do so. There is now a clean break. Hyperianism and Illuminism will continue forward together, in unity, in our sacred cause to create a new world.”
Morgue 26 Jul 2019 at 23:36
Also, if there is a clear condemnation somewhere, this will be helpful to refer to as he will definitely be an issue in the future. He will continue to pull people in from Hyperianism and Illuminism and warp their perspectives. At least there will be an authoritative reference for us to point to, when confusion occurs in the future.
Morgue 27 Jul 2019
I think this is much better. It shows that it’s a sad day for everyone, points out his wrongdoings clearly, while absolutely maintaining the high ground. I just got off the phone with Z and we agree this is the way to go. I was also speaking with him on the best way to release this information. Our thoughts are, that posting it from a Hyperian source will only bring attention to NK and give him more followers. Those that don’t know anything about this will see it as juicy gossip and attract trolls. We may even have that reporter watching us still. His camp is small and we don’t want it to get any bigger or give him any ammo.
If possible, having it come from an authoritative source, such as a publication, would be best. The upside to this is that only those that need to see it will, and it will be in a place of authority we can use to refer to people when future recruits become confused by NK. The only downside to this is that I’m sure this may take some time, and a fast response would be ideal. Perhaps it could be as posted as an update on the AC, as well as in a publication? I’m sorry for even suggesting that. I have the utmost respect for all of you and normally I’d never suggest what to put on the AC or in a book. But I feel this turn of events is too critical and I should say exactly what I would consider to be most advantageous.
As a side note.. This is all quite frustrating. I know we are all business in our communications, but we’ve all been hurt by NK here. It just really sucks.. As I said, I considered him a friend. And you have had such lengthy interaction with him, I’m sure it’s hard for all of you as well. You are all amazing, and a light in the dark. Thank you for all you do. It’s a long, hard battle, but it’s all worth it.
Anyway, what do you think?
Morgue 27 Jul 2019
I’m very surprised about how many are siding with NK or are on the fence. They don’t realize to what level he has taken things. For example, one Hyperian that’s on the fence wanted to know why 20 Hyperians left the Jacobinism group at once! It didn’t even occur to them that the Hyperians were removed and he seemed to think it was a concerted act. To be fair I don’t know for certain that was NK, but it most likely was as he just blocked me on facebook and on patreon (to which I was donating, I even bought the guy his lights for filming.) From what I can tell by reading the comments, people don’t care too much about his “sanitization” of OM/Meritocracy, because they don’t realize that he has literally tried to eliminate any tie to Illuminism or Hyperianism through active undermining. He really needs his credibility taken down because everyone views him as an innocent saint. They don’t realize, for example, that he was very unhappy with me publishing an OM book and wanted me to alter it because it would be associated with Hyperianism and a “freak”. They just think he published his own book and we got pissed at him for some reason.
Anyway, I think this is a great plan of action. Since it is going to take a few days, if you don’t mind I am going to flesh out my statement as well and get it to you in probably 24 hours.
And I agree 100%, this is the epitome of Shadow projection and so utterly stupid. It’s not good for anyone and such a distraction.
Morgue 27 Jul 2019
“Have all Hyperians withdrawn from his Patreon? So, if he blocks you on Patreon then that automatically ends your payments to him, is that right? “
Yes, blocking me means that I will no longer be charged after this upcoming billing cycle on the first of the month. And No, as far as I know, no Hyperian has withdrawn from him, though he has blocked some. So his numbers have dropped from 49 to 42. I have certainly lost patrons. Probably about the same amount. That’s the thing. From what I’ve seen, any Hyperian that is familiar with NK’s work either still supports him or is on the fence. For example, Wrath just posted a few minutes ago on Instagram, the cover of Endomorphism along with the tags #iamhyperian #mikehockney #thegodseries #UNITY
Morgue 28 Jul 2019
Here is my statement. I’m absolutely fine with modifying it if the tone or content doesn’t match what you have in mind. I have also attached some screenshots of comments you may be interested in.
“The situation with NK is very unfortunate, especially because it’s coming from someone who I considered a friend. I wanted nothing more than to work with him in cooperation to create a new future. Unfortunately, he has demonstrated he is a radically different person behind the scenes. He has been sowing division and confusion through outright lies for years. He has been spreading baseless rumors, using the Cimmeria page for his own ends (a page the AC/GS authors had no contribution to), carefully manipulating people, fabricating wild conspiracy theories about the legitimacy of the AC/GS authors, and attempting to damage my reputation as well that of Z, Hyperianism, Illuminism, and the AC/GS authors. This has been shocking to say the least.
This has been going on for years and has only increased in intensity with the passage of time. He appears to be a kind individual on the surface, but his personality changes instantly when you disagree with him or his agenda. He has emotionally damaged Hyperians by making unfounded accusations and has reduced them to tears.
When he learned I was releasing a book on ontological mathematics, he messaged me telling me he did not want Hyperianism associated with OM. He wanted me to alter the book as well as change the title. Since I chose not to do this, he quickly rereleased his book before mine in an attempt to undermine Hyperianism.
Keep in mind that he originally released this book several years ago in 2016 under the title “Eidomorphism: The World as Math and Representation.” He did not simply coincidently decide to release a three years old book weeks before mine. This was a planned attack to direct attention away from Hyperianism’s OM book. Anyone who cannot see that is blind.
In his rerelease, he altered the subtitle to “The Philosophy of Ontological Mathematics,” and the introduction was vastly changed. The original said that it was purposefully written for a select few and that the average person would not understand the material due to the high level of math and philosophy it contained. These changes to the title and the introduction were consciously made to distract from our release and make it sound like it was an introductory book similar to Hyperianism’s. He then released his book right before mine and had the audacity to advertise it in Hyperian groups, despite having told me that he disdains Hyperians. We let his posts in the groups remain and had hoped that people would see through his obvious tactics. He went so far as to use the Cimmeria page (of which he is the controller) to give the illusion that it was supported by the authors when it absolutely was not.
NK is actively attempting to push out anyone who does not blindly follow his sanitized version of OM (which destroys the spirit of OM and is thus no longer OM at all). His actions are not a new development. He has been causing division behind the scenes for years, slowly bringing people to his side and trashing Hyperians.
You will have noticed that over time he has been distancing himself from both Hyperianism and Illuminism. I have reached out to him many times in an attempt to work on projects or collaborate, but he refuses. He has told us on many occasions how Hyperians make him sick, and you can clearly see his discomfort in being associated with the God Series in the introduction to his book. And in his attempt to distance himself, he also removed his “Special thanks to Mike Hockney” from the introduction which was present in the 2016 original. That should tell you exactly what he thinks of Illuminism.
To my utter shock, I found out a few months ago that he has been spreading rumors about me to many different people through private conversations. He has said that I am a meth addict and a bulimic. These are outright lies. I have never done meth in my life. If I were a meth addict, I would be the most functioning addict in the world to be able to create books on philosophy and mathematics, record videos, run live events, and manage a movement. Anyone who has known a meth addict in real life will know that would be impossible.
As for bulimia, the exact opposite is true. I have had to go on diets to gain weight. Additionally, I’m a sword swallower which means I lack a gag reflex. These rumors are laughable, and you would think they were coming from a teenager in high school. You’d be an utter fool to believe them. He’s also claimed to have tutored me in philosophy, mathematics, and science. Again, completely false. I have asked him a few questions over the years, and that is all. Everything else he has said is a falsity as well. He is a downright liar, full stop. Not only is he a liar, he’s a bad liar being that they are so unbelievable.
Furthermore, a blazing red flag is that our movement is about logic, reason, and merit and all he has done is fire a malicious volley of ad hominem attacks. His strategy is exactly the same as Donald Trump: Lie and attack the person rather than put forth any meritable facts. You can see for yourself that he has no regard for the truth as he let the rumor that Joe Dixon was Z spread, and used the Cimmeria page to his own ends without correcting any misconceptions. As the saying goes, “If you lie about anything, you’ll lie about everything.” Anyone who believes NK’s obvious lies are like Trump supporters who will believe anything that comes out of the mouth of their “President.”
Open your eyes. NK caused shock when he closed down the Cimmeria page because everyone was under the assumption that it was run by the AC/GS. Meanwhile, the AC/GS has never contributed anything to the Cimmeria page. But did NK correct this misconception when he had the opportunity to tell the truth on multiple occasions? No. What does that tell you? After hostile posts were made about me and Hyperianism in the Jacobonism group, around 20 Hyperians, including me, were removed from the group, leaving us unable to comment on the situation and defend ourselves.
Joe Dixon’s recent book was written in response to NK’s destructive and divisive behavior that has been taking place in the background for a long time now. NK has been degrading our movement from behind the scenes and the AC/GS will not stand for this, which was the reason for the Dixon book.
Our movement has faced many attacks and trolls over the years, and make no mistake that NK has caused the most damage including emotional pain to our members. There is so much more that could be said about his corrosive actions over the years, but I am defending myself, Hyperianism, and Illuminism against his recent attacks. I could go on, but enough has been said, and it should end here and now.
Anyone who would like to follow him, should do so. But understand that there is now a clean break between us. Hyperianism and Illuminism stand together, and then there is NK. There is no grey area here. We are making it crystal clear. We will go our separate ways. So make your choice. Then move on. Done. This is not a war. This is a clean split. A cut. Work on your projects and we will work on ours. Goodbye.
Some can’t seem to understand that if we are about unity then why is there a break? Remember Karl Popper’s paradox of intolerance:
“Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.”
NK’s actions and attempts to undermine Hyperianism and Illuminism through underhanded and unmeritorious tactics display his intolerance clearly, and we do not tolerate intolerance. Those who divide a unity, cannot be part of a unity. This is not rocket science and is obvious to anyone with half a brain.
Make no mistake that we are history in the making. Hyperianism and Illuminism will continue forward together in unity in our sacred cause to create a new world.”
Morgue 28 Jul 2019
Hmm… Well this is a big problem because no one will believe it if it doesn’t come from an official source. Does it hurt your account in any way if it is banned? If not, I would just release it anyway because everyone will read it before it’s banned. That takes a lot of time and we will make sure everyone who needs to see it gets the link. Do you also have other non-NK content in this book? So let’s imagine the following scenario:
Once the book is out, lets say everyone reads it, then a few weeks later it gets banned.
You guys could then take the non-NK content and release it in another book.
Then we could figure out some other outlet for the NK content, saying that he had it banned and originally appeared in a stark book.
Because the following is an important point: Even if the book is banned, anyone who bought it still has access to it and we can always have that as an official source. I still have the book you were speaking of. I have all three, The Dunciad, Illuminist Army, and Illuminism Contra Discordianism.
Morgue 28 Jul 2019
Ah! Okay, this may work. Good idea. Let me discuss with the Order members possible options as to where to release it. Oh if you don’t mind addressing YY I’d really appreciate it, thank you. It’s really frustrating when people think I couldn’t possibly know anything about math and philosophy just because I look a certain way.
Morgue 28 Jul 2019
I just had an impromptu Order meeting with anyone that was available. It was: Faith, Susan, Kari, and Apollonius. The consensus is that the trolls will come up with a wild conspiracy theory, unless it is posted on the AC. I know Z had concerns that trolls could see that and link up with NK. I mentioned that to the Order and everyone agreed that, though it’s not impossible, that it is highly unlikely and that the pros greatly outweigh the cons to thwart the imminent troll threat. Apollonius, who is familiar with the old movement, was strongly pushing for it to be published on AC and doesn’t think any other outlet will have a strong effect even if it is a verified source in the stark book. I agree with this. That would be my suggestion.
The other option we played with, was publishing it on the Hyperian Source website. Though this idea was unenthusiastically received and the consensus is that some conspiracy will be cooked up about it about its legitimacy, or that it was altered, or just have a low effect psychologically since that site is run by “my meth hoes”. I also agree with this, and they will point out the other articles on that site to lower the credibility of the document. The Hyperian Source is highly experimental and in its infancy stage so I admit some of the contributions on there at the moment are less than stellar. (There are some great ones by our Order members, I’m not referring to those)
Morgue 29 Jul 2019
WOW. This is perfect. Utter fire. Anyone that sides with NK after this will have completely lost their minds. Is this a final draft? If so, can you send it to me in a word document? The formatting has been lost in the email.
Morgue <> 29 Jul 2019
This looks great. Perfect. I appreciate all your support during this. It means a lot. One final thing is it says that Z was an admin of Cimmeria, just wanted to verify that was correct, not that it means anything I just never heard that before and am verifying everything before publishing.
I highly doubt NK will go quietly. In fact, he is now an admin of a page that we have been monitoring for suspected troll activity. [Our Comment: this was a page run by YOSTER CHRONOS which either preceded or became “The Illuminist Study Group” facebook page – a central troll site.] They claim to be illuminists but there are red flags. They are a leaning group for illuminism but they had pirated GS material there for free. One of our own, S, was made an admin by the creator of the group and we had her remain there ONLY to keep an eye on things and monitor their behavior. She has banned those that are outright trolls and got them to take down the pirated GS material. But NK will probably be trying to recruit there. We’ll make sure the Mandarin Conspiracy gets in there somehow, as they have conned a few good people into joining.
Our plan of action is to begin circulating this link through PMs, and to have people share it on their wall as a badge to display their loyalty to Hyperianism and Illuminism (this was Z’s idea). We will also share it in specific groups, and we’ll be monitoring it’s effects closely.
The site is ready to go. I added some photos to the header and footer. We’ll begin disseminating it any time. Once the Stark book comes out, we will modify the opening line to say that it is verified and add the kindle location where they can find it for themselves.
Morgue <>
NK is extremely “likeable” in person. He’s very dull, like in his videos, but he dazzles people with his vocabulary and acts nice, and pretends like he wants to work together. He is incredibly deceptive. The thing is, he doesn’t act like your friend but instead like a father figure. People project that archetype onto him. This is how he holds people so strongly. Hes extremely dominant but in a subtle way. I’ve never met someone so deceptively manipulative. Wrath deleted the post I originally sent and replaced it with the solidarity post and deleted his post in support of Eidomorphism. Still, I am extremely skeptical of Wrath. So what happened with Wrath is that… I believe it was last year or possibly even the year prior… Wrath was exhibiting some red flags (possible troll activity) and since he worked with Irene, Susan went to Irene to give her a heads up. Susan was SO friendly and just going to Irene as a friend, not even accusatory just as a friendly “heads up we’re concerned about Wrath.” Irene immediately would not talk to susan and gave communications over to NK, who was very harsh with her and made her cry if memory serves me correctly.
We never booted Wrath or anything, this was a long time ago and at the time I sent you screenshots of my response to Wrath in this situation. But ever since then, I can only assume NK has been having conversations with Wrath and helping him out with philosohpy, meanwhile who knows what he’s been telling him.
Morgue 31 Jul 2019
Will do right now.
Oh and I did NOT want to go to that New Years meetup in LA. But it was set up in such a way that, to A and B, it would look I was being rude and NK would probably have spinned it in some way. I told A that the people attending were questionable but he dismissed it lightly.
Morgue 1 Aug 2019
WOW. Okay. Glad that is all over. In fact, I think this will all end up being advantageous and we’ll be much stronger for it. Btw, everything NK has been reporting is absolute crap. If you ever want my opinion on the individuals involved let me know. You were asking about how NK gets people on his side. Here is a message I received from someone that explains exactly how he does so: “Yeah he was really shady about it, strategically talked to us and made us all feel like we are privy to some little secret that only we are ready to hear. Made us feel special and unique and thus warm up to him. It’s funny because I was really sceptical of him being some sort of de facto leader at first, yet he managed to slowly but surely establish himself as unquestionable.”
So! I absolutely agree Hyperianism needs to gain a harder edge. Let me fill you in on what my plan of action is at the moment. Having been on a television show and a few years later putting out videos with millions of views, when I put my mind to it I can get major attention. None of that was an accident or bought as NK claimed. It may take awhile but I’m good at that. Here is the issue: Major attention won’t do any good until we have a solid lifestyle/system in place for people to identify with. If we get all these views, it doesn’t matter if we don’t have a system in place for them to stick around. That’s why my focus right now is NOT about getting views (which can be done later) but about creating a solid system and a community. Once that is in place, then we can switch to getting attention. I’ve just created a 5 part series on actualizing the Higher self. This is not designed to get views. If it was, it would have to be created in a completely different way. I’ve attached the first in the series.
I also want to do a book or videos about lucid dreaming and dream work. This way, those that join Hyperianism actually have something to do. Intuitives can work on actualizing their higher self (to increase their lucidity levels to become a Living Archetype. The final stage will be Absolute Lucidity as per Hegel and will require rational understanding) and dream work, while thinkers can begin studying OM.
So my plan is to complete these materials, and get a firm system in place. We need all these lifestyle elements, step by step programs for people to work on things everyday, and a firm community with initiation ceremonies, a verification process etc. THEN I can focus on getting major attention. It’s almost useless to get attention without this in place. It’s like putting water in a bucket with holes. Meanwhile, we will be cultivating a harder edge. This will be much easier to focus on when the *attention* phase begins but I’ll begin laying the groundwork now.
By the way! I found the dream angle in the 15th Stark book as well as the style of “When the Universe Spoke to Humanity” to be perfect! Have you considered synthesizing the two styles? I feel they go together very well and that would be extremely close to the vibe of Hyperianism that I’m going for. Funny, that I am also subtly pushing for a hive mind view, but without explicitly using those words because I know it has a negative connotation. That’s my only concern, personally I like the idea of a hive mind but I wonder if the public will? Perhaps it could work? I’ve attached a photo that I found online to give you a bit of a feel for the vibe I’m planning to go for in the future that’s subtly based on a hive mind (Absolute Lucidity). Check it out. If we could synthesize the dream aspect of the 15th Stark book with the cosmic style and content of “When the Universe Spoke to Humanity” perhaps something could be created that would complement Hyperianism greatly. This is on my mind because I’d love to figure out a way where we could work together even more effectively.
Finally, if you are ever able to have an audio call, please let me now. Seriously, it is incredibly difficult to communicate via email and so much gets lost in translation. I feel we could accomplish more in a 30 minute audio call than 20 email correspondences. Imagine if we had a 30 minute call once a week. We’d start kicking major ass. I don’t care if you’re a reptilian overlord. Effectiveness is what I’m concerned about and at a certain point email greatly limits what we can accomplish.
Morgue 2 Aug 2019
All taken down!
I’m look forward to the future! If I can be of any help, let me know.
Morgue 4 Aug 2019
Hey there.
As we move into the real world we need more items to distribute. I’m currently working on a short ebook (20-40 pages) tentatively titled “The Hyperian New World Order” (this may change). The ebook will be free, and physical copies will be available for purchase either as a single booklet or in bulk for the purpose of distribution. This will all be very similar to how we do it with The Unity Document.
This will be composed from pieces of the video script “A Message from the New World Order”, a document that Z sent me some time ago about meritocracy, as well as additional writing by myself and very possibly Z.
I wont be the listed author of this. It will be released as authored by “The Hyperian Collective.”
Since you contributed so much to the NWO script, I wanted to get your permission on all this. I already discussed this with Z and have his permission. I figured you’d be fine with it, but I thought it best to ask formally.
It’s amazing how the situation with Porgy ended up being so similar to what happened with NK … except NK had the good sense to move on, and Porgy did not – even though he’s literally a sitting target and always will be. NK was much smarter than Porgy.
Porgy is already finished, but while he has his 150-200 cult slaves giving him insane amounts of narc supply, he will keep staggering on. But time is not his friend. Can you imagine him still delivering those boring, repetitive deadstreams of his in six years, when he is 40 and even more of his hair has fallen out? Even Dyslexic Ogre and Kassidy might have moved on by then!
Tags: Hyperianism, Morgue Official, Hyperian, Morgen Night, AMC Freakshow, Corey Rebhahn, Inner Star Actualization, What is Hyperianism, Morgue Official Real Name, Hyperian Founder, Morgue from Freakshow, Neogenian, Neogenian Oculus, Neogenianism, Neogenian Collective