Mad Susan Bitchell: Weirder Than Weird




The Monsters’ Monster

So, over the past ten days we have gone through the astonishing lies that the Rebhahn gang told the FBI in their totally false and malicious complaint. This could never have happened with normal people, but Corey Rebhahn, Allie Torgensen, Phillip Shope, and Susan Mitchell are some of the most mentally ill people on earth, and staggeringly vicious psychotics.
Consider how appalling Mad Bitchell is. She has a compulsion to be needed, and without someone to need her, she feels empty and worthless. She is a very sad person with extremely low self-worth. For years, she would barely leave her house because of her terrible agoraphobia. She has a husband who takes care of her financial needs, allowing her to be a stay-at-home wife who spends the majority of her time obsessing over an androgynous man half her age on the internet. She is romantically infatuated with Rebhahn, and you can see this totally weird and desperate woman’s disturbing relationship with Rebhahn growing over the years if you work your way through Morgy Porgy’s facebook timeline, a deeply nauseating task. Two freaks found each other and formed a totally sick mutual dependency, which is the true engine of Hyperianism. Porgy could not function now without Bitchell. She is his MOTHER. Rebhahn’s real mother – a person of rare discrimination, perhaps – saw that Rebhahn was a monster, a repulsive creature of the darkness. All his life, weird Porgy has been desperately looking to replace his real mother. He needs a woman of his mother’s age to love him unconditionally, and that’s what Bitchell does. So, Rebhahn is 100% dependent on her. If she were to leave him, he would suffer the most devastating psychological blow – a second mother had abandoned him (!), proving that he’s toxic scum, as his real mother regarded him. But Bitchell is the strangest type of Oedipal woman. She wants to fuck her “son”. She will never leave Rebhahn.
Bitchell’s husband, as she has let slip, is an older man, an autistic, former Jehovah’s Witness, with advanced Parkinson’s disease. Her pitiful relationship with him is entirely based on pity. She frequently says, “Poor, Brian.” She left him once upon a time to be with an “exciting” pathological narcissist. Then she had to crawl back to her husband when her lover tired of her. Now Bitchell has run away again with another “exciting” pathological narcissist – Corey Rebhahn. Except with this strangest of romances, she hasn’t physically left her husband. She has mentally departed. Her entire spirit is consumed by Corey Rebhahn. Now she is really nothing more than a paid, live-in carer for her own husband, while in every real sense she is “cheating” on him with Rebhahn, the person who absorbs ALL of her time outside her caring duties. Of course, her husband is clueless. Autistics have no understanding of monsters like Bitchell. Bitchell is infatuated with narcissists, and her husband is the opposite – a man locked inside himself. It’s a mercy that he has so little awareness of what his slimy, duplicitous wife gets up to, constantly betraying him. What a toxic scene, and that’s why Hyperianism is so toxic. It inherits the vileness of Bitchell and Rebhahn.
Bitchell’s father died last year, and by all accounts Bitchell was deeply traumatized. Was he a staggering narcissist that Bitchell wanted to constantly please, thus becoming the grotesque creature – the inverted narcissist – that we see today? She does for Rebhahn what she did for her father … WORSHIPS him. That’s the role she loves. She feels NEEDED. She feels IMPORTANT. And how this total nobody loves that feeling.
Hyperianism and all similar cults are based on giving the utter rejects of society the impression that they are changing the world. Of course, in the real world, they are changing fuck all and are total desperadoes, treated with contempt by one and all. But in their fantasy world – HYPERIA – they are “world shapers”, they are “hyperaware”. They can believe any mad shit about themselves. And they LOVE it. The favorite movie of Corey Rebhahn is The NeverEnding Story, a child’s story, and that tells us two things: Rebhahn has the psyche of a child, and he lives in Hyperia in the same way as the boy in the movie lived in Fantasia. And all of his Hyperian worshipers are equally infantile. They get hyper-excited over childish stuff like The Sandman. Mark Wonderpoop, another grotesque narcissist, said,
“I hope Neil isn’t too ‘woke’ for me, lol. Maybe he’s gotten kinkier since I interviewed him in 2012.”
Er, no one could ever be Woker than a Hyperian, that’s fucking for sure. Btw, can you do some more name-dropping, you narcissist fuck?!
It’s remarkable how freaks find each other. The truly freakish Phillip Shope, he of the Necropants, has a weird relationship with his own mother (a work colleague, ffs!), and, like Rebhahn, has Bitchell as a substitute mother. It’s fucking weird reading what these freaks say to each other in their private chat – looking into the world of the criminally insane!
Serious question. Is Shope retarded? He said,
“You think they’re going to lie to the FBI?”
Of course we aren’t. You are the ones who lied to the FBI. Haven’t you reached self-awareness yet? When you give doctored evidence to the FBI and an absurd fairytale to accomplish it, that’s lying to the FBI. You have already committed the felony. There’s no way back. You can’t uncommit it!
The psychopath Corey Rebhahn said,
“They can’t arrest any of you. That’s ridiculous. The AC are totally insane.”
Says the sick lunatic, with the mental age of a five-year-old, who claimed that his former mod suddenly decided to assassinate the American president!!! What exactly is it that the Hyperians believe is going to keep them out of jail for making a literally deranged accusation against RJ? In what world can you go around claiming that people are would-be presidential assassins when you have literally ZERO evidence, but are in fact relying on self-evident private banter from years ago concerning daydreams! Everyone on earth would be under arrest if this was the basis of viable threats to the America president.
Bitchell said,
“We provided [the FBI] the info for them to do with as they saw fit.”
You sent them a cock and bull story that RJ was an assassin radicalized by the AC within, er, 24 hours! On the morning of 30 July, RJ was a loved Hyperian moderator; by the morning of 31 July, he was apparently a terrorist!!! In the next two days, Rebhahn was saying he was afraid for his life and the life of others and was taking legal advice!!! On 6 August, RJ was swatted. What part of that do you consider the product of sanity? You had ZERO belief that RJ was a genuine threat to you. You just invented a threat in order to fuck him over, and try to fuck us over. Rebhahn explicitly said,
“I’m getting over the hurt and becoming increasingly angry. … Big fucking mistake attacking the people and groups I care about.”
Are those the words of a man fearing for his life, or the words of a man plotting to swat RJ?
Even Fatter Jan said,
“They’re getting canceled. … We’re takin’ them to the morgue … then #canceled. …All the pig people are callin us ugly. … Yeah that’s why it’s my breaking point. I’m gutted. Utterly gutted. I hate these people. I fucking hate them so much it’s unreal. … Yeah I’m really spicin’ up.”
A person “spicin’ up” isn’t living in fear for her life. They’re getting ready to swat their opponents.
And that’s exactly what happened. Rebhahn, Torgensen, Mitchell and Shope, motivated solely by the desire for revenge, made up a story that RJ and Apollonius were killers radicalized by the AC, and they sold this fiction to the FBI using, er, “screenshots” (or rather the promise of screenshots, which had been suitably DOCTORED). Whoever in the FBI took this drivel seriously ought to be fired.
Bitchell said,
“You can’t get into trouble for doing what we did.”
Er, you lied to the FBI .. and you will be jailed for it. What is it that makes you imagine you didn’t lie? Er, “screenshots”, maliciously interpreted and doctored by you and your gang in the most lurid way possible. That’s your “evidence”? That’s your case for naming RJ and Apollonius as terrorists radicalized by the AC – an accusation that could not be any more serious, and needs the most serious possible evidence. You remember what Sagan said,
“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.”
The only thing extraordinary about your evidence was how laughable it was. Just a bunch of social media comments of the type common everywhere in the world, by everyone!
Bitchell said,
“It would be illegal if we had faked the evidence.”
It is, and you did. Are you suffering from acute memory loss? Don’t you remember carefully arranging private social media comments (where no one made any threats against you at all!), including one from years ago when RJ was a beloved Hyperian (!), to make RJ and Apollonius seem like insane killers?! Don’t you remember how carefully you left out EVERYTHING that DIDN’T suit your narrative, as you lovingly crafted your poison pen letter to the FBI to try to destroy people’s lives for daring to criticize you and your cult?!
Bitchell said,
“This is crazy.”
What YOU DID is crazy. Why is it that you believe that what you did – trying to ruin two men’s lives and destroy the AC for telling you the truth was sane?
Rebhahn said,
“Rowan made very concerning statements that made me feel unsafe as well as concerned for the safety of others.”
HAHAHAHAHA. What a fucking pussy!!! Did you feel “unsafe”, Morgy Porgy? How dreadful for you. Let’s call the FBI immediately. We can’t have Morgy Porgy feeling “unsafe”, can we? Let’s get the Feds in to arrest everyone who makes Porgy feel unsafe. Can the FBI arrest 8 billion people? Hey, Porgy, would you like to point to ANYTHING that constitutes a death threat against you or any other Hyperian? No wonder you spend all your time in your crypt. It’s a scary world out there!
Of course, Rebhahn, the son of a cop, didn’t feel unsafe at all. But this psychopath calculated that pretending to feel unsafe and pretending to be concerned for the safety of others would be just the ticket for swatting his opponents and closing down the AC. And thus the absurd and diseased complaint to the FBI was concocted – a demented, weaponized fiction from beginning to end.
Rebhahn said,
“They are totally insane and are lying about everything.”
We say that Rebhahn is totally insane and is lying about everything. And we write about his insanity and lies every day and demand that he publishes his complaint to the FBI. What does he do? He says to everyone not to breathe a word about anything to anyone!!!! And he NEVER reveals the details of his complaint.
Bitchell said,
“I wonder if he’s in serious trouble. [RJ]”
Er, you and your chums were the people who did everything you possibly could to put him in serious trouble. You accused him of being a terrorist and would-be presidential assassin. The two cops that came to his apartment said that they had been informed that he had been driving around like a maniac shouting out of his car window that he was going to kill the president. They got that impression from YOU! How do you imagine that happened? Because you lied through your teeth and told an insane story to the FBI!
Rebhahn said,
“I just checked the report I made to the IC3 and all of it is factual…”
What, you thought it might not be?! That’s such a telling revelation. No truth teller has to check that he told the truth. What you were checking for is whether your lies could fake being true. They were in fact factual bullshit. Factually lacking any truth at all. Hey, Rebhahn, if you “checked your report” and all of it is “factual”, why don’t you publish it – as any honest person would. Surely you, with all your “facts”, can’t have anything to hide?!
Shope said,
“OK. The AC are just making all kind of false statements about the situation.”
Keep dreaming, you cretin. All the false statements about the situation are coming from you and your gang.
And you’re all fucked.
Tick Tock
By the way, have you noticed how like Trumpanzees the Hyperian cultists are. No matter what evidence exposes Rebhahn as a psychopath, his worshipers just completely ignore it. It makes no dent on them at all. They are … ABRAHAMISTS. Their faith in their God is absolute. That’s why we’re going to destroy this religion and its False God.