It’s rare to have the opportunity to completely falsify a system. This is exactly what has happened in relation to Hyperianism. We have 100% falsified MorgueOfficial’s Hyperian scam. His whole con is based on two precise technical issues, namely Leibniz’s law and the PSR, and we have refuted EVERYTHING this charlatan and plagiarist has said about them. MorgueOfficial (Corey Rebhahn) is an utterly sinister predator preying on totally gullible and credulous weaklings and simpletons, and constantly lying to them, manipulating them and exploiting them. These are the kind of people who ENJOY being exploited by someone who claims to “care” for them. They are cultists and only within the cult do they feel significant. Outside the cult, they are the total nobodies they actually are, so they can’t wait to be back in the embrace of the cult again and feel “special” again. They have zero interest in truth, intelligence, reason, logic, and integrity, and simply believe whatever makes them feel good. That’s the way these people roll.
Rebhahn says on his Facebook profile: “Discover the nature of reality.” Of course, that’s what you WON’T be doing if you get sucked into this grifter’s degenerate cult. Hyperianism’s central positions are not just false, but 100% false, and absolutely proved to be false. People listening to this conman and fraudster are being systematically deceived, but of course the horrific thing is … THEY WANT TO BE DECEIVED. That’s the truly disturbing thing about so many people. They actively seek out their abusers and want to be abused, while pretending, of course, that they are not being abused.
Humanity is as weird as it is because so many people are so perverse, and it all comes down to emotions. People adopt emotional positions and then seek to find any reasons to justify these emotional stances. They ignore all positions that they are emotionally uncomfortable with, and this means that they constantly reject reason and logic, since these are the precise instruments used to shatter their illusions. Yet, of course, these intellectually challenged people also claim to be exemplars of reason and logic … because it makes them emotionally uncomfortable and ashamed to admit that they are irrational and illogical and that they detest reason and logic and never use them. Some of the most irrational and illogical people on earth – just look at Hyperians – say they do everything via reason and logic, when of course their behavior is entirely directed by their emotions and their rejection of all rational and logical arguments that contradict their emotional stances (which, in the case of Hyperianism, of course revolve around Wokeness and Hyperianism’s extremist transgender agenda).
These considerations got us thinking about the theory of “cognitive dissonance” and how this is actually the completely wrong term for the phenomenon described – a very real and disturbing phenomenon, which is starkly apparent with regard to cults, as we see especially with a sick and dangerous cult such as Hyperianism, led by the malignant narcissist and psychopath Corey Rebhahn, one of the most manipulative and dishonest conmen in the world, a man who actually takes pride in being a plagiarist and corrupting the hard work of others.
Let’s just refresh people’s memories about “cognitive dissonance”. Jennifer Tzeses wrote,
“Way back in 1957, psychologist Leon Festinger coined the term after what would become a groundbreaking experiment. Festinger and his colleague asked 71 subjects to engage in some snooze-worthy tasks like turning the pegs in a pegboard for an hour. They were paid either $1 or $20 to tell a waiting participant that the task was fun. Afterward, when the subjects were asked to evaluate the experiment, those who were paid $1 rated it as more fun than those who were paid $20.
Confusing, right? What the experiment showed was that the subjects paid $1 experienced dissonance. Why? Because $1 wasn’t enough to warrant lying so they, in effect, convinced themselves that the task was actually enjoyable. Whereas, because the $20 group believed the amount was enough to lie, they didn’t experience dissonance.
To break it down further, the dissonance occurred between the $1 group’s cognition (they really didn’t want to lie) and their behavior (they actually did lie). Performing a task that’s inconsistent with someone’s beliefs is known as forced compliance. And in order to reconcile the inconsistent behavior with their beliefs, they reduced the dissonance they felt by changing their attitude towards the action (reporting it was fun). You follow?
What Festinger’s theory showed was that people need consistency between their attitudes and behaviors—even though achieving that balance isn’t always accomplished in a rational way.
Researchers have even found differences in brain activity during a state of cognitive dissonance. Brain scans showed that decisions associated with higher levels of cognitive dissonance elicited a visible electrophysiological signal in the prefrontal cortex of the brain, the area that monitors internal conflicts and mistakes.
In the moment, cognitive dissonance can cause discomfort, stress, and anxiety. And the degree of these effects often depends on how much disparity there is between the conflicting beliefs, how much the beliefs mean to that person, as well as with how well the person copes with self-contradiction.
So, for instance, a vegan who fosters baby animals and volunteers at a local shelter might experience a whole lot more stress by eating meat then let’s say someone who always talks about exercise yet never gets off the couch. “People may experience psychological stress because they know they should have self-compassion, but at the same time feel a deep sense of shame and regret,” Gallagher says.
Thanks to the discomfort cognitive dissonance causes, people may rationalize their decisions—even if they go against their beliefs—steer clear of convos about certain subjects, hide their beliefs or actions from others, or even ignore a doctor’s advice. In the end, all of these tactics just help them repeat the behaviors, which they don’t really agree with anyway. Hello, living, breathing oxymoron.”
Cognitive dissonance of course indicates a problem with thinking, but that’s not what is really at issue with cognitive dissonance. It’s actually EMOTIONAL DISSONANCE.
A cognitive person, a thinking person, can adjust their cognitions very rapidly … thanks to reason and logic. All a thinking type has to do is commit to always following the most rational and logical explanations they have thus far encountered. When something even more rational and logical comes along, they feel no dissonance in upgrading to the new position. After all, it’s the rational and logical thing to do.
None of this is true with regard to feeling types. A highly emotional person adopts a certain position that reflects their emotional profile (many hyper emotional people are of course totally WOKE, since this is a system all about being in emotional accord (“love”) with others and completely rejecting reason and logic). You see with Woke cultists such as Hyperians that they engage in constant conformation bias. They seek out content that positively confirms their existing stances (i.e. they listen to people on the same side, saying exactly what they themselves believe), and they also seek out content that negatively confirms their existing stances (i.e. they go to people who outrage them … so the Woke will seek out right-wing outlets, in order to be disgusted by them, and feel self-righteous in relation to them).
What these emotional types NEVER do is seek out any rational and logical critique of their nonsense.
They look for reasons to accept their current emotional positions, and never looks for reasons not to accept them. So, the feelings come first and then thinking is done to confirm the feelings. It’s not thinking for its own sake. It’s thinking for the sake of persisting with feelings that are very important to the person. With thinking types, the thinking is what comes first, and the feelings are then those established in relation to the thoughts.
A thinking type CANNOT be in any cognitive dissonant state for long. If a slamdunk brand new idea comes along that wrecks what they previously thought to be true, they will be shocked for a little while, and then start exploring the new idea and switching over to it. That’s what thinking types do. They constantly adjust to the BEST THOUGHTS available.
Feeling types cannot adjust. Their feelings ARE them. So, if they are massively emotionally invested in something or someone and then a revelation comes along that, on the face of it, DESTROYS their emotional position, they have to find a way to go on supporting what they are emotionally committed to. So, they simply engage in MAGICAL THINKING. They reinforce their fantasies.
Look at Hyperianism. “Without the Mob, There Is No Circus” delivered a massive cognitive blow to this cult. As you would expect, all the thinking types then left Hyperianism. That was the rational and logical thing to do, even though it was very hard for many of the people that made that choice. The people who remained were the extreme emotional types, the much less intelligent people, the ones that were highly emotionally trauma bonded to Rebhahn. Rebhahn immediately appealed to them by smearing us – calling us haters, bigots, Nazis, and all the rest of it, presenting himself as an innocent victim, and all the rest of it … to reinforce their emotional positions. And of course it worked. We knew Rebhahn would do it and he did. These malignant narcissists are so tiresome. Imagine going through life with a False Self, and doing nothing with your life but seeking narcissistic supply from vulnerable people too stupid to see through you. What a dismal fate. That’s what Rebhahn has chosen for himself … a non-life for a non-person, a fake life for a fake person, a false life for a false person. Rebhahn never made it to being human.
If anyone wants to know what happened to Rebhahn – how he failed to pass the human test – here are two videos by Professor Sam Vaknin that sum up the whole disturbing scene:
Reflect on how badly Rebhahn was raised to make him the monster he is today, making a living as a conman, fleecing sheeple.
Vaknin wrote,
“Everything You Need to Know about Narcissists, Psychopaths, and Abuse …
The narcissist, wearing this [WONDERBOY] mask, broadcasts to the world that he is both a child (and therefore vulnerable, susceptible, and subject to adult protection) — and a genius (and therefore worthy of special treatment and of admiration).
Inwardly this mask makes the narcissist less emotionally vulnerable. A child does not fully comprehend and grasp events and circumstances, does not commit himself emotionally, waltzes through life, and does not have to deal with emotionally charged problems or situations such as sex or child rearing.
Being a child, the narcissist is exempt from assuming responsibility and develops a sense of immunity and security. No one is likely to hurt a child or to severely punish him. The narcissist is a dangerous adventurer because — like a child — he feels that he is immune to the consequences of his actions, that his possibilities are unlimited, that everything is allowed without the risk of paying the price.
The narcissist hates adults and is repelled by them. In his mind, he is forever innocent and loveable. Being a child, he feels no need to acquire adult skills or adult qualifications. Many a narcissist do not complete their academic studies, refuse to marry or have children, or even get a driver’s license. They feel that people should adore them as they are and supply them with all the needs that they, as children, cannot themselves secure.
It is precisely because of this precociousness, the built-in contradiction between his (mental) age and his (adult) knowledge and intelligence, that the narcissist is able to sustain a grandiose self at all! Only a child with this kind of intelligence and with this kind of biography and with this kind of knowledge is entitled to feel superior and grandiose. The narcissist must remain a child if he is to feel superior and grandiose.”
Corey Rebhahn is probably the most childish man on earth. He is entirely infantilized and presides over an entirely infantilized community. There are zero adults in Hyperianism, zero people in contact with reality. The reality principle is precisely what is absent from Hyperianism. It’s exactly what is excluded. Very childish Hyperians troll us. They NEVER engage with any of the substantive issues, and don’t care about them. It’s incredibly disturbing to see how dysfunctional these people are. But, hey, that’s why they ended up in a cult led by a man with the mental age of a toddler, a man constantly searching for MOMMY … because his own mom loathed him. And of course the more we condemn this monster, the more his cult slaves love him. That’s the way it goes with feeling types. You can understand why the ERUDITE faction in the movie “Divergent” thought, “Fuck this. We’ve had enough of all these fuckwits. We shall simply impose reason and logic on these clowns.” In the end, that will be how it goes in this world. You can see a glimpse of it in how China operates. Humanity’s destiny is to become a Logos species … or perish. If repulsive Woke cults such as Hyperianism were to succeed, humanity would become extinct. Hyperianism reflects total human degeneration, the eradication of intellect, and purely emotional responses to everything.
These people – these Hyperian hysterics – don’t actually care that Rebhahn talks total shit. Only thinking types are bothered about the truth, accuracy, and legitimacy. The Hyperian feeling types remain Hyperians simply because it FEELS GOOD, and that’s the end of it. Their emotions trump everything. They believe what they emotionally want to believe and discard everything else. They are incapable of critical thinking and analysis.
When Hyperians read our searing deconstruction of Rebhahn’s garbage, all they think is: “Those are horrible people and we are nice people … who cares if COREY gets a few things wrong here and there. That’s not why we love him.”
How can you defeat stupid people’s feelings? How can you beat people who are so emotionally committed to their stances that they are prepared to lie to support them?
Feeling types lie constantly. Why? Because they are not interested in the truth … because it is emotionally distressing. They are interested in their emotional fantasies. That’s why they talk about love and light, and unconditional love, and “we’re all ONE”, and all the rest of the brain cancer.
Real thinking goes with reality. Magical thinking goes with fantasy. Thinking types inhabit reality. Magical thinkers – feeling types – inhabit fantasy. Look at Hyperianism. A total fantasy. A whole bunch of extreme feeling types who laughably refer to themselves as “artists” imagine that they are higher humanity – hyperaware World Shapers no less – despite the crushing evidence proving the opposite. But what do they care? The fantasy is so delicious, and they never intend to leave. Reality has nothing for them. Remember, even when you reveal the truth to the prisoners in Plato’s cave, they prefer to stay there.
Wikipedia says,
“Socrates continues, saying that the free prisoner would think that the world outside the cave was superior to the world he experienced in the cave and attempt to share this with the prisoners remaining in the cave attempting to bring them onto the journey he had just endured; ‘he would bless himself for the change, and pity [the other prisoners]’ and would want to bring his fellow cave dwellers out of the cave and into the sunlight. The returning prisoner, whose eyes have become accustomed to the sunlight, would be blind when he re-entered the cave, just as he was when he was first exposed to the sun. The prisoners who remained, according to the dialogue, would infer from the returning man’s blindness that the journey out of the cave had harmed him and that they should not undertake a similar journey. Socrates concludes that the prisoners, if they were able, would therefore reach out and kill anyone who attempted to drag them out of the cave.”
And that’s exactly what happens when you try to free people from a cult. The cult is the ultimate cave of the mind. No one gets out. And they hate, and would kill, all those that try to tell them about the real world.
The Dunning-Kruger effect has its counterpart in lying. With the Dunning-Kruger effect, the stupid person does not know he is stupid and does not know that intelligent people are intelligent. With the lying version of this effect, liars do not know they are lying (it’s second nature to them) and they do not know that truth-tellers are telling the truth (they can never recognize the truth … because they themselves are always lying).
Magical thinking is similar. A magical thinker believes that this is just thinking and when he encounters those that think, he regards that, funnily enough, as magical thinking!
So, people can NEVER get out of these traps. Stupid people like Corey Rebhahn and his cult slaves cannot escape from their stupidity, and will never recognize intelligence. Compulsive liars like Corey Rebhahn and his cult slaves will never admit they are liars, and never be able to recognize truth. Magical thinkers like Corey Rebhahn and his cult slaves consider their thinking to be realistic and therefore accuse realistic thinkers of being magical thinkers.
This is what humanity is like when it refuses to be ruled by thinking types, by reason and logic.
There’s nothing that can be done about it. You have to wait for the total collapse, the implosion, of the cultures based on lies, stupidity and magical thinking, and then the chance for something better is created in the wreckage of the failed socities. The Roman empire fell becase of its version of Wokeness – Christianity. And now the West is certain to fall. People such as Corey Rebhahn and his cult slaves are the antithesis of everything that made the West great and worth saving, and now its plunge into the abyss must be welcomed, in order to purge the West once and for all of the Woke disease that has infected it and is killing it.
On last night’s deadstream, did you see Rebhahn trying to maneuver himself away from his his CATASTROPHIC and FATAL Leibniz’s law error? He said,
“It’s important to understand what it means to be ONE, to say we are ONE. We are a multiplicity of individual minds that form ONE SYSTEM.”
So, now he’s almost agreeing with the Hive Mind – a single system – the Hive – made of up of individual minds. But, of course, we know he HATES the idea of the Hive Mind and we know that he SPECIFICALLY referenced Leibniz’s law in order to claim an IDENTITY between minds, i.e., WE ARE ALL ONE MIND (NOT a multiplicity!).
Then he said,
“So, it’s not the idea of this ocean of consciousness where we get merged together into one undifferentiated mass.”
But of course that’s EXACTLY what his ONE MIND shtick is all about! That was the whole point of invoking Leibniz’s law – it was DESIGNED to reject the Hive Mind and instead affirm ONE MIND. Rebhan literally says that we are all one mind! How can that NOT be getting “merged together into one undifferentiated mass” – or all multiplicity being annihilated, to leave only ONE MIND.
Rebhahn knows he has totally fucked up, but being an irredeemable conman and liar, he is never going to admit it. You’re now going to see Rebhahn constantly trying to find ways out of the absurd Leibniz’s law claims he made regarding all monads actually being identical and thus One Monad. He’s such a dishonest, sleazy, lying conman. He’s now groping for some AI neural network analogy to row back on his Leibniz’s law fallacies. He said, “We are individual nodes, individual units.”
That’s PRECISELY what he denied when he attacked the Hive Mind and demanded that Hyperians believe in a ONE MIND, and his justification was, as we all know, Leibniz’s law, which he completely failed to understand, just as he fails to understand EVERYTHING. Because he is an uneducated cretin with no qualifications. He is a somatic narcissist who wants to be a cerebral narcissist. No one intelligent will EVER take this man seriously, The only people who listen to him are those even more intellectually impaired than he is. In the kingdom of the witless, the half-wit is king. Rebhahn’s ghastly garbage would be laughed out of the room in a university. But cult morons lap up his hilariously dumb crap.
Rebhahn said,
“A helpful way to think of it is like a neural network … AI, hey, that’s really popular these days. Think about an artifical neural network. We are all individual nodes in the absolute neural network.”

Ah, did you see the reference to the “absolute”? This is how Rebhahn is now trying to get out of his catastrophic error. He’s trying to drop his Leibniz’s law fallacy and is now actually agreeing that a Hive Mind is all that exists, but he’s going to start producing word salad regarding the whole network being a Oneness. But, of course, it’s a HIVE ONENESS (One Hive made of many cells (monads)), and definitely not a ONE MONAD ONENESS, A SINGLE UNIVERSAL MIND ONENESS, as Rebhahn previously asserted as the central, defining postion of Hyperianism.
Rebhahn said,
“So it’s one network formed by many nodes, so we are the network mind that is formed by the nodal components.”
But of course we are not ONE MIND, we are not ONE MONAD, as Rebhahn previously claimed. Man, this guy is such a slimebag, such a veteran and determined deceiver.
Never forget that monsters like Rebhahn can never back down and never admit error. When they have committed disastrously dumb claims and need to escape, they simply switch metaphors and rely on all their cult slaves being too dumb to notice, which of course they always are. People are not in cults because they are smart. They’re in it because they’re dumb.
Did you see how uncomfortable Rebhahn looked? As if he wanted to be anywhere else. Pure dissonance! He had to take a very large gulp of water. He talked of taking a vacation, but of course he cannot. He NEEDS his narcissistic supply. This is a vampire who demands his blood.
Anyway, folks, this is really entertaining. Watch how Rebhahn keeps trying to maneuver himself away from his previous claims, without admitting what he ‘s doing, Remember, the No. 1 law of a conman – like Donald Trump and all the rest – is NEVER ADMIT ERROR, NEVER ADMIT DEFEAT, NEVER BACK DOWN, NEVER GIVE ANY GROUND, NEVER ACKNOWLEDGE WHAT IS HAPPENING. Rebhahn is just another Trump (malignant narcissist and psychopath), another brazen liar – with no intention of EVER telling the truth. And all his cult slaves go along with it and yell Hosanna and imagine themselves wonderful, smart people. Ho, ho, ho!
It’s such a sad and desperate scene. It’s disgusting that feeling types can place themselves in these grotesque positions … BECAUSE they REFUSE to change their feelings.
Thinking types can choose different thoughts, better thoughts, more rational and logical thoughts. Feeling types cannot choose better feelings, more precise and realistic feelings, feelings more in accord with reality. Their feelings are always attached to their fantasies, not to reality (which invariably contradicts their feelings).
Hyperianism is a microcosm of how fucked the West is and how the end of the West is approaching fast.
Nietzsche said,
“Consider the cattle, grazing as they pass you by: they do not know what is meant by yesterday or today, they leap about, eat, rest, digest, leap about again, and so from morn till night and from day to day, fettered to the moment and its pleasure or displeasure, and thus neither melancholy nor bored. This is a hard sight for man to see; for, though he thinks himself better than the animals because he is human, he cannot help envying them their happiness – what they have, a life neither bored nor painful, is precisely what he wants, yet he cannot have it because he refuses to be like an animal…”
Hyperians dream of becoming animals!
Nietzsche said,
“Life has not been devised by morality: it wants deception, it lives on deception.”
Hyperian cultists want deception and live on deception. Truth nauseates them.
As for Rebhahn, the dancing, gurning clown, this man has spent his whole life seeking attention. But all that remains is the mask. The person is long gone. And that’s the saddest life of all, an anti-life. Imagine being DEFINED by what others think about you, and being incapable of having any thoughts about yourself – because your true self died in childhood. Does Rebhahn, in the dark night of his damned soul, mourn his lost true self, the boy that never got to live and was replaced by a monstrous False Self?
Tags: Corey Rebhahn, Morgue Official, Morgen Night, Hyperianism, Hyperian, AMC Freakshow, Inner Star Actualization, Cult of Hyperianism, Hyperian Founder, Morgue Official Real Name, What is Hyperianism, Hyperianism Beliefs, Hyperianism Quotes, Ontological Mathematics