We are meritocrats. We are all about talent. The cult of Hyperianism is the purest anti-meritocracy you can get. The members of the cult are totally talentless. They HATE talent, and they HATE anyone with talent, and feel totally oppressed by talent. They rage against it. They love their cult leader Corey Rebhahn BECAUSE he has no education and no qualifications and talks utter nonsense, exactly reflecting his total absence of intellectual merit (never forget that this cretin literally said he had solved the greatest philosophical problem of all time, and was believed by the members of his cult!). There are zero intellectuals in Hyperianism. ZERO.
Hyperianism is a slave morality where the slaves constantly express their hatred of the “masters”, i.e., the talented. Hyperianism is nothing but the trolling of the intelligent by the stupid. In Dumb World, the only thing that matters is that you are WOKE. If you oppose Wokeness, then, apparently, any tactics at all can be used against you, including the deployment of the FBI! And CONSTANT trolling, constant lying, constant plagiarism, constant smearing. And why? All for the sake of the malignant narcissist and psychopath Corey Rebhahn. So many people bend over backward for this criminal fuckwit talking permanent shit. This is exactly why the human race cannot evolve.
Hyperianism is all about ressentiment. Wikipedia says,
“In philosophy and psychology, ressentiment is one of the forms of resentment or hostility. The concept was of particular interest to some 19th century thinkers, most notably Friedrich Nietzsche. According to their use, ressentiment is a sense of hostility directed toward an object that one identifies as the cause of one’s frustration, that is, an assignment of blame for one’s frustration. The sense of weakness or inferiority complex and perhaps even jealousy in the face of the ’cause’ generates a rejecting/justifying value system, or morality, which attacks or denies the perceived source of one’s frustration. This value system is then used as a means of justifying one’s own weaknesses by identifying the source of envy as objectively inferior, serving as a defense mechanism that prevents the resentful individual from addressing and overcoming their insecurities and flaws. The ego creates an enemy in order to insulate itself from culpability.”
To see the person in the world most suffering from ressentiment, just look at the ultra-Hyperian Tyler Esse (SS). This is a man with no life who strikes back against life by constantly trolling the people who most trigger his ressentiment, and that is, of course, us. The degree of hatred this person has towards us for objecting to OUR WORK being plagiarized and wrecked is something to behold. Imagine devoting your life to helping a PLAGIARIST, yet that’s what Tyler has chosen to do. The sickness and degeneration of such people never ceases to amaze, and horrify, us. Tyler actually LOVES being on the side of a criminal.
Nietzsche said,
“Arrogance on the part of the meritorious is even more offensive to us than the arrogance of those without merit: for merit itself is offensive.”
And that’s the truth of it. So many people out there DESPISE merit. Nothing could be more offensive to the talentless than talent, and they feel an absolute compulsion to attack it. Think of how much time the talentless nobody Tyler Esse – a person with zero achievements who is 42 and has a roommate (he can’t afford his own place) because his life has gone nowhere and will never go anywhere – devotes to attacking and trashing talent. This is how he strikes back at the world. This is how he avenges himself. He has nothing else left to him. No one likes him, he has no money to go out and do anything, and he has no prospects. So how does such a person – an absolute loser and failure in life – avoid killing himself? He becomes a TROLL, and by trolling people and annoying them, he becomes “seen” (otherwise he would be totally invisible), and he feels powerful because he has at least that power, the power to annoy.
Tyler SS is an utterly pitiful creature. He is not the presence of life; he is its absence. Nietzsche said of the pitiful,
“[D]espite all their weakness, they still have at least one power: the power to hurt. When expressions of pity make the unfortunate man aware of this feeling of superiority, he gets a kind of pleasure from it; his self-image revives; he is still important enough to inflict pain on the world.”
So, in the case of the sick pervert Tyler Esse, whose non-life is all about trolling talented people, we would write,
“[D]espite all their weakness, the trolls still have at least one power: the power to aggravate. When expressions of anger against the troll make the unfortunate man aware of this feeling of superiority, he gets a kind of pleasure from it; his self-image revives; he is still important enough to inflict pain on the world.”
And this is how Tyler Esse – a true moron with no talent at all (he in fact has the anti-talent of infuriating the talented via his incessant talentless attacks) – builds his self-image. Tyler Esse sees himself as a HERO brilliantly striking back against whoever triggered ressentiment in him, when in fact he’s just vermin scurrying around in the sewer. The talentless actually find VALUE and MEANING in attacking talent. And that’s how you end up with human filth like Tyler Esse and grotesque cults like Hyperianism that campaign against talent and offer a “New Terra” for the pointless and talentless.
There are people in this world who have literally zero respect for the work of others, and they flock to a cult like Hyperianism, where a talentless malignant narcissist and plagiarist pretends to have talent. He pretends to be the originator of ideas that have no connection to him at all. But people such as Rebhahn think, “I’m not going to let my lack of talent hold me back; I will simply steal the work of the talented and pose as talented … and I’ll get loads of suckers to believe me and adore me.” And that’s exactly what he did. And enjoyed a millionaire lifestyle on the back of it.
Tyler Esse has no money (he’s in a minimum-wage job), but if he had any money, he would give it all to Rebhahn, whose dick he wants to suck.
Hyperianism is a cult of the talentless devoted to securing the victory of the talentless (“New Terra”). No education is required, no qualifications, no talent. “Everyone is welcome,” as Rebhahn says. “All that is required of you is that you be WOKE, and Hyperianism is the Wokest cult on earth bar none, literally led by a non-binary man, a non-binary woman, a gay man in necropants, and a left-handed rich retiree who loves narcs. There are zero normal people in Hyperianism. It actually campaigns against normality, and demonizes normality.”
A codependent of Tyler SS is the severely retarded Dyslexic Fairy, the No. 1 Hyperian donor. She said,
“We don’t talk about PI book here.”
You gotta love these “open-minded freethinkers”, as they style themselves. In fact, they seem to be remarkably closed-minded bigots and total group thinkers: they only read, if they read at all, whatever is compatible with Wokeness, and everything else is banned or burned.
The Dyslexic Fairy said, “People call me strange all the time…” – That’s because YOU ARE. You’re a fucking freak with no friends who literally pays Corey Rebhahn – another weird freak – to flatter you, and you weirdly and freakishly troll smart people – US. I mean, shouldn’t you start considering your options? Ask yourself a REAL question for once. Does your life have ANY value? And, if not, what then? Do you simply pretend that your life has value? What is the worth of pretense, fantasy? You are a Hyperian BECAUSE you have fled from life … because no one likes you in real life. That’s because you’re a disgusting piece of shit who refuses to attempt to conform with human standards and behaviors. Corey Rebhahn, a sick malignancy, said he would rather change the world than change himself. That’s your philosophy too. Although you are totally defective, a total fuck up, you refuse to try to cure your defects. Instead, you indulge them … by being a Hyperian, a cult for defectives, for degenerates … for the WOKE, the LAST MEN.
Kafka said,
“In man’s struggle against the world, bet on the world.”
Defectives like Dyslexic Fairy say bet against the world, bet on the talentless nobodies who can posture as somebodies on social media.
Dyslexic Fairy said [verbatim],
“I was told, and as my parents, by the person who did my QI the talk to oneself is big intelligence and parents shouldn’t worry if I did it. My IQ is 167 the last time it was tested and that about 5 years ago.”
It was when we read this that we realized that Dyslexic Fairy is severely dyslexic, autistic and functionally retarded (with an IQ, we estimate, of about 70, like most Hyperians). Moreover, she hears voices – has imaginary friends. (She probably hears FAIRIES – she’s definitely away with the fairies.)
This dunce is Hyperianism’s No.1 supporter – a literal retard and nutjob, who ought to be in a mental asylum. And her parents were probably told this! Similarly, Rebhahn has clearly been seen by professionals and deemed delusional. He self-evidently is. He has created a “shared fantasy” and sucked all of the Hyperians into it. All of them are delusional, and all of them are lgbtq people who feel persecuted by society, by normality, by the mainstream. And all of them are talentless. Look at the Hyperian “chat” and you literally see people with subnormal IQs yammering inanely to each other about mind-boggling nonsense.
By the way, this functional retard Dyslexic Fairy was the first to play the “ontology” and “mathematics” in the same sentence hence ont math is “refuted” game. She wrote, dyslexically,
“Ontology mathematics was discovered in 1978 I have a link with the details on my Facebook account and it wasn’t found by someone name Mike Hockney. I wish people would take five minutes to do some research.”
So, twenty million words refuted, just like that. But, of course, that would refute Hyperianism too, since it’s based on ont math! But, hey, what do you expect from people with subnormal IQs?
The dyslexic nutjob said, as we saw,
“I wish people would take five minutes to do some research.”
Yeah, we have written 20 million words and we would LOVE it if people fucking did research before opening their dumb, ugly mouths. You see, Fairy, your whole problem is that you CAN’T do research. You’re too dumb. Professor Sam Vaknin talks about people like you. He says that every dumb fuckwit now believes they are smarter than professors … because they have GOOGLE and can look shit up. That’s Dyslexic Fairy and Tyler SS to a tee. They have zero understanding of what they’re googling! But that never stops them.
Mary Martin, the Dyslexic Fairy and sick pervert with severe learning difficulties, said to her fellow sick pervert Tyler SS, also with severe learning difficulties:
“Good job on doing research 👏”
Except it wasn’t “research”. Googling shit for trolling purposes isn’t “research”. Research is what they do in universities and requires YEARS of painstaking, exhausting effort. Trolling isn’t research … it’s just trolling. But, you see, Dunning-Kruger people with severe learning difficulties literally cannot comprehend the difference between googling and spending your career doing research and becoming an expert in that field.
Tyler SS and Dyslexic Fairy – despite their revulsion towards heterosexuality – should fuck and have babies … with an IQ of 40. These babies will grow up to be the PERFECT Hyperians. We never did find any link on the Dyslexic Fairy’s page (the fairies probably stole it!), but we now assume it was another reference to Alain Badiou, the same person mentioned by Tyler SS.
People, why don’t you ignore people with subnormal IQs and listen to smart people instead? Serious question.
If you cretins like to do research, as you claim, we look forward to you researching our 20,000,000 words so that, you know, you are informed about what you are trolling. Do you even know what ontological mathematics IS? You clearly don’t since you can’t distinguish it from the “ontology of mathematics”. To repeat, the latter, unlike the former, doesn’t say that all ontology is mathematical, it simply says that some mathematical objects – with mathematics considered to be something completely separate from the rest of reality – may or may not have an ontology.
Bertrand Russell said,
“Gödel turned out to be an unadulterated Platonist, and apparently believed that an eternal ‘not’ was laid up in heaven, where virtuous logicians might hope to meet it hereafter.”
Platonism said that mathematics has an ontology, but only in the domain of Forms. Ontological mathematics says that reality IS mathematical ontology, i.e., 100% of reality is mathematical. The point being that speculations about the ontology of mathematical objects is a completely different subject from ontological mathematics, which is all about existence itself being exclusively mathematical. DO YOUR RESEARCH. You will find no reference to ontological mathematics prior to Mike Hockney’s work, which introduced it to the world, and was subsequently criminally plagiarized by the conman, grifter, malignant narcissist and psychopath Corey Rebhahn, a man, factually, with no education and no qualifications.
Here is the conclusion of Rebhahn’s summation of Hyperianism.
Rebhahn said,
“So what is the purpose of life?”
The actual purpose is to reach zero entropy, the state of DIVINITY, but Rebhahn claims otherwise.
According to Rebhahn:
“To have meaningful experiences together and understand what we are.”
How many people are having “meaningful experiences”? Is Tyler SS, a troll pervert, having “meaningful experiences together”? This guy’s meaning of life is to aggravate the talented! Dyslexic Fairy’s meaning of life is to pay a man to say her name. By their behavior shall ye know them. We don’t give a fuck about what delusions people harbor. Their behavior – how they spend their time, what they do with it – is what defines them. Tyler SS does a shit, minimum-wage job and rather than try to improve himself and get a better job, or campaign for better pay and conditions, or change the world to get rid of the super-rich elites who preside over all crap jobs, he comes home, plumps his fat arse on a seat in front a computer screen and begins his obsessive trolling of US!
Mate, your life ended long ago. You’re 42. Is this what you’re going to be for the next thirty years? Do the logical thing!
Dyslexic Fairy:
Rebhahn says your name because you give him loads of money. If you didn’t, he wouldn’t say your name. Rebhahn doesn’t even mention mods who worked incredibly hard and closely with him for years. If you stopped giving Rebhahn money, he would never think of you again. What age are you? Over 40? Is this it for you? – 30 more years of giving a man money to notice you, to stop you being INVISIBLE? Why don’t you try fucking doing something with your life that doesn’t involve monetized parasocial relationship with people you will NEVER meet? If you think that giving money to Corey Rebhahn is the meaning of life, then your life has been 100% meaningless. And that’s most people’s fate! Most people are LAST MEN. Only SUPERMEN can have meaningful lives.
How many people understand what they are? The number is close to zero, so that clearly ISN’T what life is about. Luckily for all the trash, the mathematics of reality will deliver them to divinity even though next to none of them deserves it and has no fucking clue what is going on!
Corey Rebhahn himself doesn’t have a real self. All malignant narcissists have a FALSE SELF. Rebhahn has zero self-awareness. He has no understanding of himself AT ALL. There is no one at home, just a construct addicted to securing narcissistic supply (and external regulation of feelings because Rebhahn has no internal means of regulating himself since he lacks a real self).
Rebhahn said,
“Because the better we understand what we are, the more meaningful experiences we can create with that knowledge.”
Look at the world. Who is understanding whom? Who is having meaningful experiences? Who has any knowledge? Who has any understanding of anything? Humanity is the Lying Species. It is utterly delusional, living in a total fantasy. There is only one escape route, one way to actually get to real knowledge and understanding and having the wholly new human experiences that would flow from that. And that is to totally embrace reason and logic and create an INTELLECTUAL society. Fictionally, the Vulcans of Star Trek fame did exactly that. As for humanity, it DESPISES intelligent people. Just look at the conduct of Tyler SS, Dyslexic Fairy and Corey Rebhahn to see how much they loathe smart people. This is a Dunning-Kruger world for irrational, emotional incontinents. Just look at the cult of Hyperianism. They rationally pass one brain cell between them, and the result is the Hyperian “chat” – a litany of breathtaking cretinism. You are looking at the end of the human race when you read that mind-bogglingly dumb chat by patent retards. Humanity, if it is to survive, MUST ASK what the fuck are we going to do about this ever-growing RETARDATION in our midst.
Rebhahn said,
“Life is about enjoyment…”
That must be why most people are so miserable and there’s a pandemic of disastrous mental health problems!
Rebhahn has frequently celebrated suicide and written a song on it.

“I am the coming storm. I am the darkness before the dawn. From my depths will come a terrible light.” – Corey Rebhahn
— Morgue (@MorgueOfficial) March 16, 2016
Snapchat: morgueofficial
Has Rebhahn now become a “good enough liar”? Did he suddenly lose his contempt for people, or did he decide to lie better? Either way, he himself is the total refutation of what he claims to believe!
Rebhahn said,
“[Life is about] understanding…”
That must be why 99% of humans have the understanding of their pet dogs, which is to say no understanding at all.
Rebhahn said,
“[Life is about] experiencing…”
Life is not about experiencing. Life delivers experiences, for sure, but most people’s experiences are pointless and worthless.
Rebhahn said,
“[Life is about] expression..”
We know what Rebhahn thinks “expression” is … His Terrors of Men degeneracy. Many human beings think it is vital to stop people such as Rebhahn expressing his inner filth and insanity. Rebhahn also believes that stealing the work of others to monetize and secure wealth, fame and influence for himself is “expression”. Most people would call it psychopathy.
Rebhahn said,
“[Life is about] growth…”
Most people are shrinking, regressing, falling, failing, degenerating, de-evolving … into LAST MEN. Look at Wokeness. Look at the Hyperian cult.
Rebhahn said,
“[Life is about] knowledge…”
Rebhahn stole the knowledge of others and wrecked it!
Rebhahn said,
“[Life is about] learning…”
Rebhahn has learned NOTHING. He’s too stupid and selfish.
Sanja Jan said,
“Hyperians are all about complete self-expression for all until you say something they dislike.”
That’s absolutely right.
We DON’T go around promoting unconditional “self-expression”. Anything but. But if you DO play that game, you should actually play it. Hyperians use that rhetoric … and then phone the FBI when people express themselves against Hyperianism.
With Illuminism versus Hyperianism, we see in microcosm the struggle between intelligent humanity (the meritocracy) and stupid humanity (the idiocracy). Only intelligent humanity can evolve. Stupid humanity is the END of humanity. Hyperianism is the end of humanity.
Humanity, if it is to advance, must eradicate two deadly threats:
- the super-rich elites (the apex predators)
- the Woke (the Last Men).
Both are extinction-level threats to the human race. That’s why we need meritocracy, that’s why we need a Logos culture, that’s why we have to be serious about changing the world, and really changing it, not spouting inane Woke verbiage about celebrating exotic minorities, such as all those Rebhahn personally belongs to. By the way, have you noticed how cowardly Rebhahn is? He lets the Immense Fatness of Jan to do all the non-binary extremism. He himself never takes hormones, never wears a dress (he did it ONCE, years ago), and never talks about his non-binary extremist agenda. Because he knows his whole channel would be destroyed if he did.
Rebhahn poses as an Ascended Master, a Woke guru, a Woke Messiah uniting the disparate tribes of Babel. Have you worked out his strategy? It’s not just to spout Woke claptrap, it’s to actually assert that this Woke garbage is metaphysically validated and no less than the meaning of existence. And that’s how ont math got dragged into this and totally corrupted. It’s so that Rebhahn can pose as not only the Wokest thing on earth, but also claim that he has PROVED that existence is WOKE. WTF!
Of all the things you could say about existence, probably the last is that it is Woke. It looks like the opposite. Brutal or indifferent or cruel or psychopathic, or monstrous. Schopenhauer actually said it was evil and about generating suffering forever – which seems a lot more realistic! In fact, existence is a living experiential mathematical organism – a self-solving Hive Mind – and it has two polar modes: total conflict between the monads and total cooperation between the modes. The first half of the life of the universe is dominated by exploring conflict (entropy), and the second half is dominated by exploring cooperation (reduction of entropy), and the task of the Hive Mind is to reduce its entropy to exactly zero – perfect cooperation and functional unity. This will be accomplished inevitably since it is encoded in the syntactic laws of ont math, and if you want a great life, you should semantically align yourself with where reality is going … the elimination of “diversity”!!! Hyperianism aligns itself with the antithesis of where reality is heading. It celebrates diversity (entropy) and thus reject reasons and logic – the exact means to bring entropy down to zero: there is only ONE rational and logical answer to existence ; there are infinite irrational and illogical “answers”, and Hyperianism loves them all because they are about self-expression and diversity.
Dyslexic Fairy quoted Rebhahn:
“When you look into someone’s eyes, see that I am you and you are me, and us together is the Universe looking back at each other.”
Yeah, what if the person whose eyes you are looking into is … TED BUNDY … or fucking HITLER. Hitler practically hypnotized those that looked into his eyes. This New Age, Woke drivel that “I am you and you are me” is the biggest lie ever, yet this is exactly why Rebhahn deploys his “One Mind” schtick. It’s all to secure narcissistic supply and money from people such as Dyslexic Fairy, an individual with severe learning difficulties who is ridiculed in the real world, so has to live in the fantasy world of Hyperianism. All Hyperians are people who have fled from reality to inhabit the sick fantasy of New Terra where the world is ruled by those of the lgbtq community suffering from retardation, something that could NEVER happen. Why do people insist on being so delusional? It’s time to live in the real world and address what is really happening in the world and take real actions.
Fucking Fat Fuck Jan is always ridiculing the “pitchforks” and obesely blabbering on about “the war of the mind”. That’s the sort of person who ends up on the end of a pitchfork. No one’s listening to veganism and pacifism. This is the fucking human race – an apex violent species – and only force will solve anything, not pacifism. Who is willing to use it is the only question. As Rousseau said,
“Some people must be forced to be free.”
Humanity itself must be forced to be free. Because it sure as fuck isn’t going to rationally and logically decide to do it. Now, with Wokeness, and all paths and all truths, total relativism and subjectivism, it is involved in TOTAL WAR against reason and logic. Just look at Hyperianism and all of the people in it, all of whom have severe learning difficulties, which is WHY they’re Hyperian and simply refuse to use reason and logic and do the rational and logical thing. You could talk to these people forever, and reason and logic would never once reach them. They have built total firewalls against reason and logic.
When will people FACE REALITY? All you Hyperians, your Hyperian cult is a joke, totally disconnected from reality. It’s the fantasy of a malignant narcissist with psychopathy – a man with a totally False Self, but it does exactly what he needs it to do. It gives him MASSIVE narcissistic supply and LOADS OF MONEY. Hyperianism works perfectly … FOR COREY REBHAHN. But why are the rest of you being this man’s slaves? It’s only because you detest and avoid reality as much as he does, and you enjoy his laughable fantasy as much as he does.
This situation – where one group of people (the Hyperians) is totally reliant on the answer to existence of their absolute ideological opponents – could only arise as a result of extreme mental illness. It’s the equivalent of the N**is using the Torah as their most sacred text. It’s UNTHINKABLE, and yet here we are. And why? All to gratify the malignant narcissist and psychopath Corey Rebhahn. Hyperians don’t even like, respect, or know anything about ont math, and wouldn’t miss it at all, yet they all have to go along with this charade because Corey Rebhahn CANNOT APOLOGIZE under any circumstances.
This video by Sam Vaknin is in every way relevant to this insane situation:
Vaknin, elsewhere, says that these malignant narcissists and psychopaths are perfectly positioned to take over because the world, under predatory capitalism and its ATTENTION ECONOMY, is all about narcissism, attention-seeking and psychopathy, so it’s obvious who the winners will be if nothing is done. People should have no illusions. The war for the soul of humanity is being fought right here and right now.
Charles Darwin said,
“To kill an error is as good a service as, and sometimes even better than, the establishing of a new truth or fact.”
Killing off mindless garbage like Hyperianism – and EVERYTHING it stands for – is an amazingly good service to the world. Will you save the world, or condemn it to death? Because Hyperianism is the death of a humanity capable of achieving ANYTHING.
There is really one issue. Will humanity choose intelligence or stupidity? Things are looking REALLY BAD. The Idiocracy is looking more and more INEVITABLE. And to stop that fate, humanity would have to do astonishing things to reverse all the damage the stupid have done. Does it have the will? Almost certainly not.
Exploring the Dumbos – the world of Hyperianism
Hyperianism is literally the campaign to put people with no education and no qualifications, with severe learning difficulties, in charge of the world! All because, they are “woke”. Nothing else matters.
According to Mina Lotus (aka PUKES), Hyperians are “utilizing their talents to create something brilliant.” Er, where? We see plenty of trolling and smear campaigns against the AC … by PUKES and all the rest of the usual suspects. And what is it they are fighting for – to steal, deface and destroy the hard work of others. What kind of people march behind that banner? Only the sickest people EVER! Hyperianism is the unacceptable face of total human degeneration. It has NOTHING to commend it, no saving graces at all. It is in every way an attack on all decency, nobility, honor, integrity and intelligence. And all for the sake of ONE MAN … a malignant narcissist and psychopath who has stolen and monetized the work of others. How could humanity have become like THIS?
The scale of self-delusion of these Hyperians truly is staggering and profoundly terrifying for the future of humanity. Wokeness is actually generating more and more of these people. The final war is coming, and people had better start getting ready. A year before the Roman empire collapsed, there were people who imagined it would just go on and on. But, in no time at all, it was gone and Europe was plunged into the Dark Ages. Don’t kid yourselves … the West is very close to the End, and the only thing that can save it is a massive reaction to NIHILISM, which is the true face of Wokeness. Nihilism, in the final analysis, is not the belief in nothing … it’s the belief in anything … all paths and all “truths”, infinite wrong answers, infinite subjectivity and relativism, infinite “DIVERSITY”.
Reality itself is about absolute convergence on UNITY, the opposite of diversity.
Tags: Corey Rebhahn, Morgue Official, Morgen Night, Hyperianism, Hyperionism, Hyperian, Hyperion, AMC Freakshow, Inner Star Actualization, Cult of Hyperianism, Hyperian Founder, Morgue Official Real Name, What is Hyperianism, Hyperianism Beliefs