10/5/2022 Post #3
Testor Accountier said, “All that’s left in Hyperianism are the kind of people you see in other communities that discuss New Age nonsense like magic crystals, fairies, elven folk and the like. If ‘Elves’ these days are just npc’s flooding a chatroom with hello’s then I’d rather throw in my lot with Mordor.”
Yup, Mordor it is if Hyperianism is the alternative!
Besides, we have already been referred to by Hyperianism as “the Eye of Sauron”. Better that than “the Rachel Hair of Rebhahn”!
So, it’s interesting to speculate about what the FBI really thought of Corey Rebhahn’s lurid, hysterical complaint. For sure, they took action, but it was not what we would call a “full” response. If they had taken it totally seriously then actual SWAT teams would have been sent round to the homes of the two individuals named in the complaint.
What would have caused the FBI to be somewhat circumspect about Rebhahn’s complaint? Well, straight away, they would have consulted their FBI database of hate groups and terrorist groups and found ABSOLUTELY NOTHING regarding “AC/PI”. Because the only person to ever have described us that way is COREY REBHAHN, straight after we exposed him as a sick, sinister cult leader, hence he was ultra motivated to “get us” using whatever means necessary. Being a Woke lunatic, he instantly played the Woke victim card. Basically, if you look at a Woke person the wrong way, they call you a HATER, and if there’s a bunch of you then you’re a member of a HATE GROUP. That’s how the insane Woke mind works. Everyone is either an ally (a fellow Wokester) or a HATER (ANY anti-woke person). If you’re a hater then you’re a MONSTER and should be SWATTED. That’s what the mentally ill Woke mind concludes.
The FBI database is full of Islamist groups, antifa groups, the sorts of far-right groups that helped to storm the Capitol, and so on. It takes a huge effort to keep an eye on all of these different groups. These groups either have a large and visible presence on the street, or are operating out of sight, but with the FBI trying to monitor their communications and get agents inside them. You know, we’re talking about a serious anti-terrorist undertaking, involving many agents and a lot of money and resources.
So, if there actually was such a thing as this hypothetical AC/PI hate/terrorist group, it would constitute the biggest intelligence failure in history that the FBI had never detected us. Well, unless they had read our 200 published books!
We are now definitely on the FBI database, but only because the psychopath Corey Rebhahn put us there, by his personal assertion! He didn’t give them any actual evidence – you know, anything associated with a terrorist group being about to act and perform a mass slaughter at a specific time, in a specific place, to specific people. All he did was selectively quote from our books, including works of fiction! Then made wild and insane allegations on the back of that. What are the FBI supposed to make of a hate/ terrorist group that conducts its apocalyptic campaign via kindle books, which are highly intellectual and revolve around rationalist philosophy and ontological mathematics? Gosh, so much hate, so much terror! The masses are fleeing in mortal fear! Sheez.
We have made it to the FBI database because we had the temerity to expose a cult leader. That actually constitutes further proof that Corey Rebhahn is a cult leader because who but a cult leader would react to a critical book by trying to get the author arrested by the FBI?! For fucking what? For writing a book? For criticizing a Woke maniac, grifting and plagiarizing?
Corey Rebhahn is a nutjob. If you go through all of this man’s facebook posts, you are 100% certain you are in the presence of a diseased mind. It totally shocked us when we heard about the FBI complaint, but of course we are sane and sane people do not factor in insane actions. How can a sane person work out what an insane person is going to do? Insane people do insane things. Only an insane person involves the FBI because a book revealed him as a cult leader and people then left his cult to his immense fury. And only a very specific type of insane person would have done what Rebhahn did – an insane WOKE person.
Rebhahn in his complaint to the FBI didn’t mention a single thing about his background with the AC/PI (when, apparently, we WEREN’T a hate group of N**i terrorists!), his plagiarized use of ontological mathematics, his constant grifting, his brainwashing of vulnerable people. No, what he mentioned was that he was non-binary, vegan, and ultra liberal and that “bigots” hated him for it, and were trying to kill him! Do you see how he cynically played the victim card of the Woke and didn’t go anywhere near what was really happening – that he was finally being called out as a monstrous cut leader. That narrative, the true narrative, was useless to him, so he excluded it entirely.
If the person we had been exposing had been a far-right cult leader as opposed to a far Woke cult leader, they would no doubt have reacted in an insane way too, but it would absolutely never have involved a complaint to the FBI. Only a deranged Woke person could come up with that. And, of course, Rebhahn is the son of a cop, so feels totally comfortable with law enforcement (unlike the rest of us!), and no doubt his father helped him to formulate his false complaint, and didn’t bother to ask a single serious question about why Rebhahn had found himself in this position. We are entitled to conclude that this is a rotten cop, a corrupt cop. If he were an honest cop, he would have been turning Rebhahn into the law, not assisting an offender to lie to the FBI, an extremely serious felony. Cops aren’t allowed to break the law for family members. Cops have a duty to investigate what their family says about others, and not just assume it is true because, you know, it’s family. That’s the heart of corruption right there – automatically putting the family interest above truth and justice.
Anyway, the FBI had nothing on us, so they just went through the motions regarding Rebhahn’s complaint. Those at the receiving end were traumatized for sure, but things would have been dramatically more traumatizing if the FBI had, as they might have done (and as Rebhahn clearly wanted them to do), launched a full SWAT response. Had we been an actual hate group or terrorist group with a distinct presence on the FBI’s database and watchlist for many years, they definitely would have carried out a complete SWAP operation. But, of course, we weren’t.
This is really bad news for Rebhahn and his accomplices. We weren’t on the FBI database at all, yet Rebhahn’s complaint asserted that we should be first on the list – the MOST WANTED – because we were allegedly trying to assassinate POTUS and trigger Armageddon and were using two former Hyperians – brainwashed and radicalized by us (allegedly) – to get things going! That would certainly get you to the top of the list if any of it was true. But none of it was true. And that means that Rebhahn and his gang are going to jail. You can’t say that people are mad assassins just because they disagree with you. A person who differs in their opinion from you isn’t thereby a “terrorist”. But Woke lunatics make exactly such claims. It’s like dealing with the most deranged Abrahamists. Reason will never prevail against such people.
You cannot tell an insanely lurid tale to the FBI to get them to take action and yet have zero actual evidence – of the sort that any sane person could take seriously. If we were such a notorious hate group and terrorist organization with such radical, deadly plans, why weren’t we even on the FBI’s database, never mind its radar?
When you concoct a total fantasy about your critics to fuck them over and then your fantasy is exposed, you can’t get out of it by saying you’re a non-binary vegan and suffering from RTS, while you clutch cherrypicked quote from books and private chats as your “evidence” for getting the FBI to carry out an actual operation.
The FBI are clearly not prioritizing this business, but they should be. That clown Rebhahn and his four accomplices made total fools out of the FBI and caused them to waste valuable resources on a fiction invented by Rebhahn in a desperate attempt to silence his legitimate critics.
But every sane person knows that the FBI will eventually have to find the Rebhahn gang accountable for their actions – because the complaint actually has to be closed at some point, and that means a conclusion must be reached concerning those complained about (all totally innocent) and those doing the complaining (all totally guilty).
We are legitimate critics of Rebhahn. He is totally reliant on OUR WORK, yet he casts us as haters, bigots, transphobes, fascists and n**is, i.e., 100% avoiding the actual issues and 100% focusing on insane Woke victimhood, which we are also fully entitled to criticize, by the way. The Woke don’t have some magic free pass. You can’t say, “I’m non-binary so I’m allowed to do anything I like and anyone who objects is a hater, a bigot and a N**i.” But that’s what the clinically insane Rebhahn believes. He should actually go to a mental asylum rather than jail. He has totally dissociated and lost all touch with reality. He lives in a fantasy world of Hyperianism where he only interacts with members of his cult, so knows nothing about the real world and the reality principle.
The taxpayer pays their hard-earned tax dollars to allow the FBI to exist. The FBI is not a private security branch of Hyperianism. It doesn’t exist to carry out personal vendettas on behalf of Corey Rebhahn. It’s supposed to be monitoring and stopping serious threats to American security, not swatting the enemies of a cult leader who fabricated an insane complaint about a supposed presidential assassination and Armageddon conspiracy based on nothing more solid than quotes from a novel from over a decade ago, and jokey remarks made in a private chat two and a half years ago.
What astounds us is that the Rebhahn gang clearly believe they are getting away with this. They believe their cherry-picked quotes are a legal defense. Ho, ho, ho. These people should be put on suicide watch when they are sent to jail because their whole “reality” will be exposed for the insanity it is. The Hyperians aren’t “shaping the world”. They are shaping a deranged cult fantasy that doesn’t intersect with reality AT ALL. These people all live in the Hyperian bubble, the Hyperian unreality tunnel!
The attached pic was taken by Rebhahn from his apartment. One day, this will be the scene outside HIS apartment. We can’t wait.