When you believe that “One Mind” drivel.
What?! Wake me up. I was having a nightmare that Rebhahn was blabbering on about the end of the world AGAIN.
So, folks, what is it with this obsession with “One Mind”? Woke New Agers are absolutely captivated by this fallacy.
“Exposing Hyperianism” released a brilliant AI video, featuring one of our articles. Under the video, we came across comments by Bryan Walters, a person claiming to be against Rebhahn, while spouting the exact same mindless garbage. And we say “mindless” very specifically. Because if you are not an eternal and necessary independent, autonomous mind with your own inherent basis thoughts then you are NOT A MIND AT ALL.
Why do scientific materialists argue that free will does not exist? It’s because a human does not own the atoms of which they are made, and they do not own the objective laws of physics that apply to atoms, so where in such a system, such a human, does the scope for free will exist? There is NO SCOPE. So there is no free will. The argument is incontestable – if materialism is true (but it’s not!).
So, this exact materialist argument would also apply to “minds” if these minds were not the eternal owners of their own thoughts.
If your own thoughts do not belong to you and obey laws that are nothing to do with you then where does your free will originate? NOWHERE. You are NOT free. For you to be free, you MUST own your own basis thoughts (they cannot absolutely never be removed from you), and this allows you to be a free subject, obeying the laws of SUBJECTIVITY, which is where free will is located. Material atoms have no subjectivity (subjectivity, hence free will, does not exist in science). Hypothetical isolated, “free-floating” basis thoughts, not belonging to any mind, would be no different from material atoms. They would have no subjectivity, and could not support mental subject (minds). They would barely be any different from the “strings” of scientific materialism, which no scientist would ever associate with free will and subjectivity. Moreover, if basis thoughts belonged to ONE MIND and constituted its subjectivity and free will then it would be impossible to create other minds from this ONE MIND. You cannot lend YOUR subjectivity and free will to anything else. The idea that ONE MIND, ontologically, can be compatible with MANY MINDS, ontologically, is a foundational category error. If your mind is not your own, YOU are quite simply not a mind.
If you want to play the ONE MIND game, then you are philosophically committed to absolute solipsism. The ONE MIND is all that exists, and all it can do is create illusory minds, which are neither free nor subjects since, by definition, only the One Mind itself is a subject and free.
Walters said,
“You can have one mind that is also many.”
As we have just said, you absolutely cannot. This person has completely failed to understand the logic of monads and is yet another person who claims to be smarter than Leibniz!
Walters says,
“10 gold coins would be melted into one at the omega point.”
They certainly wouldn’t be melted into one mind! In fact, all the matter of the gold coins would be absolutely eliminated. The gold coins would be reduced to the monadic basis waves that originated them, coming from COUNTLESS monadic minds!
All material existence vanishes at the Omega Point. As for minds – immaterial, non-physical singularities – they never under any circumstances MELT into each other! They are eternally and necessarily separate.
Do you see this person’s fundamental problem with logic? He thinks that because physical things can be melted into one thing, so can minds. He imagines minds – which are immaterial singularities outside space and time – melting … LIKE PHYSICAL OBJECTS. Gold melts. Monads don’t! Sheez.
It’s almost painful for us to read this nonsense. Like Rebhahn, this person has no clue at all what monads are.
Walters says,
“This video actually shows your lack of understanding in terms of the singularity before the big bang.”
So, someone is telling us that we’re wrong about OUR OWN SYSTEM, while he’s right. This is precisely how Hyperians behave!
Walters said,
“unfortunately it seems like whoever made this video is just as illogical as the people they are criticizing.”
We are criticizing YOU now. You are totally illogical. Just like the Hyperians! You literally have no clue what you are saying, just like Rebhahn.
Walters said,
“if you understand what the singularity is”
… we do; YOU DON’T!
Walters said,
“and if you understand the fracturing of the singularity as the big bang.”
Mate, you have no idea what you are saying. The Singularity is a FUNCTIONAL unity, not an ONTOLOGICAL unity. You don’t understand the difference, which means you don’t understand any of our material. And this is the way it goes. People latch onto ideas only very vaguely – in terms of their own level of education and understanding and then get it all hideously wrong.
In a functional unity, countless DIFFERENT monads are in the same functional state – i.e., perfectly ALIGNED, in perfect symmetry with each other. This is ZERO ENTROPY. The different monads are absolutely not ONE monad. This is the exact error made by Rebhahn, now being repeated by Walters. It shows you just how pernicious Rebhahn is – because his simplistic arguments are exactly the ones that “make sense” to people like Bryan Walters. They are totally alienated from the truth! They have zero concept of the technical details, yet they arrogantly go around saying that they know our system better than we do, and we don’t understand it at all.
The Big Bang is produced by symmetry breaking, generating entropy amongst the vast array of individual monads. They all go out of mathematical alignment – and that’s what the Big Bang is. It is NOT an ontological UNITY fracturing. There is no such thing. It’s a functional unity – based on countless independent monads being aligned – going out of alignment. Why? Their orthogonal sine and cosine waves combine to generate non-orthogonal, hybrid sinusoids, which are the basis of space, time, matter, temperature, friction, gravity, and entropy … everything studied by science! The hybrid sinusoids, with phase angles, are the location of the asymmetry (the symmetry breaking).
Walters said,
“Then you can understand how at the Omega point everything would circulate back into oneness.”
At the Omega Point, the entropy of the spacetime universe of matter is eliminated, to restore zero entropy – perfect mathematical alignment of INDIVIDUAL monads. At NO POINT IS THERE ANY ONTOLOGICAL ONENESS. So, this person Bryan Walters is literally repeating Rebhahn’s central fallacy!
And, by the way, Bryan Walters, you, like Rebhahn, are clearly completely unaware of the difference between Being and Becoming. Being is an immutable, perfect, eternal and necessary state of basis sinusoids and monads in their individual, pristine state, equivalent to Plato’s domain of Forms. Becoming is a second, derived mode of existence – the temporal and contingent mode that sits, we might say, on top of Being as a projection, or we could more precisely say that it is an internal projection since nothing ever leaves the Singularity. There is nothing outside the Singularity. There is no time, space, or matter outside the Singularity. Everything is contained within the Singularity of Being, but as a set of asymmetric sinusoidal mathematical operations and relations, within an overarching eternal system of perfect mathematical symmetry. The whole thing is about mathematical symmetry and asymmetry. And the key to all of this is that because everything is inside the Singularity, hence everything is superimposed on everything else, then nothing has to move anywhere, or do anything, in order to carry out mathematical wave combination processes, and also wave separation processes.
You see, the whole problem is that this is a fantastically hard system to visualize, so people like Rebhahn and Walters come along and just present a childish idea of ontological “unity fracturing”. This is not at all what is happening. What IS happening is functional unity amongst a myriad of monads in the primary mathematical domain (of Being) giving rise – due to the innate properties of mathematical waves – to a secondary mathematical domain of mathematical functional disunity (of Becoming). The primary domain is like Aristotle’s God – it is never affected in the slightest by the secondary domain derived from it (the domain of Becoming). Basis waves never change. They are immutable. They do not become anything else. What they do is mathematically enter into temporal and contingent combinations – of Becoming – and these temporal and contingent combinations (wavefunctions) are what we experience in this domain of Becoming.
This is an astonishingly sophisticated idea – having an eternal and necessary domain of Being containing a temporal and contingent domain of Becoming within it as a mathematical quantum projection of wavefunctions – and because people cannot grasp it, they reach for childish ideas such as the big bang being the dissolution of an ontological unity (“fracture”) and then, somehow, ontological unity being re-established. That is absolutely not what is happening. There is never any ontological unity. What is happening is that functional unity can and does generate functional disunity as a secondary domain (Being produces Becoming … orthogonal zero entropy produces non-orthogonal non-zero entropy). Tragically, because these are very difficult conceptual ideas, people just default to infantile gibberish, hence HYPERIANISM. Bryan Walters is totally a Hyperian. He is completely agreeing with Rebhahn!
Walters proves exactly what we feared – people are much more likely to believe Rebhahn’s false gibberish about our system than our mathematically precise system … which they hate and don’t grasp in the slightest! Yet they arrogantly tell us we are wrong and they are right … regarding OUR SYSTEM. It’s just mind-boggling. We literally refuted Rebhahn’s whole ridiculous shtick, and then this person concluded that Rebhahn was actually right …based on his own total inability to understand the technical details of this system!
Bryan Walters said,
“This whole 10 coin debate is not a great example.”
It’s a fantastic example – for anyone who understands it! What are we supposed to do about the dummies?!
Brayan Walters said,
“The God series supports the idea of the omega point.”
There’s a whole book about it, mate. But it’s NOT what you have in mind. The Omega Point is always about functional unity and never about ontological unity … and you just never understood that. You STILL don’t understand the difference.
Over and over again, we stated our opposition to Schopenhauer’s idea of one noumenal mind outside space and time and made it crystal clear that the mental domain is always a HIVE MIND. But you just never understood what we were saying.
That’s why putting these revolutionary ideas into the public domain was so fraught and why we have written 20 million words to try to STOP people like Rebhahn and Walters abusing our system. But of course these people have not read the 20 million words, and wouldn’t understand the 20 million words anyway since they are the most challenging set of concepts humanity has ever been given. But, you know, the arrogance of people who have not read all our books, and failed to understand the few books they did read … well that’s just infuriating.
Walters said,
“And at the omega point you would have all 10 coins molded into one.”
You absolutely would not! This person is saying that if you took ten human bodies, with their controlling monadic minds, then, at the Omega Point, the ten bodies would become one body, and the ten minds would become one mind. That is exactly Rebhahn’s fallacy!
In fact, the material bodies vanish entirely, into the myriad monads that originated them, and the ten monadic minds remain eternally and necessarily separate.
Leibniz explicitly said,
“It is also necessary that each monad be different from each other. For there are never two beings in nature that are perfectly alike…”
But of course, Rebhahn and Walters are smarter than Leibniz. NOT! Rebhahn and Walters don’t understand Leibniz … and don’t understand us and keep using childish picture-thinking that can in fact only be understood conceptually. Hegel insisted and was right, that only the very best philosophers can grasp true reality, because only they can escape from percepts (picture thinking) and reach the level of pure concepts (the true basis for understanding existence).
Bertrand Russell said,
“The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people are so full of doubts.”
Look at the supreme confidence and sense of entitlement with which Bryan Walters trolls us – while having literally zero understanding of our system … and telling us that we don’t understand it. You couldn’t make it up. You really couldn’t. Walters is just Corey Rebhahn under a new name!
Russell said,
“A stupid man’s report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand.”
More fully, Russell said,
“There has been a tendency to think that everything Xenophon says must be true, because he had not the wits to think of anything untrue. This is a very invalid line of argument. A stupid man’s report of what a clever man says is never accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something that he can understand. I would rather be reported by my bitterest enemy among philosophers than by a friend innocent of philosophy. We cannot therefore accept what Xenophon says if it either involves any difficult point in philosophy or is part of an argument to prove that Socrates was unjustly condemned.”
This is so true. It’s so painful for us to have people ignorant of philosophy trying to TELL US what we are saying. What you think we are saying, Bryan Walters, and what we are actually saying, are two diametrically opposed things.
When we trash what Corey Rebhahn says about ont math, we do so as the very people who gave the world this revolutionary subject. When Rebhahn talks about ont math, he does so as someone who is provably a total ignoramus, with no education, and no qualifications. He’s a Bible thumper, sword swallower in a freak show, a professional self-harmer who self-identifies as A MURDERER! Rebhahn says nothing that is actually true. A brilliant philosopher or mathematician could comment meaningfully on ont math. Rebhahn is neither. Rebhahn is a malignant narcissist conning really stupid people like Dyslexic Fairy, a woman who has never had an intelligent thought in her life.
Hey Dyslexic, do you know why we know you’re so dumb? It’s because you keep desperately quoting intellectuals, without EVER adding a single comment of your own. When we quote intellectuals, it’s always accompanied by heaps of our commentary, showing that we are thinking acutely about what they said. You quote intellectuals with zero commentary of your own. You are PRETENDING to be intellectual by quoting intellectuals. But you have no ideas of your own to contribute … because you’re stupid. 1 + 1 = 2. You like Rebhahn so much because both of you are CEREBRAL NARCISSISTS, trying to get people to imagine you are smart. We see right through you! Both of you are classic Dunning-Krugers … stupid people who have no idea what it is to be intelligent. You have zero respect for intellectuals. You people are leading an outright assault on the world of intelligent people. Rebhahn didn’t even get as far as school!
Anyhoo, PART II of this article will be coming tomorrow. You’re up again, Bryan Walters, a Hyperian through and through.
One day, by hook or by crook, we WILL have an intelligent world, led by intelligent people, just as Plato always desired. As things stand, anti-Platos – like Rebhahn – are popping up everywhere. That’s why the West is about to be destroyed. It’s cults like Hyperianism that are killing it! The nightmare is real … the Rebhahns are dragging down the world into their own sick perversions and insanity.
Murderous Morgue, the Woke Crook with a Hook.
Anyhoo, PART II of this article will be coming tomorrow. You’re up again, Bryan Walters, a Hyperian through and through.
One day, by hook or by crook, we WILL have an intelligent world, led by intelligent people, just as Plato always desired. As things stand, anti-Platos – like Rebhahn – are popping up everywhere. That’s why the West is about to be destroyed. It’s cults like Hyperianism that are killing it! The nightmare is real … the Rebhahns are dragging down the world into their own sick perversions and insanity.
SEARCH LIST: Corey Rebhahn, Morgue Official, Morgen Night, Hyperianism, Hyperionism, Hyperian, Hyperion, AMC Freakshow, Inner Star Actualization, Cult of Hyperianism, Hyperian Founder, Morgue Official Real Name, What is Hyperianism, Hyperianism Beliefs, One Mind