
Nakpangi Thomas wrote,
“Narcissistic supply refers to the constant supply of attention and admiration needed by narcissists. To gain this attention, narcissists will often use a ‘false self’ that is likeable to attract people to them. However, because narcissists are unable to make healthy connections, they tend to target people who are more vulnerable in order to feed their supply.”
Corey Rebhahn is an expert at targeting VULNERABLE people to gain his narcissistic supply. By locating himself in various marginalized groups, he gets ample access to the kind of people desperate for validation. His connections with these people are incredibly shallow, manipulative and unhealthy.
Nakpangi Thomas wrote,
“Wanting attention, accolades, and validation are not narcissistic in nature. We all need to feel heard and have a sense of belonging, but narcissists crave this attention constantly.”
And you see exactly this with Rebhahn and Fat Jan, and to a lesser extent with Bitchell, Necrophil and Wonderpoop.
Nakpangi Thomas wrote,
“They will deliberately find or create situations in which they are regularly at the center of attention, often as a way to stave off their underlying depression.”
And what better way than two or three deadstreams and video releases week after week?
Never forget that Rebhahn and Fat Jan are incredibly depressed individuals seeking ways to avoid being swallowed by their depression. They have had to invent a False Self to cope, but even that can’t solve their problems.
Always bear in mind that, thanks to this False Self, narcissists are extremely dissociated, hence can easily ignore, dismiss or forget anything inconvenient in the real world. A Real Self cannot do this … a False Self can. The fact that Rebhahn can act as though four of his mods who worked with him for years never existed is direct proof of Rebhahn’s astounding capacity to dissociate.
Rebhahn simply erased all of the agreements he had with Illuminism when they were no longer of service to him and pretended there was no such thing as Illuminism and somehow he, a magical Ascended Master, was responsible for all the work he had in fact plagiarized. Due to his extreme dissociation and confabulation, you can’t innocently believe anything Rebhahn says. And even if he is telling the truth, it will only be to increase his narcissistic supply.
Nakpangi Thomas wrote,
“Narcissists are never satisfied—no matter how much attention they receive, it will never be enough.”
And that’s why Rebhahn and Fat Jan can never be happy. They are always on the verge of falling into the abyss. Fat Jan gets “stress-related IBS” – she shits herself – and Rebhahn gets extremely moody and engages in suicidal ideation.
Nakpangi Thomas wrote,
“Attention-seeking behavior — positive or negative — is referred to as narcissistic supply. Narcissistic supply is a form of psychological addiction where the narcissist requires, and even demands, limitless special treatment, admiration, importance, or validation to feed their sense of entitlement and self-centeredness.”
You have no clue who Rebhahn and Fat Jan are if you have not realized that they are wholly self-centered with a simply enormous sense of entitlement and an absolute demand for limitless special treatment (hence why they believed they could make a false and malicious complaint to the FBI without suffering any consequences). What kind of people are blind to this fact? Well, those who are worshiping them, of course. They can find no faults in their idols.
Nakpangi Thomas wrote,
“Narcissistic supply is how narcissists cope with the world, making it a place for them to thrive.”
Rebhahn and Fat Jan have spent their whole lives looking for a narcissistic supply to allow them to cope with the world. It’s how they shore up their non-binary self-designation and are extremely militant about it, demanding that everyone obey them.
Nakpangi Thomas wrote,
“Narcissists seek individuals that are easily lured in by their charm and naive to their manipulation and exploitation.”
And thus you get a community like Hyperianism, full of naïve, unworldly individuals clueless that they are being ruthlessly and cynically manipulated and exploited by total cunts – psychopaths – and who refuse to believe such a thing when it is pointed out to them. They are selectively blind. They want not to know. What good is the truth to them? The truth doesn’t serve them.
Nakpangi Thomas wrote,
“Once the supply is received, the narcissist will soon become low or empty, always needing more.”
Rebhahn gets very low as soon as his deadstreams are over. His emptiness and depression reassert themselves. He hits the bottle or gets into his drugs bag.
Nakpangi Thomas wrote,
“Feeding narcissistic supply is like trying to fill a bottomless pit—and when they don’t get it, they may react with narcissistic rage.”
Rebhahn reacts with intense fury to those who might take away his narcissistic supply from him, hence his deranged complaint to the FBI, and all that. Rebhahn’s complaint should have said, “I am Corey Rebhahn, a pathological narcissist and psychopath and some fuckers are trying to stop me from getting the narcissistic supply. I need to stop me melting into a reptile. Smite them for me! I am always entitled to the best! I am COREY REBHAHN. I AM GOD! Do you not realize that I am the Night Bringer, the Terror of Men? Look on my works ye mighty, and despair.”
Nakpangi Thomas wrote,
“The primary narcissistic supply is based on attention. This attention can be in either public or private forms. Public attention might include needing to feel like a well-respected, beloved, or famed person in the community or world at large.
That’s certainly Rebhahn and Fat Jan, isn’t it?
Since we live in an Attention Economy, entitled narcissists have never had it so good. The “influencer” industry is PERFECT for narcissists and psychopaths such as Andrew Tate and Corey Rebhahn. Even Fat Jan, a parasite on the ass of Rebhahn, himself a parasite on Illuminism, can get a few people to watch her farting and burping.
Nakpangi Thomas wrote,
“Why Do Narcissists Need Supply? Narcissists seek out an endless supply of validation, attention, and praise to compensate for low self-esteem, confidence, and a perceived lack of acceptance that’s often a result of early childhood trauma and attachment issues.”
Isn’t Fat Jan adopted? And wasn’t Rebhahn born out of wedlock (he has the surname of his mother, not his father), and we can only imagine how much her mother hated him, a constant reminder of her sin of fornication. Rebhahn and Fat Jan both had childhood trauma and neither had any positive attachments, meaning that they looked to internal archetypes to save them. Rebhahn turned to the Anima and Fat Jan to the Animus. That’s why both are non-binary.
Nakpangi Thomas wrote,
“Typically, the narcissist was not properly loved as a child.”
And that’s precisely true of Rebhahn and Fat Jan. They were HATED. They were an incredible disappointment to their parents. They were seen as worthless garbage and a total burden – you know, exactly as we view them now! Boy, these fuckers love repeating the pattern! They’re at home with it.
Nakpangi Thomas wrote,
“They use people as objects to obtain what was lacking in their childhood, feeding their supply.”
And that’s the horrific truth right there. Instead of turning to drugs to ease their problems (though they may indeed use these, often heavily, as Rebhahn and Fat Jan have obviously done), they see people themselves as drugs, as objects, as things to be used to give them a high.
Nakpangi Thomas wrote,
“During childhood, their caregivers often ignored their emotional needs, never catering to their inner child.”
We know this happened to both Rebhahn and Fat Jan. And it happens to many people brought up in strange religious households where the religion is treated as much more important than the children. The vast majority of narcissists come from religious fundamentalist backgrounds … because their parents loved God more than their children. And then the children, in response, make themselves God. Just look at Corey Rebhahn, the Night Bright, the Terror of Men … Jehovah … Allah! And then Rebhahn became Woke and turned into Jesus and Mary Magdalene! FFS
Rebhahn is the BIBLE. The first half is about Jehovah (Edgelord Morgue, full of violence and hatred of pity; he is the Terror of Men) and the second half is about Jesus (Woke Morgue, full of pacifism and compassion; raising humanity’s consciousness, allegedly).
Nakpangi Thomas wrote,
“Their caregivers emotionally abandoned them, causing psychological damage that extends into adulthood.”
Yup! Basically, Rebhahn and Fat Jan were fucked for life by their inept caregivers. Hurt people hurt people, and that’s what Rebhahn and Fat Jan are doing. They’re hurting and traumatizing others.
Nakpangi Thomas wrote,
“As a result, the narcissist uses other people and things to provide for their emotional needs, known as narcissistic supply.”
So, for both Rebhahn and Fat Jan, Hyperianism fills the void that their caregivers failed to fill. But it’s never enough.
Nakpangi Thomas wrote,
“The primary function of narcissistic supply is to foster the ego, self-worth, confidence, and self-esteem.”
Rebhahn and Fat Jan receive their validation through the narcissistic supply from their Hyperian “community.” It’s a drug for them. Which is why they can’t give it up. Trying to get these loonies to fuck off is like trying to stop junkies from taking heroin. Good luck with that!
Nakpangi Thomas wrote,
“It also serves to define the boundaries in the relationship, so the ‘False Self’ remains intact. The False Self is developed to protect them from the world that is viewed as a hostile, unstable, unrewarding, unjust, and unpredictable place.”
The Rebhahn and Fat Jan you see on their deadstreams are not real. This is their False Self on full display.
Nakpangi Thomas wrote,
“This defense mechanism helps the narcissist feel a sense of security for a short period of time, but when the facade is broken, the narcissist collapses.”
Rebhahn and Fat Jan will fall so hard when their cult is dismantled. SOON. These fuckwits are going down. Loonies always collapse into total lunacy.
Nakpangi Thomas wrote,
“The narcissist depends on a regular flow of narcissistic supply in order to sustain their superficial, egocentric self-image.”
Yup. We all see that so vividly with Rebhahn and Fat Jan. Though their obsessed Hyperian cultists, with their moist panties, don’t see it at all!
Nakpangi Thomas wrote,
“Those in an interpersonal relationship with a narcissist are merely used as extensions of the narcissist’s self-serving needs.”
The whole Hyperian community exists purely to cater for Rebhahn and Fat Jan’s self-serving needs. They don’t give a fuck about others. It’s all about them! ALWAYS.
Nakpangi Thomas wrote,
“Yet, deep down, most narcissists feel insecure or like the ‘ugly, thrown-away stepchild’ even if they don’t want to admit it.”
And that’s exactly true of Rebhahn and Fat Jan. Both were children who repulsed their caregivers. They were rejected, discarded. They were the ugly ducklings. And that’s why they spend so much time on their image, their “aesthetic” now. But let’s face it, THEY ARE FUCKING REPULSIVE – real, uncanny valley creepy grotesques who belong in a freakshow, which is of course where Rebhahn originated.
Nakpangi Thomas wrote,
“Are You a Source of Narcissistic Supply? The closer you are to the narcissist, the more likely you are to be used as a source of supply. To some people, this can be mistaken as the narcissist having strong feelings for you. This is not true.”
Rebhahn and Fat Jan treat Hyperians with total contempt. Hyperians are simply resources to be ruthlessly exploited and plundered. Everyone is to be fleeced and sucked dry.
Nakpangi Thomas wrote,
“Deep down, they view themselves as flawed and unlovable. So, if you love them, you are flawed and the target of their punishment. Their self-hatred and shame is now transferred onto you. They choose you because you are just more easily manipulated or more accommodating to their needs. It’s not a badge of honor.”
Exactly. If you are Hyperian, you have been chosen by these people because you are a sucker, not because they admire or like you. They just want you to give them more money and more adulation. That’s your function in life.
Nakpangi Thomas wrote,
“Here are eight traits narcissists look for in someone to fill their need for supply: 1) You like companionship; 2) You want a good public image; 3) You like to speak well of others or lift others up; 4) You don’t want to argue with them; 5) You can be persuaded to violate your boundaries; 6) You like to serve and be helpful; 7) You’re willing to discuss your personal matters; 8) You’re able to be motivated by duty or obligation.”
This is all true of Hyperians, especially that point about being persuaded to violate their boundaries. These people have extremely flexible boundaries, which is exactly why they either don’t see red flags, or couldn’t care less about them. Remember, 100% of Hyperians took the side of Rebhahn and Fat Jan against those whom these evil cunts swatted. They all crossed the line of any potential morality at that moment and proved that they are absolutely immoral. They would much rather support Rebhahn and Fat Jan than support decency and morality. As with Abrahamists, their “morality” is attached to the God they worship (Rebhahn) and not to any independent moral code (doing the right thing and knowing what is wrong; swatting others is self-evidently immoral and wrong, but never for these fuckers).
We don’t expect these Hyperians to ever wake up. They are truly evil people, and, like the most evil people, they imagine they are so good that their needs and desires override morality. As long as Corey Rebhahn is happy, the Hyperian cultists are happy. These people are antinomians. Wikipedia says,
“In some Christian belief systems, an antinomian is one who takes the principle of salvation by faith and divine grace to the point of asserting that the saved are not bound to follow the moral law contained in the Ten Commandments.” Worshipers of Corey Rebhahn believe that everything Rebhahn does is justified … because it’s done by him.
The Euthyphro dilemma comes to mind. Wikipedia says,
“[This] is found in Plato’s dialogue Euthyphro, in which Socrates asks Euthyphro, ‘Is the pious loved by the gods because it is pious, or is it pious because it is loved by the gods?’ Although it was originally applied to the ancient Greek pantheon, the dilemma has implications for modern monotheistic religions. Gottfried Leibniz asked whether the good and just ‘is good and just because God wills it or whether God wills it because it is good and just’. Ever since Plato’s original discussion, this question has presented a problem for some theists, though others have thought it a false dilemma, and it continues to be an object of theological and philosophical discussion today.”
Rebhahnists believe that what Rebhahn does is fully justified because Rebhahn has done it!
So, here’s a challenge for all you Hyperians. We say that you are all sick fuck addicts. You are addicted to giving Corey Rebhahn adulation and he is addicted to your narcissistic supply. You are codependents.
You all deny that you are sick fuck addicts. You say we are liars and talk nonsense (even though you all bizarrely use our answer to existence!). Well, let’s find out.
You’ve all heard of Dry January where people go without alcohol for a month to prove they’re not alcoholics. It’s actually a very good check. An alcoholic couldn’t make it through the month, or even through the first day!
Well, let’s have something similar for Hyperianism. If you say you’re not addicted to Hyperianism, prove it. Take a month off from Hyperianism – IN DECEMBER. Don’t watch any livestreams, don’t give any money, don’t read any of Rebhahn’s books, don’t read any posts about Hyperianism, don’t post anything. Just have a dry month and see how you feel at the end of it. You may have found that you have broken the link, and you don’t need to go back. You may rush back, but at least you will have proved something to yourself and to us (assuming you carry out the task in good faith and aren’t lying to yourself and to us).
See how Rebhahn would cope without a month of your worship. Don’t you imagine it would be good for him to be brought back to earth?
Take a break from Rebhahn. What have you got to lose? Are you afraid of diluting the link? Will your God be angry with you? You must have no other idols, right?!