Morgue From Freakshow



Morgue from Freakshow

Who is Morgue, the weird-looking albino sword swallower that appeared on two seasons of AMC’s Freakshow ?

He is Corey S Rebhahn of North Hollywood, who lives in a luxury apartment with a private pool and earns hundreds of thousands of dollars online from the groomed and brainwashed members of his sinister cult, which is known as “Hyperianism”.

The website for the Hyperian cult says:

“What is Hyperianism?”

“Hyperians are the Next Evolutionary Step.”

“The author of The Unity Document, Morgue, came into contact with what have been called secret societies and is bringing a system of timeless knowledge to the public so that the world and its people may reach the next step of their evolution and become whole. That system is Hyperianism.”

“‘Hyper’ means beyond or higher. Hyperians are world shapers and actively seek to improve their lives, the lives of those around them, and to unite the world.”

“Understanding hyperian principles and knowledge will allow you to take control of your life, transform yourself, and become a fully expressed individual. You are Infinite.”

“The greatest lights were born in darkness. Their brilliant fires burned for aeons in the void before there was a single creature to see their light. They reached across space and time to touch your eyes, giving you the gift of sight. Without the stars, there would be no life.”

“There’s a secret in the stars. We are the bringers of their gift.”

“If you were not searching, you would not have found us. You don’t know what you’re searching for, but you have a deep urge, a drive, an insatiable hunger for… something. We have a saying, “Lux ex tenebris,” which means, “from darkness, light.” Everything that you’re searching for is already within you. It’s just hidden in the dark, waiting to come to light.”

“We are presenting to you a hidden system of unity that has existed timelessly. It is, was, and always will be. This system has been encoded in innerlight. This is not light as you know it. Your people will one day discover that thought can be encoded as a special kind of light. Light is frequency, after all. As is thought. This system of unity is a blueprint for your mental evolution and the evolution of the species. It was given to the highest minds of your people where it was guarded in secret to be protected from fracture.”

“Now, like a rose ready to bloom, the world has finally become ready to hear our message. Unify shadow and light. Become Whole.”

“Hyperianism gives you the tools to become higher than human. The next evolutionary step is here. Taste the fruit of forbidden knowledge and become a god.”

“Hyperianism – Become higher than human and find the truth about existence.”

So, Morgue the AMC Freakshow performer has gone through … ahem … changes. He is “becoming”, shall we say? Even though Morgue – Corey Rebhahn – never went to school and has no qualifications, he now believes he is an Ascended Master and the most intelligent person in the world. In fact, the most intelligent person of all time. Seriously!

It’s amazing what has happened to this AMC Freakshow sword swallower. He no longer swallows swords, but expects everyone else to swallow his bullshit. No thanks.

The AMC Freakshow performer Mister Morgue (real name Corey Rebhahn) has many disgusting things to say and many enemies who want to see the end of his Hyperian cult.

Come and find out what his opponents have to say about him. Morgue will never be invited back to AMC’s Freakshow, that’s for sure.

The Real Morgue from AMC’s Freakshow EXPOSED

Corey Rebhahn (Morgue of AMC’s Freakshow) has been revealed as a violent misogynist … in his own words:

“I can not count how many times some ‘spray on tan’ slut has inquired in disbelief why I dress the way I do, or do the things I do. ‘It’s not sexy’, she informs me. Such stupidity makes me want to strangle the bitch. Why should I be concerned if other people find me attractive in any way? Should I change my identity, for a waste producing organ between the legs? … Morbidly Yours, Morgue”

So, we hit the motherlode. We found the grotesque home of Morgue’s pre-Hyperian cult “Terrors of Men“, and now everyone can see for themselves the REAL Corey, the real Morgue of AMC’s Freakshow – a perverted, misanthropic, misogynist monster … a hater on a monumental scale.

This guy was once the OPPOSITE of the Woke role he plays today. This guy exuded so much hate, it was truly off the scale.

Underneath Morgue’s Hyperian smoke and mirrors, the exact same Terrors of Men Morgue persona – consumed by hatred, fury and psychopathy – still resides.

Morgue of AMC’s Freakshow was a cult leader throughout his Freakshow days. Discover the twisted world of darkness and sickness that preceded Hyperianism, and which still lurks hidden at the cult’s core.

Morgue – A violent, murderous misogynist calling women “sluts” and saying he wants to “strangle the bitches”. This is the true face of Morgue of AMC’s Freakshow. This is his true attitude towards women. He has absolute contempt for women, yet he poses as a “feminist”. What a disgrace.

Morgue’s remarks about “sluts” and “strangling bitches” we specially dedicate to all those extremely strange Hyperian women who go on loving Corey, come what may. He certainly doesn’t love you. We have shown what he really thinks about you.

“STRANGLE THE BITCH” – (Filed under Morgue’s Articles Philosophy/Religion)

Do you still love your misogynist cult leader? Will you love him no matter what? You will … BECAUSE you are members of a cult. You will forgive him anything … BECAUSE you are in a cult.

This is the REAL Morgue, saying what he really thinks. With Hyperianism, he lies to you all the time. He always disguises his true thoughts, what he really thinks about you. He HATES you. He thinks you’re sluts and he would love to strangle you. He said so himself! Just read his own words, straight from the horse’s mouth. These words are directly from him. No ifs, no buts.

Morgue of AMC’s Freakshow was a monster hiding in plain sight.

So, before Corey Rebhahn (Morgue) posed as a non-binary, Woke, vegan pacifist suffering from “religious trauma syndrome”, he was a person all about TERRORIZING people. He was an “Edge Lord”.

Remember, this is the REAL Corey, expressing himself without constraint, without the mask he now wears to hide his real thoughts. This is the monster that phoned the FBI to try to ruin the lives of two of his former senior colleagues (Corey’s dad is a cop, hence why Corey is so well in with the FBI!). This is the monster who got the AC canceled and who wrote poisonous smears against the AC/PI. This is the monster plotting his REVENGE right now.

But you’re finished Corey. Now everyone can see you exactly as we see you – as a full-on psychopath.

You are BUSTED. Your own previous Morgue persona – a true hater if ever there was one – has destroyed you! Good riddance, you piece of trash.

Isn’t it hilarious that the freaking albino Morgue of AMC’s Freakshow was a true freak, a true monster – and the son of a Christian fundamentalist cop. What an irony!   

Morgue from Freakshow:

The Child Devourer

Corey says,

“I’ve had a number of people ask me about my influences. So I thought I would share a very important one. His name is Saturn, devourer of children. His portrait hangs above my bed.”


This is the REAL Morgue – staring up at the “devourer of children.” How many vulnerable minds has his sick cult devoured?

GET OUT. Save yourselves from this monster. Don’t let him devour you too.

Corey said,

“Saturn’s unforgiving, ever hungry eyes both deeply disturb and fascinate me. Keep a look out, and you will see his influence in my future work.”

Yes, we saw it – you sick freak. Stop imposing your sickness on the world. Stop brainwashing gimps. The people who remain in your cult are truly weird and disturbed. You’re making them even more mentally ill.

Mister Morgue of AMC’s Freakshow is the monster of monsters, the freak of freaks. He was a professional self-harmer.

Nowadays, “Woke Morgue” talks about love, pity and compassion. The REAL Morgue instead talked about how to “Eliminate Weakness” and “Focus your POWER”. Corey, back then, detested people lacking a strong will. He said, “I’ve known extremely gifted photographers, musicians, and painters that will never reach their potential simply because they have no will. They will most likely die with nothing of value to show for their lives.”

Think of how much contempt Corey must have for Hyperians – people who “have no will”. They spend their lives LOVING Morgue and listening to his nonsense and sending him loads of money … the most absurd waste of life possible. If only you could see through Corey’s eyes, you would see that he DETESTS Hyperians. You are nothing but the suckers he needs to give him success. AND LOADS OF MONEY.

Corey said,

“Success won’t come without persistence unless you are extremely lucky. You have to make it happen, pave your own path, make your mark.”

Hyperianism is Corey “making his mark”. But what mark are you Hyperians making? No one gives a fuck about Hyperians. You are pointless and irrelevant, with no will to power. What have you ever accomplished? You spend your lives saying hello to each other on livestreams and calling yourself “hyperfam”. Even your own cult leader believes you are pathetic. That’s why he has NEVER ONCE had a Hyperian on his livestream, to share the camera with him.

So, this ghastly TERRORS OF MEN nonsense is what you get when Corey is left to his own devices. This is what he was up to before he encountered the AC/PI.

Only by plagiarizing OUR WORK was Corey able to posture as someone intelligent, with a meaningful message to deliver. Before that, he was simply an Edge Lord shock artist trying to sneer at people and terrorize them.

Corey owes EVERYTHING to the AC/PI. And look how he repaid us. That’s the character of the man … a man WITHOUT character. A PSYCHOPATH who will use anyone and anything to get his own way.

Remember Mister Morgue and Asia? They were an item, allegedly. But isn’t Morgue of AMC’s Freakshow gay? Well, he wears dresses and makeup and now says he’s “non-binary”. Who knows what the sword swallower swallows now.

Corey said, 

“The Intern Project – Bleed the World, Stain it RED … The Intern Project is an organization for those who are dissatisfied with the mediocrity humanity creates. Rejoice as you are prepped for surgery dear intern, the path to vitality lies before you. As the dying god breathes his last we will take his place and our blood will stain this world red.”

Corey is totally a self-harm guy, totally into blood – and he encouraged his “interns” to get onboard with his sick self-abuse.

Blood, gore, horror, terror, fear, shock, outrage is what Corey actually dreams of. But look at him now – stuck with the insufferably bland and banal Hyperians, mediocre to the core. It must actually torture Corey being stuck with this Woke drivel he has tactically adopted … but he loves how rich it has made him, and how many submissive women and men it has lured in to worshiping him.

Morgue Official of Freakshow couldn’t do that stuff anymore. He doesn’t regurgitate pool balls, he regurgitates bullshit.

Corey said,

“The more I interact with people around me the more I realize just how deluded they are. They have created rules and rituals to inject false meaning into their existence. These animals are playing house, working hours on end for their little bits of green paper.”

Corey doesn’t believe in working long hours for “little bits of green paper”. He just goes on livestreams and gets suckers and marks to send him LOADS OF MONEY. Why bother working when you can get fools to make you a millionaire?

Corey said,

“They display proper etiquette at the dinner table while they feast on carefully prepared pieces of the dead. I grip the steak knife and my knuckles turn white as I long to plunge it into their rancid flesh. They can not comprehend the futility of their life. I could show them.”

You see – a PSYCHOPATH, actually dreaming of killing humans! First we find him dreaming of strangling women, now of stabbing people at the dinner table. We warned in “Without the Mob, There Is No Circus” that this was an extremely angry and vindictive man. Now we see how much he fantasizes about violence against anyone who gets in his way. His phone call to the FBI was an extremely violent act, intended to destroy his targets.

This guy was a total nihilist back in the day, and only the AC/PI saved him from becoming a serial killer. Look how he repaid us! By metaphorically trying to kill us. He should have called his first book “The Metaphorical Homicide.”

Corey said,

“But I am forced to play their game. I am a sane man confined to an asylum.”

You think, Corey? You are in fact one of the world’s most mentally disturbed people. You were marked from birth for a chaotic, catastrophic life. You were brought up in a cult – homeschooled to keep you away from normality – and you have become a total nutjob, completely contemptuous of everyone brought up normally.

Corey said,

“So I put on a smile and laugh at their clever jokes. At times I can see how easy it would be to slip into their delusion, to lean on the crutches of religion. But I reject that kind of false happiness. Religion is nothing but dead hope.”

Morgue from Freakshow

So is your Hyperianism. All of your hopes are already dead. And all remaining Hyperians are totally hopeless clowns, as you know all too well.

Mister Morgue is sick.

Did Mister Morgue use and abuse Asia?

Mister Morgue – is he a Freakshow pervert?

Mister Morgue – run for your life.

Mister Morgue is a predator, and you are his prey.

Corey said,

“Yet conversely, the presence of the sleeping masses gives you an intense disconnection. Maybe this is just the ramblings of a madman. Most of my influences, Nietzsche, Goya, eventually went mad. After all, sanity would be quite boring!”

Corey got so bored of sanity, he chose insanity. Actually, mate, you were never sane. Your whole life has been “troubled”. That’s the fate of anyone raised in a fundamentalist cult by a refrigerator mother.

Corey said,

“I have hope in the artists. Many of them are only half asleep.”

We LOATHE modern art and contemporary artists – the whole scene is pretentious, self-indulgent, narcissistic junk. Corey LOVES this pathetic scene. Surprise, surprise. These “artists” are the people he loves to hang out with. He would never go anywhere near working-class people. He only ever mixes with fellow bourgeois types.

Corey said,

“Occasionally I come across someone who is fully awake.”

How would you know, mate? You are totally asleep. You are utterly controlled by your unconscious. A type of Dunning-Kruger effect applies to being “awake”. People who are NOT awake imagine they are the most awake of all, and they cannot recognize those who are actually awake. They lack the means to recognize what being awake is. The permanently sleeping cannot know what it is to be awake. They are COMATOSE. Just look at the Hyperian gimps.

Corey said,

“Unfortunately most of those individuals are too weak to handle reality and collapse into depression.”

You’re a depressive, Corey. That’s obvious. It’s written all over your face.

Corey said,

“It takes an iron will to withstand the weight. Do you have the strength of will to face the world? Use your hate, your frustration and your anger. These are powerful forces that can be focused into achieving your goals. … Or I suppose … We could just blow it all to hell. … Morbidly Yours, Morgue.”

So, all you Hyperians, are you using your HATE, your FRUSTRATION, your ANGER? Or is Corey’s spiel these days all about love, pity and compassion, and all things WOKE?

Come on, Corey, bring back the old Corey, the REAL Corey and just blow Hyperianism to hell. Hyperianism is literally EVERYTHING you previously despised – the very essence of blandness, banality, mediocrity and pointless people making no difference to the world. Kill it off. Perform a METAPHORICAL SUICIDE on your own failed cult.

Corey said,


Well, Hyperians, are you sharing your darkness?

Corey said,

“Being an alternative artist it can be a struggle to find a place to express yourself. I have used social networking sites like facebook and youtube to express my art. However I was not satisfied with these mainstream sites. It is filled with idiotic apes rolling in their own shit.”


Isn’t it hilarious? Hyperianism is DEFINED by YouTube and Facebook and … idiotic apes rolling in their own shit.

Corey said,

“There are some quality artists on these sites but they are difficult to find, and many of them are banned if their material is not ‘acceptable’.”

No one is ever going to ban your Woke Hyperian shit, Corey! Only people like us – incendiary radicals – get banned … by WOKE FUCKS LIKE YOU! Only our work is “unacceptable.”

Corey said,

“That is why I created this site [The Terrors of Men]. A place where I could express myself in an environment untainted by the mainstream.”

So, now YOU are MR MAINSTREAM, Corey, the Wokest of the Woke. Are you enjoying yourself?

Mister Morgue, Freakshow guy, also calls himself the Shock Surgeon, Morgue, Morgue Official, the Terror of Men, the Night Bringer. Did Asia know all these names.

Corey always goes on about “haters” these days. Back in the day, Corey was the biggest HATER in the world, trying to bring terror to everyone. “SPREAD TERROR,” he said.

It’s amazing how often this guy inverts his position. You could easily see him becoming a Born-Again Christian in the near future. Hey, Corey, loads of grifting opportunities for a preacher who saved himself from Wokeness and liberalism! Nudge, nudge.


All you freakish Hyperian women who imagine having a romantic relationship with your cult leader, sorry to disappoint you but:

a) has this guy ever been anywhere near a woman sexually?

b) he’s not into romance.

Morgue from Freakshow

He said,

“Yes, Valentine’s day is a sickening holiday. … On February 14th young girls would write their names on slips of paper and place them in an urn to be mixed. Young males would then come forward and take a slip at random, and this would be their sexual partner for the duration of the festival. The next day the festivities began with the slaughtering of a goat, a dog, oh and don’t forget the ritual flagellation. What a fucking fantastic holiday!” Funny how a vegan celebrates slaughtering animals! Ah, Corey, is your head fitted on back to front, like everything else about you!

Corey said,

“What are your plans for Valentines day? Hah so in honor of it’s roots I think I’ll celebrate with a glass of wine and some ritual masturbation. “

What a fucking wanker!

Corey the Satanist.

Corey said,

“Children, Meet Satan … I must say, Satan destroying that worthless society is very inspiring.”

So, if Corey doesn’t return to his Christian roots, he will go Satanist. After else, there’s nowhere else for him to go now. All of his options have vanished. He tried to be an intellectual by stealing our work. That failed. Now it’s Christianity or anti-Christianity (Satanism) for desperate Corey, the grifter.

Morgue of AMC’s Freakshow also called himself Death By Crimson. With his gay lovers, he seemingly called himself “David”.

Corey wrote an article called “My Page Could be DELETED: Social Networks and Freedom of Speech.”

Now we’re openly laughing. “Freedom of speech” says the leader of Hyperianism … who got the AC canceled for exercising free speech – by telling the truth about HIM.

You see, people like Corey believe only in THEIR freedom of speech, not in anyone else’s. What a repulsive hypocrite.

Corey said,

“It is possible that my Social Networking sites will get deleted, if that happens I will have no way to keep in touch with you.”

Why don’t you delete them yourself, weirdo? Your cult is over.

Corey said,

“For those more interested as to why, I would like to take a minute to talk about Social Networking. Obviously it is extremely popular, it is not only popular but it is becoming essential. It is almost impossible not to have one if you have a large contact list. SO! What is the problem? … They are essential for bands/artists etc to share their work. … But here is the problem, these Networks are all run by companies, meaning, they make the rules. There is NO FREEDOM OF SPEECH on these sites. If they don’t like what you have to say, they’ll pull the plug on you. Now it may not impact you if you don’t have that many friends on these networks. But if you do, and the networks starts to notice you, that is when the problem arises.”

Did Corey completely change tack to uber Wokeness simply to avoid having the plug pulled on him by social media?

Corey said,

“This is leading to mediocre art, because in theory, only those artists who are already established and have a HUGE following will be kept around, so that the networks do not look bad.”

And this is the exact strategy Corey adopted! – to produce a large Woke cult of mediocrity to which the corporations could never object. That’s what Hyperianism was intended to be … except with our ontological mathematical engine incongruously added to power it and make it seem grand and awesome.

Corey said,

“But if another artist is starting to rise, and has any message that would be considered offensive, it is very possible the network will remove them. Read the Terms of Service of any of these networks and it is written in black and white.”

Corey HAS read these Terms of Service. He used that exact game to get the AC canceled for exposing him as a fraud, liar, plagiarist and conman. What a disgusting human being, not only a traitor to us, but also to his former self!

Corey said,

“So that is why I created TerrorsOfMen dot com. A place where I can make my own rules. My friends, this is very important so I can continue my Stunt work, and The Intern Project, without having to ‘tame it down’. Because there is nothing tame about a Terror.”


Yeah, you like to make your own rules, Corey, don’t you? But you like to use the rules AGAINST anyone who calls out your bullshit. Fucking hypocrite. You condemn the French Revolutionary Terror while saying there is “nothing tame about a Terror.” Hypocrite, hypocrite, hypocrite.

Corey said,

“The Intern Project – Bleed The World, Stain it RED … SPREAD TERROR to other Networks. … Join and then simply spread awareness about this site or my stunts. You can do it any way you like.”

It’s always ALL ABOUT COREY. EVERYONE else is expected to promote Corey. When we saw that our work was being used to promote Corey’s narcissism, we thought WTF! No fucking way, mate.

Corey said,

“About Morgue … You know who I am! “

Corey, the least self-aware person in the world is … YOU. You are entirely driven by your unconscious.

Corey said,

“BATLORD – Music to be Buried to.”

Will you be playing that at Hyperianism’s imminent funeral?

You know how Corey – the Woke Jesus – is always going on about love, pity and compassion. Well, that wasn’t true when he was Morgue of the Terrors of Men. Here’s what he had to say:

“Pity is a Sickness, a Virus Bred from Suffering. … Harsh words? I think my readers have the intelligence to see the truth here. If one looks closely you will see that it is not I who is the villain, but the one who spreads pain unto others. … The German word for pity is Mitleid, which literally means ‘suffering with’. There is nothing gained by feeling pity, no direct or indirect positive bi-product. It can only result in a loss of will, which can develop into a negative state like depression. Sometimes it may be advantageous to express pity, but feeling it should always be avoided.”

WTF! Corey says you should PRETEND to have pity, while not actually having any at all. Smoke and mirrors, as always. Corey is always pretending. He doesn’t know anything else. His whole life is a pretense.

Corey said,

“This society prizes the emotion. It is the highest virtue of the weak and stupid.”

Yet now Corey is always banging on about pity and compassion, prizing compassion above all – because Wokeness demands this rhetoric. Secretly, he thinks everyone who falls for this is “weak and stupid”, especially all those dumb Hyperian women who go on loving him.

There’s no doubt that Corey regards Woke people as utterly weak and stupid with no will, yet he has thrown in his lot with the Woke because he sees this path as the one to wealth, fame and success. Corey is the great dissimulator.

Corey said,

“You see, the wretched creature will bemoan and lament his misfortune to those around him in an attempt to evoke pain from them. This is his only power, the power to make his friend suffer.”

This argument is taken straight from Nietzsche. Nietzsche said of the pitiful:

“[D]espite all their weakness, they still have at least one power: the power to hurt. When expressions of pity make the unfortunate man aware of this feeling of superiority, he gets a kind of pleasure from it; his self-image revives; he is still important enough to inflict pain on the world.”

Corey wrote, 

“‘Ah’ he thinks ‘I am important enough to cause another pain’ and in this realization he feels pleasure. This is the true sadist, he that gains pleasure from inflicting pain. … I think we all have known someone like this. A whimpering creature, crying at all hours of the day and night about their ‘miserable’ situation.”

What, you mean like you and all your Hyperian gimps moaning on about the fate that has befallen you in the last few weeks?

Corey said,

“They will break their own bones for your attention. I have seen it, the tantrums, the screaming, even the false suicide attempts. I am not saying to withhold help from a friend if he or she genuinely needs it. This is a completely different situation, please do not confuse the two. I am speaking of the individual who does nothing to improve their life.”

The whole of Hyperianism, from its cult leader all the way down, is about attention-seeking.

Corey then trashes a female “friend”. He wrote,

“I had an acquaintance who will remain nameless. She was unhappy with her life, and would cry to me night after night. Yet she did nothing to improve her situation. She had time and opportunity to change her life, she was simply lazy. It became apparent that this person had no intention of improving her situation and was simply seeking my pity, to stir emotion. I saw the negative effects it had in my life and I severed ties with her. I will help the willing and persistent but I have no tolerance for the weak.”

Such a sweet guy, huh?! Corey will throw anyone under a bus. He does it over and over again. He never helps anyone, he just “severs ties”.

Corey is having a negative effect in the lives of all Hyperians. You should sever ties with him. He will drop you in an instant the moment you are no longer of use to him. Look at how he treated 100% of those that left Hyperianism. They were instantly dead to him. They served no function for Corey, so they might as well not exist. He treated them as if they had vanished from the world, exactly as he treated his former female acquaintance.

Corey said,

“Do not let them move you, do not let them tear you down. Leave them to die in the world they have created. Morbidly Yours, Morgue.”

That’s how Corey treats everyone he can no longer utilize for his own ends … they are left to die “in the world they have created” (the world without Morgue).

Corey said these things when he was distinctly unWoke. His rhetoric has now undergone a 180 degree turn. Look at him today, the Woke Messiah. It’s amazing that he doesn’t nauseate himself, that he doesn’t choke on his own hypocrisy. His old self would be appalled by this Woke Weirdo he has become, constantly bleating about pity and compassion and always reaching out to the pitiful for money!

Freakshow, Freakshow, Freakshow, Freakshow, Freakshow, Freakshow.

Asia, Asia, Asia, Asia, Asia, Asia, Asia, Asia, Asia, Asia.

Mister Morgue, Mister Morgue, Mister Morgue, Mister Morgue, Mister Morgue

Have you learned the mantra?

Watch out for the predators.

morgue from freakshow

Corey wrote,

“SATANIC Prayer for the CHRISTIANS … I share a personal story and discuss the hypocrisy of Christians and other religious groups. What are your thoughts? Have you had any similar experiences?”

Yeah, mate, we’ve had a similar experience with a cult called HYPERIANISM. It’s YOUR cult, mate – the new, Woke Christianity. And just as fucking toxic as the old Christianity.

Corey said,

“I recall when I was first learning to use a certain large hook and I successfully got it into my skull. Unfortunately it was stuck. After many unsuccessful attempts at removing it I finally had to force it out.”

Did you get brain damage, mate? That would explain a lot!

Corey said,

“But I digress, this time something different went very wrong and I had to drive my self to the emergency room while coughing up blood. I cannot go into detail about what exactly happened but it did require many hours in the ER and operating room. Now all of this I do not mind, and I expect it to happen every now and then. But here is the unfortunate event in the ordeal… I had NO insurance. So imagine my horror when I received the medical bills whose sum totaled WELL over $25,000. Twenty five thousand dirty pieces of wrinkled green paper that I did not have. Thankfully I did not end up paying for all of it. I still had to pay thousands of dollars but a large portion of it was taken care of. I have no idea how, and I did not ask questions.”

So some sucker bailed this bum out. The same old story!





This was the previous message of Hyperianism’s cult leader – a much more accurate representation of the psychopath that is Corey Rebhahn.

You know how conformist all the Hyperians are? Here’s what Corey had to say about conformity:

“I knew this was something I was going to have to address as soon as I begun work on the Intern Project. Dictionary dot com defines conformity as ‘to be or become similar in form, nature, or character.’ We live in a society that praises those who are the same and condemns those who are different. Conforming, becoming another clone in this diseased world, is what we hate the most. However, I see a lot of people who try be different, just for the sake of being different. If you like a certain thing, let’s say a popular song, but you deny that you like it simply for the sake of being ‘different’ you are not being true to yourself. There is nothing wrong with liking something that is popular as long as you actually enjoy it and not just because society tells you are SUPPOSED TO LIKE IT. There is a big difference that a lot of people miss. I have had a few people tell me that they would like to join The Intern Project but they do not want to conform. In basic terms they are saying that believing in ‘nonconformity’ is conforming, this is bullshit, and they do not understand what they are saying. Let me tell you The Project forces nothing on you. We are a group of unique individuals, with one thing uniting us. That is, the acknowledgment that society breeds mediocrity and we will not be oppressed by it.”

Er, Hyperianism breeds mediocrity! Just look at the kind of people left in Hyperianism. Corey, you yourself are the Prophet of Woke Mediocrity. You are the leader of the Last Men. Your cult is an obscenity. Are you Woke “non-conformists” trying to unite the world? Good luck with that!

Corey said,

“In the future I will be sharing my own philosophies, but by no means do you have to listen to them, I simply offer them as a model that works for me, it is up to you to decide if it will work for you.”

You hear a lot of this same rhetoric being spouted today by the cult leader of Hyperianism, so the REAL Corey is still hiding in plain sight. As it turned out, he had no philosophies of his own, so he just plagiarized ours!

With Terrors of Men, Corey was full of hate and loved to claim to be pitiless. He was totally unWoke. With Hyperianism, the new cult, Corey is full of love, compassion and pity. He has become totally WOKE. Why? because Wokeness offers far superior grifting opportunities! Far more money rolls in for Corey in Woke World. The real Corey has gone nowhere. Deep down, that’s still who he is – as his psycho actions against us prove.

Anyone who imagines that Corey truly believes all that Woke shit he spouts is delusional. This is a man of pure hate. He will avenge himself his entire life long. He is CONSUMED by bitterness and rage. He is a psychopath on a mission to avenge himself on the world. His hatred oozes out of him. You can literally see it in his eyes. Just look. He sees himself as an exotic witch like Maleficent (which is one of his favorite movies, naturally – he would love to appear on his show dressed as Maleficent!).

Corey said,

“Viral Author (Trial): This allows you to post directly to the site, in the same way I do. Express yourself in ANY way you want. No more fucking restrictions like on other networks. Share music, art, videos, blogs, photography anything your bloody heart desires! … Infection Network (Permanent): This allows you to create an interactive and customizable profile on this site. Post status updates, upload pictures, interact with new people and much more! … I am very excited about these features. This is a place where we can express our darkness unrestricted and uncensored, and many new features are coming soon. The success of this project is up to you my friends, set up a profile and start exploring the site. Raise your middle fingers to facebook, youtube and all the social nazis because we will not be silenced. Share your darkness, kill the light. Morbidly Yours, Morgue.”

So Hyperians, you are led by a man who says,

“Share your darkness, kill the light. … express our darkness unrestricted and uncensored … raise your middle fingers to facebook, youtube and the social nazis…”

You Hyperians are indeed the force of utter ENDARKENMENT! Are you all as morbid as Corey? It seems so. Are you all giving the finger to Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Patreon? Ho, ho, ho.

Hey Corey, you said about a former acquaintance,

“I saw the negative effects it had in my life and I severed ties with her.”

So, we’re having negative effects on your life, so why don’t you fucking sever all ties with our work, you weird freak?! We would love nothing more than to never see or hear from you again. So stop plagiarizing our work and fuck off.

Do yourself a favor, all you Hyperians. Get out now. Your window of opportunity is shrinking fast. The hammer will fall. Be sure of it!

Corey said,

“After all, sanity would be quite boring!”

Not as fucking boring as your WOKE insanity, Corey. Man, you are as so bland, so banal – just another Woke, bourgeois Californian. Your previous version of yourself – the Terrors of Men Morgue, the Edge Lord – must be absolutely revolted by who you pose as now.

Corey, you are a truly sickening human being. You are leading a cult of total Woke mediocrity, yet you have the nerve to drag our numinous work into your shambles. We will not let you drag it down into your cesspit.

Corey said,

“My god this article is so goth I’m going to shit a bat.”

We think you did.

All you Hyperians, are you “Sharing Your Darkness”? You are such sick, twisted people! You are the degeneration of humanity, not its elevation. The only elevated content in Hyperianism is the content stolen from us!

Terrors of Men reflects the REAL Corey, Corey as he was before he encountered the holy grail of the AC.

Corey said,

“I will help the willing and persistent but I have no tolerance for the weak.”

Morgue from Freakshow

How do you feel about that, all you super-weak Hyperians?! Corey said,

“Leave them to die in the world they have created.”

All of you Hyperians are dying in the fake world Corey built for you. This guy HATES you. Haven’t you worked that out yet? But he loves your MONEY and WORSHIP – just like all evangelical preachers, whom he so closely resembles.

Corey said,

“When are these fuckers [Christians] going to learn I will not put up with their shit?”

Likewise, when are these Hyperian fuckers going to learn that we will not put up with their shit?!

Corey said,

“But near the end [of one of my performances], one of these brainwashed [Christian] idiots walks right into the middle of my show. Not just into the audience, but right into the middle. Bible in hand, he starts to yell at the top of his lungs some inane verses. Taken aback at his audacity, and just plain stupidity, I inform him sternly, ‘Sir, this is my show, please leave’. He ignores me and continues his obnoxious ‘sermon’.”

Yeah mate, we told you to stop interfering with our work, and you just obnoxiously stood there and kept obnoxiously plagiarizing us and delivering your obnoxious Woke sermon. The impudence! And hypocrisy. Get off our territory. It’s not for the likes of you … human trash.

Corey said,

“The crowd is getting upset by this, and rightly…”

Fucking tell us about it, mate!

Corey said,

“…the Christian is still not leaving.”

We say,

“… the Hyperian is still not leaving.”

Corey said,

“These people are becoming more than just a nuisance. They are insane, not hyperbolically, but literally insane.”

Yes, YOU fucking are … literally insane. Now fuck off. Go back to your Terrors of Men shit, Corey. Leave our work out of your psychopathy!

Corey wrote a poem called SLAUGHTER. Here it is:

“I will bruise the fruit

I will rot the core

I will rape the clean

I will stain the pure

“Tremble in the dark

No crown will save you here

Rusted nails left their mark

And now I will taste your fear

“And I have slaughtered the lamb

And I have slaughtered the lamb

The Lamb

“Fallen on your knees

I’ve torn down the wounded one

Rotted flesh holds disease

You know I’m the hungry one

“And I have slaughtered the lamb

And I have slaughtered the lamb

The Lamb”

Ahem! A good Hyperian poem? Corey the rapist! Corey the corruptor of the pure.

And for such a creepy vegan, Corey, you sure love slaughtering lambs!

Corey dreams of being a sex toy for demons:

“This is how the legends of Incubi and Succubi started. They are demons that visit their victims during the night, rendering them helpless, usually for sexual purposes. Unfortunately that did not happen to me.”

Mister Morgue (Terrors of Men; Stain It Red) said,

“If music had an asshole, I’d fuck the shit out of it.”

All you Hyperian women who love Morgue, are you clear where you stand now?

On October 13, 2014, Corey said,

“I value the acquisition of knowledge and the expansion of consciousness.”

No you don’t. You abuse knowledge and you build a false consciousness.

Corey said,

“I make progress in these areas through careful reason and internal experience (intuition).”

No you don’t. You are regressing. You are self-evidently not rational.

Corey said,

“I take little pleasure in the little things in life…”

You self-evidently love money. It’s all you talk about! You’re a grifter, always begging for money from suckers.

Corey said,

“I look for major moments and I seek to cultivate them.”

You mean exploit and abuse them.

Corey said,

“I am not one to settle.”

You have settled for Hyperianism, now a load of shit Woke nonsense, reflective of YOU.

Corey said,

“I seek to be the best and I deserve the best.”


Corey said,

“Material things (money etc) are not important to me.”


“I value others when I can learn from them and our relationship is a benefit.”


Corey said,

“I don’t keep people around as emotional crutches.”

HAHAHAHAHAHA – have you ever looked at your remaining Hyperians?

Corey said,

“I don’t associate with people just because they make me feel good like a fearful child who clings to a stuffed animal.”


Corey said,

“I have had many personal paradigm shifts in my life, from religion to science to intuition to reason.”

But you got ALL of your important ideas from AC/PI alone, you plagiarist bastard.

Corey said,

“I burn at maximum and I don’t expect to have a long life.”

You’ve burned out now, mate. It’s time to leave the stage. This world is going to be extraordinarily cruel to you. You haven’t even woken up to how much the world hates you.

Your Terrors of Men project was all about hating the world. The world is much vaster than you, and a far superior hater. As Kafka said,

“In man’s struggle against the world, bet on the world.”

You should have done your job rather than turning traitor to indulge your narcissism. Now look at you. Your empire of lies is collapsing. You are losing it all.

Good riddance, you piece of shit. The world has quite enough psychopaths without you to add to the carnage.

D said,

“Corey literally owes everything to you. If it weren’t for the AC, he’d still be a complete edge-lord dunce without a glimmer of intellect. Terrors of Men is probably one of the most cringey, lowbrow, anomic pieces of shock ‘art’ I’ve ever seen. It’s jaw-dropping how bad it is. How anyone like this could have remotely connected with the sublime high-culture of Illuminism is beyond me. It’s an utter abomination. “

It sure is.

Corey, it’s time to remove all Illuminist content from Hyperianism, and let Hyperianism morph back into what it was previously – the Terrors of Men, based on hate and nihilism, and perfectly reflecting your innate psychopathy.

Morgue … The Night Bringer … Morgen Night … The Terror of Men … Cult Leader … The Intern Project … Hyperianism … Stain It Red … Create Fear … Spread the Terror.

Tell the truth, Morgue. The truth shall set you free!

This is a Battle Day

All red banners are flying.

This sick, degenerate Hyperian cult and its sick, degenerate Hyperian cult leader must be swept forever from social media. The world must be saved from these people. All good people must assist in bringing them down. It’s astounding that YouTube, Facebook and Instagram haven’t yet closed down all Morgue and Hyperian content.

No Quarter!

Never forget, Mister Morgue of AMC’s Freakshow, who may or may not have gone out with Asia, is a monster. People who swallow swords usually are.

Is Morgue From Freakshow a Racist?

Do you remember when the sporting icon Kobe Bryant and his 13-year old daughter, and seven others, died in a helicopter accident (on January 26, 2020)? It was a shocking incident and many millions of people, especially in the African American community, were grief-stricken.

One person who definitely wasn’t grief-stricken was Corey Rebhahn. Just the following day, he excitedly announced that he had immediately made a video TRASHING Kobe Bryant!

He wrote,

“Hello there. I have already filmed and am in the editing process of a video tentatively titled ‘Should You Really Be Sad About Kobe Bryant?’

I open the video by saying ‘Everyone is mourning Kobe Bryant and celebrating him as an individual, but did you know he was accused of rape?’ For the majority of the video I am essentially on screen reading an article about his rape accusation. Then closing the video by saying that everyone should be held accountable and not be given a free pass for being a celebrity, and it’s time for celebrity culture to crumble. This is sure to be extremely controversial so before I hit the red button, so to speak, I wanted to see if you think this is a good idea. I’m shooting to release this today in the afternoon.”

We were appalled by this message. It would be hard to imagine anything more tasteless than dancing on the grave of a dead man and his daughter, and seven others. And why attack a deceased African American icon? It’s not as if there aren’t plenty of living white celebrities with dubious reputations. Corey Rebhahn himself is a toxic z-list celebrity with grotesque opinions about all sorts of things.

We replied,

“You could lose a huge amount of support if you go ahead with this, especially at this time. Is it worth it? What is Hyperianism’s core message. Is it this? If you want to build up a big audience and influence a lot of people with Hyperian ideas, this will not contribute to that objective. This actually has the power to make you a pariah, given how hero worshipped and iconic Kobe Bryant was. Things being the way they are, you could even be accused of being racist. It just doesn’t seem like a strategically sound move. Plenty of people have already mentioned the rape accusation, so it’s not as if it’s not well-known and not out there. This could really go badly wrong. So, to repeat, is it worth it? If such a video proved the end of Hyperianism, would it have been worth it?”

Corey went ahead and released the video anyway and triumphantly said,

“So far it is the highest watched video of the recent videos I’ve released.”

We said,

“These will be the things people say about this…

Brick Freak:

“This is all irrelevant right now. A classless video. Everybody in the world knows about Kobe’s past. How many times did a celebrity get accused of false rape accusations for money? Kobe is an icon and a legend. He’s an inspiration to millions around the world. A true embodiment of hard work. Let the man and his innocent 13 year old daughter rest in peace.”

A Cut to the Chase Productions, LLC:

“Man I really like your channel but I think this will cause me to unfollow … my friend way too soon. The man just died.”

Beth-Ann Fanella:

“Not that I disagree, but the timing is a little wack.”

The Blood Of Ogun #AlphaBlack #B1:

“Kobe Bryant didn’t r@pe ANYONE… there’s a LONG history in America of white women WILLINGLY having sex with Black Men and then falsely crying r@pe when their friends and family find out about it. ENTIRE Black towns have been burned to the ground and COUNTLESS Black people have been murd3red because of these false accusations.””

Corey said,

“While there definitely are some negative comments there, the amount of positive comments are a lot more than I was expecting. I don’t think a youtube release will do any damage. I’m going to release it on facebook and monitor it carefully. If it gets out of hand I’ll pull it.”

Soon afterwards, he had to pull it.

Can you believe that a white blue-eyed blond man – a person of absolute privilege in the USA – thought it was fine to attack an African-American legend, and straight after his death and that of his poor daughter?

Here are Corey’s own thoughts regarding women:

“I can not count how many times some ‘spray on tan’ slut has inquired in disbelief why I dress the way I do, or do the things I do. ‘It’s not sexy’, she informs me. Such stupidity makes me want to strangle the bitch. Why should I be concerned if other people find me attractive in any way? Should I change my identity, for a waste producing organ between the legs? … Morbidly Yours, Morgue”

“I had an acquaintance who will remain nameless. She was unhappy with her life, and would cry to me night after night. Yet she did nothing to improve her situation. She had time and opportunity to change her life, she was simply lazy. It became apparent that this person had no intention of improving her situation and was simply seeking my pity, to stir emotion. I saw the negative effects it had in my life and I severed ties with her. I will help the willing and persistent but I have no tolerance for the weak.”

This is an exceptionally horrible man, who treats people with absolute contempt, yet he thinks he can lecture the African-American community from his position on the mountain of white, blue-eyed blond Aryan privilege. What a disgrace. These privileged people should learn to keep their mouths shut. And let’s not forget that Corey is the son of a cop – and we all know how seriously racist white cops are.

Corey has now tried to suppress all of his obnoxious and creepy Terrors of Men material – don’t worry, we took copies, mate! Mr Woke Corey does not want to be reminded of his Edge Lord past, when he was the opposite of Woke and advocating terrorizing society. Should we phone the FBI to get you questioned about your terrorist plans for America, Corey? What’s sauce for the goose, and all that!

Corey Rebhahn is a racist and a misogynist. He’s also a casual anti-Semite. Check this out:

“Haha some Jews tried to convert me yesterday. That is a first. I should have distracted them with some change.”

It’s remarkable that this appalling, toxic individual hasn’t had all of his content removed from Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.

It’s amazing that hundreds of people go on supporting this monster on Patreon. But of course – they are all members of a cult, hence are totally groomed and brainwashed.

We had very little communication with Corey after the Kobe Bryant episode, and we ended contact with him in early November of that year, following Thomas Foster’s Open Letter to Hyperianism.

We have been going through all of Morgue’s posts on Facebook and more or less all of them can be weaponized against him. He is a GHASTLY human being. Here are a few random selections.

Corey said,

“I am the new Black.” (!)

“I’m such a nice guy.”


“Relationship should be spelt ‘relationshit’.”


“My fans are fucking insane and I fucking love it.”


“I realize I haven’t been on facebook. Been too busy getting fucked up, fucking up and fucking myself up. So shut the fuck up.”


“You’re not a person, you’re just an asshole, and I’m gonna fuck the shit out of you.”


“I hate _______”


“I’d fuck me.”


Enough already. Get this poisonous person off social media. How many people are being corrupted by this grotesque human being? His own mother’s view of him has been entirely vindicated.

This is a white blue-eyed blond person of privilege, and the son of a cop, who heard about an African American legend and his daughter dying in a tragic accident in his own city (Kobe spent his entire 20-year basketball career with the Los Angeles Lakers), and his IMMEDIATE thought was not to show any respect for the dead, for a local hero, but “How can I publicly smear this black man for my own benefit?” If that’s not racist, what is?

What kind of human being operates that way? And what kind of people fund this monster on Patreon? What’s for sure is that they have no moral compass. As Corey said himself, “Fuck right and wrong and traditional morality.” Corey believes himself above and beyond basic human standards. None of that applies to HIM. He can do whatever he likes … because he’s COREY. The only thing that matters to Corey is Corey.

Was AMC’s Freakshow an exploration of perversion? Mister Morgue, the Terror or Men is certainly a pervert. Isn’t it perverted to swallow swords? Who does that?

What kind of human being operates that way? And what kind of people fund this monster on Patreon? What’s for sure is that they have no moral compass. As Corey said himself, “Fuck right and wrong and traditional morality.” Corey believes himself above and beyond basic human standards. None of that applies to HIM. He can do whatever he likes … because he’s COREY. The only thing that matters to Corey is Corey.

Was AMC’s Freakshow an exploration of perversion? Mister Morgue, the Terror or Men is certainly a pervert. Isn’t it perverted to swallow swords? Who does that?

The Case Against Hyperianism

Is Hyperianism a Misanthropy and Murder Cult?

Consider the evidence in the cult leader’s own words:

“If you could MURDER anyone and get away with it, who would it be?” – Corey Rebhahn

“They display proper etiquette at the dinner table while they feast on carefully prepared pieces of the dead. I grip the steak knife and my knuckles turn white as I long to plunge it into their rancid flesh. They can not comprehend the futility of their life. I could show them.” – Corey Rebhahn

“If you had the chance to try human flesh, would you?” – Corey Rebhahn

“I want to eat you.” – Corey Rebhahn

“We are the instruments of destruction. We will sing the songs of creation. #thenewdeath” – Corey Rebhahn

“Everyone has a demon inside yearning to escape. We are all born with it but everyone tries to hide it. First your parents, who are your world and then the world itself. They try to hide it and they usually do. Even you try to hide it. There are a few of us who recognize this and let the demon out little by little and more each time. Those of us who work at this will eventually become the demon. You must help it.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I can not count how many times some ‘spray on tan’ slut has inquired in disbelief why I dress the way I do, or do the things I do. ‘It’s not sexy’, she informs me. Such stupidity makes me want to strangle the bitch. Why should I be concerned if other people find me attractive in any way? Should I change my identity, for a waste producing organ between the legs? … Morbidly Yours, Morgue” – Corey Rebhahn

“An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. This is reality, and we need both love and hate.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Fight fire with fire.” – Corey Rebhahn

“To those who wish to make our lives hell, we will give you hell.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Hate or love?” – Corey Rebhahn

“This is not playtime, this is not the playground, this is real life. I will not hold hands and sing songs with those who wish to destroy me.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I’m getting sick of all this peace and love.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Unconditional love makes you weak and docile. Should you love the ones who bind you? Should you love the ones who burn you at the stake?” – Corey Rebhahn

“Don’t forget hate, anger, and will. Hate the ones who control and use you. Hate those who seek to make you their slave. Use your anger to fuel your will. Get angry and do something about it. Do not settle for the illusion of peace and freedom. Some of us still have a little fight left in us.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Long live the heretic, long live the madman. To hell with the rest.” – Corey Rebhahn

“My “leave me the fuck alone” posture. It gets used often.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Fuck you” – Corey Rebhahn

“Long live the heretic, long live the madman. To hell with the rest.” – Corey Rebhahn

“My “leave me the fuck alone” posture. It gets used often.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Stain it red” – Corey Rebhahn

“Something I wrote:

I have a game

That we could play

Its piece’s made

From blood and clay

You roll the dice

To choose your place

And take your life

To end this race

I have a lie

That I could tell

You’ll never die

And end this hell

Divinely wrought

From deadly spit

The weak are taught

Their wrists to slit

Don’t let them beg

Don’t let them cry

We want them dead

We’ll watch them die” – Corey Rebhahn

“Pariah. #heretic #vagabond #outcast #outlier” – Corey Rebhahn

“Fuck them. I will have nothing to do with the bullshit culture they have created. We are the heretics, we are the rebels, we are the outcasts. We don’t give a shit about being accepted and we put no importance on popularity. We are real, fearless and dangerous. #fakes #frauds #scum” – Corey Rebhahn

“I burn at maximum and I don’t expect to have a long life.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I’m coming back bitches. It’s time to light the fuse.” – Corey Rebhahn

“The forgotten one

Erased from the pages, lost in history

Forger of insanity

Creator of a new sin

Lord of initiation

Mention not his name” – Corey Rebhahn

“Disgusted by “humanity”.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I’m not anti-social, I just want you dead.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I DO NOT want or need approval from anyone other than myself.” – Corey Rebhahn

“You would make a beautiful corpse.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I have driven kings to madness. Their bodies hang in their own house. Can you see me?” – Corey Rebhahn

“I am the Lecher bitch and I wear the X of castigation. I am the whore of the extreme.” As quoted by Corey Rebhahn

“So many speak when they have nothing to say. My words are precise and toxic.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Say No to Normal.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Normal is dead and I carried the coffin.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Normal… What is normal?” – Corey Rebhahn

“Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Sanity is overrated.” – Corey Rebhahn

“One day you must look in the mirror and accept the fact that you might simply, actually be insane.” – Corey Rebhahn

“So many people are fucked up inside because they are made to be someone they aren’t.” – Corey Rebhahn

“You’re not a person, you’re just an asshole, and I’m gonna fuck the shit out of you.” – Corey Rebhahn

“This is real life baby and I’m an angel.” – Corey Rebhahn

“We looked to happiness, then to darkness and now to insanity.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I like my wine how I like my people, bitter.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Reality bitches. I’m the real deal.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Right and Wrong DOES NOT EXIST – Eliminating Morality Part 1

YOUTUBE.COM  SUBSCRIBE! Morgue shares his views on morality. First video in the series proposes that morality does not exist.” – Corey Rebhahn

“They say to live everyday as if it were your last. Be glad I don’t or you’d all be dead.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I can break the rules. Can you?” – Corey Rebhahn

“It’s amazing what you can do when you just don’t give a fuck.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Before we can CREATE, we must DESTROY.” – Corey Rebhahn

“The Insanity Drug.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Terrors of Men: I don’t give a fuck” – Corey Rebhahn

“Life is my stage, and the show must go on.” – Corey Rebhahn

“If I cut out your eyes, would you still see?” – Corey Rebhahn

“Let’s go HUNTING.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Morbidly Yours,



Strangle the B*tch” – Corey Rebhahn

“Home of Morgue – Musings of a Dead Soul” – Corey Rebhahn

“Ah trivia time! “It wasn’t as dark and scary as it sounds. I had a lot of fun…killing somebody’s a funny experience.”

Do you know who said this?” Yes yes! Albert Desalvo is correct. The Boston Strangler, confessed murderer of 13 women. I knew my bloodthirsty friends would get this one fast.” – Corey Rebhahn

“NEW Update, when are these fuckers going to learn I will not put up with their shit?” – Corey Rebhahn

“Ah Trivia time, here is a favorite of mine: “I believe the only way to reform people is to kill them” Do you know who said it?” – Corey Rebhahn [Serial killer Carl Panzram]

“My glass isn’t half empty or half full, it’s poison filled.” – Corey Rebhahn

“What’s your favorite non-alcoholic drink? And if someone says blood I will stab you!” – Corey Rebhahn

“Things are about to get… strange.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Bite me.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Sanity is for the unimaginative.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Aren’t you sick of all the peace and love? Don’t you want to taste a little blood?” – Corey Rebhahn

“Let’s learn german. Today’s phrase is “Eat shit and die”.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Waking up this early makes me want to kill somebody… well… more so than usual anyway.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Many Enemies bring much Honor [Mussolini]” – Corey Rebhahn

“What would you choose: a happy content life, or would you risk losing EVERYTHING for fame and power?” – Corey Rebhahn

“Thank you bluetooths, for making me appear sane when I talk to myself.” – Corey Rebhahn

“It feels so GOOD to be BAD.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I’m such a nice guy.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Your life is a cancer and I am the cure.” – Corey Rebhahn

“We won’t keep calm.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Feeling dirty.” – Corey Rebhahn

“What do you think is lacking in the world right now? What would you like to see more of? Some of these answers make me want to vomit.” – Corey Rebhahn

“One day you will see my face.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Most of you have no idea who I am. Some of you have seen my shadow. Just wait…” – Corey Rebhahn

“Fallen angels are the true liberators of spirit. We bow to no one and we ask no one to bow to us. Get off your knees and stand on your own feet.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Truer words never spoken. Morgue … Sticks and stones may break my bones … but a 12 gauge sawed off will BLOW YOUR FUCKIN’ HEAD OFF.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I was going to put something meaningful/inspirational but fuck it… kiss my ass.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I am toxic.” – Corey Rebhahn

(And, by the way, if Hyperians complain that we are using cherry-picked quotes from years ago, well, all we’re doing is deploying the exact same tactic as your cult god when he literally told the FBI (!!!) that we were deadly N**i Terrorists, based on quotes from a NOVEL from years ago. So spare us your fucking hypocrisy. Our plan is to make this person the most toxic person on earth, just as he attempted to do to us. And we shall succeed – since this actually is an utterly toxic human being, despite his claim that he doesn’t identify as human. What, do you identify as a PSYCHOPATH? Accurate!)

So, tonight is another deadstream. We all know the drill. This insane person will continue to act as if absolutely nothing is up, that his cult is not in an existential battle, and all of his insane followers will do exactly the same, and not one will ask the cult god to address what is going on. And these people claim to be HYPERAWARE WORLD SHAPERS! In fact, they are all lunatics, and they all ought to be in mental asylums. You cannot make a problem go away by pretending it’s not there. Didn’t you learn that as children? You think that if you don’t look, the thing you fear isn’t there. But it is! And it’s not going away, no matter how much you close your eyes!

We are now preparing more and more material for the inevitable criminal case that we soon expect Rebhahn and his accomplices to be facing. All of this material gives a strong impression – IN HIS OWN WORDS – of how much of a threat this man is to ordinary people!

Never forget that this individual said in an official complaint to the FBI that we were lethal N**i terrorists who had radicalized former Hyperians to assassinate POTUS!!!! We will show NO QUARTER to this individual. He showed us none when he tried to have us arrested by the FBI and jailed for life. ALL BECAUSE WE WROTE A FUCKING BOOK EXPOSING HIM AND HIS SICK CULT!

All red banners flying. No Mercy.

morgue from freakshowMorgue Official, Mister Morgue of AMC’s Freakshow, often partnered by ASIA, is a monster, a freak a weirdo. He swallowed balls, swallowed swords, put hooks in his nose, regurgitated stuff, lay on beds of nails, used power tools – what a fucking nutjob! Don’t become the prey of this sick predator

Corey Rebhahn:

The “World Shaping” Kink Man

“Will you hold my key? Warning: it’s not to my heart.” – Corey Rebhahn

“So fucking pretty #eatme” – Corey Rebhahn

“Don’t you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?” – Corey Rebhahn

“As promised I’ll share with you some of my kinks/desires that society considers taboo This is by no means a full list! That would take too much space. Perhaps I should do a whole video on this what do you think? … Gender role reversals (switching what’s considered masculine/feminine roles). My life is so strange that sometimes roleplaying ‘traditional’ situations is kinky to me (marriage is the ultimate kink!). Water sports. Keyholding. Threesomes. Polyamory (not a kink but still considered taboo). Crossdressing. Femdom. Mental sex. Anal play, both giving and receiving. Domming ‘good/moral’ people (they need some sin in their life). A kink that a lot of you mentioned is breeding roleplay. I haven’t tried that one yet but I’m adding it to my list.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Am I the only one, that when seeing signs that read ‘ATM’ I immediately think of Ass To Mouth?” – Corey Rebhahn

“For those wondering if I drink human blood the answer is….” – Corey Rebhahn

“Are you ready to shape the world with me? I live in the deepest part of your mind. There have I always been, waiting and watching. Embrace me, embrace your power, embrace life. 1/36” – Corey Rebhahn

“Dominant, submissive… BORING. Two dominants fucking each other up, now THAT is sex.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Non-Edible Scummybear Empty wine bottles make for brutal sex toys.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Sexual repression is a huge problem. We are in this world to experience and learn, and interacting with other people is one of the most important parts of that. It is absolutely sickening how difficult this society makes it for people to express their sexuality and love towards each other.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Be free to love, fuck, dress and express however you Willfully choose. And as @freak_in_the_heart put it, any close minded assholes who say otherwise can suck it.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Today our middle fingers are up to depression and to those who say we aren’t good enough.” – Corey Rebhahn

“You want to label me a danger and you should. I’m a danger to your established institutions. I’m a danger to your hate. I’m a danger to your homophobia, sexism, racism, and violence. I’m a danger to all the false ideals, degradations, and corruptions this world stands for. I am one. I am whole. We are many. Unified in shadow and light.” – Corey Rebhahn

Brian Jones said,

“Dude, you went from self discovery and universal awakening to teenage sex cult within a few months. What’s the matter? Did the original bs not sell well enough? Lol.”

“Fuck sex appeal.” – Corey Rebhahn

“So much shit to do.. I don’t wanna

All of the women are dead.

I’ll just fuck the girls.

Go suck a fuck.” – Corey Rebhahn

Morgue from Freakshow

“Why… oh why… Is everyone a fucking idiot?” – Corey Rebhahn

“I am a Freak, and proud of it.” – Corey Rebhahn

“People are weird.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I am the snake.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Things are getting darker.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Do you ever feel disconnected from everyone? Sure you can laugh and even dance. But you are truly alone.” – Corey Rebhahn

“When one heart stops, another begins to beat….. Perhaps then, a murderer is also life giver.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I drink alone.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Please like my fan page, or unfriend me if you don’t give a shit. I need more room.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Too many empty eyes…” – Corey Rebhahn

“Add my page or fuck off.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Now is a good time to explore the psychology behind gender, crossdressing, and sexuality in general.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I often express myself androgynously or what some would label as feminine.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Here are my next moves once I am able to streamline the videos and can include other projects:

  1. Set up a Hyperian website

  2. Finish my book laying out the Three Hyperian Paths, and at this point bringing in a STRONG sexual element to Hyperianism, increasing its appeal.” – Corey Rebhahn

“New Article up discussing Sexuality. Please help me out by hitting that Like button and joining my site. Let me know your thoughts. Thank you my friends.

Morbidly Yours,



Strangle the B*tch

Home of Morgue – Musings of a Dead Soul” – Corey Rebhahn

“There is nothing more frustrating than the long wait for the sex toy you ordered from China…” – Corey Rebhahn

“Waking up this early makes me want to kill somebody… well… more so than usual anyway.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Fuck your fashion. Fuck your shops. Fuck your magazines. Fuck your makeup. Fuck your gossip. Fuck your malls. Fuck your clubs. Fuck your amusement parks. Fuck your PASS TIMES. Fuck your sex appeal. Fuck your workouts. Fuck your diets. Fuck your lattes. Fuck your trends. Can you even hear me through all that SHIT in your head?” – Corey Rebhahn

“Reality bitches. I’m the real deal. … Been too busy getting fucked up, fucking up and fucking myself up. So shut the fuck up.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Is it me or is Gonzo from the very fucking get-go some weird, estranged creature that for some reason has a sexual obsession with chickens. IS IT ME?! Or has Gonzo always been as fucking queer as hell! [Demented cackling laughter, exposing massive double chin]. Gonzo has always been queer as fuck, dude. Man, I don’t know what the fuck he is. HE FUCKS CHICKENS. He likes chickens. Even when I was five years old I was like, this creature likes to fuck chickens.” – Allie Torgensen (aka Jan Erickson the Wall-Punching Pooper! Who can’t cry.)

Torgensen, also known as Jan Erickson, so we hear, knows all about Rebhahn’s kinks, and he hers. Maybe they should do a deadstream on what they mutually discovered.

“I was just sexually aroused by a tangerine… Does that make me a fruit? HAH!” – Corey Rebhahn

“This is how the legends of Incubi and Succubi started. They are demons that visit their victims during the night, rendering them helpless, usually for sexual purposes. Unfortunately that did not happen to me.” – Corey Rebhahn

Morgue from Freakshow

(Rebhahn, we should not be surprised given his “non-binary” self-designation is a SWITCH, meaning that sometime he loves to be totally submissive, and sometimes totally dominant. This goes for everything in Rebhahn’s life. He’s always SWITCHING. This man simultaneously sees himself as a victim, while attacking others as aggressively as possible, writing sick smear campaigns, canceling websites, making incredibly serious complaints to the FBI, issuing lawsuits, and SWATTING anyone who gets in his way.)

“Some kind of collaboration with a kink expert Jane Jett, connecting sex with spirituality. Perhaps a visit to some kind of bondage event.” – Corey Rebhahn

Simon Magus said,

“And Corey chooses to be a psychopath rather than reflect on and heal his childhood wounds. His upbringing is partly to blame for how he became the monster he is today, but it’s also who he is. He is to blame as well. Every time he gets a space, he continuously chooses the same response or a worse response. You can see his hatred towards humanity in his eyes. He’s an anti-hero. He gravitates towards the ‘Maleficent’ archetype from the Disney movie of the anti-hero woman.” It’s amazing how much this bloke allows himself to be controlled by female mana personalities.

Rebhahn definitely imagines himself as Maleficent. He sees himself as an all-powerful outsider, willing to do hideous things to normal people, yet who is also somehow the misunderstood heroine and the “good” person.

So, do you want to be part of Corey Rebhahn’s NEW TERRA? KINK TERRA. And this cretin actually thinks he’s going to “unify” humanity.

And to think some grotesque Hyperian parents allow their children to access this content. Social services should intervene.

Tick tock.

Hail New Error

Delenda Est New Terra

Ad Disastra


Morgue Official, Morgue Official

Mister Morgue, Mister Morgue

Morgue, Morgue

Freakshow, Freakshow

Asia, Asia

Sword swallower, sword swallower

Power drills, Power drills

Hooks, Hooks

Bed of nails, Bed of nails

Ball regurgitation, Ball regurgitation

AMC Freakshow, AMC freakshow

Who is Mister Morgue of AMC’s Freakshow? He is someone you definitely don’t want to know. Avoid this monster like the plague! Keep away. Don’t let him in. Save yourself. Don’t fall into the hands of a cult!


What is Hyperianism
What is Hyperianism?
Books by Morgue
Books by Morgue
What is Ontological Mathematics
What Is Ontological Mathematics?
Who is Morgue
Who Is Morgue? The Truth is More Sinister Than Imagined

Tags: Corey Rebhahn, Morgue Official, Morgen Night, Hyperianism, Morgue Official Wikipedia, Hyperian, Venice Beach Freakshow Where Are They Now, AMC Freakshow, Morgue from Freakshow Real Name, Hyperianism Quotes, Hyperian Founder, Morgue Official Real Name, What is Hyperianism, Morgue Freakshow Wikipedia, Who is Morgue from Freakshow Dating