What was Narcissus’ defining psychological problem? It was that he became transfixed by the OUTSIDE WORLD. He fell in love with his own reflection – and didn’t even realize he was looking at HIMSELF.
“Kirsty”, of Echo Counselling, wrote,
“Narcissus was in the woods and stopped to take a drink in a pond. The water was so still that he was able to see his reflection for the first time. But Narcissus didn’t realize he was looking at himself. He fell in love with the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. It was true love… with himself!”
Narcissus not only defined himself with regard to something outside him – his reflection – but had no self-awareness (he was clueless that he was looking at himself). Narcissus DIDN’T LOVE HIMSELF! Narcissus loved his reflection, which he didn’t know was his. Why couldn’t Narcissus love Echo? Because he loved someone else – the person he saw in the water. WE know that was him. HE DIDN’T.
Corey Rebhahn (Morgue) suffers from extreme narcissistic personality disorder. He’s a malignant narcissist, a pathological narcissist. Within a few seconds of watching one of his deadstreams, you would subconsciously know it … and many people would consciously know it (anyone with previous experience of extreme narcissists, and anyone who had studied the condition). Exactly like the original Narcissus, Rebhahn is entirely dependent on the external world (for the drug that keeps him alive – narcissistic supply … all his life, Rebhahn has been desperate for people to look at him and worship him; solitary confinement, with no hope of narcissistic supply, would be Rebhahn’s true hell and his end … forced to be with HIMSELF!), and exactly like the original Narcissus, Rebhahn has no self-awareness. That’s because Rebhahn has no self – no real self, no true self – of which to be aware.
The KEY to understanding NPD lies in grasping that the sufferer REPRESSES their true self – because it was wracked with pain and could not cope with the world – and they create a new entity in its place … the FALSE SELF, which is consumed with itself and believes itself GOD (that which cannot be hurt; that which controls the world rather than being controlled by the world). But if you are GOD, you need worshipers. The False Self cannot believe its own propaganda unless it has external validation. It NEEDS narcissistic supply. That’s the proof that it is God. It needs to convince itself.
There are narcissists on the global stage – people such as Donald Trump – and we can imagine that the likes of Moses, Jesus Christ, Saint Paul, Mohammed, Martin Luther and Joseph Smith were all NPD sufferers, making NPD a crucial driver of human history!
Most narcissists are household narcissists – it’s their partner and their children who are required to worship them. But the internet has allowed narcissism to take on a whole new dimension – that of the social media “influencer” (narcissist), who can pontificate to the whole world and ensnare hundreds, thousands, and even millions of weak, vulnerable, impressionable simps and gimps. Donald Trump was in fact an extreme example of the phenomenon, and so is Elon Musk. Professor Sam Vaknin identified Barack Obama as a pathological narcissist, and, if you think about it, he was right. Obama was the first social media president, and Trump learned so much from him. Biden is definitely a narcissist too, although too decrepit to be too active on that front.
The average social media influencer creates a cult of personality – they get others to give them money just for being, ahem, them! If the influencer adopts a religious or spiritual act then their cult of personality turns into something much more malignant: a full-blown, sick, dangerous cult. A classic example is Hyperianism, and its grotesque, degenerate leader, Corey Rebhahn. Look at what he does to his cultists. Take someone like Lunatic Fairy, an incredibly sad and pathetic human being who has devoted her whole life to giving Corey Rebhahn narcissistic supply (and tens of thousands of dollars!), all so that Rebhahn, her God, will “shout her out”. It’s a truly grotesque spectacle to see humans being reduced to this state by cult leaders. Lunatic Fairy must be a major suicide concern when Hyperianism perishes. Can you imagine life for her when Rebhahn is in jail? No one to make memes for, no one to validate her pathetic existence, no one to shout her out, no one for her to worship. She will go back to the invisible, sickly non-entity she was before, and there’s a very good chance that she will not be able to endure that. Of course, she might become one of Jesus Christ’s “women”, and go and live where Rebhahn is in prison, and try to visit him every day.
Lunatic Fairy quoted Morgue:
“There are so many eyes but no one is seeing each other. I live for true connections. When I look into your eyes I want to fall into your soul.”
Who the fuck is Rebhahn talking to? Well, he’s talking to Lunatic Fairy, of course. And all the rest of his harem, who all – via magical thinking – believe he’s personally addressing them and wants to be with them.
Lunatic Fairy truly believes that she’s having an intense romance with Rebhahn, a man whose sexual tastes are staggeringly unlikely to point in her direction. Every fucking deadstream this mindless moron sends Porgy a $6.66 renta-quote (usually from Hegel) and “flirts” with Rebhahn. This is an adult woman who has never had an original thought in her life. Can you imagine this dyslexic trying to win Porgy’s approval via HER OWN THOUGHTS? Never going to happen. She has nothing to say. She is THE VOID. All Hyperians are. Porgy himself has nothing to say. If he’s not plagiarizing us, he’s plagiarizing Ken Foldes, or just tediously reading out something from an online article. He himself has got FUCK ALL to say. He’s a man wholly devoid of originality. He’s just a standard, bland and banal, Hollywood Wokester, spouting Woke shit that everyone has heard a million times before. REBHAHN IS A VACUUM. He has no creativity. He is a copyist. He is an ersatz man, an impersonator. He impersonates humans. He is a False Self pretending – badly – to be a Real Self. Sam Vaknin is vastly superior at appearing human and original.
Rebhahn is a STAGGERINGLY manipulative individual. By speaking as though he is talking to each member of his harem individually, he gets desperate women like Lunatic Fairy to send him over $10,000 a year!!! He gets Mad Bitchell to do his bidding at all times. He gets all of these mad women, and many gay men too, to kneel to him and adore him. ANY HEALTHY SOCIETY WOULD STAMP THIS OUT! But this is a fucked society, a Woke society.
The hilarious thing is that Rebhahn does not and cannot connect to anyone. He doesn’t have a real self, only a false self, a construct which can NEVER make contact with a real self. It lives in a permanent false reality, a fantasy world.
We know exactly when Rebhahn created a False Self. It was when he watched The NeverEnding Story, his favorite movie (not a movie that any ADULT would EVER reference as their favorite!). Wikipedia says,
“Ten-year-old Bastian Bux is a shy and outcast bibliophile and lives with his widowed father. One day on his way to school, Bastian is chased by bullies but escapes by hiding in a bookstore, annoying the bookseller, Mr. Coreander. Bastian’s interest in books leads him to ask about the one Coreander is reading, but the bookseller advises against reading it, saying that it is not a ‘safe’ story like regular books. With his curiosity piqued, Bastian secretly takes the book, titled The Neverending Story, leaving a note promising to return it, and hides in the school’s attic to read. The book describes the fantasy world of Fantasia slowly being devoured by a malevolent force called ‘The Nothing’. The Childlike Empress, who rules Fantasia, has fallen ill, and the young warrior Atreyu is tasked to discover a cure, believing that once the Empress is well, the Nothing will no longer be a threat.”
Rebhahn identified totally with the boy in the story. He wanted to live in Fantasia – where he was the Special One, the Chosen One, and could beat all the bullies and save the universe – and he hated reality, “the Nothing”, come to devour the fantasy world. Hyperianism is just Rebhahn’s personal Fantasia. And the AC/PI are the monsters coming for him, whom he must smite (by going to the Woke FBI!).
All the people who remain in Hyperianism are totally infantilized. They are people who never grew up, who could not cope with reality. So, they hide in Fantasia (Hyperia) and imagine that they are supremely important people – hyperaware World Shapers altering human consciousness!!! The divergence between their fantasy and reality is absolute and total! And that’s why they will not leave Fantasia. They can’t! Reality is hell for these people. We are hell for them. That’s why they hate us so much. We are reason and logic – the very things they talk about all the time, but with which they only have a fantasy connection (like everything else in their ludicrous lives!).
Morgy Porgy said,
“When was the last time you saw someone’s soul?”
Porgy doesn’t even have a soul. Not a real one, anyway. He buried it so deep it can’t be recovered. Porgy has a FALSE SOUL and makes false soul connections with LOST SOULS. They believe they have been found – by HIM. In fact, he is a predator and they are his prey. And he is destroying their lives.
It’s tragic how much psychological damage this person is doing to his harem of weird, misfit women and gay men. He has given them all a false consciousness … a Corey consciousness. They are all infatuated with him.
The whole Woke thing is a desire to reject reality and live in a fantasy world, a “safe space”, where no one is “triggered”, where “social justice” is automatic and ubiquitous, and all Woke desires are instantly gratified. These fuckers need to read Schopenhauer urgently: “If every desire were satisfied as soon as it arose how would men occupy their lives, how would they pass the time?
Imagine this race transported to a Utopia where everything grows of its own accord and turkeys fly around ready-roasted, where lovers find one another without any delay and keep one another without any difficulty; in such a place some men would die of boredom or hang themselves, some would fight and kill one another, and thus they would create for themselves more suffering than nature inflicts on them as it is.”
It’s amazing how much reality is hated by, and opposed, by the Woke (the Weak).
The fall of Christianity is bringing even something worse in its wake – WOKENESS, the supreme slave morality, the actual gospel of the LAST MAN.
Nakamarra Mja said,
“No doubt already noted, quite telling that this is what Corey posted on or just after the day of the ‘SWATing’ … [a reference to the Netflix show ‘The Sandman’.]”
No, we didn’t notice that, and it is indeed very telling. Rebhahn, while trying to destroy real people’s lives in real life, chats to his cultists about a new fantasy show. Because that’s where he lives – in a fantasy world. He NEVER makes reference to reality. Can you imagine Rebhahn posting on August 7 – “Yeah, great day. Yesterday, I fucked over RJ, Apollonius, and the AC. Got them SWATed. Fuck ‘em. Amazing feeling!” That’s what he ACTUALLY DID, but of course he knows he must never mention the truth, reality … because that will ruin the fantasy he has spent so many years weaving to capture all of his cultists. So, The Sandman it is … fantasy stuff for fantasists. Reality must NEVER be referenced. And 100% of the cultists know they MUST NOT ASK … AND THEY DO NOT ASK. They are astonishingly well groomed by Rebhahn. He knows that all of these would swallow the Kool-Aid if he asked them. Metaphorically, they already have. They have given their lives for him. He IS their life.
Sam Vaknin said,
“The narcissist’s True Self is introverted and dysfunctional. In healthy people, Ego functions are generated from the inside, from the Ego. In narcissists, the Ego is dormant, comatose. The narcissist needs the input of and feedback from the outside world (from others) in order to perform the most basic Ego functions (e.g., ‘recognizing’ of the world, setting boundaries, forming a self-definition or identity, differentiation, self-esteem, and regulating his sense of self-worth). This input or feedback is known as narcissistic supply. Only the False Self gets in touch with the world. The True Self is isolated, repressed, unconscious, a shadow.”
That’s the reality of Rebhahn’s life. No one “real” is at home. He’s fake, phony, a fraud. Only his False Self interacts with the world. The real self never does. It can’t. It’s too traumatized. It’s little Corey, the weird little albino freak that everyone laughed at, even his own parents. Especially them! That’s why Corey gave up on his real self, and why this preposterous man in his thirties weeps over “RTS”. Man up, you fuckwit. Stop blubbing everywhere. Do you have no dignity? Cry in your own time. Who the fuck wants to see a freak crying his eyes out like a toddler? You’re only doing it for narcissistic supply, you sick fuck, because you know all your simps and gimps will give you more money when they see your fake tears. Who the fuck do you think you’re kidding? You’re a FUCKING PSYCHOPATH. Where were your tears when you were trying to ruin the lives of RJ and Apollonius, and get us shut down? We see right through you.
Rebhahn is pure mask, pure persona, pure surface, pure image. There is no substance, no depth. He’s a completely shallow person. There is no interior, no soul, no one inside.
If you have a False Self, you will as sure as hell have a false consciousness to go with it, exactly as we see with Rebhahn. And it’s precisely because he has no relationship to reality, that Rebhahn made the insane, unreal decision to go to the FBI. Something that no one with a real self would EVER have done. But that’s why cult leaders always destroy themselves in the end. They always come into conflict with reality. And there can only be one winner.
It’s another deadstream tonight!
So, the mystery of Filanthrowpissed – No. 1 donor! – continues. We seek him here, we see him there, we seek him everywhere … the elusive Filanthrowpissed. The reason why we find this so funny is that if Filanthrowpissed is a fiction (as he almost certainly is), Rebhahn has to keep maintaining the fiction. He can’t now get rid of Filanthrowpissed’s name from his Patreon List of shame … because he can’t be seen to have lost his No. 1 donor! The LIE will now continue indefinitely.
Remember when Rebhahn thanked his Patreon supporters, and especially Filanthrowpissed, for giving him enough money to buy his new camera? Well, you’ve got your camera now, so can’t you just fuck off?!
When will you announce what new toy you need so that your cultists can stump up the cash for that? Are they going to buy you a nice new expensive gift for Chrimbo?! Maybe a sports car. Only the best for Corey, right?
Hey, Corey, I need a Christmas present. It consists of you turning yourself into the FBI! You don’t want to disappoint me now, do you?! I’m an exotic minority, you know. I identify as someone who wants you to FUCK OFF. If you don’t do I want, you’ll force me to go to the FBI and tell them that you’re a hater, a bigot, and a N**I!