Lucy Williamson of BBC News said,
“Controversial influencer Andrew Tate has threatened legal action against at least one of the women making rape and human trafficking claims against him. Lawyers for the woman in the US say a ‘cease-and-desist’ letter was sent by a US law firm in December, on behalf of Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan. The letter threatened to sue the woman and her parents for $300m (£249m) if she did not retract her statements. A lawyer for the Tates said they were pursuing valid claims for defamation.”

Williamson said,
“Benjamin Bull – who works for the National Centre on Sexual Exploitation – says his client is a key witness in the Romanian investigation, and that the letter was designed to do ‘one thing and one thing only’: ‘[It] was intended to shut down the witness; stop the witness from bringing testimony forward in any proceedings. They want these young ladies to climb into a hole and hide, never come forward [or] describe what they saw and what happened to them. It’s clearly an effort to intimidate.’ … The Tates’ legal team have also revealed that the brothers filed criminal complaints in Romania last April against two women, including the witness who received the cease-and-desist letter in December.”
Read the whole article. It’s profoundly chilling. Tate is literally trying to silence the women testifying against him! This appalling situation of course instantly reminded us of the cease and desist letter and threat of defamation proceedings sent to Karen by COREY REBHAHN (MORGUE OFFICIAL) for showing AC posts – bearing in mind of course that Rebhahn canceled the AC website as part of his sinister and criminal campaign to silence critics exposing his degenerate cult and him.
Rebhahn and Tate are more or less the same person, and their tactics – aways hiding behind supposed legality! – to try to intimidate and shut down critics and whistleblowers are identical.
But Tate is behind bars, and one day Rebhahn will be too. However, as the NXIVM scandal shows, it takes a huge amount of effort to get the totally inept FBI to take action against sick cults committing sick crimes and to arrest the monstrous cult leaders.
Tate, like Rebhahn, is a misogynist, somatic narcissist, cerebral narcissist, and psychopath. Tate would be absolutely onboard with EVERYTHING Edgelord Morgue said.
Tate referred to his own “genius intellect”. Who does that remind us of? Oh yeah, Morgue Official, who said he had solved the greatest philosophical question of all time – which came as news to every philosopher EVER. Rebhahn has zero philosophical qualifications, but apparently swallowing swords is the perfect way to become the best philosopher ever.
Read these quotes by Tate and reflect on how similar they are to what Edgelord Morgue says:
Here are a few examples:
“A business is other people’s money. That’s all a business is! A business is getting other people to send you their money.”
“I know more about making money than anyone else in the world. Most people’s views on money are outdated. If you want to get rich in today’s attention-based economy, then you need to learn modern methods of wealth creation.”
“Boredom is crippling! If you’re an intelligent person, and you’ve got a good brain on your shoulders, you can’t just sit there bored.”
“Most smart people take the academic route to avoid boredom. They learn, learn, learn, learn, learn! But that’s never interested me either.”
“I see people climb mount Everest or jump off buildings or do base jumping. They look crazy… what’s he doing? But I understand, because some people can’t live normal lives.”
In fact, it’s staggering how all the self-help-quotes the Hyperians constantly post sound exactly like the things Tate says. Hyperianism is astonishingly similar to Tateism, and Morgue Official and Andrew Tate are astonishingly alike, except Tate is militantly heterosexual and masculine, and Morgue Official is militantly opposed to masculine heterosexuality (there are NO masculine heterosexuals in Hyperianism – which is of course why Hyperianism is doomed).
Morgue Official said the other day,
“We are the Second Coming of Christ.”
Well, there you go! Just as we always said, Rebhahn believes he is the Woke Jesus, and Hyperianism is almost literally Christianity!
Morgue Official says,
“We are Christ Consciousness.”
No commentary necessary!
Morgue Official said,
“We reach a consciousness that we are all connected.”
Ah, the old ONE MIND fallacy again.
Just like Abrahamism, no matter how often you refute Hyperianism, it doesn’t go away, and its fanatical believers have stronger faith than ever.
Jewel Marsh and Nakamarra Mja found a very revealing Morgue Official hidden page:
It says, “Even the Sun will die” and is about “X314”. Anyone know what this refers to? This X314 was clearly some (short-lived) project Rebhahn had in mind. Maybe it was another cult, probably for vampires like Rebhahn who dislike the sun and don’t go out in it in case their albino flesh melts.
Doesn’t Hyperianism seem like a creepy, vampire cults of freaks and weirdos and monsters preying on normality?
On the X314 page, Rebhahn refers to himself as “monarch” and “hidden Witch king” and references the Terrors of Men.
He says,
“I stir.”
On June 11, 2013, Rebhahn said,
“The lights are everywhere but all lights will burn out eventually. Even the sun will die. The darkness hides from the light. The light makes it weak but it never dies and it will never go out. It will always be. The darkness will wait, and when the lights go out it will be there. The darkness cannot destroy the lights, but it can destroy the ones that maintain the light. It can destroy their will to keep the lights burning. NEVER forget who I AM. Lights are a distraction… Play with your pretty lights while I create in the dark.”
So, Edgelord Morgue is DARK REBHAHN, while Woke Morgue is LIGHT REBHAHN. It’s just like Jehovah in the Old Testament and Jesus Christ in the New Testament.
Megan Elizabeth commented,
“I’m a huge horror fan … This gives me a sense of Lovecraft’s Great Old Ones and the Deadlights from Stephen King’s IT. Love.”
Michelle Hayton commented
“I love this, it is so true, x314, you are the true God, the God that is a part of the blackness and silence of creation.”
Doesn’t this remind you of the same fanaticism and worship that we see today towards Rebhahn from seriously weird women, like Dyslexic Fairy and Kassidy? Are these people gutted that they weren’t around back in the Terrors of Men days, with the strangling the bitch and stabbing people with steak knives and “spray-tan” slut stuff? That’s the stuff that totally turns them on. It’s not as if they have ever complained about any of that material! They never would. Isn’t it hilarious that the apologists for this psychotic content refer to it is “art”?! Who knew that Ted Bundy was a supreme artist?!
On June 15, 2013, Morgue Official said,
“You’re not a person, you’re just an asshole, and I’m gonna fuck the shit out of you.Update ”Black Crown” 06-14-13 available at: “
Anyone know what “Black Crown” refers to? More black magic, vampire, witch king shit.
Under the post, Yaz Paul said,
“Never harm yourself? That’d be boring…”
All of Rebhahn’s fans are self-harmers.
Englishman PJ Mccombie said,
“go on morgue try and fuck me, hmmm see how far u get… xD”
Jodi Marie said,
“Well i have 2 holes. and not in my head either. 00 well i guess u can take my eye sockets out. damnit”
That person could easily be a Hyperian!
Salem Storm said,
“So romantic my Thespian friend”
Genevieve Collins said,
“works for me >;}”
A man called Ishfaq Hamdani sent hearts!
Current Hyperian fanatic Elana Wiles said,
“ha ha That’s what assholes are sometimes for right… to fuck the shit out of?? lmfao”
There’s the absolute proof that the TRUE BELIEVERS of Hyperianism are TOTALLY INTO THE TERRORS OF MEN CONTENT.
And then we have guess who … none other than Mad Susan Bitchell, the infamous Narc groupie! … weighing in with:

Susan Mitchell:
“Thank you for sharing your musings. I like the one about death because I used to have a very deep fear of it. I had to go really cosmic to get over it and now it’s completely gone.”
So, conclusive proof that Bitchell was around at that time and therefore supported all the Terrors of Men hate and misogyny, and obsession with homicide and suicide.
Did you want Rebhahn to fuck your asshole, Susan? Did you dream of it, like Elana? Is that why you commented on that precise post? You love musing on that, don’t you, Susan – lover of narcs, the woman who constantly cuckolds her long-suffering autistic husband. What a piece of work. You are one of the shittiest human beings alive.
On June 27, 2013, Rebhahn said,
“Sobriety, what a horrible horrible feeling.”
Drunk fuckwit. What a degenerate.
On June 26, 2013, Rebhahn said,
“I hate people being able to see my eyes. They’re not for everyone. #SuicideChic”
Human filth! Rebhahn is obsessed with both suicide and homicide.
On June 26, 2013 Rebhahn said,
“One day you must look in the mirror and accept the fact that you might simply, actually be insane.”
This guy is literally psychotic. It’s staggering that he’s not behind bars.
On June 26, 2013, Rebhahn said,
“If I were a priest I think I could handle a gun quite well.”
So much for Mr. Pacifist.
On June 22, 2013, Rebhahn said,
“Is there a demon behind those eyes?”
There’s an insane False Self behind those eyes!
On June 17, 2013, Rebhahn said,
“There’s a new feature that allows you to suggest your friends to a page… so… suggest your friends to my page. Oh please oh please? Click on my page, then to the RIGHT of this status you will see the option to invite your friends. Make sure you like/comment this status so I know you did and I can thank you. XX XX (Who needs ‘O’s?)”
Same old grifter!

On June 13, 2013, Rebhahn (Morgue is with Morgen Night and X314) said,
“If you ever wondered what I look like after taking a piss.”
No one wondered – except for your degenerate cult slaves who want to play water sports with you. Is Bitchell the Breeder into that? She seems the sort.
So, X314 was an attempted additional alter of Morgue Official, just as “Morgen Night” is.
On June 13, 2013, Rebhahn said,
“Sometimes you have to look deeper… X314”
So this was the period when alter “X314” was launched.
On June 7, 2013 Morgue Official said,
“Sanity is overrated.And excruciatingly boring.”
This was all the stuff that Narc Bitchell lapped up back then.
It seems that X314 was supposed to be even edgier than Edgelord Morgue. It was intended to be a demon or insane person living in the dark in a mental asylum.
Mate, you will definitely end up in a nuthouse. You are dangerously insane. It’s only a matter of time before you seriously harm someone.
It’s amazing that this sick, degenerate conman can go on conning so many people. But, hey, that’s the nature of pathological narcissism.
Nakamarra Mja posted this:
“Morgue – Suicide (lyrics) obsessivemorguedisorder-blogThe cornfields are burningI smell them burning.The skies have turned black,Burned up by the ash.The women are hurtingAnd they’re fucking learningI have worlds to destroy,But first I’llFuck you.Let me inHold them wideHold your breathBeg to dieLet me InHold them wideSay my nameSUICIDE.You’re horribly nothingYou’re tragically nothingJust *??* in the slitsThat blood is the oasisYou know you shouldn’t careYour life’s not worth shit.You cut in the gashAnd now you are mine.Let me inHold them wideHold your breathBeg to dieLet me inHold them wideSay my nameSuicide[x3]”
Nakamarra Mja commented,
“Art? Celebration? Was it from Corey’s rapey, murdery period?”
This rapey, murdery stuff is what the Hyperian harem love MOST OF ALL. Like Rebhahn, who conceals Edgelord Morgue under the cloak of Woke Morgue, so do all of his slaves. They love the rape and murder too, but have to pretend to be all Woke and vegan and pacifist.
These people are all suffering from covert narcissism, inverted narcissism (they are addicted to narcs) and severe borderline personality disorders, which is why they are not repulsed by Rebhahn’s sick content AND GO ON SUPPORTING BOTH IT AND HIM! No wonder they detest us so much. These maniacs detest health and sanity and normal human beings!
“New Terra” is about death camps for the normal! They are to be exterminated for daring to criticize the Woke. They are to be permanently CANCELED. Anyone who needs a reminder of Woke cancel culture … just go and look at the AC website. We keep it like that as the absolute PROOF of deranged Woke cancel culture, and Rebhahn’s desperate attempts to silence critics … you know, JUST LIKE ANDREW TATE. He too has fanatical supporters, just like Corey Rebhahn. These people convince themselves that TATE IS a force for good, exactly as the Hyperian harem do regarding the degenerate Corey Rebhahn – a man who openly admits to being insane, a monster, and a murderer, and openly ponders whether rape and murder are fine!
Professor Sam Vaknin summed up people such as Morgue Official when he said,
“Saviors, healers, fixers, rescuers are grandiose, covert (fake), and predatory. … Can’t see them coming, like a snake in the grass. Masquerade as good people but engage in perfidy and betrayal. Actually rabidly misogynistic (closet gays), narcissistic, and psychopathic in dating (players). … Pick up line: self-appointed savior of damsels in distress from bad, mentally ill, dangerous, damaging so called abusers. ‘I am the alternative to the horrors of your relationship.’ But often the savior is the abuser … Select heartbroken, sad, damaged, crying, devastated, anxious, depressed women as targets. They need to talk and end up being preyed on. … The ‘abuser’ could be a friend or a colleague. They are fake friends, seething with envy and resentment owing to inferiority complex. Saving is omnipotence. … Many believe their own lies about saving or rescuing as their ‘job’ (abuser all bad, they all good splitting): caters to grandiosity, unboundaried sexual needs. … They have no moral compass. They don’t care. They have no boundaries. They are feral predators. All rescuer, savior types are like that. … Our current society enables such people and gives them access to empowering technologies and so their reach is much wider than ever before. The danger cannot be overestimated. … It’s about this phenomenon of narcissistic saviors, narcissistic rescuers, narcissistic healers and fixers, narcissistic gurus, narcissistic coaches. Narcissists are everywhere. They have taken over the helping professions. They’re amongst therapists as well. It’s very dangerous what is happening. Because narcissists and psychopaths infiltrated victimhood movements, self-help activities, forums online, and they’re all over the place and in control of the agenda. … Victimhood movements, self-help movements are being infiltrated by narcissists and psychopaths. You can’t see them coming.”
Watch this short video for yourself:
It sums up the whole Hyperian scene, and the toxic nature of Corey Rebhahn. He is one of these “Savior narcissists” who gets off on the narcissistic supply of the vulnerable Hyperian women and gay men who want to be saved. He is not there to save anyone. He is an apex predator.
This man is an imminent danger to the public.
The FBI – who obviously have total contempt for law and order, truth and justice – continue to allow this maniac to go free.
It’s a fucking scandal. The FBI should definitely be defunded given its absolute hostility to seeing that justice is served. Thus far, it has allowed the degenerate Rebhahn gang to lie with total impunity. But why should we be surprised? It took a massive effort for the whistleblowers exposing the NXIVM cult to get justice done there, and that cult, exactly like Hyperianism, did everything it could to obstruct justice.
Hyperianism is the next NXIVM and Rebhahn is the next Keith Raniere. Watch this space!
— Morgue (@MorgueOfficial) March 16, 2016
Snapchat: morgueofficial
“My problem is I am not a good enough liar to hide my contempt for people.”
~Morgue Official on Twitter
SEARCH LIST: Corey Rebhahn, Morgue Official, Morgen Night, Hyperianism, Hyperionism, Hyperian, Hyperion, AMC Freakshow, Inner Star Actualization, Cult of Hyperianism, Hyperian Founder, Morgue Official Real Name, What is Hyperianism, Hyperianism Beliefs, Andrew Tate