Morgue Official’s Patreon Woes



So, in Patreon Land, Morgy Porgy is down to $2100 per creation, having once been getting twice that back in the day.
Did you see on his latest video that he has updated his top donors’ list? In the last few months, it had become obvious from changes in Rebhahn’s only quoted Patreon stat that he had lost several top donors, but he never once mentioned any changes, and kept showing the same old donors’ list. In other words, he was LYING. After all, how hard is it to update a short list? It would take seconds. But for months, Rebhahn has pretended that his Patreon situation is much healthier than it is. Finally, on his latest video, he revealed the real truth about his ever-shrinking Patreon numbers.
Here’s the current list of top donors:
    • WILSON 
The top four gold donors are Rebhahn’s most fanatical cult slaves, those who will throw themselves onto the pyre to perish with their God. If he lost any of them, it would be curtains for Hyperianism.
Joel Swindler, the fanatical Christian and hunter, will eventually understand that it’s totally perverse that he is supporting Rebhahn and leave.
Fairies of Venus is a recent arrival. Anyone know who that is? She is probably only a temporary enthusiast and will leave in the next few months. 
(Unless it’s Dyslexic Fairy, Part II.)
By the way, we have been saying for ages that FILATHROWPISSED doesn’t exist … and sure enough he has now exited the list.
On the silver list, Taylor Made and C Dani Walker are long-standing cult slaves, and are two more who will be in the bunker with their fuehrer right to the end, when they all pass the cyanide capsules around. 
Wilson is very new and will probably depart in a few months, when the reality of Hyperianism becomes clear. 
We can now give our estimate of how many Patrons Rebhahn has today, and it’s staggeringly low. It’s just 168.
How did we arrive at this number?
Well, last week, Rebhahn had one good day of Patreon recruitment and was so pleased that he listed the new arrivals on his Facebook page. He said,
“Shoutout to all my new Patreon supporters 🖤🔥 join my Patreon and get access to secret videos:
 Inuna $5 4 hrs ago 
Wilson $50 8 hrs ago 
Nino $5 1 day ago 
Shana $5 1 day ago 
Megan $15 1 day ago 
Tamme $15 1 day ago 
Sadia $5 1 day ago 
Monica $5 1 day ago” 
Total = $105 for 8 new Patrons
His visible Patreon stat went up from 78% to 82%. Each 1% corresponds to $25 (since Goal 4 is about reaching $2500 per creation).
Rebhahn is at 84% right now, which is 21 times 4%.
So, if we assume that these 8 Patrons are representative of the whole distribution then Rebhahn has 21 x 8 Patrons = 168.
The precise number is probably anywhere between 140 and 200, depending on what the exact monthly spend is for each Patron.
These are DISASTROUS numbers for Rebhahn, which is of course why he removed visibility of how many Patrons he has. This “open and honest” World Shaper of the hyperaware type doesn’t want anyone being hyperaware of how badly he is doing. REBHAHN IS IN REAL TROUBLE. His superchats are also MASSIVELY DOWN, despite the best efforts of Fairy, Dukat, Kassidy and others to keep giving him huge $100 tips.
And Zack the Funkmeister has gone! Another millionaire bites the dust. Maybe Zack was one of the few Hyperians who were actually disgusted by all the Terrors of Men sickness and still had a moral compass – unlike monsters such as Dyslexic Fairy and Kassidy and Dukat and Seedling who have no morality at all and LOVE all the Terrors of Men misogyny, sadism, hate and terrorism.
We estimate that Rebhahn’s income has HALVED in the last seven months! So, everyone, our collective campaign is WORKING. Well done everyone who has contributed. You are doing a great and noble thing – ending a sick and dangerous cult, and stopping the grotesque cult leader Corey Rebhahn.
Rebhahn is now having to post several times a day to try to boost his numbers, and his grifting on his deadstreams is getting more and more desperate.
Rebhahn has to pay at least $3k per month on that swanky pad of his in Hollywood, plus all of his other expenses, such as getting uber drivers to deliver his vegan designer food to his door. Plus he has to pay his TAXES!!! (Hmmmm, wonder what this guy’s tax returns have been like over the years … should the IRS be doing a full audit of this guy?! Al Capone got done for tax evasion.)
LA is a VERY expensive city, so if we keep cutting Rebhahn’s income, this crook will have to LEAVE. (Well, leave Hollywood, at least. Maybe he will have to get a real job, like cleaning carpets with Necrophil, or running a stall at Immensely Fat Jan’s farmers’ market.)
Look at this video by Rebhahn … “Magick explained logically”: 
 and compare it to his new video “What is Magick? The TRUTH About Magick Revealed…”: 
These videos are virtually identical! Rebhahn just keeps monetizing the same old content. He has completely run out of material and is now repeating himself constantly and has nothing new and fresh to say.
So, Morgy Porgy said, regarding his most recent “magick” video,
“🔥There are only a handful of people who understood the truth about magick. Can you?”
Mate, you’re not one of them! Rebhahn said that magick was just, er, the will, or, er, psychology. So, why call it “magick” at all and not just … will, or psychology? Does the arrogance and stupidity of this man know no bounds? Rebhahn said,
“[Magick] is simply about understanding how to direct your energy to change reality according to your will.”
So, I direct my energy to go and buy a loaf of bread, an act that changes the world (well, I get food and the seller gets my money). Who knew that “magick” was so mundane and so pointless? And, er, not magick at all!
You would think that someone who talks about us being “all one mind” would have a more interesting take on magick than one that any scientist materialist would 100% agree with. Scientists “use their understanding” to not only “direct their own energy” but also that of energy in CERN’s large hadron collider “to change reality according to their will”. So, Rebhahn is saying that scientific materialism is magick! Who knew?! Arthur C. Clarke of course said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” What’s the plagiarist saying that is anything different from that?
In fact, actual magic is exactly what is DENIED by scientific materialism. Magic is about all the things that are made possible by mathematical idealism and rationalism (mind-controlled reality), as opposed to scientific materialism and empiricism (matter-controlled reality).
With mathematical idealism and rationalism, all minds are together in a Hive Mind outside space and time, and carry out any number of non-local phenomena. Magic is, we might say, all about quantum entanglement and quantum tunneling. It’s about mind-to-mind interactions. It’s about using the astonishing power of the unconscious mind. Magic is about the paranormal, about profound intuition, about the world that is revealed when it is understood that mind shapes reality, and all minds are connected in the Singularity (the Hive Mind). The most powerful minds can do absolutely astounding things. They can even manipulate archetypes … and become archetypes themselves.
All minds link via the collective unconscious and unconscious entities can be sent into the collective unconscious from the individual’s mind to effect non-local change in the world … change deemed IMPOSSIBLE by any scientific means.
Sir James Frazer, in “The Golden Bough”, said
“The Principles of Magic … If we analyze the principles of thought on which magic is based, they will probably be found to resolve themselves into two: first, that like produces like, or that an effect resembles its cause; and, second, that things which have once been in contact with each other continue to act on each other at a distance after the physical contact has been severed. The former principle may be called the Law of Similarity, the latter the Law of Contact or Contagion. From the first of these principles, namely the Law of Similarity, the magician infers that he can produce any effect he desires merely by imitating it: from the second he infers that whatever he does to a material object will affect equally the person with whom the object was once in contact, whether it formed part of his body or not. Charms based on the Law of Similarity may be called Homoeopathic or Imitative Magic. Charms based on the Law of Contact or Contagion may be called Contagious Magic. To denote the first of these branches of magic the term Homoeopathic is perhaps preferable, for the alternative term Imitative or Mimetic suggests, if it does not imply, a conscious agent who imitates, thereby limiting the scope of magic too narrowly. For the same principles which the magician applies in the practice of his art are implicitly believed by him to regulate the operations of inanimate nature; in other words, he tacitly assumes that the Laws of Similarity and Contact are of universal application and are not limited to human actions.”
All such ideas – while absurd in a local scientific materialist context – become eminently possible in a non-local mathematical idealist context.
“Magic” is simply all the phenomena associated with non-local mental connections as opposed to local material connections. In other words, it’s only “magic” because of science’s hostility and denial. In the future, it will just be regarded as another aspect of reality.
Magic is of course “supernatural” and “metaphysical” since it involves harnessing the powers of the mind – outside space and time, and outside the material order, which science doesn’t believe in and denies are part of nature, part of the physical world. Remember, science regards the mind as “magic”. It doesn’t believe that mind is real. Science regards free will as “magic”. It doesn’t believe that free will is real. Science regards the collective unconscious as “magic”. Jung’s ideas are dismissed as nonsense.
Humanity has only just started understanding the mind – thanks to the revolutionary subject of ONTOLOGICAL MATHEMATICS, which builds reality around mind and its powers. The great magicians thus far have been “naturals” – profound intuitives, and those with unusual brain structures and brain functioning perfect for accessing paranormal abilities, i.e., they can readily access OBE states, and such like.
Rebhahn can’t do magic, so is stating that it doesn’t exist! (Because anything he can’t do can’t be real, right?! He is GOD after all, well, according to himself!) Rebhahn has reduced magic(k) to nothing but “working hard to achieve your goals, and fully engaging your will”, and that’s just … the message of predatory capitalism! It’s just the Protestant work ethic. And, as we all know, Rebhahn is just an Aryan Wasp who loves predatory capitalism. He does have one magic trick, though: the ease with which he parts his cult slaves – his groomed suckers – from their money! Hyperianism is all about grooming very vulnerable individuals, nearly all from LGBTQ backgrounds.
The major thing holding back the advance of magic – as anyone who actually has any understanding of it knows – is the profound danger of psychosis, which is why magic has to be used with extreme caution and extremely sparingly for only the very most important tasks.
Rebhahn now says that magicians didn’t believe in magic and were just early psychologists. And he says that alchemists weren’t trying to turn base metal into gold and, again, were just early psychologists doing self-help stuff!
How fucking cretinous is this guy? Alchemists failed to produce gold from base metal because it couldn’t be done. They themselves fully believed it COULD be done (within the laws of alchemy it was absolutely possible!). Alchemy was a shit theory, but every alchemist believed it and imagined the task was eminently possible. But of course, Rebhahn has no knowledge of chemistry and no knowledge of the history of science, including what alchemy was all about.
Ohad Suss said,
“From ‘sick’ metals to gold… Alchemy is a pre-scientific field of study that was widespread up until the Middle Ages, and focused on the nature of materials and the reactions between them. Alchemy combined philosophical beliefs, like the belief held by Greek philosopher Aristotle, according to which every material in nature strives for perfection. The most perfect material, according to alchemists, was gold. Besides its unique color, gold can withstand other materials and environments, and it is easy to weld and shape. Alchemists thought, like Aristotle, that other materials, such as lead and iron, are inferior and ‘sick.’ They believed these could be ‘cured’ and turned into the coveted gold in a process called ‘transmutation’. Alchemists’ experiments were based on the premise that each material in nature is a combination of four basic elements – water, air, fire, and earth – thus, manipulating these ingredients can lead to the creation of new materials. In the Arabic world, a widely accepted theory was that each metal is made of sulphur, mercury, and salt, in different ratios. The attempts to make gold on the basis of these beliefs produced materials that were similar to gold in color and shape, but not real gold.”
What a fucking clown Rebhahn is. How can anyone take this person seriously? He is now just preaching scientific materialism and denying the astonishing power available to minds in the HIVE. All monads link to the physical world (the collective material world – as opposed to the individual material world of private dreams) and they also all link together via the collective unconscious – as opposed to the private unconscious.
Isn’t it absolutely hilarious that Rebhahn believes that alchemists carried out exhaustive experiments – the precursors of modern chemistry experiments – because they knew they WEREN’T changing base metal into gold and were just interested in “symbolism”. Er, you don’t have a massive laboratory with a vast array of chemicals because you’re engaged in psychological exploration of metaphors and symbols! WTF!
By the way, if you want to know about real magic, read “Transcendental Magic: The Rise of the New Magicians“, and “Dream Sorcerers: Cracking the Dream Code” by you know who – DAVID SINCLAIR. Also, read all of Jack Tanner’s books. Rebhahn knows nothing about magic, philosophy, ontological mathematics or psychology. He has no qualifications. He has nothing to teach. Never waste your time listening to this clown.
Incidentally, Rebhahn talks about achieving “planetary independence” and engaging in CFDs (Collective Frequency Domains, aka shared dreaming) where people can manifest whatever they like, whatever they will. If that’s not “magick”, what the fuck is? Rebhahn contradicts himself all the time. He has no clue what he is saying. He understands NOTHING.
Rebhahn is a very heavy user of NLP, a subject notorious for being used by cult leaders to exploit and manipulate the impressionable and suggestible. Do not trust this man EVER. He’s a pervert and a degenerate … an extremely sinister predator, always scanning for prey. Don’t be one of his victims. The freaks and weirdos line up to give this con man money … because he’s the very incarnation of WOKE. What is Wokeness? It’s MENTAL ILLNESS. In the past, the mentally ill were locked up. Now they control social media! WTF!
Now you know why social media is so crazy and so toxic. The lunatics are running the asylum.

Tags: Corey Rebhahn, Morgue Official, Morgen Night, Hyperianism, Hyperionism, Hyperian, Hyperion, AMC Freakshow, Inner Star Actualization, Cult of Hyperianism, Hyperian Founder, Morgue Official Real Name, What is Hyperianism, Hyperianism Beliefs, Collective Frequency Domains