Morgue Official the Myth



8/10/2022 Post #3
Here’s some Morgue self-myth making from 2017. Enjoy!
Corey Rebhahn (Morgue) said, “As for why Orion is interested in earth… Orion are synthesized entities (rational) and thus they seek to optimize the universe as a whole bring reality towards its telos, the omega point. Their mission is to liberate all planets, transforming them from prison planets into freedom planets, by means of establishing hidden Watcher groups that guide the dialectic towards reason.
“Your point about two races is a good one. How about this angle: Orion was the first system to generate life on one of their planets. This planet was dominated by negative minds, there was a resistance, and through this process (and perhaps through the help of the sleeping magician) they learned to synthesize the polarities. Thus the Orion system was the first system to generate synthesized entities, giving rise to the original 36 Watchers. Thus Orion is the archetype for synthesis/rationalism (they are Abraxian). Thus the Orion archetypal pattern exists within the collective unconscious.
“Now, when anyone tunes into this archetypal pattern they are tuning into Orion. Thus anyone, whether they are indigenous to earth or not, can tune into the Orion archetypal pattern, anyone who becomes synthesized, anyone who becomes rational, becomes one of Orion. Since the wars of Orion are scarred into the collective unconscious, people can even have memories and ‘remember’ Orion events even if they are not from there originally. Orion is no longer used to refer to a particular system, but any planet that has become rational/enlightened/liberated is of Orion. So anyone can lay claim to Orion if they become rational, just as anyone can be promoted to Watcher if they work hard enough. In fact, ‘Orion’ could be the first of the nine grades, whereas Watcher is the ninth (or a secret tenth? And perhaps ‘Shaper’ would be seventh) We can make the symbol of Orion be the serpent, connecting it to Lucifer and knowledge. Many people see serpents during the psychedelic experience, often creating patterns, they experience this since the Orion archetype is seared into the collective unconscious. The serpent can also be a symbol for oscillating sinusoids. (Check out the attached photo, implementing the serpent in the Hyperianism brand.) While on the topic of Orion, I am including a few screen shots of responses and posts by other people to some of the Instagram stories I have posted, I think they show this can cause a stir in people. (I’ve posted a picture of the Orion nebula with the words ‘Do you remember the fires of Orion?’ overlaid.)
“I wrote all of that rather quickly so if anything is unclear let me know.
“At some point, if we want to keep women interested, we will need to implement a love story. Check out this ‘Orion memory’ I will be including in the upcoming book: ‘The Fires of Orion – Once I held my lover in my arms, and we gazed upon the city in the distance. We watched as a weapon was dropped upon it, and it was engulfed in flame. The sky turned orange and red. We watched as a wave of fire and ash approached us, and we knew we had only a few seconds left together. I looked into her eyes and she into mine. ‘I love you,’ I whispered.
‘I love you too,’ she whispered back. We embraced for one last time as we were turned to dust. As I write these words now, tears fill my eyes. I miss her so much.’
“I’m searching for her throughout space and time. We could also implement something about finding your soul mate(s). Twin flames are all the rage right now and we could have our rational version of that, and go further than that. It’s not that you aren’t whole but that they are your ‘reciprocal soul’ (or souls, plural, so that it is not exclusive to monogamy) your reciprocal soul(s) helps to actualize your latent potential and vice versa, it is the Jungian anima/animus.
“As for the Christian reincarnation angle, I spent a large portion of my life as a Christian and I know how they think. If the blogger or the informant tries to say reincarnation is true, they will immediately think they are agents of Satan sent to deceive them, and the blog will lose all credibility.
“However, if you wanted to get it out somehow, it could be that the Illuminati teach a ‘perverted and deceptive version of Christianity’ that incorporates reincarnation. That way you could make the details clear through a description of their treachery, while the blogger and the informant condemn it.
“I haven’t had a chance to look at the link you provided but I will do so soon. Off the top of my head, I’ll just make a comment about the pyramids for now. The link between these stars and the pyramids would have been perfect, but I asked Susan to look into it and she said that it didn’t hold water and that the connection was exaggerated. But briefly skimming through the article, it seems like there are a lot of other interesting connections so there are other possibilities here.”
Want more? There’s plenty more where that came from! Corey Rebhahn (Morgue) masquerading as a heterosexual lover of women to make them fall in love with him. Whatever next?!
Man, it turns our blood cold reading it now. What a load of bullshit!
Corey loved presenting himself as some ultra-special person! It all went to his head and he became delusional.
Corey (Morgue) is trying to silence the very people who created him. With us out of the way, he imagines he can pass off all of our work as his own! Stop this demented plagiarist and cult leader.