
The Hyperian cult leader, Corey Rebhahn had a False Self by age 13 (and probably years before then), and this False Self went by the name of TheNightBringer89 (Rebhahn was born in 1989). It thought of itself as a MAGICIAN. And isn’t that so appropriate? The construction of a False Self is a psychological magic act in itself. If you want to wish away all the things hurting you, and magic up the world you want, you had better be a magician, right? What is Hyperianism if not Rebhahn’s magic kingdom where he can hide from reality and pose as GOD? In the Hyperian fantasy world, Rebhahn IS God. Outside, he’s not… but he doesn’t go outside. Rebhahn only interacts with his cult in his magic world of pure fantasy. This is New Terra, Rebhahn’s prize fantasy. His cultists go there to share in HIS fantasy, and love being there because he mirrors their own wishes.
Rebhahn, as a little boy, was playing the Harry Potter game. He wanted to be a wizard, using magic – and then he could escape his horrible life … just like Harry Potter in the story (who was tormented by his carers, just as Rebhahn was by his parents). Harry Potter, if he were anything other than a fiction, would have grow into a malignant narcissist, just like Corey Rebhahn. Harry Potter, in reality, would have been a vile monster like Corey Rebhahn, and the Potter story would have been a horror story. In fact, Potter, given his background, would actually have been Lord Voldemort! (Like Edgelord Morgue in a manner of speaking.) But Lord Voldemort might have pretended to be a really nice guy (like Woke Morgue, the new Jesus). Voldemort, like Rebhahn, would be a total cunt in either mode, but the perception of him would be entirely different. Voldemort as an Edgelord engages in negative narcissism, meaning that he gets off on people being afraid of him and fearing his power. As Woke, Voldemort engages in positive narcissism, meaning that he is loved rather than feared and is thought benevolent rather than powerful; he is a Messiah, not a dictator.
When you’re very damaged as a child, that stays with you. Even if you don’t become a malignant narcissist, you will bear all sorts of psychological marks (and that will be true even if you find a way to grow and prosper despite what you went through: no gain without pain). You will be very afraid of being hurt and you will be hyper-alert to the possibility of being hurt. You will cultivate all sorts of defense mechanisms. You will find it very hard to trust others. People have to win you over. And that makes the vulnerable extremely susceptible to malignant narcissists such as Corey Rebhahn. Because he will “love bomb” you and draw you into a shared fantasy where everything is wonderful. Such people know what you want to hear and tell you what to hear – because that’s how they get you to give them their drug … narcissistic supply. You start to place your total trust and confidence in this person. He’s not going to hurt you, but everyone else will. They’ll call you names. He won’t. They’ll treat you like a cunt; he’ll be nice to you (which is to say PRETEND to be nice to you because he actually has a worse opinion of you than those insulting you to your face). So WOKE PEOPLE are overwhelmingly likely to succumb to the con of malignant narcissists because they all want to live in a kumbaya world where no one is horrible to anyone else.
Corey Rebhahn worked out that the Woke were his best victims, and that’s why he became the Woke Messiah.
Look at our work. We say harsh things, abrasive things, tough things, unpleasant things, controversial things. And, for that, the Woke call us haters, bigots, fascists, N**is, whatever. We plainly are NOT looking for narcissistic supply. If anything, we drive people away.
Look at a Corey Rebhahn deadstream. He will never say even one thing likely to distress his worshipers. He knows to say only what they want to hear. He knows that if he doesn’t, they will stop worshiping him and his narcissistic supply will be cut off. He suffers entirely from audience capture. They define him. They worship him BECAUSE they define him (hence he is cast in THEIR image). He is their mirror into which they gaze to admire themselves. He represents (he postures as) their idealized self, and so he is their God. He is them writ large. And that’s exactly what he sets about achieving to secure maximum narcissistic supply. The Hyperians would never worship us, and of course we are APPALLED by the idea of anyone worshiping anyone else (we are ANTI NARCISSISTS… we regard narcissism as an incredibly serious disease that must be eradicated through healthy parenting and positive-liberty State intervention). But the Hyperians really do worship Corey Rebhahn, and that’s why they’re in his cult and won’t leave it. It’s just like Muslims worshipping Allah. It’s the same psychological game. We’re not in that game. We want to destroy that game.
Only a certain type of person can be a Rebhahn cultist… those who identify with things like veganism, pacifism, Wokeism, RTS, androgyny, and so on. And that’s because Rebhahn is their standard bearer, their idealization. Rebhahn doesn’t understand that all he has done with all of his absurd Woke affectations is make himself a person with exceptionally limited appeal, incapable of growing a movement. But he can certainly produce a tiny fanatical cult, and he has. We are going to destroy it – because it’s an obscenity. It’s a grotesque parody of Illuminism. Rebhahn’s defining error was to try to use the work of others to make his cult seem much more than it was. An astonishing mistake. But just ask Professor Sam Vaknin, himself a pathological narcissist – yet so much more intelligent and watchable and informative than Corey Rebhahn (you can actually learn stuff from Vaknin!) – who says that these malignant narcissists ALWAYS fuck up. They can’t help themselves. It’s their nature. Well, they’re not human (as Vaknin says) and hence don’t know how to interact with actual human beings. Sooner or later, their emulation of a human fails.
Vaknin says that no narcissist has an emotional mental age over 11. He says that most have a mental emotional age of 2, i.e., they are bawling, incontinent toddlers! That’s what Rebhahn was when he phoned the FBI.
We were astonished when we first heard Corey Rebhahn, a man in his thirties, saying that his favorite movie was “The NeverEnding Story” – the expected favorite movie of a ten-year-old. How can an adult man seriously say that a children’s movie is his favorite movie? Isn’t that impossible? But not when the person has an emotional mental age… OF A CHILD. Rebhahn is a child suffering from extreme arrested development. This guy is NEVER going to grow up. He has no real self with which to do any growing. He is stuck as a child, stuck as a traumatized albino weirdo being taunted by the normal kids and called a freak, hence why he joined a freakshow. I mean, for fucks sake, there’s nothing subtle going on here! Rebhahn only feels at home amongst freaks, and they’re the only people he can dominate. Hyperianism is just the continuation of AMC’s freakshow by other means, but pays better. All the freaks roll up and give Rebhahn loads of money for making them feel as if they have a home – at long last. It’s a very lucrative game making freaks feel less freakish. They pay a lot of money to be ACCEPTED.
Wikipedia says of The NeverEnding Story,
“The film follows a boy who happens upon a magical book that tells of a young warrior who is given the task of stopping the Nothing, a dark force, from engulfing the wonderland world of Fantasia.”
Rebhahn likes books, he likes fantasy, he likes magic, he responds to the idea of being a bullied boy who triumphs over the bullies. So, psychologically, this story really talks to Rebhahn.
Wikipedia says,
“Ten-year-old Bastian Bux is a shy and outcast bibliophile and lives with his widowed father.”
So, Rebhahn as a child found a refuge in books. As the weird boy who liked hanging out with any girls he could find, he was constantly bullied by the normal rough and tough boys. He hated his mother, so in a sense only had a “widowed” father (because he liked to imagine that his mother was dead, or absent).
Wikipedia says,
” One day on his way to school, Bastian is chased by bullies but escapes by hiding in a bookstore, annoying the bookseller, Mr. Coreander. Bastian’s interest in books leads him to ask about the one Coreander is reading, but the bookseller advises against reading it, saying that it is not a ‘safe’ story like regular books. With his curiosity piqued, Bastian secretly takes the book, titled ‘The Neverending Story’, leaving a note promising to return it, and hides in the school’s attic to read. The book describes the fantasy world of Fantasia slowly being devoured by a malevolent force called ‘The Nothing’. “
Rebhahn wants to live in a fantasy world and wants to keep out Reality – aka “The Nothing” – which is devouring his fantasy. He no doubt now thinks of Hyperianism as Fantasia and Illuminism as the encroaching “Nothing”, about to snuff out the fantasy.
Wikipedia says,
“Bastian awakens with the Empress, who presents him with a grain of sand – the sole remnant of Fantasia. The Empress tells Bastian that he has the power to bring Fantasia back with his imagination. Bastian re-creates Fantasia and flies on Falkor’s back to see the land and its inhabitants restored, including Atreyu and Artax. When Falkor asks what his next wish will be, Bastian brings Falkor to the real world to chase down the school bullies.”
So, “New Terra” is Fantasia. Corey Rebhahn is Bastian, the Messiah who saves Fantasia. And he returns with supreme power to smite his enemies in the real world. Ho, ho, ho. As if! Fucking grow up, you freak.
The NeverEnding story is perfect for a malignant narcissist like Rebhahn. So is Harry Potter! Many children’s stories and fairytales are. And because malignant narcissists are children in adult bodies, they all love childish things. Hyperianism is a wholly infantile scene, full of people showing infantile fantasy images on their profiles. That’s where they mentally live – in a fantasy world. They hate the real world – the NOTHING. It has nothing for them. It’s cruel to them. They can’t cope there. In the Fantasia of Hyperianism, they are made to feel special, provided they pay up, of course, and give Corey Weirdo his drug (narcissistic supply). Rebhahn with his golden wings – is that the funniest thing ever? What a clown this man is.
Joanna Laguna said,
“If you can throw insults at Morgue, after giving the person your appreciation previous to that, then anyone can do it to Morgue or to you or I.”
What point is Laguna trying to make? She seems to be saying that if you express approval for someone at one point, you are then obligated to express approval for them at all subsequent points, and there’s something horrible about you if you don’t. This is what a child would say. It’s not what any adult who lives in the real world would EVER say. Every adult who interacts with other adults knows that you can fall out with anyone else at any time. Some of the worst enemies in the world are people who were once married to each other and swore eternal love to each other and gave the most solemn oaths! And that’s probably Laguna’s defining problem right there. Someone told her they would love her for life … and then fucked off – leaving her with a child? – and her life was never the same again. Now she fantasizes about people who will NEVER leave her, and that’s why she swears her loyalty to Morgy Porgy and will never leave him. Because that’s what she’s looking for herself – permanent devotion. She is absolutely desperate for someone to look after her and love her for life … a child’s notion of love. All Hyperians are emotional cripples, looking for a broken Messiah to repair them, to make them whole. Jesus fucking Christ was another broken messiah. The Romans crucified his sorry ass. And that should have been the end of it. Maybe Jesus H Christ was another malignant narcissist who cast a spell over enough sickos to keep his disgusting slave religion on the road.
These Hyperians hate reality. Only fantasy gives them what they want, and Rebhahn – a total child, a wholly infantilized man who basically never grew any balls and became an actual man – keeps all of these infantilized people in an infantilized fantasy world where they love him for it … because he protects them from reality and creates a fantasy world they can actually believe in. In exchange, they give him enormous narcissistic supply.
Could any adult possibly regard Corey Rebhahn as a functioning adult with adult responsibilities, commitments and outlooks? He self evidently isn’t. He’s a child, preaching childishness … a childish fantasy that could go straight into The NeverEnding Story. The whole scene is childish. The childish chat, the childish emojis, the childish shout outs, the childish hellos and goodbyes, the childish questions, the childish answers, the childish evasion of reality, the childish avoidance of anything “unpleasant”. WOKENESS itself, of which Hyperianism is a tiny stream, is pure childishness – the need for safe spaces, trigger warnings, political correctness, virtue signaling, and to deplatform and cancel anything “nasty” – i.e., Wokeness literally tries to cancel REALITY. In order that the Woke can live in a fantasy world of extreme liberalism (veganism, pacifism, love and light, and all that bullshit). These Muppets say they are doing “shadow work”. In fact, they canceled and deplatformed the Shadow because it was a N**i bigot that admired the emperor Hadrian!
Corey Rebhahn – once a hate-filled misanthropic nihilistic malignant narcissist did a 180 and became a compassion-filled, humanitarian, pacifist malignant narcissist. Why? Purely in order to secure enhance narcissistic supply. The Woke are absolutely eager to worship Woke messiahs, so where better for malignant narcissists to set up shop than in Woke world, a childish world wholly cut off from the reality principle. Rebhahn worked that out. Woke World is perfect for his malignancy. This predator has so much prey to feed on.
So, it’s another deadstream tonight, a chance for Rebhahn to take his revenge on Thanksgiving and all the normal families having a nice normal time. Rebhahn loathes Thanksgiving and Christmas. Thanksgiving actually traumatizes him because loving families sit down and have a loving meal together. Rebhahn never had a loving family, and he simply never recovered from that. To compensate, he became a pathological narcissist, looking for the love he didn’t get from his family. He’ll say and do anything to get narcissistic supply. This guy is a total junky. The chances of that guy taking a month off are zero. No heroin addict takes a rest from heroin.
So, Rebhahn’s doing one of his insufferable charity porn events tonight, with all that infinitely tedious virtue signaling. Get some turkey down your gob instead, mate. Mmmmm! Live a little.
Hmmm, will Joel the Swindler, Zack the millionaire fuckwit and Filanthrowpissed out of his tiny little super-rich mind all have to compete to see who can donate the most and show the most love for Rebhahn? Yawn. Will Rebhahn have to make a big donation himself? He says he needs to be funded to buy a camera, yet didn’t he get $5,000 on his last charity outing? How much do fucking cameras cost these days? But of course, Porgy has to pretend to be about to be thrown out onto the street if his patrons don’t pay him big style. How many more times will he refer to needing “a roof over his head”? You’re a millionaire, mate. It’s your worshipers that need to worry about the money.
Have a close look at a malignant narcissist and his codependents in full flow. Not to be missed!
Hey, Rebhahn, this gig will be a total failure unless you raise more money than last time. Let’s hope Zack does his duty! You should cough up $10,000 this time. Even better, FUCK OFF!