Morgue Official: The Psychopathic Liar



Psychopaths are very bad for your health, and liberty. Just consider the fate of Susan Mitchell, Allie Torgensen and Phillip Shope because they threw in their lot with Corey Rebhahn. Jewel Marsh was in the same boat but very intelligently managed to extricate himself. He was in any case the person against whom we had found no damning evidence. It’s a very different story when it comes to the other three.
Thanks to Jewel – and we truly are thankful – we now have a much better picture of what has been going on in the very weird Rebhahn bunker as he battles to save his cult and millionaire Hollywood lifestyle.
Mad Susan Bitchell, a woman with a history of becoming romantically infatuated with pathological narcissists (!), said,
“They keep saying we lied to the FBI, but we sent evidence of what we thought could result in a violent situation and we had been advised that we should notify the FBI.”
Not only did you lie to the FBI, you also lied to your legal advisor!
Necrophil said,
“I mean, they can’t arrest us for being witnesses and supporting someone on Patreon.”
You are not “witnesses”. You are four people who actively, knowingly engaged in a conspiracy to get the FBI to carry out a swatting operation against your legitimate critics by explicitly lying to the FBI.
Bitchell said,
“All of our ‘claims’ to the FBI are actual evidence from Rowan himself, right? We provided the info for them to do with as they saw fit. If they didn’t think anything of it, they wouldn’t have followed up on it. You can’t get into any trouble for doing what we did. It would be illegal if we had faked the evidence.”
You DID fake the evidence, and that’s illegal, and that’s why you’re going to jail.
Rebhahn said,
“Yeah I’d never lie to the FBI. That would be crazy, and stupid.”
You DID lie to the FBI and you ARE crazy and stupid. In fact, you’re a pathological narcissist and a psychopath.
Necrophil said,
“They wouldn’t follow up with an interrogation if there wasn’t anything more to discuss right?”
They followed up because of the staggering seriousness of what your gang claimed about RJ, Apollonius and the AC. It’s exactly because of the seriousness of the lies you told that you will all be going to jail.
We are now going to prove to even the most retarded Hyperians how Corey Rebhahn, Allie Torgensen, Susan Mitchell and Phillip Shope – having taken legal advice, by their own admission! – then systematically lied to the FBI – a felony, which will result in all four of these individuals being jailed.
How do we know these people lied? Because we know exactly what information the Canadian police were acting on when they questioned RJ, and this information in no way reflects the reality of what RJ said when considered in its proper, entirely legitimate context. It was deliberately, maliciously, taken out of its proper, legitimate context by the Rebhahn gang to trigger a swatting operation.
So, let’s get down to it.
Why did the FBI go to all the trouble of contacting the CANADIAN authorities to have a police operation carried out against RJ? That’s a HUGE thing. Going to a separate jurisdiction requires very senior FBI authority. It might even have gone to the FBI Director himself. That only happens in the most serious cases – not because someone resigned from Hyperianism using some robust language (which is what ACTUALLY happened)!
You are INSANE if you think the FBI acted because of “violent rhetoric” or “hate”, as the Rebhahn gang laughably tell themselves. The FBI acted for one very specific reason. They were told by Rebhahn that a violent, mentally ill, heavily armed, radicalized individual (supposedly) – RJ – was a clear and present danger to the president of the USA, an allegation that the FBI are of course legally obliged to treat with the utmost seriousness, even to the extent of contacting a foreign country (Canada). You can imagine how lurid Rebhahn’s lies must have been in order to secure this extraordinary outcome, following a moderator doing nothing but leave Hyperianism!!!
The whole thing revolves around the following words by RJ, provably written by him on March 20, 2020, when Donald Trump was the president of the USA:
“Almost missed my turn off the highway because I was daydreaming so hard of all the ways one could execute the current POTUS. Never harms self or others.”
So, there are several absolute facts to bear in mind.
  1. This is in no way a criminal statement since daydreaming is never a crime, so, in and of itself, this statement could have been of no possible relevance to the FBI or Canadian police.
  2. The statement even contains a legal disclaimer – “Never harms self or others”, which also reveals that the statement was made in a funny, bantering style, with no seriousness at all. RJ is noted for his sense of humor.
  3. The statement was made over two and half years ago and so is absolutely historical, not current.
  4. The statement unambiguously concerned President Donald Trump, the factual president on 20 March, 2020.
In the private chat in which these remarks were made, current senior Hyperian moderator Phillip Shope said,
“I’d laugh if I didn’t hate that orange turd [Trump] so much. [He is] THE worst [human]. I would gladly watch his public execution. Guillotine is ALMOST too fast for him, he needs to watch his own money and properties (and possibly children) burn first. …. the best part, is that his end is inevitable and we get to watch! … I hate that human more than I’ve ever hated anything.” And on 21 December 2020, Shope said, “Just murder him” in reference to Trump. This is clearly the most violent and disturbing rhetoric, yet Rebhahn and the others did not report Phillip Shope to the FBI! Funny that. Clearly, it’s not violent rhetoric that disturbs these people. It’s when the violent rhetoric is not used by them!
We’ve set out all of this very clearly because absolutely NONE of this was communicated to the FBI. And it’s because of this that Rebhahn, Torgensen, Mitchell and Shope – who know all of this every bit as well as we do because they accessed the exact same information regarding the POTUS comment – will be going to jail for fabricating evidence, via DELIBERATE omission of all the points we have just raised.
When RJ was questioned by the police, he was shown ONLY the following words: “Almost missed my turn off the highway because I was daydreaming so hard of all the ways one could execute the ‘POTUS.’”
Note that there was NO MENTION OF THE DATE. There was NO MENTION OF THE KEY WORDS (NEVER HARMS SELF OR OTHERS). There was NO MENTION OF THE POTUS BEING DONALD TRUMP. There was no mention of PHILLIP SHOPE’S EXTREMELY VIOLENT AND MURDEROUS RHETORIC IN THE SAME CHAT, worse than anything RJ said (how can you complain about the violent rhetoric of others if you are using even more violent rhetoric yourself? – YOU CANNOT!).
Additionally, we realized that Rebhahn had not shown a screenshot to the FBI because RJ used the words “current POTUS” in his original comment but the word “current” was absent from what RJ was shown. If the screenshot had been available to the police, they would of course have shown it to RJ, and it would have accurately shown the word “current”. They therefore did not have a screenshot, and, as we shall see, we know for a fact that they did not.
RJ utterly denied having made this statement. He said,
“I would assume Morgue and/or the moderators supplied screenshots of the statements I have admitted to making. I would like to see the screenshot of me talking about executing the POTUS. I never made that statement.”
RJ had no recollection of the POTUS comment. Why would he? – it was a bantering remark from two and half years ago concerning Donald Trump AND HAD ABSOLUTELY NO RELEVANCE TO THE PRESENT, OR TO HIS RESIGNATION FROM HYPERIANISM. It would never have occurred to him to link some ancient comedy comment about Trump to his Hyperian resignation – but it certainly occurred to the Rebhahn gang! RJ was, naturally, certain that this bizarre statement – with no connection at all to Hyperianism – was fabricated.
RJ said,
“It is grotesque to me that they would have used the knowledge of me driving to be with my father [who is in extremely poor health] to spin that into their fiction of me fantasizing about killing the president.”
We will return to this “driving” business in a moment since it’s actually critical in all of this.
So, we have arrived at an incredibly serious issue here. RJ was saying that evidence had been fabricated against him, which would mean that the FBI had been lied to and a felony had been committed by the Rebhahn gang. The FBI themselves were extremely concerned about this because – we now know – they actually went back to Rebhahn and asked him to show the screenshot. If he had not produced the screenshot, he would have been arrested there and then! That demonstrates exactly how precarious the Rebhahn gang’s position is!
But, of course, Rebhahn DID have a screenshot, albeit heavily doctored to entirely remove it from its original context.
Rebhahn said to his mods, to reassure them, “In my follow up with them [the FBI] about a week or so ago I provided the screenshot of Rowan writing that.”
Note how carefully Rebhahn worded this. He showed the screenshot that backed up what he had previously said – but of course ENTIRELY REMOVED FROM ITS ORIGINAL CONTEXT. The FBI would have been entirely oblivious to that fact, as Rebhahn knew and was relying on, being a sick psychopath.
That right there is a felony. That’s fabricating evidence BY OMISSION – leaving out the context that explains the message (because Rebhahn had no desire at all for that context to be known and the message to be simply explained and dismissed for the harmless banter it was when it was made long ago – he wanted it to be treated with maximum seriousness by the FBI, and it was … they even contacted Canada because of it!).
We think these events were rather disastrous for our side. On the face of it, RJ seemed to be caught in a lie when he denied having made these comments, and Rebhahn was seemingly vindicated when he showed that RJ had indeed made them. But it’s more complicated than that. RJ was saying that he wouldn’t be surprised if there WAS a screenshot – but it would have been FABRICATED by Rebhahn. That’s why, at the time, we went so big on the notion of the forensic examination of phone records … to prove that RJ never made any such comment, and the Rebhahn gang never received any such message but just made it up … because it certainly didn’t come from RJ (as we believed at the time).
The cretinous Bitchell said,
“What phone records? What forensically checking?”
It never seemed to occur to these people that our side thought that the reference to POTUS was utterly insane – we had no idea any such comment actually existed! The POTUS comment had no connection whatsoever to RJ’s resignation from Hyperianism, and his resignation message, so we had no clue what it was supposed to be all about! We couldn’t understand why the FBI weren’t immediately arresting the Rebhahn gang for inventing an obvious fiction. That said, it did now and again strike us that they couldn’t possibly have invented this comment because it would instantly mean jail for them and they surely couldn’t be that deranged. So we were baffled, and that’s why we wanted forensic checks to be performed by the FBI to clarify exactly what was going on and where this bizarre comment had originated.
All became clear when RJ gained access to various mod chats that he had thought had been blocked to him and others (but there turned out to be a way he could access the historic records). That’s when he discovered the POTUS comment from two and a half years ago. We immediately made a formal AC Statement about all of this on 21 September.
So, our position then obviously switched from the assertion that the Rebhahn gang had deliberately fabricated the POTUS comment to the one that they had absolutely, intentionally misrepresented the POTUS comment, to achieve exactly the same effect – to trigger a swatting operation against their legitimate critics.
Let’s go back to the key significance of RJ having been on a driving trip when he resigned from Hyperianism. By complete coincidence, he also mentioned being on a highway in his POTUS comment. To the diabolical, psychopathic mind of Corey Rebhahn, this presented the ideal opportunity … which he eagerly seized upon. By stripping the POTUS comment of its original context from two and half years ago, he could append it directly to RJ’s resignation message and make it seem to be a threat to POTUS in the present time.
We believe that Rebhahn claimed that RJ said something like the following in his resignation message:
“I can’t pretend that I don’t advocate war and violence against my enemies because I wholeheartedly do. I’ve been praying for war and it is coming. This is who I am. And it’s been that way since kindergarten. I want my enemies to die. Current events have given me the opportunity to reflect on who I am and what my true goals are. Go ahead and label me anti-trans, anti-lgbtq, whatever. I will kill misogynists. I will kill bigots. I will kill racists. I know who I am. I believe it was Lil Low-Cuss’t who said AC/GS or die motherfuckers! You now all know where I stand. I’m driving. Almost missed my turn off the highway because I was daydreaming so hard of all the ways one could execute the POTUS.”
(RJ knew he would definitely be branded a bigot by Rebhahn, just as we were, so was actually goaded into saying he would kill bigots … he was set up!)
If you were the FBI, you would definitely take that seriously, wouldn’t you? Rebhahn, we presume, wrote down something like that and hoped he wouldn’t have to prove it via screenshots. RJ, however, completely acknowledged what he said in his actual resignation message (not the fabricated version we provided above!), so only the POTUS comment was in doubt. The FBI immediately went back to Rebhahn and asked him to supply that screenshot, which he did (but completely out of context, completely removed from its actual source).
Rebhahn therefore believes he has got away with this! The trouble for Rebhahn is that AFTER he showed the screenshot to the FBI, RJ discovered the original POTUS comment in the chat with Shope and immediately sent all of this material to the Vancouver detective who had interviewed him. He got no reply. Nor did he get a reply when he told the detective that he and two others were going to lodge a formal complaint to the North Hollywood police department about being criminally swatted by the Rebhahn gang. This complaint HAS been submitted, but the NHPD said they would do nothing with it for now given that there was already an open FBI case.
So this is where things now stand. The FBI phoned Apollonius, the former senior Hyperian also caught up in this FBI business, back in August but took no further action. RJ has heard nothing from the Vancouver police since the end of August. We know Rebhahn was contacted shortly afterwards by the FBI to prove that the POTUS comment was genuine. As far as we know, he has not been contacted since.
The case actually seems to be inactive at the present time. Our intention is of course to make it very active so that the Rebhahn gang will be arrested for their crimes.
Consider the following point:
Rebhahn said,
“They are totally insane and lying about everything. In my original report to the ic3 I said that quote was likely while trump was in office.”
What does Rebhahn mean when he uses the word “likely”. Donald Trump was FACTUALLY the president on 20 March, 2020, so there’s no “likely” about it. This is therefore a blatant lie by this psychopath. What Rebhahn is trying to do is pretend to Shope that everything is fine and legit. Everything is NOT fine and legit. We know for a fact that Rebhahn did not mention Trump. How do we know? Because the Vancouver detective said to RJ at RJ’s interrogation – where he was read his rights and asked if he wanted a lawyer – “Have you ever made such a statement against President Joe BIDEN, Donald TRUMP, Barack OBAMA, any other US president? … Do you have any intent to physically harm the US president?”
This means that the FBI/police did NOT know which POTUS was meant in RJ’s message and this automatically means that they were NOT told by Rebhahn that Trump was the president in question, and that also means they were definitely not told the true date when the comment was made, and nor were they shown its true context – in a chat with Phillip Shope who made extremely violent threats against Trump!
When the two cops hammered on RJ’s door, they were not there for their health or to chitchat about a POTUS post from two and a half years ago. They were there to see whether RJ was a potential active shooter who might try to assassinate POTUS – because that’s EXACTLY what Rebhahn had led them to believe. Anyone who thinks otherwise is insane. Cops do not urgently come to your door on an FBI-directed operation because of daydreams you had about POTUS years before. They do it because they have been given information that you are a current threat to POTUS. Who gave them this false, fabricated belief? COREY REBHAHN DID! Rebhahn and his gang swatted RJ. No ifs and no buts. The FBI wouldn’t have touched this case with a bargepole if they had been shown the actual screenshots of the conversation between Shope and RJ from years ago. Of course, they weren’t. They were sold a completely different version by the manipulations of Corey Rebhahn, a psychopath. He knew that only by making the POTUS comment a CURRENT threat, make RJ be perceived to be a clear and present danger, could he maneuver the FBI into swatting RJ. And so he did everything to create this impression in the minds of the FBI – by completely omitting the truth of the POTUS message and making it seem like something completely different and utterly ominous and sinister. And he succeeded. But that success will see him jailed for deliberately lying to the FBI to secure the end he desired … the swatting of RJ.
Phillip Shope – as the person who sourced this all-important POTUS comment – is now in a position of extraordinary legal jeopardy. He knows for a fact that he used much more violent rhetoric than RJ in the private chat, and, in December 2020, actually expressed the desire for Donald Trump to be MURDERED – an unambiguous death threat against the sitting president, not a “daydream”.
Shope factually knows that Rebhahn did not mention Trump as the POTUS in question. He factually knows that Rebhahn did not give the correct date of the POTUS comment. He factually knows that Rebhahn did not provide screenshots of the POTUS comment in its real context – a bantering chat with Shope himself. He factually knows that Rebhahn omitted the key words “Never harms self or others” from the POTUS comment since these words were signally absent from what was put to RJ by the Vancouver police.
In other words, Shope is fucked. He factually knows that Rebhahn manipulated evidence to DECEIVE the FBI … and he has done nothing about it even though he knows a crime has been committed by Rebhahn.
Shope said,
“I have everything screenshotted, copied and added to my AC conflict folder.”
Therefore, we know for a fact that Shope has seen all of this overwhelming evidence. He knows for a fact that Rebhahn is a liar and we are telling the truth, yet he continues to support Rebhahn. That means he is engaged in a conspiracy with Rebhahn to obstruct justice.
Wikipedia says,
“Obstruction of justice, in United States jurisdictions, is an act that involves unduly influencing, impeding, or otherwise interfering with the justice system, especially the legal and procedural tasks of prosecutors, investigators, or other government officials. Common law jurisdictions other than the United States tend to use the wider offense of perverting the course of justice.
Obstruction is a broad crime that may include acts such as perjury, making false statements to officials, witness tampering, jury tampering, destruction of evidence, and many others.”
Shope – who factually knows that Rebhahn lied in an official complaint to the FBI – an automatic felony – is withholding this critical information from the FBI and therefore is conspiring with Rebhahn and perverting the course of justice. Anyone who knows that a crime has been committed and does nothing about it is impeding justice and can and will be prosecuted. We will make sure Shope is prosecuted for failing to reveal to the FBI his essential knowledge regarding Rebhahn’s completely bogus POTUS claim, deliberately weaponized by Rebhahn to swat RJ by making it seem like a current threat by an extremely armed and dangerous, radicalized assassin (all mad fiction, of course, devised by the totally insane Corey Rebhahn).
The crime of Aiding and Abetting is also relevant. Wikipedia says,
“Aiding and abetting is a legal doctrine related to the guilt of someone who aids or abets (encourages, incites) another person in the commission of a crime … It exists in a number of different countries and generally allows a court to pronounce someone guilty for aiding and abetting in a crime even if they are not the principal offender. The words aiding, abetting and accessory are closely used but have differences. While aiding means providing support or assistance to someone, committing a crime in exchange of a commission or compensation, abetting means encouraging someone else to commit a crime. Accessory is someone who in fact assists ‘commission of a crime committed primarily by someone else’ … Criminal: Aiding and abetting is an additional provision in United States criminal law, for situations where it cannot be shown the party personally carried out the criminal offense, but where another person may have carried out the illegal act(s) as an agent of the charged, working together with or under the direction of the charged, who is an accessory to the crime. … It is derived from the United States Code (U.S.C.), section two of title 18:
(a) Whoever commits an offense against the United States or aids, abets, counsels, commands, induces or procures its commission, is punishable as a principal.
(b) Whoever willfully causes an act to be done which if directly performed by him or another would be an offense against the United States, is punishable as a principal.
The scope of this federal statute for aiders and abettors ‘is incredibly broad—it can be implied in every charge for a federal substantive offense.’ Where the term ‘principal’ refers to any actor who is primarily responsible for a criminal offense.
For a successful prosecution, the provision of ‘aiding and abetting’ must be considered alongside the crime itself, although a defendant can be found guilty of aiding and abetting an offense even if the principal is found not guilty of the crime itself. In all cases of aiding and abetting, it must be shown a crime has been committed, but not necessarily who committed it. It is necessary to show that the defendant has willfully associated himself with the crime being committed, that he does, through his own act or omission, as he would do if he wished for a criminal venture to succeed. Under this statute, anyone who aids or abets a crime may be charged directly with the crime, as if the charged had carried out the act himself. This is distinct from the concept of being an accessory after the fact, a charge distinct from being a principal.”
So, to Shope, Torgensen and Mitchell who are laughably referring to themselves as mere “witnesses” in all of this, let’s repeat some of those words:
“It is necessary to show that the defendant has willfully associated himself with the crime being committed, that he does, through his own act or omission, as he would do if he wished for a criminal venture to succeed.”
When Rebhahn goes down for fabricating evidence and lying to the FBI, you will be found guilty of exactly the same crime – because you WILLFULLY associated yourself with the crime and provided information vital to its success, and through your own omissions you allowed this crime to succeed – for people to be swatted – and even when you were explicitly told all of this on many, many occasions by us, you continued to support the criminal Corey Rebhahn regardless.
We advise you to seek legal advice immediately. Your only sane of course of action is to approach the FBI immediately and tell them everything you know about this matter.
You have been lied to by a psychopath – Corey Rebhahn – yet you are continuing to conspire with this psychopath to prevent justice being done.
You are totally fucked, and it really is just a question of time before you are all arrested. All we’re waiting for is someone in the FBI to properly probe the POTUS message, as they ought to have done months ago – via forensic checking of the relevant messages … or just study the screenshots RJ has already sent to the Vancouver police!
You people did the maddest thing of all. You entrusted your fate to a pathological narcissist and psychopath and didn’t even check what he sent to the FBI on your collective behalf.
You cannot be so insane as to imagine that rhetorical comments by RJ about killing bigots would have led to a major FBI and police action. That action was caused because a psychopath – Corey Rebhahn – characterized RJ as an insane assassin, radicalized by the “Armageddon Conspiracy” to murder the American president. And you know this.
We described many weeks ago exactly what questions RJ was faced with, and they were nothing to do with a bantering remark about daydreams from two and half years ago … they were to do with the possibility that RJ was a terrorist and homicidal maniac – because that’s exactly how Rebhahn maliciously portrayed him. And you have all aided and abetted Rebhahn in this. So, we will be breaking out the champagne when you are all jailed for what you did.
Remember, your whole shitshow collapses the very moment the FBI properly look at the source of the POTUS comment. Rebhahn fooled the inept FBI first time round. He won’t the second time round. They just need to read this post! They just need to read the evidence RJ has already sent them.
Shope said,
“If they knew I had no involvement with the FBI thing and those screenshots were not provided for the reason they think – they might not be attacking me like this.”
Can you believe that this fuckwit is trying to distance himself from the FBI complaint? What, it just happened by magic, did it? You didn’t do anything to make it happen? Who are you fucking kidding? This is 100% on you. You enabled Rebhahn. You put the bullet in his gun and he tried a kill shot against us. You think you’re getting away with that? Dream on. Justice will be done on all you criminals. Why don’t you codemn Rebhahn for making the FBI complaint, not us – the innocent victims of the insane complaint.
You are up to your neck in the “FBI thing”. IT ALL REVOLVES AROUND THAT FUCKING POTUS COMMENT. That’s why the cops were at RJ’s door, swatting him. That’s why he was interrogated by a detective. That’s why the FBI demanded that Rebhahn showed them the screenshot. If he hadn’t, he would have been arrested. That’s how critical it is. What fantasy world are you living in? We’re looking at loads of your private comments in the mod chat now, and you seem seriously delusional. It’s staggering how deeply brainwashed you are.
You’re in this fucking position because you literally have no clue that your god Corey Rebhahn has totally fucked you over and lied relentlessly to you. He still hasn’t shown you the FBI complaint, has he? He never will! Because even a brainwashed gimp like you would walk if you discovered the horrific truth of this psychopath.
Why don’t you try to evolve a brain and read very carefully what we have written and see how Rebhahn will blame YOU for misleading him regarding the POTUS comment. He will tell the FBI that he trusted you to give him accurate information, and you didn’t. Your only fucking chance to save yourself is to go to the FBI and fess up and turn in your god, Rebhahn. The clock really is ticking. Your life as you know it will be over if you do not act now. You will not prosper in jail. And who will employ you when you get out? – a convicted member of a sick and dangerous cult!
Dollie Donatello said,
“When the mask finally falls will edgelord morgue emerge or will we see a psychotic morgue a dangerous morgue who will go full insanity mode and drag with him all of his mods? How ugly is this going to turn when hyperiansm falls for good? The aftermath seems intriguingly scary to foresee and witness. Will he try to hurt Mitchel? Because his mother figure failed him? How many within this movement are going to kill themselves is something so burdening to think about. We will see what will unfold.”
It’s going to be incredibly interesting to see how it all plays out. As Sam Vaknin points out, these pathological narcissists think they are perfect, so they can never be at fault. Rebhahn will definitely try to blame Mitchell, Fat Jan and Necrophil. In fact, he will blame everyone except himself. But when he has alienated everyone, his narcissistic supply will have vanished entirely and he will go into a total mental collapse. Will the Edgelord make a reappearance? That seems quite likely … that’s his power self … a nihilistic misanthrope who rails against the world and says everyone was always out to get him. Edgelord Morgue said,
“We are the heretics, we are the rebels, we are the outcasts. We don’t give a shit about being accepted and we put no importance on popularity. We are real, fearless and dangerous. #fakes #frauds #scum … Long live the heretic, long live the madman. To hell with the rest. … The blood of heretics and witches runs in our veins. … We’ve always been the outcasts, the rebels, the heretics. … I’ve been labeled a danger, a threat, a heretic. … The blood of witches and heretics runs in our veins and together we’ll stain this world red. … We have existed throughout the ages, in different incarnations, as witches, Gnostics, heretics and blasphemers. … Every life I live I am burned alive.”
All suitably insane!
Rebhahn will tell himself that just like Jesus, he is being crucified. The world always attacks God! Rebhahn will tell himself he is a martyr as they cart him off to the madhouse.
In fact, Rebhahn’s last deadstream was called: “Can You Become More Powerful Than Jesus?” This fuckwit is totally obsessed with Bejesus!
It’s very likely that Hyperians will self-harm and might even kill themselves. That’s why it’s so vital to shut down cults as soon as possible to limit the damage they do and the lives they ruin. Necrophil and all the rest will have ample time to reflect on this in jail! And the blood will definitely be on their hands. But these people don’t care. They are MONSTERS.