Morgue the Shock Surgeon



Morgue the Shock Surgeon, said,
“We are the VITAL. We are the WILLED. We are the TERRORS.”
Do all those Hyperian weirdos and freaks see themselves as the VITAL, the WILLED, and TERRORS? – if so, they are just as committed to Rebhahn’s Terrors of Men project as they are to Hyperianism … and that’s WHY they have not left Hyperianism after being shown that Rebhahn is a violent misogynist and self-styled MURDERER. That stuff ACTUALLY TURNS THEM ON. They absolutely love it that Rebhahn said all that stuff about spray-tan sluts, and strangling bitches, and stabbing people with steak knives. That’s how they feel too, and why they’ve gone on supporting Rebhahn. They are every bit as sick as he is. They are not his cultists for no reason. They are a match made in hell.
For all their Woke talk, these Hyperians are actually incredibly dark individuals, totally drawn to violence, evil and death. The more woke people are, the darker their shadow, of course. So Rebhahn caters for his cult slaves in two ways: he overtly appeals to their Woke sanctimony and victimhood, and covertly appeals to their ressentiment and hatred towards reality and the normal, and their lust for violent revenge. 
100% of Hyperians serve as apologists for Rebhahn’s Terrors of Men terrorist project. And there’s no surprise about this. 100% of these people would have signed up to be interns in Rebhahn’s Terrors of Men Intern Project if they had been around back then. Several of his most ardent cultists do indeed go right back as far as that time. They typically self-describe as “artists”. They don’t actually feel that Rebhahn did anything wrong, which is why they are not bothered at all by any of his psychotic outpourings. Not one person has condemned him. NOT ONE. And that’s because their love of Rebhahn indeed rests on those sick Terrors of Men foundations. That’s what they most love about Rebhahn – the darkness, sickness and psychosis. Because they are exactly the same! All of these people are very disturbed and dysfunctional, and come from totally “troubled” backgrounds, full of abuse, drug addiction, and self-harm. So, Edgelord Morgue totally speaks to them.
The Shock Surgeon said,
“From god’s ashes I will make you TERRORS OF MEN. Stain it red. The Intern project is not a band.”
Hyperians love all that. Hyperianism is just a cover act for the Terrors of Men, which is, psychologically, what this cult is really all about.
In his days, Morgue the Shock Surgeon referred to himself as “An Extreme Stunt Artist”. Now he’s an EXTREME CON ARTIST. An extreme bullshitter. An extreme liar. An extreme idiot. An extreme clown. An extreme plagiarist.
Rebhahn said,
“I wear black to stand out.”
You see … a malignant narcissist! … always seeking attention.
Pathological narcissists like Rebhahn cannot live without constant narcissistic supply from others. They need to be seen. They have no interior, no internal self-regulation. Their emotions are regulated from outside, not inside. Insofar as they can ever feel good, it’s only through others, and especially, via others WORSHIPING them. These people seek out those willing to worship them, and that’s why so many of them end up as cult leaders. A cult is simply a vehicle for allowing the cult leader – the apex pathological narcissist – to be worshiped. It has no other function. It’s a religion, where the cult leader is the god, and his enemies are devils!
Morgue the Shock Surgeon said,
“I wear black to stand out. To blatantly ignore the status quo that says be normal. Be like everyone else. Blend in. Not only in work but in play I dare to build my own empire. My own mixture of darkness and light, love and hate, beauty and ugliness. Spirituality and pleasure seeking. This is how life should be.”
Rebhahn says exactly the same stuff today, showing that Hyperianism is just the cloak that the Terrors of Men cult now wears.
Rebhahn has a pathological hatred of NORMALITY and also a pathological fear of ANONYMITY. People like Rebhahn cannot bear to go through life without doing everything in their power to draw attention to themselves. Rebhahn has been doing it all his life. His whole life has been a performance, an act. He has never been a real person. He is always a mask, an actor. He is playing a role rather than being a real person. He has no clue what a real person is. The “real” Rebhahn vanished in childhood because of the catastrophic parenting he was subjected to where he was raised as a “perfect” Christian, even to the extent of being Bible home-schooled to keep him away from the fallen, the damned – i.e., the non-WASPs. That was never going to work out! And it didn’t. Rebhahn became a malignant narcissist and psychopath with any number of neuroses and psychoses, and debilitating perfectionism. Rebhahn is a very stupid human being, but believes himself a perfect human being. That is how cult leaders are created.
The original Mythos of Narcissus is far too clever. It involves Narcissus having an audience of one – HIMSELF. Narcissus ignored his No.1 fan – ECHO – in order to stare at himself. A malignant narcissist like Rebhahn is, by contrast, entirely defined by Echoes. He wants as many Echoes as possible, a vast audience of them, all staring at him, and adoring him – and he goes about organizing his life to secure that precise end.
Rebhahn has been looking for attention and adulation all his life. He wants to be SEEN – because he was never seen by his parents, who never allowed him to be anything another than a “perfect” Bible Christian. So, he never became a real person, a real boy. His parents banned him from being normal, from being “fallen”, and look at him now. He is both totally abnormal and totally fallen. He is an utterly degenerate human being, practically the definition of degenerate … perverted in every way. Just look at his facebook posts in his Terrors of Men years. This is a BEAST. It’s staggering that this animal isn’t behind bars. But it will definitely happen one day. It’s Rebhahn’s fate – that or suicide. This person’s options are staggeringly limited. Remember, this is a person with no education and no qualifications. Who the fuck would employ him? It’s cult leader or nothing for Rebhahn. So, when his cult is over, he’s finished.
Rebhahn said,
“I am a narcissistic bitch. Take pride in who you are.” 
He even celebrates his malignant narcissism!
On his SLAUGHTER video, Morgue the Shock Surgeon said,
Isn’t it funny how he never applies the same standard to himself? When an AC/PI book came out about his cult and him, he reported it to the fucking FBI as hate speech and terrorism and caused RJ and Apollonius to be swatted! Yeah, mate, you shouldn’t be sticking your fucking ugly face all over social media and spouting endless lies, and conning the weak-minded, if you don’t want to be criticized. If you are so easily offended, get off social media! HAHAHAHAHA. As if … you’re a malignant narcissist who LIVES on social media and can’t do without it.

Morgue the Shock Surgeon's Videos

Here is the transcript:
The first part is garbled but goes something like this:
The breasts ripped open.
The eyes bleeding.
The flesh ripped.
The breasts are ripped open.
The blood is milk and choking
Blood is milk
The blood is milk
Taste it
Do you taste it
I love the way it feels.
Feel the breast.
Feel the flesh.
The beautiful flesh.
Beautiful flesh.
This seems to refer to Rebhahn slaughtering his own mother and drinking her blood mixed with her milk! WTF!
The next part goes like this: 
I will bruise the fruit 
I will rot the core 
I will rape the clean 
I will stain the pure
Tremble in the dark 
No crown will save you here
Rusted nails left their mark 
And now I will taste your fear 
And I have slaughtered the lamb  
And I have slaughtered the lamb  
The Lamb 
Fallen on your knees 
I’ve torn down the wounded one
Rotted flesh holds disease 
You know I’m the hungry one 
I will bruise the fruit 
I will rot the core 
I will rape the clean 
I will stain the pure 
And I have slaughtered the lamb 
And I have slaughtered the lamb 
The Lamb 
This is of course about Rebhahn SLAUGHTERING JESUS CHRIST. Which is ironic given that he now goes on about Jesus endlessly, and in fact himself now postures as THE LAMB – the sacrificial victim, the WOKE JESUS being persecuted and martyred by the cruel world. 
This is self-evidently a staggeringly mentally ill person. JUST LOOK AT THE VIDEO. JUST LISTEN TO IT. This individual is a danger to the public. 
Rebhahn openly describes himself as “Freak, Monster, Witch … AND MURDERER.” It is mind-boggling that the FBI have as yet failed to arrest this deranged psychopath. Show that video of his to any FBI profilers of serial killers, and they would know instantly that this person is totally fucked in the head and capable of ANYTHING
Check out this other old Mister Morgue video:
Here we see the familiar grifting routine. Man, this guy never changes. Still begging strangers for money! 
Mister Morgue said in the video,
“After a car accident, they had to remove a piece of my skull. I think there was some brain damage [smirk]. Every seven months I have to get a tetanus shot!” 
So, if this is true about the car accident – no one can ever naively accept that anything this person is true – then it would certainly explain a lot. This guy is brain-damaged for real! It’s not just his psyche that is fucked, so is his brain! Psychopaths often have serious physical brain mage. This guy really should be taken in for medical tests regarding psychopathy. 
We are trying to track down two of Rebhahn’s videos:
  1. Right and Wrong do not exist … Eliminating Morality Part 1 
  2. Chaos without Intelligence. … Eliminating Morality Part 2
Just as with his essay on rape and murder, Rebhahn has taken considerable steps to hide this content, so it must be exactly as bad as it sounds. This person literally rejects right and wrong – exactly what a PSYCHOPATH does. He seeks to eliminate any moral code, any superego code, any general will and social contract because it gets in the way of his psychopathic need for unlimited “self-expression”.
For Rebhahn, Wokeness has no connection to decency and morality, right and wrong. It’s actually all about total anarchy, about extreme individualism and people – exotic minorities, to be specific – being allowed to do anything they like without censure and constraint … although the anti-Woke are to be immediately reported to the FBI and swatted, and smeared as N**IS! 
On his Terrors of Men website, Rebhahn wrote, 
“Click the link below to watch the latest videos! 
The Insanity Drug | This Video Could Kill You | Eliminating Morality Pt2 | Eliminating Morality Pt1 | XRAY Hook | XRAY Drill”
Just look at how disturbed these titles are: 
  • THE INSANITY DRUG – Rebhahn is obsessed with insanity. Why? Because he’s PSYCHOTIC.
  • THIS VIDEO COULD KILL YOU – Rebhahn is obsessed with death, with both homicide and suicide.
  • ELIMINATING MORALITY (TWO PARTS) – Rebhahn is obsessed with overthrowing all of the behavioral codes of normal people, so that he can get to do whatever he likes, including MURDERING people (given his own self-declarations).
  • XRAY HOOK AND XRAY DRILL – Rebhahn is into extreme self-harm. Rebhahn was extremely harmed by life in childhood, so decided to harm himself so that at least he could exert control over it. He harmed himself more than the outside world harmed him, so as not to be afraid of the world anymore. Although he is of course still profoundly terrified of the outside world, hence his obsession with the cops, the FBI, law and lawyers. This disgusting extreme self-harmer is ALWAYS PLAYING THE VICTIM. What a piece of repulsive piece of shit Rebhahn is, an actual miscarriage of a human being, fucked in every possible way, and a menace to all decent people.
Mister Morgue said,
“Fear Is the Father of Pain 
tagged as: #mister morgue #terrors of men #stain it red #the intern project #fear #pain”
So, if you remove your fear, you cannot experience pain – thus reasons this sick nutjob.
Rebhahn said,
“NEW VIDEO showing some very interesting items. Please like/comment/share… Do you have any strange items that you like or collect? 
Snakes and Rats YOUTUBE.COM
Snakes and Rats 
Showing some very strange items I have….”
Just like Immensely Fat Jan – another astonishing abomination – Rebhahn is obsessed with snakes and rats and creepy crawlies! 
On August 2, 2012, Rebhahn said on Facebook,
“NEW Video. CHAOS without Intelligence. Please like and tell me your thoughts my friends. 
Chaos Without Intelligence -Eliminating Morality Part 2  YOUTUBE.COM 
Is it ok to Rape and Murder?
Read my thoughts here: Morgue shares his views on morality.”
So, this video is probably discussing – approvingly! (in the manner of Andrew Tate, Rebhahn’s soulmate!) – rape and murder! You won’t find Rebhahn ever discussing any of this on his Jesus-obsessed deadstreams. Rebhahn has done an astonishing 180, and never once commented on it. He has inverted all of his positions … from psychotic nihilism to Woke kumbaya, and never once said why! Do we believe that he has changed? Of course we don’t. Rebhahn is STILL the Terror of Men, still “staining it red”, and “spreading the terror”. HE’S PROUD OF IT. He still has years of Terrors of Men content visible on Facebook and YouTube. If he had changed, he would have taken all of this content down and apologized for it and tried to explain why he did it and why he is now different. He has done NONE of that. Because he rejects none of it, and stands by all of it. And NOT ONE of his cult slaves ever asked him to disown this content, explain why he is still showing it, and apologize it. NOT ONE. Because all of them are fully onboard with that sick and diseased content. All of these Hyperians are as sick and diseased as Rebhahn himself. That’s why they’re still in his cult. People such as Dyslexic Fairy, Kassidy, Pukes and Wonderpoop are 100% approving of Rebhahn’s “Strangle the Bitch” misogyny … because not one of them has asked Rebhahn to account for it, apologize it, and take down all similar content. Therefore, they SUPPORT it.
Mister Morgue said, “To shape the future, you must know the past.” Rebhahn certainly knows his own past, and refuses to reject it … and it still feeds into his current behavior, hence the FBI, the cops, swatting, lawyers, lawsuits, cancel culture, malicious smears, and all the rest! Edgelord, psychotic Morgue has gone nowhere. That’s still Rebhahn’s host personality, hiding in plain sight. Woke Jesus Morgue is his strategic alter to gain extra narcissistic supply and money, and camouflage his true self, the PSYCHO.
Check out what Artemis Maenad cleverly discovered regarding Rebhahn’s rape and murder essay:
When we had access to Rebhahn’s Terrors of Men website – before he had it made private – the rape and murder essay was strikingly absent, while the “Strangle the Bitch” essay was still up, meaning that the rape and murder essay must have been even more grotesque, sick and psychotic!
You won’t catch Rebhahn doing a deadstream on either essay, and all of his slavish apologists just say, “Oh, it was a difficult period he was going through.” What a joke. Those essays reflect the REAL Rebhahn. The fake Woke Jesus that lies all the time on his deadstreams does not.
Mister Morgue said,
“Let’s learn german. Today’s phrase is ‘Eat shit and die’. Scheiße fressen und sterben. Make sure to use it often, to ensure memorization.”
That is Edgelord Morgue’s signature attitude: EAT SHIT AND DIE. That’s what he was thinking when he insanely contacted the FBI to swat RJ and Apollonius and try to get us shut down. You are DELUSIONAL if you do not believe that Corey Rebhahn remains what he has always been … PSYCHO MORGUE.
Mister Morgue said,
“If music had an asshole, I’d fuck the shit out of it.”
Rebhahn thinks everyone is an asshole, a sucker, and he can fuck the shit out of them and do whatever he wants with them.
Sam Vaknin said that malignant narcissists (like Rebhahn) gravitate towards places were there’s a lot of grass – because they’re snakes. So true!
We have always regarded Rebhahn as an OVERT malignant narcissist – his vanity and grandiosity and absurd statements, such as that he has solved the greatest problem in philosophy and that his answer to existence is “probably right” – are plainly overt and deranged. He’s not attempting to conceal the degree of his self-regard. He actually believes that he is the most intelligent man who ever lived who will change the human race forever – this sword swallower literally says he is a “hyperaware World Shaper”, raising human consciousness and building “New Terra”, the paradise for all exotic non-binaries. That is plainly the insane proclamation of a total in-your-face narcissist.
Yet Vaknin would probably say that Rebhahn is mostly a covert narcissist – in the very specific sense that he tries to conceal his overt grandiosity as humanitarian, humanist, social justice and social activism, helping the world and all that Woke bullcrap. In other words, although his narcissism is in fact PURELY ABOUT HIMSELF (and trying to become rich and famous), he tries to dress it up as something for the public good, for the benefit of all of humanity.
Vaknin said,
“When you are fighting a grandiose, overt narcissist, when you’re in a dispute, everyone knows he’s an asshole, everyone knows he’s a jerk, you know, you don’t need much convincing.”
Now, this is how we see Rebhahn – an obvious jerk and asshole spouting absolute nonsense for money, and ruthlessly grifting from total suckers. It’s as plain as day. But of course, the Hyperians who go on slavishly worshiping this man and believing every idiotic, refuted word he says, plainly do not see him in these terms. They see him totally differently. That’s because they have fallen hook, line and sinker for his con.
Vaknin said,
“But what do you do with a covert narcissist who is a psychologist, a community leader, a clergyman, a renowned and celebrated social activist … what do you do with someone like that, how do you convince people? … A cult leader … these are the covert narcissists. [They are snakes in the grass.]”
So, because we do not buy Rebhahn’s Woke Jesus act, we see him for what he is – Edgelord Morgue, the overt conman and psychopath suffering from self-evident grandiosity and delusions of grandeur – hilariously so, in fact. He’s a caricature of a narcissist as far as we are concerned. But those who buy his Woke Jesus performance – all the ugly and stupid people in his cult – think that WE are the monsters, the evil ones, and they go on believing Rebhahn to be a saint, a savior. So, he is covert in relation to those suckered by him, and overt to everyone else. Just as we can’t believe how anyone cannot see how utterly evil this man is, his brainwashed cultists cannot believe how anyone could regard him as evil. They have bought his act totally. But that’s why cultists kill themselves when the shit finally hits the fan – because their whole sense of reality is pulled from under them. Everything they believed true is removed from them – and then they might as well be dead! The people they hated and trolled turn out to have been right all along, meaning that their own judgment is TOTALLY FUCKED and they cannot detect the snakes in the grass and will ALWAYS BE CONNED BY CONMEN.
Seriously, no sane, intelligent person could have remained a Hyperian once Rebhahn – a sword swallower with zero qualifications – literally announced that he had solved the greatest philosophical problem of all time. That means that Hyperians actually think such insane claims are TRUE, which means they believe everything Rebhahn says, which means they do not live in reality and have no reality principle. They are pure fantasists, completely willing to accept utter lies and drivel from Rebhahn. We have literally proved that Rebhahn’s defining Hyperian claim – that we are all, ontologically, ONE MIND and also, ontologically, MANY MINDS – is a category error, a blatant contradiction in terms, and that means the whole of Hyperianism is FALSE, and provably so. Yet the Hyperian cultists don’t care, and just go on believing anyway. BECAUSE THEY’RE CULTISTS. And exactly the same as Abrahamic people of faith. Reason and logic can never reach them. If they were actually people of reason and logic, as they claim, they would ask Rebhahn to logically and rationally defend his position. But they would never dream of asking him anything that is going to ruin their fantasy.
Rebhahn said,
“If you could MURDER anyone and get away with it, who would it be? 
If You Could Murder Anyone… 
If you could murder any one person you wanted, in any way you wanted…”
Mike Adams replied,
“Sounds like some of these are confessions of a soon to be trench coat mafia, shooting up schools. 😕” 
I mean, come on folks, isn’t Adams right?! Rebhahn has literally described himself as A MURDERER!
Why don’t all you Woke clowns, you know, WAKE UP! 
By the way, don’t you think Rebhahn has reached his true level – constantly talking about Christianity? After all, this guy is a home-schooled Bible basher. This is all he actually understands! Why doesn’t he just go the whole hog and become a born-again Christian preacher? They’re the best grifters in the world!
Rebhahn, become a non-binary Christian preacher! … the Pope, in a Mary Magdalene dress, of the Non-Binary Church of Exotic Christian Minorities. You know you want to. Hell, you’ve basically already done it! 
Don’t mention Leibniz, Hegel, monads, the PSR and ontological mathematics ever again. You don’t have a clue about any of those. You just keep committing astounding errors.
SEARCH LIST: Corey Rebhahn; Morgue; Morgue Official; Morgen Night; Hyperianism; Hyperionism; Hyperian; Hyperion; AMC Freakshow; Inner Star Actualization; Shadow Self; Power Self; Mirror Self, the HOLOS, the Source; the Absolute perspective; the Monadic perspective; the Avatar perspective; Collective Frequency Domain (CFD); Metacognition; Concept Networking