
The condition of pathological narcissism is an odd one insofar as it doesn’t actually reflect the originating myth.
Wikipedia says,
“In Greek mythology, Narcissus … was known for his beauty. According to Tzetzes, he rejected all romantic advances, eventually falling in love with his own reflection in a pool of water, staring at it for the remainder of his life. After he died, in his place sprouted a flower bearing his name.”
In this tale, Narcissus flagrantly ignores a perfect source of narcissistic supply, namely Echo, a nymph obsessed with him. So, the mythical Narcissus got all of his narcissistic supply from himself! Narcissism would be much less of a problem if narcissists were like the original Narcissus, namely private solipsists totally wrapped up in themselves and ignoring the world. In fact, Narcissus, in the modern sense, is 100% dependent on Echo. While he gazes into the mirror, he has to know and relish that Echo is gazing at him. He cannot exist without his Echoes – those fixated on him and actually willing to worship him. All of his narcissistic supply comes from the external world, not internally (as in the original case).
In the case of Morgue – Corey Rebhahn – this malignant narcissist’s craving for narcissistic supply began with street performances of “self-harm” stunts. Haven’t people realized that Rebhahn swallows swords because he HATES himself, and wants to harm himself and even kill himself? This weirdo is FOREVER engaged in a “metaphorical suicide”, verging on the literal! If this person had even a glimmer of self-awareness, he would comprehend that he engaged in the psychological suicide of his REAL SELF. Why? Because his real self was totally traumatized in childhood and could not cope with the world, which it felt to be relentlessly hostile. So Rebhahn wanted a new self, a self that could cope. He needed a FALSE SELF, one designed to take on the world, to protect or avenge itself, or even to conquer the world. Morgy Porgy actually committed Metaphorical Homicide against his real self, so that he could replace it with his grandiose, perfectionist false self. Having got no love, no support, no adulation, no help, no security, no comfort, no praise as his real self (in childhood), Rebhahn’s false self (in adulthood) craves all of these. In fact, it was created precisely to get everything the real self didn’t get … and to get it unconditionally (perfectly). That’s why Rebhahn is addicted to narcissistic supply. He wants to be worshiped, venerated, loved without conditions, esteemed, and regarded as perfect. He wants to be treated as God. As a Messiah. He’s obsessed with Jesus Christ, an archetype deeply programmed into him. He can’t accept mainstream Christianity – because it was an instrument of torture for his childhood real self – but that makes heretical Christianity (“revenge Christianity”) – Gnostic Christianity – all the more enticing for Rebhahn’s false self. He’s giving the middle finger to Christianity … while preaching Christianity!
Seriously, isn’t everyone – all of Rebhahn’s hardcore worshipers – bored to tears with his Gnostic mania? He has managed to make a really interesting subject deadly dull. The Gnostics are now basically presented as ancient forerunners of the Woke. They’re all “right on” politically. They’re all feminists and androgynists and non-binary, and they hate toxic masculinity and the patriarchy and mainstream Christianity. Of course, they were absolutely nothing like that in reality, but Rebhahn insists on passing EVERYTHING through his Woke filter, and everything emerges with his ghastly Woke taint on it. He’s trying to do the same thing to ontological mathematics. Fuck that. We will stop you, you fuckwit.
Getting people’s attention was always a huge drug for Rebhahn, but, with street performances, the narcissistic supply was uncertain and lacked the sheer intensity Rebhahn craved. Rebhahn decided that he needed a cult devoted to him, and so was born the Terrors of Men cult. Rebhahn loved it, but it only secured him a small, devoted band of nihilistic weirdos (are any still around in Hyperianism – if not, why not?). He needed MORE, much more. He flirted for a while with creating a Dionysian cult, but couldn’t make it take off. Then he produced his own secret society – the Order of One – and he realized he could exercise a massive degree of control over people and make them execute his every wish. He LOVED this. But it wasn’t on a big enough scale for him. He needed something MORE. Unfortunately for us, he had become an avid reader of our work, which provided no less than the answer to existence. He needed some of that. In fact, he needed all of it. He imagined himself delivering this answer to the world and getting all the narcissistic supply he could possibly want from it. However, it meant working with us and acknowledging us as the SOURCE. It meant acknowledging a cause, a movement, not something focused on any individual. No narcissist in the world would be happy with that. And Morgy Porgy certainly wasn’t. He always wants the focus on him, exclusively on him. So, slowly but surely, he tried to hide any connection to us, while continuing to use our work.
Had we known at the beginning that Rebhahn was one of the worst narcissists in the world, we would have known exactly what would happen if we agreed to work with him – he was bound to make it all about him. And that of course is exactly what took place. He took the Illuminist answer to existence and then surrounded it with all of his personal issues, his veganism, his pacificism, his gender mania, his “RTS”, his hair, his makeup, his dresses, his weird shirts, his extremist Wokeness, and so on. He even got people to perv over him eating vegan meals that they had ordered for him and got delivered to his apartment. What fucking movement on earth revolves around THAT? Many thinking people started to feel very uneasy at that point.
Adam Norris said,
“Yes. The moment when he had the ‘buy me a treat and watch me chow down’ was the moment when it all started shattering the illusion for me. I immediately lost 90% of the respect I had for Morgue, but I too had my vision restricted by a scarf of red flags that I had been wearing like a scarf around my neck that became a noose I hung myself with. I ignored so many red flags myself in favor of excuses like everyone makes mistakes, misunderstandings, everyone changes and improves if they’re hyperian so it won’t be the same forever, that sort of thing. The red flags kept adding up until they became a blanket that covered the entirety of hyperianism. I remember Morgue saying that he is very strategic about what videos he releases and when. … Always keep them wanting more, huh? The showbiz motto! Morgue will always leave you wanting more and never delivering. Promises never delivered but believed are a dangerous thing indeed. Some of us may have made the mistake of putting faith in this Morgue person, only to later be embarrassed by our childlike adoration of this dude. Many of us grew up quickly and realized that Morgue is redundant, especially when he keeps telling us that he is self-taught. Logically, that would make hyperianism itself, self-taught, therefore Morgue in his own words, admits to being redundant. If hyperianism is self-taught, then why does anyone need to pay his rent to sit there staring at him all night? What, I’m gonna buy you a new shirt just for the privilege of hanging out with you twice a week? Fuck off, I got work to do!”
Those comments are all on the mark. And it’s very true that if Hyperianism is a simple self-taught system, then as soon as you’ve learned the basics, you can teach yourself the rest, right? Who the fuck needs Morgy Porgy? But Morgue, like a priest inventing sin so that you have to go to him to have your sins forgiven, needs you to keep coming back. He’s not sending you out into the world; he wants you showing up at his church as many times as he puts on a service and passes round the collection plate. Your actual function is not to be a Hyperian, it’s to furnish him with narcissistic supply. Haven’t you worked that out yet?
So, there was always a huge tension at the heart of Hyperianism, namely was it a movement promoting Illuminism’s revolutionary answer to existence in order to transform how humanity understood itself and reality (to bring about a System 2, neocortex, rationalist New Humanity based on positive-liberty Autonomy), or was it a fan club devoted to Morgue, interested in watching him eat vegan meals on camera, wear dresses, weep over his RTS, tell everyone how Woke he was, and all that? Rebhahn promotes a System 1, limbic system world of pure emotionalism (absolute “self-expression”).
After a while, when we stopped writing video scripts for Morgue, the messenger became entirely separated from the message. He was no longer there to support the message. Rather, for him, the message was there to support him. He, as he saw it, was the important thing, not the message. And so, in fact, the messenger BECAME the message. “The medium is the message” – and the medium, hence the message, was Rebhahn.
People don’t come to Hyperianism because they have any interest in Morgue’s “message” – they don’t give a fuck what he talks about! – they come because they are obsessed with HIM, and he goes out of his way to achieve exactly that result in order to secure narcissistic supply. His worshipers love his dresses and shirts and hair and skin and fluids and veganism and pacifism and androgyny; his RTS, and all that. They couldn’t care less about the rest of it (the answer to existence!). If Morgy Porgy simply talked about all of his Woke crap, or even just read out an instruction manual for a vacuum cleaner, they would all still be “Hyperians”. Because Hyperianism is whatever Morgue tells them it is, and whatever he wants it to be at any one time to attract maximum narcissistic supply.
Let’s imagine that another narcissist – Mark Wonderpoop – replaced Morgue as the leader of Hyperianism. Well, almost all the Hyperians would leave. Because they have no interest in Wonderpoop as the main man. They have no problems with Wonderpoop supporting Morgue, but certainly not replacing Morgue. They have no obsession with Wonderpoop. They’re not in love with him. They don’t relate to him. They don’t want to hang out with him. They don’t tell Wonderpoop to keep his fluids up. They don’t compliment him on his hair, or skin, or what he is wearing. They don’t give a damn about Wonderpoop. He didn’t inflate them. They aren’t in a shared fantasy with him.
Imagine someone else taking over Hyperianism, someone very intelligent and wholly devoted to the Illuminist answer to existence and talking exclusively about that. Zero Hyperians would be interested in that, and they would fuck off immediately. Because they have no genuine interest in that answer. What they are interested in is Morgue. They like the answer if Morgue talks about it. If Morgue doesn’t talk about it, they have no interest in it. He could give them an entirely different answer – some New Age Woke crap – and they’d love that much more than they love the ontological mathematical answer to existence, which they secretly despise.
Artemis Maenad said,
“Hyperianism: Where thinking goes to die.”
Have you noticed that Morgue is now trying to pivot to a Ken Foldes and Walter Russell “answer” to existence? And his fans will love that – because they will love whatever Morgue tells them.
Jewel Marsh posted a brilliant collection of comments by Hyperians – by such luminaries as KEEKEE, Angela Dukat, DEE BEE, Heretical Response, Adriene Reyes, Thomas Batone – and their sole interest in Hyperianism lies in the fact that it involves Morgue. They would follow Morgue no matter what he talked about or what “answer” to existence he gave. They are a “community” (cult) devoted to Morgue, not a movement, a cause, committed to spreading a set of revolutionary, transformative ideas.
Hyperianism is a fan club, not a cause, and in fact, it’s a very special type of fan club, namely an actual cult, and its idol is Morgue. Hyperianism is for people who WORSHIP Morgue. It’s hilarious that these people actually imagine themselves different from Abrahamists. They ARE Abrahamists, just with a different God.
When we said that we wished that Judaism, and thus Abrahamism, had reached its logical end under the emperor Hadrian some 1900 years ago, the Hyperian gimps and simps instantly branded us N**IS, thus showing how much they actually LOVE Abrahamism (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) and will defend it to the end. Unlike us, who actually want to see the end of Abrahamism – as soon as possible – these people are perfectly happy with Abrahamism. In fact, they are just the continuation of Abrahamism by other means. All they have done is replace Jehovah with Morgue. The same terms and conditions apply – obsess over your God and worship him! And give him money because apparently, he needs lots of it.
These people have no interest in a meritocracy. They want a Morguecracy, rule by Morgue!
The whole Hyperian scene is obscene, and it’s staggeringly annoying for us to see our work caught up in this disgusting farce, circus, coven, and harem. We really don’t see how Hyperians could get any more abject. Many of them don’t even seem to grasp that they are simply Echoes following Morgue (Narcissus) around and forming the mirror into which he can gaze at himself and receive all the narcissistic supply he craves.
These people talk about hyperawareness yet lack basic self-awareness and are entirely possessed by unconscious forces. 100% of Hyperians are psychologically inflated and that has been deliberately done to them by Morgue – also totally inflated – so that he can get the intensity of inflated narcissistic supply he wants. He actually wants people to WORSHIP him. That’s what he gets off on. Because it makes him think he is all powerful. All cult leaders are in that game, of being considered GOD.
But all gods fall.
Sam Vaknin said,
“A collapsed narcissist fails to secure narcissistic supply or even self-supply and they lose all their Pathological Narcissistic Spaces. Narcissists then switch from one type to another (type inconstancy: cerebral-somatic and overt-covert) as a means to secure supply. When type reversion fails, it leads to narcissistic mortification, grandiosity bubbles, decompensation, and Borderline-like personality. These hysterical endeavors sometimes result in boom-bust cycles which involve, in the first stage, the formation of a Grandiosity Bubble, replete with self-supply. Long-term, this can lead to Binary Narcissism. If even these don’t restore supply, externally or internally, the narcissist opts for one of these solutions: The Delusional Narrative Solution, The Antisocial Solution, The Paranoid Schizoid Solution, The Paranoid Aggressive (Explosive) Solution, or The Masochistic Avoidant Solution.”
Rebhahn plays all these games.
Surely no Hyperian can seriously imagine they are part of a sane, healthy scene? It’s psychologically toxic. Your function is to serve as the narcissistic supply for a pathological narcissist and psychopath, yet you seem entirely oblivious to that fact.
That’s because you are LOVING the feeling of being psychologically inflated and imagining yourselves incredibly important people, changing the world. You’re not. You’re delusional. And when the crash comes – and it’s coming soon – you are going to become negatively inflated and be so depressed that many of you will seriously contemplate suicide. MORGUE HAS DONE THIS TO YOU! He will leave you in a state of absolute trauma. He is inflicting “RTS” on you.
But it doesn’t need to be like this. You still have agency … just. You can still escape from this monster Corey Rebhahn, preying on you. Your depression will be much less worse if you CHOOSE to get rid of this monster from your life, if you stop feeding him and thus negating yourself.
Don’t let this man make you his slave. Don’t give him any money. Starve him of attention, and he will dissolve into the air. The truth shall set you free.