Right, we have established that Corey Rebhahn is terrified of bees and ants. He flees from any creatures associated with hives! Did you know that ants and bees are closely related? Cornell University said, “Ants and bees – which by all appearances seem so different – are creepy-crawly cousins, according to new research published in a recent issue of Current Biology. The new findings show unequivocally that ants’ closest living relatives are a superfamily called Apoidea, which includes bees and some solitary hunting wasps.”
Remember to spam the chat with bees and ants. Rebhahn will have a nervous breakdown as he spews his “we’re all One Mind” baloney. Mate, don’t you realize that this means you are part bee and part ant? You shouldn’t go around hating yourself, mate! Embrace hives. Love the deepest part of yourself! Do Shadow Work, mate. Buzzzzzzzzzzzz.

So, you think you can’t make coins vanish into thin air? Well, MorgueOfficial and his Hyperian cult slaves believe it can be done. They claim to have PROVED it. Of course, that would make them world famous and they would be continually asked to show how they could defy the inviolable law of conservation of energy, so why has no one heard of these fuckwits and drooling imbeciles? Well, it’s because they are of course INSANE and no coins disappeared anywhere. What actually vanished were the last traces of the intelligence of these Woke maniacs, who were literally willing to sacrifice truth and sanity for WOKENESS. Wokeness is the ONLY thing they care about it.
So, twice a week on his deadstreams, MorgueOfficial (Corey Rebhahn) claims that things that exist, things which are ontological, can be magicked into thin air! Their existence can be removed, ended! And his cult slaves applaud and cheer and send him loads of money, and he takes a bow and thanks the stars that there are so many gullible suckers and halfwits out there in the LGBTQ community (because only members of that community can stomach Rebhahn and his deranged Woke drivel – isn’t it time the smart people in this community got rid of the loonies who are ruining everything for all of them? … seriously, good, decent LGBTQ people should be absolutely livid about hate groups like Hyperianism).
Here’s how Rebhahn’s magic act works. First, he says that you should imagine all the circles in the “flower of life” as all spread out. He equates this arrangement to “many monads”. He then asks you to imagine all of these circles being stacked on top of each other, so that if you look down, you see only one circle (one monad). Now comes the amazing magic. Rebhahn claims that you are not in fact looking at a stack of circles. Instead, there is actually only one circle (one monad), so he says.
Whaaaaaat?! Where did all the other circles (monads) go? They just … DISAPPEARED. For real, this is what this guy is saying. But isn’t this insane, you ask? The circles (monads) don’t just vanish, you say … they can’t. Well, you’re right, of course. But that’s because you’re not Hyperian. You are SANE, you and RATIONAL and LOGICAL. You are baffled by this magic trick. How can Rebhahn and his cult slaves possibly believe that minds (monads) disappear. Isn’t that destroying energy, the most forbidden thing of all? Well of course it is. But never forget that Corey Rebhahn has no education and no qualifications and has zero philosophical literacy. He is a man suffering from a severe pathology – malignant narcissism and psychopathy. What he says reflects his diseased condition, not any healthy processes. This man is the opposite of a truth seeker. He is a conman and grifter relentlessly pursuing narcissistic supply, fame, wealth, influence, and worship. Come on, you can’t have failed to notice that this is Rebhahn’s sick game.
Anyway, don’t take our word for it about Rebhahn’s magic trick. Take it straight from the horse’s mouth, or should we say the Queen Bee’s mouth? Nooooooo … don’t mention bees!
Here’s what Rebhahn said, just a few days ago:
“If you take a look at the flower of life and see that it is a bunch of circles expanded you can imagine those circles … imagine all those circles becoming closer and closer and closer until they are lying on top of each other. Well, if all the circles of the flower of life are lying on top of each other, it’s going to look like one circle and it will be functionally one circle but really they’re not. There’s a potentiality for multiplicity. That one circle is a multiplicity of circles that can expand into the flower of life again. So picture reality being like that. The flower of life that expands into a multiplicity and then contracts into an identity then expands and collapses into an identity. None of those circles ever gets deleted. They just become so alike that it’s THOUGH they are one and functionally by Leibniz’s law they are.”
You blink? Leibniz’s law? What does that have to do with this?
Well, that’s the exact source of Rebhahn’s magic trick for making things vanish into thin air. Except it doesn’t do that. What has happened is that Rebhahn has 100% misunderstood Leibniz’s law.
Here’s what Rebhahn had to say:
“We can understand what reality truly is as being a single unified mind. But what this single unified mind can do is differentiate or particularize itself into individual minds. We can understand how this happens through Leibniz’s law. Leibniz’s law basically says that if two things are identical in every way then they are actually one thing. So, you can have a one thing that actually has the capacity to be many things by introducing diversity. Because if you have one thing that introduces diversity, well you can have two things, the diversified thing and the original. And this can continue and keep diversifying again and again and again by introducing variation and diversity. And so you can have a universal mind that particularizes itself into many minds and these many minds can return to unity again by establishing identity by removing the separation. Every single one of us is an eternal mind. I am an eternal mind, you are an eternal mind, that chipmunk over there is an eternal mind. Each one of us is an eternal mind. So it’s not like an animal is associated with some lesser mind. It isn’t. We’re all the same. Except we’re at different levels of actualization and transformation. It’s equally part of the Universal Mind, as all of us are. … We are the Absolute.”
Now, Leibniz’s law does indeed say that if two things are identical in every way then they are actually one thing. The idea came from Leibniz wondering if two identical monads could be actualized in reality. And he concluded, of course, that they could not. Because if they were identical monads then, logically, they could not be different monads. They must therefore be the same monad. The whole idea is to stop people from ever claiming that different monads can be identical. Every monad must be unique. So, what does Rebhahn do? He does EXACTLY what Leibniz’s law prohibits: he claims that different monads can be identical, and if they are identical then they are the SAME monad.
Rebhahn’s magic act consists of two steps: first, put many different monads in the same FUNCTIONAL state, and, second, claim that the monads are identical, so there is only one monad!
Except Leibniz’s law is actually about “two” monads being identical in every way, across all of time, and, that being the case, they of course cannot be two monads. There is nothing at all to make one discernible from the other and thus they logically can’t be anything other than the same monad.
Consider identical twins. Well, although they are described as identical, they of course AREN’T. They are two separate people. If they were identical in every possible way, 100% identical across all possible categories of difference, they wouldn’t be identical twins, they would be one person. The so-called identical twins are actually different in many ways. At the most obvious level, they occupy a different portion of space and are made of different atoms. But, according to Rebhahn, if you could somehow superimpose these twins, one would vanish because they now actually would be identical. Imagine a Star Trek experiment. Both twins are put on the same transporter pad and then “beamed” somewhere else. According to Rebhahn, because the twins’ “patterns” are in some sense superimposed during the beaming process, only one of them would arrive at the destination. They would become absolutely identical rather than “loosely identical”. And then Leibniz’s law would apply and there would only be one person, not twins.
Of course, what Rebhahn has done is fail to grasp the whole point of Leibniz’s law. Leibniz’s law is about one thing being falsely described as two things, and so when you list all of the properties of the two apparently different things and discover that they are 100% the same, you must logically conclude that they were always just one thing.
Rebhahn, by total contrast, claims that if two patently different things – with many properties differing between them – are brought into FUNCTIONAL alignment then, by Leibniz’s law, they are now ONE THING. But of course they can’t be – because they started out as two different ontological entities and no matter how much you bring two different ontological entities into functional alignment, you can NEVER erase their INHERENT ontological difference. Rebhahn, clearly not grasping the difference between functional and ontological identity, made the catastrophic error of equating functional identity (two different things being in the same state) with ontological identity (two apparently different ontological things actually being the same ontological thing). Rebhahn made not just two different monads be the same, but ALL monads be the same – the biggest violation of the law of conservation of energy possible! And the total annihilation of Leibniz’s Monadology.
Once you have made the false claim that all monads are actually just one monad in a certain state (the “Absolute”), you then have to explain how you can then have many monads in all other states. The game Rebhahn plays, and it’s jaw-droppingly dumb, is to invoke POTENTIALITY. What Rebhahn claims – and I’m laughing while I’m writing this! – is that when the many different monads come into perfect alignment at the Absolute and become one monad (supposedly), this one monad acquires a whole new property that none of the other monads had (hence it belongs to a totally different monadic ontological category from all the original monads despite allegedly being their “identity”). This new property – truly miraculous! – is the capacity to keep track of the “different” monads which turned out to be the “same” monad. But, if they are the same monad, how can they be different monads? By Leibniz’s law, they can’t be! Yet in the same breath as Rebhahn insists that all the monads are actually the same monad (there is, we are told, only one “universal” monad), he also insists that the different monads (the existence of which he has just denied!) now exist as POTENTIALITIES within the universal monad. So, Rebhahn gets rid of all the different monads and then doesn’t get rid of them at all because he says they all still exist, but now as “potentialities” (rather than actualities). But even to be different potentialities is, by Leibniz’s law, sufficient reason to mean that the monads are differentiated and thus cannot be the same, hence cannot be one monad!
It’s almost as if Rebhahn is an AI attempting every which way in which to violate Leibniz’s law. Not just getting it wrong in one way, but in all possible ways. He has to violate Leibniz’s law to claim that many ontologically different monads are in fact one, and then he has to violate Leibniz’s law by claiming that the one monad in fact has one completely different property from all the monads which supposedly turned out to be just monad. The one monad has the property of being aware of, as potentialities, these non-existent monads … non-existent because we have been assured by Rebhahn that only one monad truly exists! How can one monad be potentially aware of non-existent monads? Then we are told that this one monad – the universal monad – has the property of “particularizing itself”, but Rebhahn also tells us that none of these particular monads can particularize themselves … so they belong to a different ontological category to the universal monad regarding which we have already been told they are IDENTICAL. (That was the whole point of Rebhahn invoking Leibniz’s law in the first place!) But they obviously aren’t.
The supposedly identical monads that are allegedly one monad cease to be actual monads at the Absolute and now become “potential” monads (meaning that some trace of them and their differences remains even though we were assured that they were all IDENTICAL!). And then the potential monads – which don’t actually exist! – can be re-actualized somehow. How? Well, the one monad has, it seems, another property that none of the original monads had. It has a compulsion to introduce “difference” (whatever that is) and release (particularize) its potential monads (even though they can’t be potential monads, different monads, because we were told that all the monads were actually one monad!). And apparently, all of this is because the one monad has yet another unique property of being cosmically “bored” (and, also it has a still further unique monadic property of having some irresistible desire to “explore diversity” rather than, say, sameness, uniformity, convergence, congruence).
Seriously, it’s impossible to imagine anyone fucking up Leibniz’s law so totally. It’s an infinite clusterfuck of fallacies and category errors that Rebhahn has committed! And let’s remind you that Rebhahn believed that these infinite disastrous errors were in fact a revolutionary breakthrough in ont math. This lunatic literally said,
“You know I’ve been thinking, I have contributed elements to OM the authors don’t discuss. I’m wondering if this freaked them out because they’d have to credit me and so they are trying to destroy my credibility and get me away from OM. I believe elements they don’t discuss because it shows an intrinsic unity between all of us and it’s hard to preach hate when that is foundational to existence I think some elements I’ve developed they just haven’t worked out yet. You’ll notice their ‘unity’ is always in terms of hives or swarms, which reflects mindless sameness. It’s also insane to me the argument that somehow OM implies genocide, a gender binary…”
Mate, have we destroyed your “credibility” enough now? You contributed NOTHING to ontological mathematics. It’s not that we are trying to get you away from OM, it’s that you have nothing at all to do with OM but you are pretending you do. You’re not doing any OM; you are discrediting OM via your incredible stupidity. You committed the most absurd violation of ont mat that anyone is capable of. You proved that you have zero grasp of ont math, zero grasp of monads, zero grasp of Leibniz’s law, and zero grasp of the conservation of energy. Well, why would we be surprised? You’re a moron. That’s an official fact! You have no education and no qualifications. You’re a plagiarist and you don’t even understand what you’re plagiarizing. Why WOULDN’T you be a moron? How else would we define a moron? 1 + 1 = 2.
Mate, you can’t steal the work of others and then totally fuck it up. That’s true cretinism.
Rebhahn’s problem all along was that he was using OUR system. We, obviously, are the experts regarding OUR system. Rebhahn self-evidently doesn’t understand it. You cannot make FALSE statements regarding the work of other and expect to get away with it. When we ended contact with Rebhahn, he should of course have departed from the OM scene. He didn’t. Instead, this malignant narcissist, with grandiose delusions of being the smartest human ever, thought to himself “Fuck you. I’m much smarter than you. I’ll show you.” That’s what the Greeks called HUBRIS. And of course it is punished by NEMESIS. So here we all are.
Rebhahn has NO ONE to talk to about OM. But he doesn’t think he needs anyone – because he actually believes that humanity has never seen a smarter person than Corey Rebhahn. And that, people, is precisely how you end up with someone making errors so vast that it’s truly astonishing that anyone could get it so wrong. But we are dealing with pathology here. A person stole a system that he didn’t understand and then tried to amend it without understanding it, and didn’t even consult a single other person, and the inevitable happened – he 100% screwed it up.
But do you see what’s going on here? We are presenting high-level mathematics and philosophy, and the underlying details are extremely technical and complex. We are not presenting emotional arguments, and we have no requirement for anything we say to be emotionally appealing. We are seeking and exploring the truth, not narcissistic supply. But look at what Rebhahn says. He’s DETERMINED to make ont math about “intrinsic unity”. Why? Because he believes that this somehow solves the problem of hate, i.e., it furnishes an emotionally appealing, Woke basis for reality. (Actually, Schopenhauer also believed in an underlying ONE MIND, but he believed it was a hateful one mind, so there was therefore never any escape from hate … so, even the nonsense about intrinsic unity doesn’t logically lead to the Woke conclusion Rebhahn desires … it could produce the exact opposite of what he wants, as Schopenhauer showed). Rebhahn tries to associate ont math with GENOCIDE! WTF! He expressed his hatred for hives and swarms and claims that they reflect “mindless sameness” (er, mate you fucking wiped out every mind in existence bar one so that you could claim we are all One Mind, the SAME MIND – you don’t get any more “same” than that, you moron!). Rebhahn says, “I think some elements I’ve developed they just haven’t worked out yet.” Mate, we could NEVER be so fucking dumb as to work out a TOTALLY FALSE theory of ont math based on the 100% violation of Leibniz’s law. When you say we hadn’t worked out these elements, the reality is that we considered them and dismissed them in one second flat – because our system is about eliminating the impossible, not fucking basing our whole system on it! You are the guy who claimed to have solved the most difficult philosophical problem of all time – making you the greatest genius of all time! – and your ludicrous non-answer was actually based on the mindless tautology of the “impossibility of impossibility”, yet you yourself, as we see, are the absolute expert in asserting the utterly impossible!
Seriously, everyone, Hyperianism is now based on the absolutely impossible.
Let’s go through all of Rebhahn’s impossible claims:
- He says there is an “intrinsic unity” – this is the foundation of Hyperianism now. In fact, there is no “intrinsic unity”, no “one universal mind”. By Leibniz’s law (!), this is absolutely impossible! There is a permanent HIVE MIND.
- He says there is a “universal mind”. There is no such thing. It’s logically impossible. Minds can be neither created nor destroyed and what exists is an eternal and necessary Hive Mind.
- He says that this fictional universal monadic mind tracks monadic “potentialities”. This is impossible. Monads have permanent actual existence. They cannot disappear into a “virtual” existence. You cannot violate the conservation of ontology! Since the law of conservation of energy derives from it!
- He says that the fictional universal mind includes a property called “difference” that it wants to explore, by creating monads. There is no such universal monad, and there is no such bizarre property as “difference” in this made-up monad, and you cannot create monads. Monads are eternal and necessary. Actual difference is ontologically enshrined in the different monads of the Hive Mind, and the mathematical difference between the eternal and necessary domain of frequencies and the temporal and contingent domain of space and time.
- Rebhahn says that the fictional universal mind explores the fictional property of “difference” because it is “bored”. This is pure anthropomorphism. Aristotle’s God never experienced “boredom.”
- Rebhahn says that the fictional universal mind wants to “explore diversity”. No attempt is made to explain why it doesn’t want to explore sameness, unity, wholeness, completeness, convergence, conformity, uniformity. Because Rebhahn personally hates those words and everything has to be based on what HE likes and reject what HE dislikes. This system, in other words, is just a reflection of the tastes and peculiarities of the person advocating it.
- Rebhahn says that reality is indifferent to gender. In fact, the domain of Becoming, in relation to all higher animals, is 100% gendered. “Non-binary” is sheer perversity and totally impossible as far as Becoming goes. People who designate themselves as this are MENTALLY ILL. Let’s stop pretending otherwise. There are no non-binary animals. Nature has no concept of non-binary. It’s a manmade concoction reflecting serious mental health problems. All the people calling themselves this were traumatized as children and this is simply an artefact of their trauma. Stop coddling these people.
- Rebhahn says that reality is metaphysically Woke, i.e., reality reflects the worldview of Woke people. In fact, reality is a bloodbath, a slaughter-bench, an abattoir, red in tooth and claw. Just look around. Just look at human history.
- Rebhahn says that the androgynous are a “master race” and will rule the world. Exotic minorities cannot and will not ever dictate to majorities.
- The marginalized will never escape from the margins except in freak cases and can only hope for the margins to be made more comfortable and accommodating. And why would they want more, anyway? Aren’t they proud of being different?
- There is no flower of life oscillating from one petal to many petals then back to one petal. There are ALWAYS many petals.
- Reality concerns a monadic Hive Mind, not a universal monadic One Mind.
- Reality is not exploring “diversity”. Reality could be viewed in terms of mathematical game theory where two rival strategies are being relentlessly explored: total competition (extreme individualism, typically associated with the far right) and total cooperation (extreme collectivism, typically associated with the far left). Hyperianism is a far-right system. Wokeness itself is a counter-revolutionary, reactionary, far-right movement devoted to the most extreme individualism the world has ever seen, and the whole world is to be bullied into accepting, respecting and celebrating these extreme individuals. This will never happen. It’s insane! The Woke despise the working class and have no class consciousness. The Woke detest the working class because so many of the working class hate the Woke. Woke people are always bourgeois and support the Old World Order. Look at Hyperianism. Its leader is an apex predatory capitalist who makes a living from exploiting and conning the weak and simple-minded. He’s a total parasite, as well as being a plagiarist.
- There is no such thing, ontologically, as the One Mind and the Many Minds. We are not One Mind and individual minds.
- The triadic perspective of Hyperianism is completely false. There is no Absolute in the terms proposed by Rebhahn. And the monadic perspective, in relation to Becoming, is entirely gendered.
- Innerstar actualization is automatically false since it contradicts the ontology of reality. Reality is based strictly on a Hive Mind of monads. Monads must optimize themselves within that context.
The WHOLE of Hyperianism flows from a simply breathtaking misunderstanding of Leibniz’s law by a total idiot who actually imagined he had made a revolutionary breakthrough in ont math. He never consulted a single person when he made his insane claims regarding Leibniz’s law, just as he didn’t when he made his equally insane claims regarding the PSR. Because this totally grandiose and delusional malignant narcissist actually believes he is the most important and intelligent human being of all time, the supreme QUEEN BEE. And he wants to be worshiped by countless drones loving him, caressing him, venerating him, worshiping him, giving him 100% adulation until the day he dies. And, of course, they must give him all their money, and they do. Just look at Dyslexic Fairy. She will be doing her robotic routine tonight of sending money to Rebhahn to prove how much of a “freethinker” she is. She has never had a free thought in her life. That requires INTELLIGENCE. It is intelligence that creates freedom. Animals aren’t free, and nor are stupid people.
Corey Rebhahn is a lunatic and so are all of his cult slaves. They cannot refute ANY of our critique of their faith system, yet they go on believing anyway! That’s faith for you. These people are just CHRISTIANS. They too have absolute faith in absolute nonsense and go around preaching their absolute nonsense to the world, drawing more and more vulnerable people into their sick lies, fantasies and fallacies. These people are the enemies of the human race and human evolution. They are the army of the Idiocracy and that’s a 100% provable fact. We have already proved it. All of these people had the chance to support the truth – Illuminism – and they turned against it to fanatically defend Woke lies.
Corey Rebhahn is a man SO STUPID … SO IGNORANT OF PHILOSOPHY that he saw something he didn’t understand and made it the centerpiece of his whole system, and the basis of HIS version of Hyperianism, which is of course completely different from original Hyperianism, which was a public brand for ILLUMINISM, the secret religion … THE TRUTH.
Every time this person refers to Leibniz’s law he is making an absolute fool of himself and his cult slaves.
Why don’t people watch videos by Bernardo Kastrup, a person actually qualified to talk about idealism? He advocates Schopenhauer rather than Leibniz and Hegel, but Schopenhauer is still a wonderful philosopher and well worth studying.
But Hyperians aren’t interested in idealism. They are interested in Wokeness and being in an LGBTQ Woke community. And that’s what Hyperianism is, and that’s all it will ever be. You could never imagine the Hyperians watching serious philosophy videos.
Lisa Douglas Zawacki, a Hyperian maniac, said,
“I was just about to start with the God Series then the bullshit began. I most likely won’t be reading their stuff.”
We FORBID you from reading our books! We wish we could actually attach a list of names to our books to specify who is prohibited from accessing this content.
Our content is the SOURCE MATERIAL! The whole idea behind Hyperianism was to direct the audience to the Source. And then, thanks to Rebhahn and Mitchell, the whole idea became to never mention the Source material and pretend that it didn’t exist … so that everyone would imagine that the plagiarist Corey Rebhahn was the Source.
We don’t want Hyperian retards anywhere near our books. Look what happened when the retarded Corey Rebhahn read them … plagiarism and the total sabotage of our work! And all THIS – having to get Hyperian nutjobs to fuck off from on a system that has nothing to do with them and which they have got totally wrong.
Our books are nothing like Rebhahn’s pathetic books. Only smart people can understand our books.
What is Hyperianism? It’s a system of plagiarism that takes the brilliant ideas of others and then wrecks them to make them fit a totally false Woke narrative devised by the pervert and degenerate cult leader Corey Rebhahn (MorgueOfficial) who styles himself a freak, monster and murderer. This is an insane person, and Hyperianism is an insane cult designed to give maximum narcissistic supply to the malignant narcissist and psychopath Corey Rebhahn and provide him with a millionaire’s lifestyle in Hollywood, LA. Hyperianism promotes transgender extremism and declares non-binary individuals to be a master race, and the future of humanity. These Hyperian cultists are a threat to EVERYONE. The cult is currently tiny, but such cults can catch the moment and rise fast. That must be prevented!
We see that the Dyslexic Fairy actually quoted Mike Hockney (uncredited, of course – you know what’s it like with these Hyperian plagiarists!) and then said “Ad Astra” (aka PBUH). Are we supposed to laugh? Is this Hyperian “humor”? It’s always impossible to tell. Sarcasm? Irony? Fuck knows. These Hyperians are neurodivergent and we are neurotypical so we can’t work out what the fuck is going on in their heads, except to know that it is totally unacceptable to the majority, to normal people. They seem to believe that the neurotypical are going to kneel down and worship the neurodivergent. They’re not. Why don’t people live in reality, for a change?
Can you believe these Hyperians? Lisa Douglas Zawacki said,
“I am Hyperian because Morgue speaks so I understand and what he has taught me I have found to be true. He has helped me grow and not once has he insulted or talked down to me.”
Dunning-Kruger effect. He’s dumb and you’re dumb and so you’re a perfect match. Who gives a fuck what YOU have found to be true? All paths and all truths, i.e., all lies. Total subjectivism and relativism. The reason why Rebhahn doesn’t insult you or talk down to you is that you are one of his primary sources of narcissistic supply, one of his many cult slaves, giving him loads of money. WHY would he insult his own cultists? Duh! You seem to place great emphasis on not being insulted. What does that have to do with the truth of reality? It certainly has plenty to do with Wokeness, but reality ISN’T Woke! The Truth isn’t Woke. Nietzsche said,
“But my truth is dreadful: for hitherto the lie has been called truth – revaluation of all values… for what has hitherto been forbidden on principle has never been anything but the truth.”
People such as the Wacky One REQUIRE the truth to be “nice”, i.e., they FORBID the truth. They reduce reality to their tiny set of likes and dislikes and whatever makes sense to their very low IQ brains. It’s disgusting, frankly. It’s exactly what is preventing human evolution.
Joanna Laguna said,
“Because most of my virtual friends are Hyperians” … absolutely irrelevant to the issue of what is true… pure narcissism … basing what is true and what isn’t on transient, virtual “friendships” that will all be gone in a couple of years.
She said,
“…and because Morgue doesn’t call Hyperians “retarded” in their official videos or writings.”
Do you see how all of these people are totally captured by their Woke feelings. Reality doesn’t give a damn about your feelings. Rebhahn said he would strangle bitches, stab people with steak knives, and called women sluts. No Hyperian is bothered at all by that. Funny, that. He’s called plenty of people retarded and expressed total hate towards the whole world and campaigned to bury normality. It’s only because he doesn’t say it to you that you like him. And of course he doesn’t do it to you … because you’re a member of his cult!
Laguna said,
“Morgue knows we are all speaking from a different level of consciousness, and respects that.” Rebhahn has no respect for anyone. He is deriving narcissistic supply and money from suckers, and he plays the most cynical game conceivable to keep that going.
It’s staggering how credulous people are. Rebhahn is lying through his teeth ALL THE TIME and talking absolute shit about ont math and reality. It’s OUR system he’s abusing, not yours – but you support this thief and liar, and, in our book, that makes you a thief and liar too. As Edmund Burke said,
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
You actively endorse the criminal actions and immorality of Corey Rebhahn. Everyone who supports Rebhahn is immoral scum and we couldn’t care less that these people are nice to each other. They’re certainly not nice to us. The N**is were probably very well-mannered towards each other!
Asked what PI books she had read, Mary Martin (the Quotes woman – watch out for what monetized quote she sends tonight … is it selected by a random number generator?) replied,
“The first three in the God and Truth Series total of 6 books. The other four books based their opinion on Hyperianism.”
What “other four books”? None of our books has anything to do with Hyperianism except those written specifically to denounce it. Hyperianism didn’t even exist when the God Series was written. There are 32 books in the God Series and 18 in the Truth Series. We have written more than 200 books. The scope of what we have covered is simply unprecedented. Even if you had read 20 of our books, it would only be ten percent of our output – meaning that you are ignorant of NINETY PERCENT of what we have said. Rebhahn relies on his cult slaves being completely ignorant of how much of our work he has plundered and corrupted. But we know of course!
Hyperianism is just plagiarized Illuminism subjected to the Woke nonsense of the bungled and botched Corey Rebhahn. He’s a thief and a conman and a truly disgusting human being. No ifs and no buts. There will never be any redemption for that person.
So, everyone, remember to watch out for Rebhahn’s speech tonight about the one mind and Leibniz’s law. Chortle very loudly as you listen to his latest embarrassing drivel, and roll your eyes at the refusal of any of his cult slaves to challenge his lies and fallacies. These people are just ghastly, and yet they imagine themselves to be hyperaware World Shapers. How delusional can you get?
Tags: Corey Rebhahn, Morgue Official, Morgen Night, Hyperianism, Hyperionism, Hyperian, Hyperion, AMC Freakshow, Inner Star Actualization, Cult of Hyperianism, Hyperian Founder, Morgue Official Real Name, What is Hyperianism, Hyperianism Beliefs