Corey Rebhahn (MorgueOfficial) is defined in every way by his calamitous relationship with his mother. It was so toxic that he was fostered, and he has never exchanged a word with her since. His entire psyche is haunted by his mother and the problem is so deep-seated and primal that there is no possible remedy. This is a lifelong pathological state.

Sam Vaknin wrote,

“Double rejection, double trauma model:

“1st rejection BIRTH

“Mother rejects & ejects child”

So, we are all part of our mother until we are expelled into the world via birth. Many psychologists describe this in horrific terms. We are cast out from paradise, so to speak, where all of our needs are always met and we are one with all-loving mommy. After birth, we are physically separate from mommy, but feel psychologically at one with her, and she remains physically very close to us.

Vaknin said,

“1st trauma POV SHIFT.”

Well, certainly, our POV changes drastically when we are out in the world rather than in the womb!

Vaknin said,


“Child rejects mother

“2nd trauma SELFHOOD.”

So, for us to become independent people, we MUST separate from mommy and individuate, and toys and comfort blankets and teddy bears, or whatever, are actually vital in this transitional phase.

In a psychological sense, we REJECT mother in order to establish our own individual reality and not be totally reliant on mother. Anyone who fails to achieve this separation is mentally fucked, and pathological narcissism is the outcome. The narc fails to engage with reality because he has failed to become a properly separated individual with proper object relations (treating others as real people in the real world). His psyche instead treats others as internal objects in his fantasy world and everyone is basically being constantly matched up to MOMMY in a neverending, futile attempt to separate and individuate from mommy – but it can never happen!

Vaknin said,

“During 1st phase external & internal objects are unitary.”

The narc remains STUCK in this state – unable to truly grasp the difference between the external and internal. He thinks he’s in IDENTITY with everything else and everything is a reflection of him! This is LITERALLY Rebhahn’s stated ideology.

Sam Vaknin said,

“We are becoming more and more childlike as the ages progress. People 100 years ago were more adult than we are. People 400 years ago were much more adult than people 100 years ago. And people 4,000 years ago were absolute adults compared to people 400 years ago. Over history, we are becoming more and more childlike, more and more childish, more and more infantile. And as a collective, each and every one of us, this is not limited to narcissists and adults. The rise of narcissism in society is because narcissists are uniquely positioned, uniquely evolved to take advantage of this inexorable wave of infantilization in human society and the human species over thousands of years. So there’s a general wave of everyone becoming more and more childlike. And as everyone becomes more and more childlike, the narcissist is uniquely positioned to take advantage of this wave, to leverage it to his or her benefit. That’s why the number of narcissists is increasing because society is more and more infantilized. Of course, we create institutions that reflect the fact that we are less and less adults and more and more children. We had created the welfare state, the nanny state. Even our computing devices reflect a patronizing, condescending attitude in various features, an attitude that says, you’re children, you don’t know what’s good for you. We’re going to make decisions for you. It’s the same with the state. It’s the same with various institutions and authorities. But who had constructed these institutions and authorities? Who is coding the software programs? We are. So we have created an environment, institutional environment, technological environment to cater to our increasing infantilization. And it reflects this trend. Now it has a name. This increase in childlike features in the human species over millennia, it has a name. It’s called neoteny, neoteny, neoteny or juvenileization.”

And this has reached its apex with WOKENESS. The Woke are the most infantilized people in history. With their victim culture, they are like permanent screaming babies. And look at “PRIDE” – literally all about infantile rainbows, unicorns, dragons and fairies! Look at the infantile cult leader Corey Rebhahn whose favorite movie is a child’s movie.

All of the neogenian cultists act like children and even refer to non-binary Rebhahn as “daddy”. These people are incapable of growing up.

Did you see the Immense Fatness of Demon Jan the other night? She’s even more repulsive than she was before, and even more childish. People such as this cannot become adults. They cannot mature. They inhabit a childish fantasy world forever, which is why such people are natural-born child groomers!

So, more Morgy Porgy ravings from 2018:


Morgue 7 Jun 2018

Excellent! These are great.

Here is brief update as where things stand with me. June 28th is set for the Path of Shadow release. I’ll potentially be doing a ritual/performance at an influential club in la for this. My goal is to get Hyperianism validated by trendsetters. I’m also beginning to test out various modalities. I’m doing small tests in different areas, such as performances, clothing and fashion wear, talks, immersive type things etc. I’m gauging what interests people the most, and then will expand on what works. I have concluded that Hyperianism is too complex for most people to understand. What we need is something that is loosely Hyperian, but is extremely popular, cool, and trendy. Something that influencers will share. Hyperianism proper most likely can’t achieve this, it’s too complex. But something like a fashion brand with our ideals embedded certainly can, which will then lead to our ideology. (check out for an example).

For example, Blackcraftcult is “create your own future”. We could have the brand IamHyperian “higher than humanity”. Then this can serve as a gateway to more complex Hyperian ideology for those that get hooked. As a side note, I’ve approached Alissa White Gluz of Arch Enemy and she said she’d be interested in working with me on something anti-mainstream religion. Rose McGowan has taken an interest in my anti-religion posts.

Perhaps an interesting video would be along these lines:
“Year Zero – Reset the World

“When 10% of the population of earth becomes Hyperian we will reset the calendar to year zero. Thus marks the official dawn of the Hyperian age, the age of reason. We will mark our calendars on the dawn of reason rather than a religious superstition”

By the way, do you have any book recommendations for learning pilot wave theory?

Morgue 7 Jun 2018

Pilot wave theory was just for my personal studies. I’ve noticed it’s a great talking point and bridge to get interested individuals to understand OM but still way outside the range of the ordinary person. The average person still has almost no knowledge of QM unfortunately. I appreciate the suggestion I was eyeing that title!

Good point about people being resistant to words like reason/mathematics. I’ll think of other possibilities. Though I don’t think Gnosticism is the way to go, I’ve never had much luck here. The people I’ve tried this out on seem to think it’s just an inverted Christianity, that is, still a “bunch of crazy stories”. They take it literal and find it irrational, which is ironic since they are so adverse to pure reason. But I’m sure we can find a good alternative. I’ll think on it. This generation seems to really connect with cosmic symbology. The serpent is also a powerful symbol that I’ve noticed everyone involved with Hyperianism/illuminism connects with.

Another idea came to me just now. Perhaps there’s a way to connect the biblical “end times” with year zero. “The end is the beginning” we are the end times for the abrahamic religions, and the birth of the Hyperian age of self creation. We will mark our calendars by the death of religion and the birth our freedom of self creation. People really like the self creation angle.

I totally agree about sin for salvation. People love “love”, sex, lust, the shadow. And the antiabrahamic topics have been powerful. They are also obsessed with individuality, resultant from the repressive conformity of Abrahamism.

The world seems to be transitioning from a sensing phase into an intuitive phase. We have to find a way to tap into that.

Morgue 8 Jun 2018

Here is what I’m thinking. From my experience dealing with Hollywood and marketing, I feel strongly that is not so much our “product” that is lacking but all the other factors. Let’s say that we had a hit story like the Matrix, but then filmed it with an iPhone and a bunch of “B list” actors. It would end up getting ridiculed rather than praised. What will really make us take off is making this “cool” rather than continuously tweaking the product. Now don’t get me wrong, the product definitely needs tweaking, it needs to be greatly simplified and made sexy. But overall we have a pretty damn good product, but we need the marketing makeover. Which will be my main focus. This is why shitty ideas, art, and music get popular, they have a brilliant marketing team to make people want it, no matter what it is. Scientology is (or at least was) very popular and it is confusing as hell as to what it is even about.

“We need a wild, irrational, cool Mythos (Dionysian), and a rational, ordered Logos (Apollonian). We can play both sides, as part of the dialectic.” Agreed!

“We get a far bigger audience if we appeal to the irrationalists (Dionysians)!” I definitely agree but what do we do once they are interested and now we have a bunch of flat earthers and annunaki lovers? For example, Hyperianism was attracting a large intuitive audience but then those in the Order wanted to kick them out for being irrational. Is the goal to appeal to irrationalists and then hope they become rational?

“We definitely need to work on explaining this. In terms of the Jungian functions, we could potentially say that humanity was originally emotional, then became sensory, is now becoming intuitive, and will eventually, and finally, be rational.”

Agreed! Love this idea. This actually describes my journey to OM. First I was religious, then became interested in Richard Dawkins and the like, then had an intuitive cartesian dualist mentality after experimenting with psychedelics, then found my way to pure rationalism and idealism through the GS.

The scripts have been fantastic. The God Watches Porn video would have been viral as fuck if the facebook algorithms weren’t so restrictive.

“Therefore, it’s worth thinking about giving a prominent role to someone with a conventional image, to work in conjunction with you and thus “normalize your image”. I completely agree!

“How did you get on with X? He could be the missing link to the normal masses.”

Well… Being completely honest I’m not sure if he is a good fit at the moment. He’s a good guy and he is doing great work but he would need a lot of help and guidance in my opinion. I’ve asked him if he would record videos for Hyperianism, and he said he is down but he would need me to film them and edit them, which would cut into my time a lot. I’m already doing this for Christina. He said he would do a Hyperian podcast, I’m not sure how helpful this would be, faces would be much better.

NK would be better in my opinion. But I’m being cautious. He is incredibly intelligent and would be a great fit, but his flip flopping attitude towards Hyperianism concerns me.

This is completely off topic but at some point we need to figure out how to approach the topic of the Omega Point. Almost invariably, even those that are really on board with Hyperianism find the resetting of the universe to be extremely depressing and devoid of purpose and meaning. I don’t think we need to figure it out right this second but at some point it will be an issue.

Morgue 8 Jun 2018

Someone I’m close with had a very good idea. She suggested I do a YouTube spin off of the series “Freakshow” that focuses on my life. This is the last thing I want to do but thinking about it, this seems like the best way for me to infect the mainstream. This could get my foot in the door into influential areas. The show would be about my day to day life and meeting unique individuals but some episodes could involve me talking about ideology, meeting and talking with X, doing a performance related to my books etc. It really does seem like the perfect gateway. It would give us validation, relatability, and reach. I’m giving this some serious thought.

Morgue 10 Jun 2018

I’ll keep my eye out indeed. The god and the devil on Tinder idea is brilliant! I love it. Perhaps you could work in there somewhere about Jesus Christ, the holy spirit, and god the father having an incestuous threesome (the trinity). Or maybe that could even be its own stand alone video. People seem to respond really well to humor and it diffuses the trolls.

By the way, if you happen to be replying to a comment (such as Bacon Sizzle or Emily) if you let me know where that comment I can screenshot it and put it in the video. If that is too much trouble though don’t worry about it at all, it’s not critical. I can find Bacon’s comment, I think I saw that one myself, but I’m not sure where Emily’s is.

I’m going to start pushing the Dionysian angle. So you’ll see me making a lot of posts about art, expression, sexuality, individuality, etc. rather than heavy logos content.

As for the reality show idea. Ugh, unfortunately I think it has the potential to be very effective. I’m still going over the pros and cons myself. It’s not something I want to do, but detaching from my emotional subjective preferences, it seems to me to be a very strategic move. I completely understand where you are coming from, and that is the exact reason why I was hesitant to do the Freaskow series on AMC to begin with, I wanted to retain mystery. But it was extremely effective and I gained a lot of reach and valuable connections.

This time, if I am in more control, we can set up elements that add mystery. Such as me attending a secret meeting, or there being a strange visitor, or walking in a door with the Hyperian symbol on it etc. This might be the perfect way to get Hyperianism seen. My Hollywood connections simply don’t care about Hyperianism. But they would care about this idea. If it is successful we can make it more and more along the lines of what you mentioned before about a reality show for Netflix.

Imagine an episode where I discuss how the Abrahamic god placed angels with blades of fire in front of the garden of Eden to make sure humanity never tasted the tree of knowledge. I can then discuss how secret societies use flamberge swords to represent this. I could then get a custom made flamberge sword, have drama about getting it made and the dangers associated with it, then end up performing it in a secret meeting. A meeting where “cameras normally aren’t allowed in” but they are getting a secret glimpse.

This vehicle could have a lot of potential as a trojan horse. For example, you may have noticed on facebook that the 90% of the videos that are appearing in the newsfeed are part of something called “Facebook Watch”. It seems facebook is limiting all videos unless they are a part of Facebook Watch. We could never be a part of something like that with straight logos Hyperian videos, but I could see something like this making the cut. This is just one example, I can think of many elements like this.

Morgue 12 Jun 2018

“Yes, we had already planned to mention the Trinity kink!”


I just received the book by Bohm today, I’ll let you know what I think. So far, the intro is excellent.

“By the way, we have hundreds of such comments and one plan is to produce a book debunking them all and mocking them all – to show trolls that everything they write is being monitored and may come back to haunt them. Do you have any objections to such a book?”

I have no objections! Is there a reason I would? I would just point out that as soon as you mention someone by their name or handle you could lose your book. I’ve seen people lose their Instagram accounts for posting screenshots of people’s comments without editing their names out, for example. So it would just be unfortunate if you put a lot of work in to such a book only to have it pulled by amazon. Plus some of the worst trolls get a kick out their name being mentioned.

A lot of the influential names in quantum mechanics, such as Planck, Schrödinger, Bohm, Heisenberg, had very interesting ideas about the nature of reality that go against the traditionalist naïve realist/materialist position to which most of the supporters of scientism cling. Perhaps it would be powerful to have a video, or series of videos (Bohm: THE HERETIC. Einstein: THE HERETIC. Planck: THE HERETIC etc), with quotes by these scientists and an explanation of their worldviews followed by the position of OM, to shake people’s confidence in materialism. To see their “priests speak heresy” may make them think twice.

By the way, I really hate to mention such things but this is too concerning for me not to… NK has contacted me claiming that Faith and an individual named Solomon Sage plagiarized Irene. I saw no such thing in his examples, and I asked Susan and Y their opinions and they agree he is acting way out of line, that there is no plagiarism, and he has completely lost sight of our goals. I’ve advised the Order to be extremely cautious regarding NK and Irene. I’ve included the screenshots in this email. I will not be pursuing any projects with them. This kind of drama is very damaging.

Morgue 18 Jun 2018

“The Book will probably be ready for some time in August.” [The book referenced is TAKE THEM TO THE MORGUE.]

“Our Fourier book will probably be delayed until the start of next year since we need to cover some preliminary topics beforehand.” [This book is still on our list of things to do!]

I’m looking forward to both!

“It might be worthwhile experimenting with this type of thing on the Hyperianism page.”

These short updates are great. However, I highly doubt this will result in a significant increase in likes. I have tried things like this before and it really doesn’t work so well. But we can try it for a week or two and gauge the results. The spoof illuminati page most likely has so many likes because it is (or was) one of the first pages that pops up when you type in “The Illuminati”. A big issue people want to know is, “how is Hyperianism going to help me?”. People really liked the Metaphorical Suicide because it was all about deconditioning the brainwashing society has done to them. I think we need to go in the direction of what hyperianism is going to do for them (allow them to explore their sexuality, make them higher than human, solve their problems, create a better world, allow them to express themselves) rather than talking about how hyperianism is going to achieve it (math, logic, reason).

I will be filming all the new videos tonight.

Hyperianism’s major issues right now are that it’s reach is low, it’s not “fun”, and it is not being validated by influencers Right now people view joining hyperianism as work. “Join Hyperianism, and learn math”.

I’m brainstorming daily on how to amend this. For the next step we can either go the “serious” way and begin to do meet ups and whatnot, but I do not think this will fix any of the aforementioned issues. But I haven’t ruled it out as an option.

Or we can go the “fun” way. I think this is the way to go as it could potentially fix our issues. I am brainstorming different avenues, the ones I feel strongest about are a clothing brand and an online reality series of some sort. The clothing brand (with our ideals emblazoned) would allow me to hire models and influencers to wear the clothing and post on instagram, making it cool, fun, and attractive. The online reality series would allow me to get influencers on the show and indirectly get people interested in hyperianism through a fun package. Right now there is “Morgue the stunt artist” and “Morgue the Hyperian”, perhaps there is a way to create a show where the two are synthesized… We have to make sure the project is just right before investing a lot into it..

Morgue 18 Jun 2018

What about videos on how to be happy? How to eliminate depression? Finding a purpose? Rejoicing in suffering? A lot of Nietzsches philosophy (master morality, overcoming, the ubermensch) could be transformed into self help with a little tweaking. My “Happiness is power” videos on YouTube were fairly popular. “How to become higher than human” or some such….

Morgue 22 Jun 2018

All posted!

I spoke with both NK and Irene on the phone for about 2 hours last night. All I can say is wow… I will be extremely brief but I can expand on it if you’d like. After speaking with them my conclusion is that they are in a very bad mental state. They made even more claims, each one being extremely irrational, shockingly so. At the end of the conversation they both apologized profusely (which seemed genuine) for any drama they may have caused, but continued to stand by all of their claims. I thanked them for their apology and told them we’d figure it all out.

How to go about this is very difficult. I know that we cannot work on projects with them, because this has proven to be a pattern that happens again and again. But they are clearly in a bad state of mental health, so I don’t want to just “cut them out” and hurt them. But their drama is seriously impacting our work. When they blocked Faith we couldn’t get a hold of Faith for two days and she is still in tears about it. Whenever NK/Irene have an incident like this the damage control is so much work, and it has happened so frequently.

It’s very hard for me to communicate tone over an email. But I want to make it clear that I feel bad for them. Not in a condescending way, but in a way where I am genuinely concerned for them. I like NK and Irene and they don’t seem to be doing well. But at the same time their claims are so over the top, and impacting our work so much, that I can’t jeopardize that. There are no easy solutions here. Everyone in the Order has been so burned by them that they are hesitant to interact with them in any way and we’d all be waiting for another blow up to occur.

The best I can come up with is to be straight with them, and tell them that we can all remain on friendly terms with each other, but that we should work in separate spheres. This is not what I want, but I do not see a better solution.

Morgue 22 Jun 2018

By the way, do you have a way to view my Instagram? The response to posts and whatnot are much better there (though far from perfect) and I’m starting to push the sex/shadow angle in my story section. The facebook responses can be disheartening. It’s like a wasteland. Instagram shows we have a lot of people actually interested in the message, some parts of it at least. For The Path of Shadow, I’m going to be doing a pre-release at the esoteric club Cloak and Dagger on tuesday. This is excellent for validation in the eyes of the public. Z, X, and my partner Urielle are going to be performing a ritual at the club that evening as well. I don’t want to push my luck with the venue owners but if possible I’m going to see if I can get relevant excerpts from the GS to play over the speakers before the ritual, though it may be too hard to coordinate before this Tuesday. Though they expressed interest in continuing to have us do things there so at some point I want to make this happen for sure. Many influential in people in the entertainment industry attend this club and it seems like there is good potential to infiltrate.

Morgue 23 Jun 2018

Yes, IG provides a MUCH better gauge. Also there are the sections called “stories” and a new section called “IGTV” that can only be viewed from the app (not a browser) and these will be good to keep an eye on as well. A majority of communication happens through “stories” now. Unfortunately the club does not allow any film or photos. But the event itself will offer a good starting place for validation. It will also be a good test run, for a later date/location when we do such a ritual or what not where it can be filmed.

Morgue 30 Jun 2018

The ritual and signing went great! This sort of things is fantastic for getting people interested and creating a stir. I am definitely going to be looking for avenues like this. Z and Y were great as well. I am going to continue to try and see if there is a way I can work on something with Z.

It’s clear that the majority of people attracted to Hyperianism are intuitive new age types, and this is also true of those attracted to Z’s movement. These kinds of people also seem to be seriously interested in activism. They will actually go out to protest. If we can purge their “love and light” tendencies and crazy conspiracy theories we would perhaps have a viable target audience. This is not the group I “desire” to target, but they seem to be the only group that will listen and take action.

This may be done by activating their shadow and creating a “dark” new age aesthetic. Picture a black t-shirt with a dark red “flower of life” representing the monadic collective
(for example and another example
Unfortunately, I do not think heavy reasoning is going to have an effect on them, but intuitive communication might. They really resonate with this sort of thing: And really who else will? If the world is progressing from emotion, to sensing, to intuition, to reason, should we not be trying to sway the intuitives or at least the most rational of the intuitives? Are we perhaps too early for pure reason? Perhaps we should be formulating a method to engage the intuitive types while placing the precious few rational individuals that exist in positions to guide them. The intuitives are already highly interested in hyperianism, the task would then be how to convince them that Hyperianism is superior to anything else out there, so that they attach their identity to being Hyperian and thus accept purging their love and light attitude (replacing it with a synthesis of light and dark) and to rid them of the most absurd conspiracy theories. This of course couldn’t be done on purely rationally grounds but we would have to communicate intuitively as well as trump the authority of their “ascended masters”.

The scripts are excellent as always! With the aforementioned in mind I’d like to try something. I propose that I write up the videos for August (and possibly September as well). I want to experiment with topic and style, really hitting on self-help, Dionysian/Shadow topics, and communicating intuitively. Then I propose we gauge the responses and see how people react, and then see how to strategize accordingly by perhaps reaching a synthesis of some kind.

What are your thoughts on all this?


“Hyperianism’s major issues right now are that it’s reach is low, it’s not ‘fun’, and it is not being validated by influencers. Right now people view joining hyperianism as work. ‘Join Hyperianism, and learn math’.” – AND EXACTLY THE SAME IS TRUE OF NEOGENIANISM!!!! Rebhahn’s cult is going nowhere. It’s totally fucked. Rebhahn is gagging to be a huge social media hit, but it can NEVER happen. Social media will NEVER accept ANYTHING that mentions math EVER! Rebhahn’s egregious plagiarism has all been to no avail!

Corine Skipper

“I waited 1 hour 28 min for the “topic” to “start” that last mayb 10 min and now we’re back to the chat. Seriously?! This happens every time ever tried to watch any of ur videos. Like y do I even try. Its almost like click bait.”

[“Always keep them waiting,” says Porgy.]

Shana Mcmurray

“U should do a video on u. i would like to know who u are. what was your parents like do they beleive the same”

[Porgy loves to talk about himself – but never about his FAMILY. That’s a RADIOACTIVE topic.]

Shana Mcmurray

“Hey u should do a video on u your life and back ground”

[Never gonna happen.]

James Roberson

“What are your thoughts on shawdow ppl ? I got a couple appearing in my apartment from time to time”

[Of course you do!]

Taylor Made

“Morgue were the Nazis Vril society on the right path? Disclaimer Nazis suck but the metaphysical studies were interesting.”

[Oh dear! One of Rebhahn’s top donors is a Nazi!]

Lucifer Morningstar

”morgues content slaps harder then when i fell from heaven its good”


Rebhahn, go and talk to your mommy!

[Ho, ho, ho.]


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Hyperianism
What is Hyperianism?
Books by Morgue
Books by Morgue
What is Ontological Mathematics
What Is Ontological Mathematics?
Morgue from Freakshow
Morgue From Freakshow
Who is Morgue
Who Is Morgue? The Truth is More Sinister Than Imagined

Tags: Hyperianism, Morgue Official, Hyperian, Morgen Night, AMC Freakshow, Corey Rebhahn, Inner Star Actualization, What is Hyperianism, Morgue Official Real Name, Hyperian Founder, Morgue from Freakshow, Neogenian, Neogenian Oculus, Neogenianism, Neogenian Collective