Ontological mathematics is a grand unified, final theory of everything, established by the Pythagorean Illuminati (PI) and placed in the public domain via the “God Series” of books published by PI lead author Mike Hockney. In the “Truth Series”, PI author Dr. Thomas Stark elaborated on Hockney’s work, and several author PI authors have further advanced the PI’s revolutionary subject of ontological mathematics. Ontological mathematics is the intellectual property of the PI.
Ontological mathematics is the way to replace scientific materialism and empiricism with mathematical idealism and rationalism.
A plagiarist called Morgue Official (real name Corey Rebhahn), a Z-list reality TV star on AMC’s Freakshow, attempted to claim that he is a researcher in the field of ontological mathematics. He is most certainly not. He has no connection at all to ontological mathematics. He played no part in the development of ontological mathematics and has contributed nothing to it. Morgue Official did however egregiously copy material from Mike Hockney, Dr. Thomas Stark, and other PI authors, and attempt to pass it off as his own work.

Morgue Official claims to be an “autodidact”. He had no formal education. He never went to school and got nowhere near university. He has no qualifications. He provably knows nothing about mathematics, philosophy and science. His “knowledge” of ontological mathematics comes exclusively from the PI books he read.
What is ontological mathematics? It’s the way to put mind into science. It’s the way to solve the problem of Cartesian substance dualism. It shows how mind produces matter and interacts with matter. It shows how unextended thinking substance (res cogitans; mind) generates extended, non-thinking substance (res extensa; matter). Everyone wants to get their hands on something so powerful.
Morgue Official presented himself as someone who wanted to promote Illuminist ideas given that he himself had been so inspired, influenced, and changed by them.
Morgue Official said,
“I am about to release a book about the brainwashed state of humanity and removing cultural conditioning, I may be adding an acknowledgment section to thank those who have influenced my writing, among them being Friedrich Nietzsche, Rene Descartes, and Terence Mckenna. Obviously the Illuminati have been a major influence, particularly in the sections where I discuss Materialism and reason. I would like to add The Illuminati in the acknowledgements but wondered if that was appropriate due to their secrecy. Also, I do not know if being so upfront with it is a good idea or if I should keep a level of anonymity. I am assuming it would be ok as going public seems to be the intention but I thought I would ask your opinion as I maintain a great level of respect for their ideas and secrecy.”
Ontological mathematics is a revolution of the mind. It changes everything. It transforms the human understanding of reality and ushers in the prospect of a whole new age … and a whole new humanity.
Conmen on social media could abuse it. Morgue Official is such a conman. A former reality TV star, he dreams of being rich and famous, and he believes he can become a global influencer … on the back of ontological mathematics and what he stole from Illuminism and recycled as “his” Hyperianism.
Morgue Official said on Twitter,
“My problem is I am not a good enough liar to hide my contempt for people.”
Morgue Official certainly has contempt for people, but he is a man who lies all the time.

Morgue Official said,
“I would like to eventually tackle every topic in the God Series. The metaphysics, epistemology, politics, mathematics, critique of philosophers (Kant, Godel, Wittgenstein etc), critique of religion, critique of esotericism and mysticism, quantum mechanics etc. I want to package every topic into an accessible video format.”
So, you see, Morgue Official’s game was to pose as a Herald of Illuminism under the brand of “Hyperianism”. Illuminism talked about hyperreason, hyperrationalism, Hyperborea, hyperreality. Where did “Hyperianism” come from? Morgue Official said,
“I am heavily leaning towards the name Hyperrationalism, and I have purchased the domain I think it fits well and sounds authoritative. A shortened version that I like a lot could be Hyperianism. ‘I am a Hyperian’. It has the feel of transcendence. Hyperborea (or possibly, Hyperia?) also fits well into a promised land scheme. Another domain name I am considering is I think it is catchy and tempting to click on, though in the long run will be taken much more seriously.”
Morgue’s own Hyperian website admitted that he got his information from others:
“The author of The Unity Document, Morgue, came into contact with what have been called secret societies and is bringing a system of timeless knowledge to the public so that the world and its people may reach the next step of their evolution and become whole. That system is Hyperianism. … This system of unity is a blueprint for your mental evolution and the evolution of the species. It was given to the highest minds of your people where it was guarded in secret to be protected from fracture. … This was transmitted by the Shining Ones to what the world calls secret societies where it was studied and guarded from fracture. But now the world is ready to know what was once hidden. Stories have been written about us in the pages of your books. We are the serpent of wisdom that offered humanity knowledge of good and evil so they might become gods.”
What is ontological mathematics? It’s what everyone wants. Because it changes everything. It changes the picture … all pictures.
Hyperianism was in every way an offshoot of Illuminism, a new public brand for Illuminism. However, Morgue Official decided that he wanted to turn Hyperianism into a private cult, over which he exercised total power, and from which he could earn a millionaire lifestyle, and so he suppressed all mention of Illuminism and started to pretend that the Illuminist system was his. He pretended that ontological mathematics was his. He refused to acknowledge the source of his knowledge. He started to claim that he had solved the greatest problems of philosophy. He claimed that Hyperianism was his own system and that it was “probably the answer to existence”.
What is Ontological Mathematics?
It’s what Morgue Official wanted to make him look good, to make him look like a genius. So he took it.
Morgue Official – Corey Rebhahn – is a malignant narcissist and psychopath … the archetypal cult leader.
Professor Sam Vaknin, an expert on malignant narcissism, provided a perfect description of the type of person Rebhahn is in three videos:
Morgue Official – a vacuous Californian sword swallower on AMC’s freakshow – wants to be a public intellectual. What a joke. A man with no qualifications. A man who didn’t even go to school imagines he is smart. He could never understand ontological mathematics, the apex intellectual subject.
What is ontological mathematics? It provides the God Equation that defines existence. It shows exactly what existence is. It shows exactly what mind is. It shows exactly what thoughts are. It shows exactly how mind creates matter, space and time. It solves all the deep problems of existence.
Ontological Mathematics is:
- the game changer, the paradigm shift, the revolution of the mind.
- how mind and matter are reconciled via mathematics.
- the basis of Illuminism. It’s how humanity can become illuminated.
- the fullest, maximum expression of reason and logic.
- hyperrationalism and hyper-logic. It’s the supreme explanatory system.
- the Principle of Sufficient Reason as a universal system.
Ontological mathematics is the AC/PI’s intellectual property and always will be and there’s absolutely nothing that anyone can do about it. It is SPECIFICALLY the intellectual property of the AC/PI writers, who represents the interests of the PI in this matter, and are the people who put these ideas into the public domain (above all MIKE HOCKNEY, the first to do so, and the AC/PI’s chosen lead writer).
For absolute clarity, there is no such subject as ontological mathematics in the public domain prior to Mike Hockney.
Ontological mathematics is a subject taught in zero universities, and the Illuminati work EXCLUSIVELY on it. There are zero other research groups in this field! FACT!
There is ZERO REFERENCE TO ONT MATH OUTSIDE THE AC/PI BOOKS, or those who have plagiarized these books. Go back twenty years, fifty years, a hundred years, two hundred years … as many years as you like. There’s never ANY reference to ONTOLOGICAL MATHEMATICS … OUR SYSTEM. We, and we alone, gave it to the world.
We’ve written over 20 million words on ontological mathematics and all the subjects that surround it. There’s no shortage of content. But of course, people don’t or can’t read books these days.
No one can find any reference to ONTOLOGICAL MATHEMATICS … OUR SYSTEM … prior to our work. Because it is STRICTLY our intellectual property and that’s WHY Corey Rebhahn is a criminal plagiarist.
What is ontological mathematics? It’s the means for humanity to start over, with a whole new understanding of reality
Tags: Corey Rebhahn, Morgue Official, Morgen Night, AMC Freakshow, Hyperianism, Hyperian Cult, Hyperianism Founder, Hyperian, Morgue Official Real Name, What is Hyperianism, Hyperianism Meaning, Ontological Mathematics Wikipedia, Hyperianism Quotes, Theory of Mathematics, Ontological Mathematics