Ontological Mathematics Was Invented in 1964! … EXCEPT IT WASN’T!



Seriously, the insanity of the retarded trolls has reached infinite levels!
Albert Einstein said,
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity.”
We have a candidate for the most stupid person ever, even stupider than Corey Rebhahn, himself a man with no education and no qualifications who said he had solved the greatest philosophical problem of all time, and was thus the smartest human being ever. Except he hadn’t and wasn’t.
So, step forward for your bow, Tyler SS – should we have a whiteboard to list all of these Hyperian cretins?! – who said,
“Ontological Mathematics is referenced in peer-reviewed papers published before 1964. It is not Hockney, Starks, Sinclair’s or any other PI members ‘intellectual property’ to claim.”
Mate, can’t you read? Here’s what the cited “paper” says:
“Ontology of mathematics is concerned with the existence and nature of objects that mathematics is about.”
Note that the phrase used is “Ontology of mathematics” and definitely not ONTOLOGICAL MATHEMATICS, a completely different thing! So, Tyler SS has deliberately and maliciously lied INSTANTLY. … A lie was the very first thing that came out of his mouth. This person of course loathes the truth. Only lies get him excited.
By the way, retard, you’re very late to this party. We’ve been getting savagely trolled for 15 years, and the No.1 objective of all of them was to prove that ontological mathematics wasn’t ours. They all failed, and so have you. Because it’s OUR intellectual property and always will be and there’s absolutely nothing that sick fucks like you can do about it. And man, you fucking trolls have tried sooooo hard! It is SPECIFICALLY the intellectual property of the AC/PI writers, who represent the interests of the PI in this matter, and are the people who put these ideas into the public domain (above all MIKE HOCKNEY, the first to do so, and the AC/PI’s chosen lead writer).
For absolute clarity, there is no such subject as ontological mathematics in the public domain prior to Mike Hockney. The “ontology of mathematics” is not “ontological mathematics”. Get a fucking education, retards. As we said, the morons have lined up to prove that Mike Hockney did not give the world ontological mathematics (on behalf of the AC/PI). 100% of them failed. So fuck all the cretins who claim that ontological mathematics is NOT the intellectual property of Mike Hockney and the other AC/PI authors. It 100% is. And there is 0% evidence that it isn’t. And all of these recent deranged attempts by people to try to make reality different from how it is concern bizarre perverts who want to suck Corey Rebhahn’s dick. Their obsession is with trying to defend Corey Rebhahn from the truth that he is the most egregious plagiarist in the present day and a blatant criminal. Sorry, guys, there won’t be any dick-sucking. You have FUCK ALL to show that we are not the intellectual property holders – and we have 100% proof (all of our books and their publication dates – none of which you cunts have ever read!), and your perverted and degenerate attempts to attack the people who gave the world ont math are symptomatic of serious mental illness. Answer this very simple question – why are you so keen to do everything in your power to discredit the actual people who gave the world the answer to existence, and why, conversely, are you so keen to do everything in your power to credit Corey Rebhahn, a man with no education and no qualifications who had not a single thing to do with ontological mathematics? Actually, don’t bother … you are sick, diseased perverts who campaign fanatically and obsessively against the truth, and you ought to be put down like wild animals. You have NO DEFENSE. You are just beasts. You are the very worst, anti-meritocratic humans in the world. And the world will have a reckoning with vermin and filth like you – an actual plague on humanity, opposed to human intelligence. You have no future. You are the obstacle in the path of human evolution, and humanity WILL deal with you decisively.
For those that don’t know, the ontology of mathematical objects is a famous topic in the philosophy of mathematics! Loads of philosophers and mathematicians have passed comment on the subject. It’s a key topic of foundational mathematics. It arises whenever anyone tries to answer, “What is mathematics?” But ONTOLOGICAL MATHEMATICS – OUR SYSTEM – is something 100% different. It’s about all of reality being mathematical. Ontology itself is mathematical.
With the ontology of mathematics, people speculate on whether or not certain mathematical objects have an ontology, say numbers, or sets, or geometrical patterns, or whatever. With the completely different subject of ONTOLOGICAL MATHEMATICS – our ETERNAL intellectual property! … since it wouldn’t exist without us, and no one would ever have heard of it without us – ALL OBJECTS are mathematical; existence itself is 100% mathematical.
Ontological mathematics is a subject taught in zero universities, and the Illuminati work EXCLUSIVELY on it. There are zero other research groups in this field! FACT!
So, the ontology of mathematics concerns the subject of the ontology of certain classes of mathematical objects, considered completely separately from reality itself. Ontological mathematics, by 100% contrast, is about reality itself being mathematical, hence ALL objects, even those that have zero apparent connection to math, ARE actually mathematical.
And by the way the reference to “1964” is about the following:
Abstract: The twentieth century has witnessed an unprecedented ‘crisis in the foundations of mathematics’, featuring a world-famous paradox (Russell’s Paradox), a challenge to ‘classical’ mathematics from a world-famous mathematician (the ‘mathematical intuitionism’ of Brouwer), a new foundational school (Hilbert’s Formalism), and the profound incompleteness results of Kurt Gödel. In the same period, the cross-fertilization of mathematics and philosophy resulted in a new sort of ‘mathematical philosophy’, associated most notably (but in different ways) with Bertrand Russell, W. V. Quine, and Gödel himself, and which remains at the focus of Anglo-Saxon philosophical discussion. The present collection brings together in a convenient form the seminal articles in the philosophy of mathematics by these and other major thinkers. It is a substantially revised version of the edition first published in 1964 and includes a revised bibliography. The volume will be welcomed as a major work of reference at this level in the field.”
Paul Benacerraf & Hilary Putnam (eds.)
Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA: Cambridge University Press (1964) 
So, this is a reference to a book about the philosophy of mathematics and of course the philosophers of mathematics have ALWAYS speculated on whether or not some mathematical objects are ontological. It’s as old as the hills to do this … and has NO connection to our work, which is about philosophy itself actually being mathematics. But, hey, what does the congenital liar Tyler SS care about the Truth? He DESPISES IT. And LOVES lying.
Tyler SS references a paper by Alain Badiou, a person famous for his cranky, eccentric views. Consider the following quote from the reference:
“Ontology is not the study of the kind of things there are but of what it is to be. Badiou’s definition of ontology is ‘the presentation of presentation’. It is the exploration of how, in general, things can be presented.”
Now, whatever that is, it has nothing to do with ontological mathematics, which is about what things actually are, and nothing to do with “the presentation of presentation”. Ontology is NOT about how things are presented. It’s about what things truly ARE.
So, Tyler SS mentioned Alain Badiou. Go on and read the Wikipedia entry on this guy. You will come across the following statement:
“Several critics have questioned Badiou’s use of mathematics. Mathematician Alan Sokal and physicist Jean Bricmont write that Badiou proposes, with seemingly ‘utter seriousness,’ a blending of psychoanalysis, politics and set theory that they contend is preposterous. Similarly, philosopher Roger Scruton has questioned Badiou’s grasp of the foundation of mathematics, writing in 2012: ‘There is no evidence that I can find in Being and Event that the author really understands what he is talking about when he invokes (as he constantly does) Georg Cantor’s theory of transfinite cardinals, the axioms of set theory, Gödel’s incompleteness proof or Paul Cohen’s proof of the independence of the continuum hypothesis. When these things appear in Badiou’s texts it is always allusively, with fragments of symbolism detached from the context that endows them with sense, and often with free variables and bound variables colliding randomly. No proof is clearly stated or examined, and the jargon of set theory is waved like a magician’s wand, to give authority to bursts of all but unintelligible metaphysics.’”
Actually, Badiou comes across here as a kind of … COREY REBHAHN. A total bullshitter!
Anyway, Badiou is all about SETS, which we explicitly repudiate, and never once mentions Euler’s Formula, sinusoids, monads, Fourier mathematics, and all the rest of it that constitutes ont math – the intellectual property of the AC/PI authors on behalf of the PI, with no one else on earth at any time having any claim on this content exclusive to the PI, and which made NO appearance in any form in the public domain prior to the publication of Mike Hockney’s books. FACT.
There is ZERO REFERENCE TO ONT MATH OUTSIDE THE AC/PI BOOKS, or those who have plagiarized these books. Go back twenty years, fifty years, a hundred years, two hundred years … as many years as you fucking like. There’s never ANY reference to ONTOLOGICAL MATHEMATICS … OUR SYSTEM. We, and we alone, gave it to the world, and anyone who claims differently, such as TYLER SS, is a sick pervert and outright liar. Tyler SS is a congenital liar. He introduced this crap – don’t you realize we’ve seen all this before?! – not to actually engage in any serious discussion of ont math but simply to “muddy the waters”, to cast doubt on us, to undermine us – all as part of his perverted strategy to somehow defend Corey Rebhahn, even though Rebhahn is USING our system. TYLER SS, you are a degenerate pervert. We would never waste our breath appealing to your honor and nobility. You have none. You are just scum pure and simple, with no redeeming qualities. You are just a sad fuck with no life. THIS – trying to attack intelligent people who did something really wonderful for the world – is your “gift” to humanity. When we think of you, which we try not to, we just think of a malignant disease whose departure from the world would mark a great leap forward for humanity. What is your “defense”? You simply don’t have any. You personally chose to be CANCER. You personally chose to attack intelligent people and try to do them down. That’s all on you. That’s your sick character. And you will NEVER be reformed. You will spend your whole life as a negative, toxic human being, a beast. That’s GUARANTEED. There is never any path to truth and decency for mentally ill people like you. You can only ever be a blight on the world.
Tyler SS, instead of investing all your time on “online research” – to try to discredit and troll us – why don’t you actually read our books and discover what ontological mathematics actually is, and then you’ll see what is actually going on here. We’ve written over 20 million words. There’s no shortage of content. But of course, we know you are functionally retarded so can’t read books. Why don’t you send a superchat to your god Corey Rebhahn to see if he can offer advice on overcoming your severe retardation?
By the way, this is TYLER SS:
Tyler SS is single, gay, and functionally retarded, and commits his entire life to trolling … the apex retarded way to spend your life. As you can see, he’s a physically repulsive – a malformed, bungled and botched human being. He’s a middle-aged man, age 42, who lives in Monroe, Wisconsin, and has no life, no friends, and no lovers, He spends his time avenging himself on the world by attacking smart people who have done something great and noble for the world. He envies and thus hates all such people and wants to raise himself up by putting them down. His life is empty, pointless and meaningless. This person’s life add zero value to the world and is a life not being led at all. He’s an organic portal, a soulless human being, “background”. It would be better if these cancerous humans, incapable of doing anything constructive for the world (they are entirely committed to destroying others, hence their obsessive trolling) were never born in the first place.
Tyler SS is deeply insecure and ashamed. He is ashamed of his homosexuality and even sometimes pretends to be heterosexual. He knows his life is devoid of significance, and he is crucified by that realization. Trolling is the only thing that is “fun” for this sick pervert.
He is profoundly in love with Corey Rebhahn and self-evidently wants to have sex with him. He worships Rebhahn. He would never dream of questioning him, and never has. He trolls EVERYONE, except Rebhahn. 1 + 1 = 2.
This is a compulsive troll but who doesn’t troll at all in one very specific case – Corey Rebhahn. That’s true love for you. Aw!
Anyway, more on this tomorrow, including a look at the role of the other sick pervert Dyslexic Fairy (Mary Martin) in this matter. Man, these people are just sooooo degenerate. Can you imagine people who get off on trolling the authors who gave the world ont math? That takes a totally sick cunt to play that game. And they 100% support the sick cunt who STOLE ont math, and then totally fucked it up. But, hey, seriously, some human beings do not deserve their existence. Humanity CANNOT evolve until it is purged of those attacking the intelligent. Tyler SS, Mary Martin, the immense Fatness of Jan, Corey Rebhahn, and all the rest, are the heralds of THE IDIOCRACY. How could they not be? Their No.1 role in life is to undermine those individuals who gave the world ONT MATH. 
So, sentence three of Rebhahn’s signature cretinism:
“Reality is an eternal cyclical process of a unity dividing itself into a multiplicity and then that multiplicity returning to unity.”
That’s nothing to do with the “eternal” order. What Rebhahn is actually saying is: Reality is a ‘bad infinity’ cyclical process – an infinite regress with no foundation – of a unity dividing itself into a multiplicity and then that multiplicity returning to unity.”
Do you understand why it’s an infinite regress of the temporal and contingent? In ontological mathematics, there is an eternal, immutable order of Being. It’s NEVER an ontological unity (it’s always an ontological Hive Mind) and it NEVER divides itself into a multiplicity (it’s already a multiplicity, a Hive Mind), and it therefore NEVER returns to any ontological unity. Being is a functional unity, and Becoming attains functional unity at the end of a universal cycle, and then the domain of Becoming, not of Being, undergoes an entropic explosion (the Big Bang) and becomes asymmetric (divided, disunited). And must then eliminate all divergence, diversity, division, entropy, disunity.
Being is an eternal order and within this eternal order is a cycling domain of Becoming – the atemporal contingent domain of space, time and matter, entropy and temperature. So, the system is fully grounded and explained by Being. But there is NO Being in Rebhahn’s idiotic system.
(Hey, fuckwit Tyler SS, go and explain how those laughable references you dredged up regarding the “ontology of mathematics” have any relevance at all to these ONTOLOGICAL MATHEMATICS considerations. Yeah, didn’t think so!)
One moment, in Rebhahn’s “system”, you have an ontological One Mind, and the next you have many minds, and vice versa – so there is by definition no eternal ontology and there is no eternal order of Being (entirely contradicting ont man). But, hey what do Hyperians care? They found a paper from many decades ago that had ontology and mathematics in the same sentence and that, it seems, proves Hyperianism somehow and somehow completely disproves Illuminism. Who knew?! Who cares that there is zero overlap between what Alain Bodiou said, and what we say!
Listen folks, stupid people cannot understand intelligent systems. That’s a law of life. Remember what Bertrand Russell said:
“A stupid man’s report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand.”
So, Tyler SS and Dyslexic Fairy – two people suffering from functional retardation – hence why they are sick, perverted trolls supporting Corey Rebhahn (a man with no qualifications and no education, just like them) – see the words “ontology” and mathematics” in the same sentence and CONCLUDE that we are refuted. I mean, can you believe this degree of retardation? No attempt whatsoever is made to show what possible relevance this work has to ours (it has none, and we explicitly repudiate set theory!). Because it’s all done for shits and giggles, to cause trouble, to make people doubt reality itself, and to make them sympathetic to the criminal plagiarist Corey Rebhahn. But that’s the way these evil cunts roll. What can you expect from beasts?! We expect only bestiality, and that’s exactly what they deliver.
Bertrand Russell said,
“The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves…” Look at how brazen, arrogant and entitled Tyler SS and Mary Martin are! They are obscene. They are enemies of the human race.
Bertrand Russell said,
“I would rather be reported by my bitterest enemy among philosophers than by a friend innocent of philosophy.” We are being reported by our bitterest enemies… actual real-life retarded people with radically low IQs. This is really happening, folks. Morons are trolling smart people! Morons think they are superior to us because they trawled the internet and found “ontology ” and “mathematics” in the same sentence. WOW! What an astounding revelation. The whole world should bow to their incontestable genius.
WTF! They are of course unable to find any reference to ONTOLOGICAL MATHEMATICS … OUR SYSTEM. Because it is STRICTLY our intellectual property and that’s WHY Corey Rebhahn is a criminal plagiarist.
By the way, we are seeking to shake off ALL functional retards. We don’t want them anywhere near Illuminism! 

Tags: Corey Rebhahn, Morgue Official, Morgen Night, Hyperianism, Hyperionism, Hyperian, Hyperion, AMC Freakshow, Inner Star Actualization, Cult of Hyperianism, Hyperian Founder, Morgue Official Real Name, What is Hyperianism, Hyperianism Beliefs, Ontological Mathematics