Parasocial Interaction of Hyperianism



8/13/2022 Post #2
Hyperianism is a classic example of the parasocial interaction (PSI).
Wikipedia says, “Parasocial interaction (PSI) refers to a kind of psychological relationship experienced by an audience in their mediated encounters with performers in the mass media, particularly on television and on online platforms. Viewers or listeners come to consider media personalities as friends, despite having no or limited interactions with them. PSI is described as an illusionary experience, such that media audiences interact with personas (e.g., talk show hosts, celebrities, fictional characters, social media influencers) as if they are engaged in a reciprocal relationship with them. The term was coined by Donald Horton and Richard Wohl in 1956.
“A parasocial interaction, an exposure that garners interest in a persona, becomes a parasocial relationship after repeated exposure to the media persona causes the media user to develop illusions of intimacy, friendship, and identification. Positive information learned about the media persona results in increased attraction, and the relationship progresses. Parasocial relationships are enhanced due to trust and self-disclosure provided by the media persona. Media users are loyal and feel directly connected to the persona, much as they are connected to their close friends, by observing and interpreting their appearance, gestures, voice, conversation, and conduct. Media personas have a significant amount of influence over media users, positive or negative, informing the way that they perceive certain topics or even their purchasing habits. …
“Social media introduces additional opportunities for parasocial relationships to intensify because it provides more opportunities for intimate, reciprocal, and frequent interactions between the user and persona. These virtual interactions may involve commenting, following, liking, or direct messaging. The consistency in which the persona appears could also lead to a more intimate perception in the eyes of the user.”
To all Hyperians, you have been groomed and brainwashed by Corey (Morgue). He has cynically exploited the intimacy and power of the Parasocial interaction to make you worship him and give him LOADS OF MONEY.
You are all classic victims of a well-known psychological phenomenon. You believe you have a very intimate and supportive relationship with Corey (Morgue). You don’t. This guy doesn’t give a damn about you. He just wants your money and adulation. He’d throw you under a bus instantly to save himself – that’s exactly what he did to two former senior members of Hyperianism when he contacted the FBI about them and basically tried to frame them as terrorists and wreck their lives forever … just because they dared to leave his cult and speak out against him!
Jaye Derrick said, “Even though we have found that both low and high self-esteem people use parasocial relationships, we found that they use them for different reasons. High self-esteem people tend to feel that the person that they see themselves as is very similar to their ideal self, the person they want to be. And to some extent they are able to use their real social relationships to help them achieve these ideals for themselves as well. Low self-esteem people, however, tend to feel like they are falling short of their ideals and also they are concerned about rejection. So they’re not easily able to use their real social relationships to feel closer to their ideal self. What we found is that low self-esteem people can use their parasocial relationships with celebrities to feel closer to their ideal self. They choose celebrities that are similar to their ideals for themselves and after spending time engaging with their favorite celebrities they feel closer to their ideal self.”
The social media influencer scene is especially toxic and prone to cultlike behavior because it gives total scope for psychopathic predators such as Corey (Morgue) to prey on very vulnerable, impressionable people with extremely low self-esteem. Low self-esteem people become addicted to their favorite influencers because it’s only when they are watching their favorite influencers that they feel like their ideal self. Imagine how addictive that is.
When they are away from their favorite influencer, they feel terrible. When they are with their favorite influencer, they feel great. And everything else follows – the total descent into cult behavior.
Can you imagine how hard it is to detach yourself from the very person who makes you feel good about yourself? It’s like an intense love affair. It’s anything but easy to extract yourself, even if the other person is toxic towards you. The people most attached to Corey (Morgue) are exactly those with the lowest self-esteem – they are the most pathetic of the most pathetic – and have nowhere else to go. They are literally stuck until the cult collapses and Corey (Morgue) has to fuck off, and not a moment too soon. Then they will all have mental breakdowns.