Corey Rebhahn (Morgue Official) is the child who never grew up, the archetypal MAN-CHILD. His favorite movie is “The NeverEnding Story” and anyone who is 34-years-old and says that a children’s movie is his favorite movie is self-evidently someone who never became an adult.

Sam Vaknin said,

“I keep reminding you that the narcissist is an eternal adolescent. He is a Peter Pan. He suffers from Peter Pan Syndrome. He doesn’t want to grow up. He doesn’t want to assume adult chores and responsibilities. He doesn’t want to commit. He doesn’t want to invest. These are all outcomes of his schizoid core, because the schizoid aspect of narcissism pushes the narcissist away from people, away from sex, away from intimacy, away from relationships. So it’s an approach avoidance situation. The narcissist seeks intimacy, his version of love, relationships, but then the schizoid core kicks in and pushes him away from all this. But what are the advantages of being an eternal child? Well, quite a few actually. When the narcissist acts as a child, when he infantilizes, when he refuses to be an adult, he is sending two signals. It’s a form of virtue signaling, if you wish. He’s sending two signals out to the world. The first message is, I’m a child. I’m harmless. I’m vulnerable. Don’t hurt me. So the childlike posture is a defensive posture. It’s intended to fend off harm and hurt and pain and adverse consequences. It intends to keep at bay enemies and foes and critics. I’m a child. Don’t do this to me. And the second message is, I’m a child. I’m helpless. I’m a toddler. I’m hurting. Care for me. This is the narcissist version of codependency. This is his way of emotionally blackmailing you into staying with him, not abandoning him, catering to his needs, servicing him. So the child posture is actually an adaptation. It may be a dysfunctional adaptation in some respects, but all in all, it’s a self efficacious positive adaptation because it allows the narcissist, despite his extreme disability, despite his deformities, despite his deficiencies in the face of his inadequacies, it allows him to extract maximum beneficial outcomes from the environment.”

So, isn’t that a perfect description of Rebhahn? He’s a toddler being mothered by his cult slaves, who all tell him he’s the most special baby in the world! Diddums!

Rebhahn inhabits FANTASIA. This person has never once ventured into the real world.

More Morgy Porgy madness from 2018:

Morgue <> 3 Apr 2018

Fantastic! Thank you, this is very much appreciated and they are the perfect length. I think this is going to end up working very well. April is devoted to releasing the Hyperian movie and then I will begin weekly video releases again. So I will be filming these scripts in April but they will be released weekly beginning in May. I’ll need to film another set for June sometime in early may. Is that acceptable?

By the way, I think the mythos elements we have added are going to work quite well. I haven’t released the Hyperian movie yet, but the Revenant/Watcher portion is available to those on patreon and people have already begun to show excitement. The more elements like this the more people will get excited. I want to play this out in the real world, a living mythos, that people can watch unfold and be a part of. The ultimate immersive experience.

Morgue <> 5 Apr 2018


I am almost positive I found the perfect person for the female Watcher. I’ve been working with her for a few months. This will take a little time, but if it all works out, it will be extremely powerful. I live near Devil’s Gate Dam (Crowley called it a portal to hell) right across from Jack Parson’s lab where Crowley did some rituals. I could create some kind of initiation ceremony with her there. I’m looking forward to actualizing all of this. This is the key to getting people fired up and engaged.

Morgue <> 14 Apr 2018

Here is something interesting to think about… We could very possibly just start producing episodes on our own. But If we did, I think we’d need to think outside the box. How can we make it into a hyperreality? How can we blur the lines between what is real and what isn’t and give the viewer an immersive experience? I’m going to give this some thought.

I’ll also shoot a message over to the producer of “Freakshow” and mention the 10m viral video and see what he thinks.

By the way, I went live with Paris Jackson the other day on instagram and got her to mention Book zero and how she thought a secret society was after her. We can perhaps use this video to stir controversy, she has been making headlines a lot lately.

People absolutely love the Revenant portion of the movie. That part of the mythos has really gripped them.

Morgue <> 14 Apr 2018

Oh, I almost forgot. Check out the Revenant section at and notice the section on “Project Fallen Star”. This is something else I think people are going to get really excited about. The Fallen Star Project aims to unite all the scattered synths, Revenants, and Wanderers. The password is “imagine” if you’d like to check out the other section as well.

Morgue <> 20 Apr 2018

“that the dumb masses only pay attention to things when they have been validated in some way.”

I agree 100%. Let me give you an overview of where I’m at. Now that the Hyperian movie has been released and the website is updated I am putting all my attention towards making sure the W.A.R. Room launch is successful and releasing my book, The Path of Shadow. Once those things are taken care, which should be soon, my attention will switch gears and I’ll begin to focus completely on the aspects that you mentioned by figuring out how to make Hyperianism validated, and also creating a story/hyperreality. I think it is at this point I need to look into using my money for expansion by perhaps hiring a publicist/PR person (though they are extremely expensive), orchestrating hyperreal events, getting booths at other events for a “Hyperian Cult Outreach” or some such. The Hyperian movie was a good template and base, now it needs to explode into the world.

I’ll be filming the scripts that you sent me this Sunday, and they will be released weekly in May.

By the way, we have been attacked by a very minor YouTuber, she “declared war” on us in an instagram post:

I’ve actually been giving thought to a Hyperian nightclub or teaming up with another nightclub to do a Hyperian event. One of Marilyn Manson’s fashion designers has a club called Dark City and another called OIL Nights (which is a BDSM sex party) and he might be into it.

If the Mythos parts are not too difficult and we don’t need too many people, we could hire people ourselves for the Mythos elements. Most in the alternative community will do stuff like this for $50-$100, and some might even do it for free, and they have a great aesthetic.

Morgue <> 2 May 2018

These are great! I’m going to jump on this right away and film them this Sunday. By the way, I am doing some testing and it seems that facebook may have adjusted their algorithms. If that is the case we may want to focus on YouTube rather than facebook for spreading our message. An adjusted strategy is needed for going viral on YouTube rather than facebook (such as being involved in the YoutTube community by making response videos to piggyback off of popular videos/channels) so I can send you the details if it turns out facebook did indeed adjust their algorithm. By the way, a video bashing “mercury retrograde” might work well right now. It’s annoyingly popular.

Some updates, I assigned Susan to guide the Order members into creating a Hyperian website. It is now live and I think they did a fantastic job, you can see it at I want them to fix the squashed logo, and change some of the menu titles as they are a bit confusing. They have a lot of plans such as podcasts and whatnot.

The WAR Room is going well, and a short guide book “The Revenant Codex: The Book of W.A.R.” has been created, with excellent work provided by Malf.

I’ve had my hands full with these projects so I haven’t yet been able to give our hyperreality creation attention but I’ve begun to focus some of my attention on outwards expansion. I contacted the Los Angeles Chapter head of the Satanic Temple and she said she’d absolutely be down to work on something with us, provided it is approved by their board. I know Satanists are not aligned with us, but this could be good for some exposure. So this is something to consider for the near future. Perhaps they could team up with us on a Dechristianization of America project or some such. would like to do an interview, but I doubt this would be worth our time.

A French magazine, brain magazine, would like to do an interview. They actually seem pretty great and quite popular. So I will most likely be doing this. Their site is:

Their interview questions are fairly intelligent and allow for a lot of talking points and mentioning the God Series. Their questions are:

“Here you can find my list of questions (just to reassure you: Brain is always a very open-minded magazine; some questions may sound simple/stupid/funny, but it is just supposed to be as broad-minded as possible; I ask you the questions in a way that even our French readers who have not heard about Hyperianism yet can understand everything) + Sorry for my bad English 🙂

1 – Where does your name come from? Why “Morgue”? Is it just a very cool/badass name or is there a special meaning behind it?

2 – You’re known as a former TV star and “shock artist”; How has this artistic career led you to create Hyperianism?

3 – Can you summarize what Hyperianism is, in a few simple words/sentences? + Etymologically-speaking, what does “Hyperianism” mean?

4 – What is “Project Fallen Star”? From my point of view (which is the point of view of someone who barely knows the concepts of Hyperianism), it could sound like some kind of CIA program from a 1980s sci fi movie… More seriously, can you explain what is the Hyperian project behind that?

5 – What do you think about the concept of “new world order”? In the mainstream media, that term is often associated with conspiracy theories / 9/11 etc… What do Hyperians mean when they talk about a “new world order”? The future?

6 – On your site, you say that “extinction of humanity is near”; Can you explain why this extinction is near + how can humanity avoid this disaster? Or is it something inevitable?

7 – About religion: Considering that religions are largely responsible for homophobia/racism/hatred/ sexism… Do you consider yourself an atheist? An agnostic? Or none of these?

8 – About science: Correct me if I’m wrong but I understand that Hyperian rationalism is against scientific dogmatism; But when you say on your website “Humans are weak and have always chosen easy lies while Hyperians want the absolute truth of existence no matter what it is”… Philosophically speaking, isn’t the concept of “absolute truth” something dogmatic per se?

9 – You analyze that most humans are brainwashed (by their families, religions, social norms, human senses etc…) and that we live in a grand mathematically generated illusion; in a way, are we living in some kind of matrix? How can we escape this “matrix” / this realm?

10 – Do you consider Hyperianism as a “cult”? Which term would you choose to define Hyperianism? A spiritual/rational movement? + Do you consider yourself the “leader” of Hyperianism, in some way?

11 – Last question (the question sounds ironic on purpose, it is just to add a little humor to end the interview): you say that “death is an illusion”… If I decide to shoot myself in the head, what is really going to happen? More seriously, what do you mean by “death is an illusion”?

12 – Bonus: just to get the key dates/years about Hyperianism: When did you create the movement? Before that, when did start to be a performer? How many people claim to be Hyperians? (I assume that you sometimes talk with them: are they only/mostly Americans? Young/old?)

THANK YOU A LOT! Tell me if you need anything”


QUOTE: “Hyperian Cult Outreach” … well, it was always in plain sight! CULT, CULT, CULT – from its own mouth.

Juanlastik Pinoy:

U cant even explain clearly what your saying…me myself been NDE i know what is like…your too far in reality …it is not the way of God…ur disturbing a lot of mind my friend..stop it.

[Stop it!]

Naked Sage Astrology:

“Channels like this are dangerous because it falsely reassures crazy people that they are sane.”


Blue 1337:

“I subscribe for $7 and you charged me $250 over 2 months. Fix your shit”

[Fix it! Your shit.]


“I’ve already lost so many friends and lovers going down this path”


Why don’t you fucking go down a different path, you cretin?

Abel ben Adam

“If you say that your thoughts can influence other people and vice versa, you are schizophrenic.
If you say that there is an universal consciousness that can influence events and people, you are religious.
If you are religious and think that you can influence people and events with your thoughts, you are Jesus, but you’re still schizophrenic.”

[Porgy thinks he’s the Queer Jesus/Lucifer … and is in IDENTITY with the whole universe!]

“When we hear the word “Apocalypse,” we tend to think of scenes of destruction, fear, and panic; but where does this idea come from; what if fear is a tool to keep a secret from you?” – Morgy Porgy


Maria Weirdling said,

“Normal? What’s that? Is that a illness?”

Are these people literally insane? They CONTINUOUSLY attack the normal and then demand that the normal accept, respect and celebrate them. Normal people must start responding to these constant attacks and provocations by extreme minorities.

Sam fisher:

“I cant agree with this one. Few points on why. #1) I will never recognize myself in a police officer who wants to harm people in prison people murder people and extort people on behalf of the state and call it a job with the excuse that he has to feed his family or that he’s just following orders. #2) I’ll never see myself in a rapist a murderer an abortion doctor or basically anyone else who makes a living off of harming and destroying life.#3) I will never see myself in a person who makes a living off of creating pieces of paper with their opinions written on them and calling them “law” that are just designed to enrich themselves at the expense of everyone else.”

[Yup, you’re NOT in “IDENITITY” with all the perverts, criminals, and Neogenians.]

Mr. Nice Guy

“If it is how you say. Then what’s the point. Who cares. If we are all just one experiencing every aspect of life then it’s all bullshit anyway. I don’t care to know what being a murderer or child abuser is like. I don’t care what it’s like to be the richest person in the world. I don’t care to feel the feelings of jealousy or envy. Why would I ever want to experience those feelings. Why do I need to accomplish all of these things that are expected of me just to create a situation where I don’t exist anymore. Create a utopia that is an illusion. A utopia that I disappear in and no longer exist. Create my own eternal death. I don’t see how I am the creator of all. I can hardly work on my car much less create the materials out of vibrations to make a car. You obviously don’t experience the numbers in the way that some of us do. Some of us experience the numbers to a degree that is impossible. For some of us the amount, frequency, unlikely situations that they are put in our existence is not like what you are talking about. You are rationalizing these numbers in a way that minimizes what some of us are experiencing. Just like I’m sure you arent seeing and experiencing entities. Having extreme visions during meditation. Healing yourself and others. Moving things with your mind. Or having psychic communication with others. I don’t know about all the things you are talking about as far as we are all god and the same being. That’s crazy. But I do know that there is a lot more to this whole experience than you think. And you may not be as awake as you think you are. I don’t say what I say in a negative or hateful or condescending way. So please don’t take it that way. But you rationalize away the most powerful and real aspects of awakening. Sorry Morgue but this world isn’t logical and either is our existence it is beyond our understanding. If my awakening was as limiting and a cynical and rational as what you are experiencing I would rather be asleep.”

[He’s not buying Porgy’s shared fantasy.]


“It’s quite frightening to see all of Morgue Official’s simps and gimps denounce us for exposing his absolutely abominable nature. These commenters here are the outright enemies of normal working class folks. You degenerate bourgeois creeps will be overcome. Shame on all of you.”

Absolutely right. 100% of Porgy cult slaves are bourgeois and wholly opposed to the working class, whom they despise. We need a REBORN working class to end the disease of bourgeois Wokeness.

So, Peter Pan is meant to be eternally youthful. Porgy is now a middle-aged man, fading fast. His shtick is departing further and further from reality. How long will his cult slaves go on believing in Rebhahn’s shared fantasy? Forget the NeverEnding Story … it’s the ENDING STORY!



Frequently Asked Questions

What is Hyperianism
What is Hyperianism?
Books by Morgue
Books by Morgue
What is Ontological Mathematics
What Is Ontological Mathematics?
Morgue from Freakshow
Morgue From Freakshow
Who is Morgue
Who Is Morgue? The Truth is More Sinister Than Imagined

Tags: Hyperianism, Morgue Official, Hyperian, Morgen Night, AMC Freakshow, Corey Rebhahn, Inner Star Actualization, What is Hyperianism, Morgue Official Real Name, Hyperian Founder, Morgue from Freakshow, Neogenian, Neogenian Oculus, Neogenianism, Neogenian Collective