Red Flag Man



10/4/2022 Post #2
Mike Baker said, “Anyone see the recent Dahmer series on Netflix? These quotes [of Rebhahn] remind me of something Dahmer would say. Dahmer was a necrophile and a malignant narcissistic psychopath who ate the flesh of his victims. Corey sure does give off a creepy Dahmer vibe. One of the most shocking aspects of the Dahmer story was all the red flags that were missed by law enforcement. They had numerous opportunities to catch this psycho, but due to their racism and unconscious bias they allowed him to roam free and continue his murder spree. Surely, these quotes from Corey are sufficient to at least warrant an investigation. Anyone who has studied criminology and psychology would immediately be concerned by this individual. This goes way beyond mere entertainment, into deranged territory. At the very least, social media should be cancelling Corey for these comments and informing authorities that he may be a risky person.”
Yes, we completely agree with this. In fact, we’re becoming more and more preoccupied with this notion of “red flags being missed”, or, even worse being actively and willfully ignored. You see this phenomenon everywhere. In the UK, a forest of red flags were associated with former prime minister Boris Johnson, but he got elected anyway, and then his premiership dissolved in exactly the chaos that all the red flags warned would happen, and they did. Donald Trump has countless red flags associated with him, yet still commands incredible support. Putin gave off countless red flags before his invasion of Ukraine and most people were still astonished when he invaded.
The leader of Hyperianism is Mr red flag man. Everyone not associated with Hyperianism can see them as clear as day now. Everyone still in Hyperianism can’t see them at all. This ability to be blind to red flags is such a powerful phenomenon. People don’t want to see the truth. The truth is not desirable for most people if it gets in the way of their delusions.
Nietzsche said, “Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.”.
People cling desperately to what they want to be true. That’s why psychopaths go so far before they are finally stopped, and it always takes a huge effort to stop them.
Mike Baker said, “Another thing Dahmer did was try to turn his victims into zombies by pouring acid into their brains. This is a perfect analogy for what Corey is doing to his pitiful Hyperian cultists. He’s turning them into zombies by pouring woke moral acid into their brains.”
Simon Magus said, “It’s hilarious reading these sick things Corey has said, knowing that he’s the biggest pussy in the world and would be too afraid to say this to anyone in person. He’s a giant pussy and will let anyone step on him in real life because he doesn’t know how to take control and deal with the public, but when he’s in private, instead of fixing his problems and learning how to function within society, he goes home and makes these stupid cringey poems. Though it’s funny and absurd, it’s also very serious because it shows how Corey Rebhahn is so weak of a person that it’s not unrealistic to think he could become a mass shooter. In addition to Corey gravitating towards the Maleficent archetype, this sicko also gravitates towards school shooter archetypes, who all resemble a pattern of being giant weaklings who instead of resolving their issues, they go on keyboard rants like Corey and become even bigger cowards than they are and end up purchasing weapons and going on rampages. Corey is one of the most dangerous and evil human beings on the planet.”
Yes, Edgelord Morgue was for sure someone you could easily imagine as a school shooter, and he definitely still has that in him. The false complaint to the FBI could be seen as a metaphorical shooter event. He was trying to get the FBI to do his shooting for him.
Artemis Maenad said, “Can’t even read through all of Corey’s drivel anymore. Makes me sleepy with boredom. Lots of different words saying the same thing. Hello, look at me, I’m a lunatic.”
Very true.
It’s amazing how Edgelord Morgue actually loved the idea of presenting himself as insane, and being thought insane. Now he pretends to “hyperaware” and a “World Shaper” what a joke!
Ezio Creed said, “Hyperianism: it’s like having karezza, what’s the point?”
Hyperianism is a system of deadstreams served up to a dead scene where zombies turn up every time because they have nothing else to do. The whole thing has no point at all. Rebhahn lazily reads out the work of others and then overlays what they said with the same stuff he has been saying for the last two years. The whole thing is phoned in, inept, and grotesque. In a way these hyperians are begging to be put out of their misery. And they will be!
The worst is still to come for Hyperianism.