Sam Vaknin said,
“Schizotypy is a regression to childhood where boundaries are not formed yet or are very fuzzy and unclear. This regression enhances creativity and imagination, which is incentivized in modern society. Neoteny is an evolutionary adaptation whereby members of a species become, adopt or retain childlike traits, behaviors, cognitions, emotions, and physical properties well into adulthood. Schizotyping is a form of neoteny. Schizotyping involves unusual experiences, cognitive disorganization, introverted anhedonia, and impulsive nonconformity. When we combine Claridge’s breakdown of psychoticism or schizotyping with a five-factor model, we get some very interesting results. Schizotyping begins to look like a catch-all term for a whole range of maladaptive personality traits.
“So we are beginning to see that schizotypy is a regression to childhood, a regression to extremely early childhood where boundaries are not formed yet or are very fuzzy and unclear.
“And when there is a massive confusion between external and internal object, there’s no real perception of the world out there as a separate entity, as a separate environment.
“But there is a kind of flow and flux between internal and external so that the boundaries, the fuzzy boundaries are made even fuzzier and the person either absorbs the world in a process called hyperreflexivity or confuses internal and external objects in a process called psychosis or confuses external for internal objects in a process called narcissism.”
According to Sam Vaknin:
PSYCHOTIC: Internal Objects treated as External Objects. (The psychotic projects internal content onto the outside world and believes it’s really out there.)
NARCISSIST: External Objects treated as Internal Objects. (The narcissist introjects external content into the internal world and believes it’s really in there … the narc creates a more and more elaborate internal fantasy.)
Introjection is the opposite of projection. Projection occurs when a person projects feelings or characteristics onto others. Introjection occurs when others’ feelings or characteristics are internalized in a person.
In a cult, the cult slaves introject all the claims of their cult leader.
When people introject, they are entering such a strong identification with a person or object that they cannot separate that person or object from themselves. They have, so to speak, become an IDENTITY!
Vaknin defines “hyperreflexivity” as “absorbing the world”. This sounds like treating external objects as internal objects (introjection). In fact, hyperreflexivity is usually considered to entail treating internal objects as external (projection).
Philipp Klar and Georg Northoff wrote,
“On the world’s side regarding the experience of environmental phenomena including their connection to the self, that is, objects, other living beings, and social interactions within the life-world, phenomenological solipsism entails a hyper-reflective stance toward the natural world and the relation of one’s self with the former, often termed as ‘hyperreflexivity’. In a most general explanation, hyperreflexivity refers to heightened forms of self-consciousness, so that the self abnormally relates itself to external environmental phenomena. Hyperreflexivity is often linked with the reduction of self-evidence concerning ordinary, implicit, and daily-life phenomena that are normally taken for granted in healthy subjects. Conversely, ordinary phenomena now seem increasingly suspicious to the schizophrenic individual, resulting in a hyper-reflective stance. This hyper-reflective attitude can paradigmatically be observed in the tendency to overanalyze everyday social interactions and behaviors of others because people cannot be understood reasonably anymore. Such alterity of and alienation from worldly experiences was famously labeled as the crisis or collapse of common sense by German psychiatrist Blankenburg, further described in his book Der Verlust der natürlichen Selbstverständlichkeit (The loss of natural self-understandability.)”
Wikipedia says,
“…hyperreflexivity (where thoughts, feelings, sensations, and objects pop up uncontrollably in the field of awareness…”
People are supposed to keep their thoughts to themselves … not perceive them as external entities “out there”. People in this abnormal state are not absorbing the world, they are creating a false world through dangerous projection.
Remember, all serious mental illness revolves around having a dysfunctional relationship with reality. It’s all about treating internal objects as external, or external objects as internal. A condition such as schizophrenia revolves around the “self” fragmenting and seeing its fragments as external entities, which it then perceives as hostile. A condition such as narcissism revolves around the self desperately trying to absorb external entities into itself so that it DOESN’T see them as hostile. It’s ultimately all about trying to create total unity and identity with MOMMY (unconditional love, safety, acceptance).
Corey Rebhahn’s whole life – literally – has been about his psyche trying to reconcile with MOMMY.
Many definitions of hyperreflexivity seem to suggest that it is regarding internal objects as external objects. Shouldn’t the opposite process to hyperreflexivity be hyporeflexivity, and be one where external objects are treated as internal objects?
The schizophrenic psychotic seems to shrink or synaptically prune their self too much and then they treat the discarded remnants as external rather than internal entities. The narcissist seems to expand or synaptically underprune their self too much and then treat the absorbed components as internal rather than external entities. Autism, which is frequently linked to narcissism is also associated with synaptic underpruning.
So, can hyperreflexivity be associated with synaptic overpruning, and hyporeflexivity be associated with synaptic underpruning? The narcissist fails to do proper synaptic pruning because they have failed to separate from mother and individuate.
You need more synaptic connections to maintain a psyche that incorporates mother and the world. You need fewer synaptic connections if you are going to externalize (outsource) parts of your psyche, as in schizophrenia.
Is there any connection between personality disorders and biological phenomena such as synaptic pruning? Infant trauma may lead to over or under synaptic pruning, depending on the nature of the trauma.
It’s all in the eyes:
“4 Weird Eye movements of a Narcissist”
Rebhahn has incredibly weird narc eye movements!
Anyway, here’s more Rebhahn idiocy from 2018:
Morgue 2 Jul 2018
“Really? It doesn’t look that way.” Ah yes, I don’t mean the ones on our side, but all the types of people that march for peace, women’s rights, lgbtq, peta and whatnot. They seem to be the intuitive love and light crowd. This is what comprises most of X’s supporters. You’re absolutely right about people rejecting the message because of my image. I meant that we are in short supply of true rationalists i.e.. those who wouldn’t care about the image but only the content of the message. If we get a boring credited professor to drone on we’d perhaps be able to attract pseudo rationalists. It’s unbelievable how few true rationalists there are. This place is a wasteland. When I first came across the God Series I thought the revolution would only be months away as people read the material. I underestimated how unconscious people are.
By the way, I was able to get on the facebook launchpad program to improve video reach but they took me off several days later after a manual review for “terms of service violations”, which is bullshit. They most likely just did not like the content. I’m going to remove all my older videos of freakshow tv clips to see if that will help but I doubt it. Social media has really clamped down hard on many influencers this year.
I agree with all your points. This is surely the way to go. It’s going to be difficult and we are going to attract so many lunatics. But what the hell let’s do it! I’m going to start hitting hard with sex, intuition, shadow and all the points you mentioned. I’ll be doing a lot of experimenting with different strategies, so keep in mind I haven’t gone off my rocker. We’re going to get a lot of irrationalists but at least they will be the medium through which to propagate us and our message. Who can deny the power of sex and sin? If we make Hyperianism about that they will be begging to join. Hyperianism – “Going higher than human through integrating the shadow. We embrace our dark side. We are beyond good and evil. We are whole.”
I have only had very brief messages with NK, saying that I liked his OM videos. When I spoke to him on the phone last (the instance I messaged you about) during his apologies he expressed regret for messaging you. Not because he retracted any allegations (he stands by them), but for saying he didn’t feel supported by Hyperians. The Order and I have agreed to remain on friendly terms with him and Irene so as to avoid conflict, but not to get involved in any projects with them due to their pattern of causing division. This situation with NK/Irene has been very unfortunate.
Morgue 5 Aug 2018
Hello, do you happen to be around? There is something rather pressing going on with regard to an interview by David Mcgaffee as we speak, and if you happen to be online your input would be much appreciated.
Morgue 6 Aug 2018
Hey there, nevermind. It was about a very dicey interview but it is almost finished up. Fingers crossed that it goes alright, it’s going to be scathing I’m sure but damage control was necessary.
I’ve been meaning to contact you soon about what we are working on. We’re creating a simplified exoteric version of hyperianism all about “Unifying Shadow and Light to Become Whole”. We’re going to attract a ton of irrationalists but it will be very effective for growth, then we can have the esoteric hyperianism for those that really get it.
Morgue 11 Aug 2018
Ah That is a fantastic film! I’ve seen it and studied the effect before but I’ll do so again with the objectives in mind. I know there’s been a lack of comms lately, but my god, dealing with people’s interpersonal drama has become a full time job. People need to get serious. Everyone needs to do work and stop complaining about “so and so”. On the bright side, my marketing tests have been going well and I’m confident I can grab the interest of the intuitive crowd. They are much more receptive to the message, provided it’s said in just the right way. It’s a language game.
Morgue 17 Aug 2018
“‘Take Them to the Morgue’ by Joe Dixon has now been released. Not sure how it will go down with the intuitive crowd … it’s directed at the thinking crowd.”
This looks absolutely fantastic! I’m honored. I can’t wait to dive into this.
Morgue 27 Aug 2018
Hey there, I just want to update you that I’m going through some very difficult personal issues at the moment that is emotionally taxing, which is why I have been a bit quiet. I’m currently working on a brand new website, new video modules, and a new 20 page ebook that will all be geared to communicate to the intuitive crowd via the narrative of Shadow, Light and Wisdom. This is all about 70% finished. I see this being very effective and will serve as an exoteric version of hyperianism.
Morgue 13 Sept 2018
Hello! Again apologies for lack of comms, life should begin to smooth out for me at the beginning of November. Always drop me a message if you’d like any info from me. So here are two new videos geared towards our current audience, made up of intuitive women. I know this vibe isn’t anyone’s favorite but I have been doing a great amount of intense research and marketing and feel strongly this will be the most effective way to go for an exoteric public image, while our esoteric practices remain the same. The exoteric will have a gateway to the esoteric.
These two videos will be accompanied by an entirely new website, and a 16 page free ebook. This booklet will also be able to be produced physically en masse at low cost so it can be easily distrusted around the world, all along with a new social media campaign.
This will all be launching to the public, early or mid October.
After this launches I plan to create 4 more videos in this style.
1. Destroy the Old to Create the New (deconditioning yourself and becoming autonomous)
2. Your Shadow Self (embracing your shadow and power, standing up to those that try to use you)
3. You are not Your Body (reality is an illusion, you are an eternal mind called a monad).
4. The Dream of Existence (reality is mental, the source and the holos, you have the power of a universe within)
I also plan to begin releasing short 20 page ebooks designed for the intuitive crowd, with a self help angle but geared towards our ideals. About embracing your shadow, using meditation/lucid dreaming etc as a method to explore your unconscious and activate your higherself rather than destroy the self, and much more.
With this new exoteric direction we are also much more compatible with X’s audience (he agrees) and I am discussing ways for us to join forces.
Also, I wanted to tell you than I am highly honored by the book “Take them to the Morgue”. Seriously, I don’t get the opportunity to voice this very often because we always discuss strategy but the work you all do is wonderful and I respect it immensely. The sheer Will and intelligence that goes behind your productions is astounding. The reason I have not shared this myself is that I have noticed that it has caused those that have read it to begin lashing out internally against some of the intuitives, and it could be rocky timing with the release of this exoteric direction.
I just want to let you know that I want to share this, I am just looking for the most strategic way and time to do so. I’m highly appreciative. I’m thinking the best way would be after the exoteric direction launches, as hints and easter eggs for serious individuals to find/stumble across.
(please keep the videos private until the website launches, they aren’t quite finished)
Morgue 15 Sept 2018
In the future I plan to devote videos/material focusing on appealing to the male audience. Just starting with this direction since my audience is currently 75% female. Ideally in the future we will have material, websites, video, promotional items for all demographics.
Morgue 25 Nov 2018
Hello! It was a rough few months but everything is back on track and I’ve returned to full capacity. Let’s do some heavy hitting.
A New site has been launched:
A New free ebook has been released:
A New video is up:
Now that we have a “clean” high end look as a base the goal is to synthesize it with edge and a lot of mystery to begin to stir controversy. I’d like to note that people are responding extremely well to lifestyle elements, so we’d like to incorporate that as much possible. I hope all has been well with you.
Morgue 7 Dec 2018
Hey there! So here are some updates.
People are responding to the new website and ebook very well. There have been many downloads, inquiries, and interest.
I am most likely going to be working with a reality TV producer to create a monthly docu-series episode per month for YouTube that blends together my life and philosophy. So for example, one episode may be me meeting with someone that makes custom skull fabrications, doing a “death” photoshoot at Devils Gate Dam, swallowing a scythe, and then discussing the fear of death, that we aren’t our bodies, the fear of transition and change etc.
I’m not sure how this will come out. We’ll see. But it has potential so I’m taking a shot. If it goes well, Imagine future episodes can be about establishing hyperian meet ups, secret rituals etc.
Even all that aside, having this connection will be very strategic. He has one emmys and worked on a huge list of successful reality tv programs such as project green light, cake boss, master chef and whatnot. I’ve never seen these show’s but I know they’re popular so he has excellent connections. This could also lay the groundwork for future possibilities such as trying to get a Netflix show or something.
This is a big dice roll, but it seems like a good shot to take.
Also, is it still your opinion to remain distant from NK? From my perspective, the best thing to do is to remain in friendly contact, but not to directly work together on any projects. Do you agree? I am asking because he and Irene are visiting LA at the end of the month and we will be meeting. I’ve been put in an awkward position and am navigating it cautiously.
Morgue 7 Dec 2018
I meant to say “won Emmys”. Ignore the spelling mistakes. I haven’t finished my morning coffee yet so I’m still half asleep and full of hatred for the waking world 🙂
Morgue 11 Dec 2018
These are great ideas. I love them. We will probably have to implement something like this down the road but I think it could be great. Would you see me more highlighting our commonalties or presenting it in such a way where it’s more of a debate with conflict? Just to you know where I stand… I really don’t like occultists. They are just as bad as new agers and mystics etc. But strategically this could be effective. Paganism is really “in” right now. Did you know the makeup line Sephora released a “Beginner Witch” starter kit? Complete with crystal and tarot cards. They had to pull it because of complaints from wiccans.
What will most likely happen is that we will do a test run of 3 episodes. And if it looks like a good direction then we will continue. If we do end up continuing we will need a lot of ideas for episodes. So feel free to throw ideas my way, that will be really helpful if we move forward, and I’d appreciate it. The theme is most like going to be “Beyond Human” as that is general enough to capture many different angles.
Here is my loose plan for the first three episodes… This is just a general idea and depends on the availability of the artists.
Ep1. The focus will be on bodies as avatars and blank canvases for expression. The artist Lora Zombie would do a body painting on me so you can “see my insides” and the blade of a sword as I swallow one.
Ep2. The focus will be on taking down the rich elite. Some kind of collaboration with the occult band 3 Teeth. They have political themes. (They are anarchists but we can cut the video to down play this)
Ep3. The focus will be on sex for salvation. Some kind of collaboration with a kink expert Jane Jett, connecting sex with spirituality. Perhaps a visit to some kind of bondage event.
Hopefully all the artists are available. Artists are extremely flaky. Each one of these artists have a large following and are influencers. So the goal in the beginning is to Collab with as many of them as possible to gain influence and popularity in the scene.
Morgue 22 Dec 2018
Hello! I am most likely going to be having a discussion (and uploading it to YouTube) with Peter Sjöstedt-H. I have read his books Neonihilism and Noumenautics. Do you know anything about him or his philosophy that I should be aware of? Any topics that you would recommend avoiding or emphasizing? I think this is a good opportunity for the public to see there is modern academic backing to a mental view of reality and that it’s not “woo”.
Morgue 26 Dec 2018
These are excellent ideas. I could either formulate it so I pick very specific topics, so that it almost gives the listener the impression that he supports hyperianism, or create an atmosphere where it’s more open and free flowing. I think the best thing to do would be to focus on the fallacies and “faith” of materialism. We really need people to see intellectual backing here. What do you think of the idea of talking with other thinkers in the future? Do you know any that may be interested/looking for a platform? What do you think of Ken Foldes or Tom Campbell?
Also, what do you think of Peter being a member of our own version of the intellectual dark web? If the discussion goes well this could be an interesting possibility. I’ll be speaking with him sometime after Jan 8th, by the way.
“You could perhaps talk about trying to resurrect the Outsight project in some new form. You could also joke about whether materialists in general should take nitrous oxide, or whatever, to provoke them into different ways of thinking. They are stuck in a rut as things stand.”
Great ideas!!
Here’ something else, I need to decide if this will be an audio recording or video. If it’s video, the best I can do is have short notes on hand. If it’s audio only, I could prepare prewritten material and read it during the conversation, making it seem natural of course. What do you think? I’m leaning towards audio because of the aforementioned advantage.
Morgue 14 Jan 2019
Good news, the discussion with Peter went very well. His views are extremely similar to ours, with the major differences being mostly semantic issues. For example, he considers Leibniz and Spinoza to be panpsychists, and when asked about why he is not an idealist he said it is he because he believes in “matter” but that matter is absolutely nothing like how we define it today. When asked about materialists asking for “physical evidence” of the mind, he replied that his response to them is always “that’s like asking for physical evidence of mathematical propositions”.
I’ll have it up soon so you can watch it. He seems quite receptive. Additionally, we got along very well and he is open being part of an “intellectual dark web” with me, though he’d like more details. He didn’t know what the IDW was.
What are your thoughts on how this would work exactly? A group of radical freethinkers that come together in solidarity to amplify their message? Do you imagine this beginning as a brand new YouTube channel? And members submit videos periodically? I’m getting my bearings on what this would actually look like in practice so I can pitch it to Peter and plan accordingly.
What a joke. Peter Sjöstedt-H’s view are nothing like ours. But this was always the problem. Rebhahn simply never understood Illuminism. It was way beyond his intellectual capacities.
@ellienick5613 to Sam Vaknin
“I have no biological family and I have a personality disorder that makes it extremely difficult to make meaningful connections. I feel like I don’t have the tools to enjoy life, I wish I did. It’s hard to convince people who are suffering to enjoy life. I appreciate all the advice you give though 🙏🏼”
Prof. Sam Vaknin
”It is not about enjoying life. Life is not Disneyland. Life is hard work and not fun at all. It is about self-actualization: realizing your full potential.”
Well said, Prof!
Pathetic Woke cults such as Neogenianism are all about hedonism. They are Disneyland fantasies for the weak-minded and soft-minded who don’t have the tools to cope with real life.
A chilling prognosis from Sam Vaknin. What he says about the Woke is 100% true:
“What’s Wrong with Our Dystopian World”
Tags: Hyperianism, Morgue Official, Hyperian, Morgen Night, AMC Freakshow, Corey Rebhahn, Inner Star Actualization, What is Hyperianism, Morgue Official Real Name, Hyperian Founder, Morgue from Freakshow, Neogenian, Neogenian Oculus, Neogenianism, Neogenian Collective