The FBI would have had absolutely no interest in the demented story Corey Rebhahn sent them had he not mentioned the magic word “POTUS”. The FBI, as Rebhahn knew perfectly well, are obliged to investigate potential threats to the president. As soon as Rebhahn saw a comment about POTUS by RJ, he knew right there and then that he was going to present a false complaint to the FBI, but of course he would do everything he could to make it look like a valid, true complaint rather than the malicious fabrication it actually was.
So, shortly after RJ had resigned from Hyperianism, PHILLIP SHOPE, his friend and colleague of just a day earlier, eagerly trawled through old content to try to find ammunition to use against RJ. He knew that by doing so he would gain the favor of Corey Rebhahn, the man he loves. Shope is a very sexually inexperienced gay man and is romantically infatuated with Rebhahn, a much more sexually experienced gay man.
So, here is the screenshot where Phillip Shope first introduced RJ’s POTUS comment into the private chat of the Hyperian leadership:

Note that this POTUS comment has been deliberately removed from its original context (namely private banter about Trump where Shope – a man with a murderous hatred of Trump – said much worse things!), and the date has been deliberately omitted (the date of the comment was 30 March 2020, meaning that it was almost two and half years old at the time Shope dredged it up, hence could have no possible relevance to RJ’s current resignation from Hyperianism), and note that “POTUS” is not named (it was Donald Trump, of course … the president in 2020).
Shope DOES admit that these were “older conversations” (he knew EXACTLY how old they were!), and he also highlights the problem with the comment in terms of any attempt to weaponize it, namely that it contains the key words: “Never harms self or others”. The sick lunatic Susan Mitchell – Rebhahn’s right-hand man – ignored all of this and immediately said, “THIS IS EXTREMELY DISTURBING“. And, right there, we see this psychotic sick fuck Mitchell deciding to weaponize this comment. She no doubt immediately contacted Rebhahn, and they started formulating their diabolical complaint to the FBI.
We now know for a fact that the screenshot of RJ’s POTUS comment sent to the FBI did not come from its source, containing its proper context, even though the Rebhahn gang had full access to, and knowledge of, that source and context (since that’s where SHOPE took it from!). The screenshot that the Rebhahn gang sent to the FBI is the one you see in the above screenshot, minus the key words “Never harms self or others”, which, as you can see, can be easily detached from the main comment: “Almost missed my turn off the highway because I was daydreaming so hard of all the ways one could execute the current POTUS.”
By DELIBERATELY, CRIMINALLY omitting the true source and context of this comment – by deliberately and criminally omitting Shope’s own comments, the date, the identity of the president (Trump), and the key disclaimer words about not harming others – the criminal Rebhahn gang were able to present this comment as though it were about current POTUS Joe Biden and could be interpreted as a CURRENT THREAT to Joe Biden (although, since it’s about daydreams, it’s not a threat to anyone, and could not possibly be used, as in fact it was, to suggest criminal intent on RJ’s part).
RJ had completely forgotten this bantering comment from years ago. It was Shope, not RJ, who had gone trawling through ancient material to find it!
When RJ found two policemen hammering on his door, he was absolutely baffled when they told him that he had been reported to the FBI and that he had apparently been driving around shouting out of his car window that he wanted to kill the president of the USA, using an arsenal of weapons he supposedly had. RJ is a Canadian and doesn’t live in the USA – but no one seems to care about that! Also, he had no guns! Also, he wasn’t driving around shouting out anything to anyone. SO THE WHOLE THING WAS TOTAL NONSENSE IN EVERY REGARD! …. PROVABLY!
All of these deranged ideas had been supplied to the Vancouver police by …. THE REBHAHN GANG. No one else was involved. No one else said anything about RJ. This idea that RJ was some sort of unhinged, heavily-armed maniac driving around making public threats against President Joe Biden had one source only … the complaint to the FBI furnished by the Rebhahn gang. Although everything they said was a lie, they gambled on the dim-witted agents of the FBI being willing to accept a screenshot, completely out of context, of RJ making the POTUS comment. Because then the gang could hide behind the lie that even if their complaint failed (it obviously has since no one has been arrested and charged with anything), they had made the complaint in “good faith” and not as a deliberate, malicious, criminal undertaking to fuck over RJ and try to ruin his life.
So far, the inept FBI have indeed completely accepted the lies of the Rebhahn gang. They have not come back to RJ and asked him to comment on the POTUS screenshot. Originally, RJ denied ever having made the comment (since he had no recollection of this very old comment from a PRIVATE chat). He was NEVER confronted with the screenshot and challenged about LYING to the FBI. He ought to have been given that he said in a formal interview, where he had been read his rights and asked if he wanted a lawyer, that he never said any such thing. RJ SHOULD have been accused of lying. But then RJ would of course have asked where the POTUS comment came from, and its context, and the Rebhahn gang would then have been compelled to provide the SOURCE comment in its proper context. And they would have been busted right there and then – for maliciously weaponizing a non-criminal piece of banter from years earlier (where Shope, a current mod of hyperianism who said worse in the same chat, was NOT reported to the FBI)!
In any case, RJ himself soon enough tracked down the Source comment, made in a private chat with PHILLIP SHOPE in 2020, and which had absolutely nothing to do with present events and RJ’s resignation from Hyperianism, and absolutely nothing to do with president Joe Biden.
RJ immediately forwarded this explosive material to the Vancouver police (and thus the FBI) … AND HAS HEARD NOTHING SINCE! Not a thing! Why the fuck not?!
- RJ was never shown the Rebhahn gang’s fabricated POTUS screenshot (it was fabricated through being deliberately and criminally removed from its true context … it’s an instant felony to give the FBI doctored evidence, designed to give them one impression and ensure they do not reach an alternative, opposite impression).
- The Rebhahn gang have never been shown the Source POTUS comment and been asked to explain why they did not send the true screenshot in its true context with its true date to the FBI when asked to provide this evidence (that’s a felony … it’s illegal to intentionally withhold key information from the FBI!).
So, two VITAL things in any competent investigation of these matters have not occurred. Firstly, RJ has NOT been questioned any further about the POTUS business even though it could have been (wrongly) interpreted that he lied to the FBI when he denied making this POTUS comment (in fact, the comment was so old and ridiculous that he had forgotten it). He should CERTAINLY have been shown the POTUS screenshot, and been told how Corey Rebhahn got hold of it … THIS NEVER HAPPENED. And, secondly, the Rebhahn Gang should CERTAINLY have been questioned about why they sent a POTUS screenshot completely removed from its context to the FBI as part of an exceptionally serious allegation about RJ, and others. THIS NEVER HAPPENED EITHER. Why the fuck not?!
So, this case now seems to be in total stasis – but only because of the absolute incompetence of both the Vancouver police department and the FBI. Two items of basic policing have simply not occurred. The FBI (via the VPD) have not come back to RJ regarding his POTUS comment, and the Rebhahn Gang have not been confronted with the factual truth that they doctored evidence. Now this is so extraordinary – two key pieces of bread-and-butter police work DELIBERATELY NOT BEING DONE – that it can only be viewed in the most sinister terms. Are the FBI and VPD DELIBERATELY not carrying out a competent investigation … in order to protect the Rebhahn gang? They have given RJ no opportunity at all to discuss the KEY EVDENCE he presented to them where he would – knowing what he now knows about all of these matters – make MINCEMEAT of the Rebhahn gang’s false and malicious accusations, and they have equally taken no opportunity to put the Rebhahn gang on the spot about their deliberate action of presenting to the FBI the POTUS comment completely stripped of its date and context. WHY? Why is this dragging on? Why are the FBI and VPD refusing to do ELEMENTARY police work? They were happy enough to leap into action regarding all this nonsense when they thought it might be true. Now, when they know it’s NOT TRUE, they are doing fuck all! Why?!
It’s almost getting to the stage now where all of the VPD and FBI personnel associated with this case should be investigated by Internal Affairs to explain why they are not performing basic tasks in a criminal investigation. And never forget that Rebhahn’s dad is a cop!
This stinks to high heaven. Actions that would DEFINITELY see the Rebhahn gang being arrested ARE DELIBERATELY NOT BEING ACTIONED! Someone has to be held accountable for that.
Consider these remarks by the cretin Susan Mitchell:

This moron Mitchell failed to understand a very simple argument:
- RJ originally said he made no comment about POTUS. Therefore, the POTUS comment must have been FABRICATED by the Rebhahn gang, which would of course be a felony.
- RJ then discovered that he HAD made the comment … but TWO AND HALF YEARS EARLIER (hence why he had completely forgotten it … and note that no Hyperians had any thought of reporting this comment to the FBI when it was actually made … how very telling … “crimes” are committed retrospectively, apparently, when people have left Hyperianism, but not while they are active members!). Yet the VPD/FBI had asked about the POTUS comment as if it were a very recent remark concerning President Biden. The very fact that the police and FBI had been deceived into believing this is itself a felony! So, it’s a felony either way. This is 1 + 1 = 2 stuff. But the fact that Mitchell can’t understand this proves how stupid she is. It was HER stupidity that was the prime mover in all of this since it was her weaponization of Shope’s discovery of the POTUS comment that started all of this. Mitchell alerted Rebhahn to how this comment could be dynamite if used in the right way (i.e., doctored!). And Rebhahn then eagerly ran with it.
Our narrative changes when the facts change. With pathological narcissists such as Mitchell and Rebhahn, they just keep maintaining their lies despite all proof to the contrary! They have never altered their false narrative. In fact, they have never publicly mentioned it to anyone. Such is their desire to hide the truth!
Mitchell said, “Morgue told the FBI that the statement was old.” Another blatant lie! He did no such thing. It was NEVER put to RJ that this was a comment from years ago. He was NEVER told that he would have to search his memory. No, the whole thing was conducted as if the comment had been made a day or two earlier and had been IMMEDIATELY notified to the FBI as something incredibly serious that must be looked at straight away. Who the fuck would care about a remark made two and half years ago in a private chat where Phillip Shope said much worse things?!
Corey Rebhahn is a psychopathic liar, and so is Susan Mitchell, Rebhahn’s primary enabler, and a woman who is addicted to cheating on her husband with narcissists! It’s the only excitement she gets in her deadly dull, pointless, meaningless life.
If these people have nothing to hide and are telling the truth, all they have to do is publish their IC3 complaint to the FBI and let everyone see what they said. Ho, ho, ho. We KNOW that is never going to happen – because all four of the Rebhahn gang – Rebhahn, Mitchell, Torgensen and Shope are psychopathic liars.
These people are incapable of telling the truth. They have lied so much about everything that they now believe their own lies. That is of course a primary symptom of pathological narcissism, from which all four of these people suffer. These people confabulate and then believe their own confabulations.
Shope said, “I think I did say what they claim”. You “think”? We fucking showed you the screenshots, which you yourself had anyway!
Then look at Shope’s immediate “rationalization” … “Of course it was fantasy banter”.
So, when Shope, an America living in America makes death threats against the American president, that’s fantasy banter. When RJ, a Canadian living in Canada, does it, it must be reported to the FBI – two and a half years later, when the president has changed! Ho, ho, ho.
Then Shope says, “and not a deep seated lust for violence like what Rowan has.” Two things:
- Even if RJ did have a deep-seated lust for violence, which he doesn’t, it still wouldn’t matter AT ALL. Lusts are not crimes! You can’t report people to the FBI for thought crimes! This isn’t Orwell’s 1984!
- Let’s allow the FBI to judge whether Phillip Shope’s comments about Donald Trump reflect a deep seated lust for violence. What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, right?! You can’t report others to the FBI for things they said when you said worse things!
What happened here was that Shope, Mitchell, Rebhahn and Torgensen looked for ways to insanely convince themselves that RJ and Apollonius were threatening to murder them (!), and POTUS (!!!), and then they dredged up ANYTHING, no matter how old, to be pressed into the service of this psychotic claim. And these psychopaths still believe they are getting away with telling deranged lies abut RJ, Apollonius and the AC/PI. They believe they are protected by “screenshots” – which have, we know for a fact, been entirely doctored to create this fantasy that the legitimate critics of the sick and dangerous Hyperian cult and its cult leaders were in fact violent TERRORISTS who should be arrested and jailed by the FBI.
Frankly, it is ASTONISHING to us that the Rebhahn gang aren’t already in jail for the astoundingly dangerous and demented lies they told. There is something VERY SINISTER going on here. Because basic policing has not been carried out. Basic procedures have been ignored.
Why have the VPD and FBI refused to engage with RJ after he provided DEFINITIVE proof that the Rebhahn gang had maliciously doctored evidence and maliciously deceived the FBI to get him swatted? As soon as the boot was on the other foot and RJ had proof AGAINST the Rebhahn gang to get them arrested and prosecuted then miraculously the investigation immediately halted. RJ wasn’t asked any more questions, and nor were the Rebhahn gang. Why not? Why did the case get shoved into suspended animation? What the fuck happened to justice?!
Nutjobs like the Rebhahn gang can make false and malicious complaints with total impunity, it seems. No mater how energetic and scrupulous their victims are in exposing the lies of these psychopaths, nothing happens. Why the fuck not? We can imagine no LEGITIMATE reasons for why the VPD and FBI have handled this case so badly. It reeks of corruption! All of the VPD and FBI personnel involved in this case should be investigated for potentially criminal conduct. It’s impossible to comprehend why they didn’t come back to RJ after he furnished them with decisive evidence, and it’s equally impossible to understand why that decisive evidence was never put to the Rebhahn gang. SOMEONE is deliberately preventing justice from being done in this case! Who is that person, and why? An FBI friend of Rebhahn’s cop dad maybe? Why else has this case simply STOPPED? RJ hasn’t been formally cleared. Why not – given that he is 100% innocent and committed no crime at all? It’s because if RJ is given the all-clear then it immediately means that the complaint against him – as serious as it gets, accusing him of being a would-be presidential assassin – MUST BE TREATED AS MALICIOUS AND FALSE, hence a felony. It’s not as if you can innocently accuse someone with whom you have worked for years (!) – as the closest of friends and colleagues! – of being an assassin and terrorist, posing a lethal threat to you and others, including the American president. Such an accusation, if it is made in good faith, NEEDS to be true given what’s at stake (a man’s liberty and even his life). If it is not true – and it manifestly isn’t – then the complaint, it must be automatically concluded, was made in bad faith, and that’s a staggeringly serious felony and MUST result in the arrest and prosecution of the Rebhahn gang. Why hasn’t this already happened? What the fuck is anyone waiting for? Justice delayed is justice denied. All the critical evidence already exists. No one needs to look for anything.
When RJ furnished the VPD with vital new evidence regarding the POTUS comment, two things should have happened:
- He should have been reinterviewed by the detective who first interviewed him, but this time as the victim of a false, malicious complaint.
- All the members of the Rebhahn gang should have been interviewed about the discrepancy between the doctored POTUS comment they submitted to the FBI and the actual original screenshot. If EITHER had happened, it would have been the end for the Rebhahn gang. Instead, NEITHER of these happened. What are the odds? It’s impossible to imagine a benevolent explanation for why the VPD and FBI have done nothing. And it’s because they have done nothing that this degenerate Hyperian cult still exists and continues to spread its Woke hate and bigotry.
So, it’s another insane Rebhahn deadstream tonight, where the insane Rebhahn, backed up by his insane mods, talks insane shit to his insane cult followers. It’s astoundingly disturbing how this lunatic – an actual psychopath – is allowed to keep doing this. Why are the VPD and FBI refusing to act? Rebhahn made MANY references to lawyers and taking legal advice before making his false and malicious complaint to the FBI. Via his cop dad, was he in fact advised by lawyers working for the FBI? Why else is this psychopath being protected from the consequences of his criminal actions?
Anyone who imagines that they can accuse people of being killers, assassins and terrorists on the basis of “screenshots” of the type posted by the millions on social media every day is living in a fantasy world if they seriously imagine they are going to get away with it. We will never stop until justice is done against Rebhahn, Mitchell, Torgensen, and Shope. We don’t give a fuck who’s illegally, criminally protecting them. JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED.