
WRATH said, “All Morgue did on the personal development end is woke-ify Jung. He took the gender out of Jung, that’s all he did.”
That’s pretty much it. Because Morgue calls himself non-binary, he hates all gendered language – and tediously has to pass comment on absolutely everything that uses gendered language – whereas Jung based much of what he had to say on gendered language and the different qualities of men and women. Morgue is an androgynous person promoting an androgynous worldview.
In all of our books, we take the old philosophies of the world and see how they change when we apply an ontological mathematical filter to them. Unlike anyone else, we have a definite, analytic, foundational ontology. No one else does. Science does not have an analytic ontology. It bases everything on “matter” but can’t explain what matter actually is. People who believe in God can’t explain what God’s ontology is. People who believe in cosmic consciousness can’t explain what the ontology of that is. The ontological question is avoided by everyone except us, and that means that when you probe anyone else’s ideas they will always dissolve into gibberish as soon as the ultimate level of existence is addressed. They cannot define anything, they cannot conceptualize anything, they cannot analyze anything. They have no means. Ontological mathematics applies exact definitions, concepts and analysis to foundational existence. It has no competitors. The sole thing that stops it conquering the world is that people have been brainwashed to believe that mathematics is completely abstract, hence unreal. The idea that mathematics has an ontology, is concrete and real, is the hardest idea for a human to process.
Although the mathematical nature of reality is actually obvious – how could you have patterns, organization, order, laws, rules, causation WITHOUT mathematics? – people have the most enormous resistance to accepting that mathematics is real. And that’s because mathematics is hard – it’s difficult to understand – for humans immersed in their emotions, perceptions and mystical intuitions. You cannot ACCEPT something you cannot understand!
Corey Rebhahn has incredible difficulties understanding the human world. The world is full of men and women happy with being men and women, but Rebhahn isn’t happy. Rebhahn is androgynous and he applies his androgynous filter to everything, and seeks to reinterpret everything androgynously.
Two key factors lie at the root of Rebhahn’s ideology. Firstly, the dawn of Wokeness. Wokeness is essentially an androgynous ideology – it wants to ideologically wipe out differences between men and women – and thus is PERFECT for Rebhahn. In fact, it’s people such as Rebhahn who drive Wokeness. More or less 100% of Hyperians are explicitly androgynous, or so Woke that they love everything to do with androgyny.
The second decisive factor for Rebhahn was, unfortunately for us, ontological mathematics. Rebhahn thinks of monads not as inherently mathematical (as we do) but as inherently sexless and genderless and in a sense androgynous for this reason (since they are not male or female) and thus he views them as a metaphysical vindication of HIM! He sees “higher humanity”, or “that which is beyond humanity”, as being inherently androgynous, and so he uses ontological mathematics to drive a Woke ideology of total androgyny – an ideology absolutely repulsive to us and the most grotesque misuse and abuse of ontological mathematics, turning it into a means to support extreme liberal Wokeness.
Rebhahn’s extreme corruption of ontological mathematics is continuously backed up by “non-binary/trans” Allie Torgensen, another fanatical pusher of androgyny, and one of the strangest people on earth, every bit as fucked in the head as her former squeeze Corey Rebhahn … the androgynous Romeo and Juliet (but which is which?!).
A lot of people clearly have no idea what Rebhahn is actually doing with his abuse of ontological mathematics. So, let’s spell it out for you.
Rebhahn plays the New Age game of talking about UNITY. He dresses this up as what he calls the “Absolute perspective”. But Rebhahn has no interest in unity whatsoever. Rebhahn actually advocates extreme negative liberty and “self-expression” – for the most exotic minorities, those most embraced and promoted by Wokeness. His “New Terra” is a place where extreme minorities – especially himself, of course – can get to say and do whatever they like, regardless of society, the majority, normality. They are to be subjected to no restrictions at all.
The viewpoint that Rebhahn wishes to completely snatch away from normality is the one he calls the “avatar perspective”. So, science doesn’t believe in the existence of mind; it only believes in the material body. This means that, for science, the “avatar perspective” is the “reality perspective”, the “only perspective”. That’s no good at all to Rebhahn since the body (the “avatar”) is where biological reality exists and where socially constructed “gender” is almost entirely aligned with biological sex, so that most people use sex and gender as synonyms, and no one can, for example, be a male but not of the male gender. Rebhahn is a biological, physical male but he describes his gender as “non-binary” (androgynous). So, Rebhahn, because of his PERSONAL issue of his biological sex and self-chosen gender being severely misaligned, wanted a way to validate himself, and even to promote himself as a higher type of individual. This is why he creamed himself when he came across ontological mathematics, and why he can’t do the rational and logical thing of fucking off from our work as far as he can possibly get.
Rebhahn’s extreme negative liberty Woke ideology of extreme self-expression for extreme minorities entirely relies on what he refers to as the “monadic perspective”.
Rebhahn’s game is to say that the monadic mind – with no sex and no gender – is the “proof” that Woke ideology is true and anyone who disagrees with Woke ideology is a hater, a bigot, a transphobe, a fascist, a Nazi – and totally irrational.
Here’s how his argument goes. The body is an “avatar” and belongs to a kind of illusory reality – that of the temporal and contingent body in the temporal and contingent material world (the so-called “Holos”). The body isn’t “real”, and so neither is biology real, neither is sex real, neither is “male” or “female” real. And, absolutely critically for Rebhahn, neither is gender real. Everything in “the Holos” is provisional, experimental, contingent … it has no “essence” and therefore everything is mutable in this domain. Everything is up for grabs. Everything can be played with. (Rebhahn LOVES the idea of META because he imagines everyone playing with avatars reflecting different sexes, sexualities and genders.)
Reality belongs to the level of monads, which have no sex and no gender, and which can therefore be considered, in Rebhahn’s view, as the basic unit of a kind of androgynous world (in the sense that neither male nor female is favored and no monad is either male or female).
What Rebhahn argues is that since the mind is real and the body a kind of virtual reality then no one should be “determined” by biological sex. Anyone can be any sex they like, any gender they like, any whatever they fucking like, in terms of maximum self-expression for the most extreme minority individuals (such as Rebhahn himself).
Of course, all of this constitutes a total fantasy. Monadic minds do not wander around as sexless, genderless entities. They connect to bodies which have a sex, with which gender is almost always aligned, i.e., a man will consider himself a man and a woman will consider herself a woman. Very few biological males will think that they are actually female (they have a female “gender”), and very few biological females will think that they are actually male (they identify with the male gender). Even fewer biological males or biological females will think they are neither male nor female, or both male and female (“non-binary”).
The human world decides what human reality is, and it’s the majority that decides, not the most extreme and exotic minorities and individuals in the world. You would literally need to be off your fucking head – bat-shit crazy – if you belong to an extreme minority and believe that you are ever going to be listened to by the world and are going to dictate to the overwhelming majority how things will go regarding sex and gender. Hyperianism is exactly a bat-shit crazy cult, led by a bat-shit crazy cult leader.
Why will Wokeness definitely fail? It’s because it’s defined by the belief that extreme minorities can dictate to extreme majorities. They cannot – unless they have a huge army! A “pacifist” cult such as Hyperianism has no army and uses the rhetoric of opposing violence (although is has no compunction at all about trying to violently Swat its enemies).
It’s true that the 1% control the 99% – but that’s because they have the army, the police, the law, the media, and religion all backing them up. Hyperianism has fuck all. All it exists for is to indulge the extreme narcissism of Corey Rebhahn, and, above all, his manic narcissistic compulsion to make himself appear to be the Woke Messiah.
Consider these demented statements by Rebhahn:
“I often express myself androgynously or what some would label as feminine. I’m also attracted to a spectrum of individuals: androgynous, feminine, non-binary, trans, etc. Most of all, I am attracted to those that are fearlessly and authentically themselves. Fuck those that have a problem with this. What a dull, colorless, black and white world they live in. They live in the old world, the archaic past. It’s time to build the new world filled with a vibrant new humanity where each and every individual has become their authentic self. Have you ever received hate for being who you truly are? Will you build with us the new world? … The future will converge to an androgynous state. The world is currently dominated by masculine energy, willfully bringing in powerful feminine energy will bring us closer to an androgynous future where the line between male and female is blurred. In that era of gender freedom everyone will be able to explore every aspect of sexuality as ‘people’ unbounded by gender stereotyping. In other words, free to love, free to fuck and free to live as we so Will. We are free to explore masculinity, we are free to explore femininity, neither or both, regardless of biological configuration. … I do not identify as human. We are higher than humanity. We are beyond human. We are infinite. …. You are in a prison of your own creation. Every stroke of the brush is another bar of your cell. Pencil in your insecurities and your fear. Makeup should be liberating not confining. It should be freeing. Feeling like you have to wear makeup is the opposite of its purpose. #androgynousfuture #They #Them … Men have drastically damaged the progress of the human race by their disgusting oppression of women. We will converge to equilibrium and as Willed female energy increases humanity will transcend itself and become beyond human. #BeyondHuman #createdestroybecome #InfiniteMind #They #Them #androgyny #feminine #masculine.”
That’s the whole game there – Rebhahn denies that he is human (!), absolutely hates men and masculinity, wants the world to become #They #Them #androgyny, thinks male and female “energy” will converge to an androgynous “equilibrium”, wants to destroy the existing order based on biological sex and conventional gender, and thinks this is all justified by monads (“#BeyondHuman #InfiniteMind #androgyny).
You’d need to be a fucking mental case to go along with what this pathological narcissist – the new Mary Magdalene! – preaches.
So, on that topic, let’s hear from Mark Vanderpool, the Poopmeister himself! –
“Just being somewhat androgynous and highly intelligent made me ‘read’ as gay, growing up in Appalachia. Little bitty things, like how much sustained eye contact I might make during a conversation…”
As we said, there are zero masculine males in Hyperianism, yet these insane cultists imagine they are going to dictate to masculine males what the future is going to be like. Yeah, you and what fucking army? Anyone who cannot get masculine men onboard is totally fucked – because they will be the army standing opposite you on the battlefield, and that’s an army no one can beat. Just study human history! Can you imagine a non-binary cult trying to defeat masculinity itself? It’s so hilarious. How insane would you have to be to sign up to this derangement?
The idea that the followers of Elagabalus could ever beat the Spartans is for the birds.
Here’s a video about Elagabalus, Rome’s worst emperor! (“He became emperor at the age of 14. Over the next four years, he attempted to impose a strange new religion upon Rome, held wild parties, went through several spouses, and horrified polite society.”)
Elagabalus was slaughtered in a latrine by his own guards, sick to death of this freak and his weirdness that was corrupting the whole Roman empire.
Degenerate Hyperian crap is nothing new, and weirdos like Rebhahn are nothing new.
Hyperianism is a supremacist cult, preaching that androgynous individuals are the future of our world. 100% of Hyperians are on the androgynous spectrum. Just look at their pictures. And what they say.
The world has had right-wing racism and nationalism and supremacism. Should we be surprised that we are now getting their liberal, Woke equivalents – reflecting slave morality, powered by ressentiment.
Wikipedia says, “In philosophy and psychology, ressentiment is one of the forms of resentment or hostility. The concept was of particular interest to some 19th century thinkers, most notably Friedrich Nietzsche. According to their use, ressentiment is a sense of hostility directed toward an object that one identifies as the cause of one’s frustration, that is, an assignment of blame for one’s frustration. The sense of weakness or inferiority complex and perhaps even jealousy in the face of the ‘cause’ generates a rejecting/justifying value system, or morality, which attacks or denies the perceived source of one’s frustration. This value system is then used as a means of justifying one’s own weaknesses by identifying the source of envy as objectively inferior, serving as a defense mechanism that prevents the resentful individual from addressing and overcoming their insecurities and flaws. The ego creates an enemy in order to insulate itself from culpability.”
This is the whole Hyperian game in a nutshell. Hyperianism is a degenerate Woke cult, fueled by ressentiment, which rages against the normal world and brands all normal people haters, bigots, transphobes, fascists and N**is, and believes it has the right to use the FBI and the law against normality. Hyperians are staggeringly weak, pathetic, cretinous people. They are all marginalized outsiders. They are freaks and weirdos preaching slave morality and thus they despise master morality. Nietzsche supported Roman master morality against Jewish slave morality. As we all know, the Hyperians detest the Roman emperor Hadrian – they call him a “N**i”! – and Roman master morality. They all take the side of the Jews against the Romans, and completely endorse slave morality. Hyperianism is just modern Christianity, with Mary Magdalene (or a man in a dress) as its Messiah. Is there anything more sickening than that these slaves quote Nietzsche? It’s totally disgusting that degenerate weaklings should quote Nietzsche’s exemplary philosophy of strength. And it’s utterly nauseating that ontological mathematics has been dragged into supporting a sick cult of depraved weaklings who cannot stand reality.
We are not Woke, we are not liberal, we are not conservative. We want a world of merit, of outstanding women and men. We want a world of strength. All exotic minorities will be embraced because we cannot have an optimized humanity without them and their talents. But all such minorities will of course know that they will never be dictating to the majority. Hyperianism, by total contrast, is based on the narcissistic delusion of the narcissistic cult leader Corey Rebhahn that he is some sort of Messiah – the Woke Jesus – of the exotic minorities (the weak, the meek, the slaves, the “persecuted”, the “oppressed”) and is leading them out of Bondage (to “Pharaoh” – masculine men, “the patriarchy”, “toxic masculinity”!). He is Moses and he is in charge of the Exodus, leading the minorities to the Promised Land (“New Terra”) where they will all sign the Androgynous Covenant with the Androgynous Messiah Corey Rebhahn.
The whole thing is comedy gold. It’s literally just the Bible rewritten by an androgynous man to promote androgyny.
Rebhahn is supported in everything by the androgynous Allie Torgensen, the bisexual Phillip Shope, the (????) Jewel Marsh, the androgynous Mark Wonderpoop, and the animus-possessed (hence androgynous) Woke fanatic Susan Bitchell – and a whole cast of androgynous/bisexual supporters on Patreon (such as Kassidy, Kim, Ren Fairy, Hopeless Lunatic Bear, Velvet Lies, Paul popped his Cherry, Hyperian something, Maria Seedling, and so on). This is just a cult of people who have bonded because of their ambiguous gender and sexuality and have been psychologically inflated because – grotesquely for us – they have hijacked our sublime ontological mathematics to make these total losers and failures imagine that that they are a “higher humanity” and “beyond humanity”.
The whole thing is beyond parody. It’s a toxic scene for the totally insane. It’s not a cult that can ever have any impact on the real world, but the pathological narcissist Corey Rebhahn can certainly make heaps of money by grifting from all these inflated suckers and cretins whom he has so assiduously groomed and brainwashed. Not a single “regular” human being – a person who can function in normal society – is left in Hyperianism. It’s a wholly anomic cult.
We regard Rebhahn as a perfect example of toxic effeminacy in certain men. The few men who remain in Hyperianism also constantly exude toxic effeminacy. All of them are clearly in love with Rebhahn and want to have sex with him.
No one stays in Hyperianism because of reason and logic. This is a weirdo cult where everyone bonds to the cult leader via love, a very bizarre love revolving around sexual ambiguity (androgyny).
Hyperianism is a supremacist group and a hate group. It hates normality. It hates biological sex. It hates heterosexuality. It hates conventional gender. It’s a freakshow preaching a freak philosophy, with its Messiah being none other than a literal freak performing in a freakshow! Rebhahn regards himself as the perfect human (or even greater than human). What he is demanding is that the world acknowledge him as the highest possible state! The world begs to differ!
Morgue promotes veganism, but, hey, he doesn’t like to go all the way. He’s “in transition”, don’t you know. He loves those very frequent “shadow days” when he’s stuffing his face with salmon and sushi. What a man of unbreakable principle!
Morgue is a pacifist – but that doesn’t stop him aggressively using the law and law enforcement to try to smash his opponents to smithereens. You gotta love this Man of unshakable principle. Jesus turned the other cheek, while Morgue has the FBI and his lawyer on speeddial. That’s the Woke for you!
Morgue, so he says, suffers from “RTS” though seems to spend most of his time talking about Christianity, aspiring to be Mary Magdalene, and traumatizing his own cult followers with all of his manipulative bullshit.
Morgue says he’s raising human consciousness. In fact, Morgue isn’t conscious at all. He’s entirely carrying out the commands of his unconscious complexes.
Certain people have complexes they cannot override, and people brought up in cults, as Morgue was, are archetypal examples. The cult world is the only thing Morgue understands. He turns everything into a cult interaction because that’s what his psyche was programmed for in childhood.
This guy is trapped. He will never escape from his complexes. He is their permanent puppet. He can exert no conscious control, no conscious agency. This guy has been accused of being a cult leader for well over a decade. Plenty of different people have said it. Yet he says they’re all crazy while never once addressing WHY so many people think he’s a cult leader. They’re all wrong and he’s right – says the grifting pathological narcissist, the LA millionaire. If this guy had any self-awareness at all, he might at least attempt to explain why others have “wrongly” (according to him) branded him a sinister and dangerous cult leader. But, of course, that’s the last topic any cult leader would ever address – because in addressing it they would actually be showing the truth of the accusations.
Morgue calls EVERYONE ELSE sinister and dangerous and says how “careful” people must be of them. Projection, much?! He is the one facing an avalanche of accusations over many years, from every angle, of being a cult leader. His “answer” is basically that the world is crazy and full of “assholes” and everyone is wrong about him. And this is the guy trying to UNITE the world. He can’t even get thousands of people to stop calling him out as a sick cult leader fleecing very vulnerable, marginalized people who are handing over their earnings to him as fast as they make the money. It’s truly grotesque.
Travis Cory Smith said, “I want to like you [Morgue] …. but I get Charles Manson vibes.”
Well spotted. Stay as far away from this guy as you can get. Don’t let the cultists snatch you into their cult.
WRATH said, “I’m beyond Hyperian. I read. … I’m beyond Hyperian. I’m human.”
We approve this message!