The Anima Game



Here’s a big question for you. Are you conscious? You no doubt think you are, but are you? Is consciousness actually a servant of the unconscious – a more efficient and powerful way of executing the will of unconscious elements (meaning that we have only one will, that of the unconscious)? Or is consciousness an independent agent that can override the will of the unconscious, and exert its own will (meaning that we have two competing wills, one conscious and one unconscious)? Or is humanity on a spectrum: some humans are basically directed by the unconscious and some, far fewer, are able to consciously direct their own fate?
In Jungian psychology, the third option is the one implied. Jung talked about two distinct sources of agency: the Self and the Ego.
Jung said, “The self is not only the center but also the whole circumference which embraces both conscious and unconscious. It is the center of this totality, just as the ego is the center of the conscious mind.”
This is one of the most complex statements ever made. What, for example, does it actually mean that the ego is the “center” of the conscious mind? That implies, does it not, that there is a conscious mind separate from the center, outside the center? In which case, what is this consciousness that is not ego but is centered on the ego? Can it do its own thing, regardless of the ego? Likewise, can the ego do its own thing, regardless of the self? The more you delve into Jungian psychology, the less and less clear it becomes.
Jung’s system involves two competing centers – the self and the ego – and two competing hinterlands, the unconscious and conscious hinterlands, and how all of these things dynamically relate to each other is not something that Jung remotely gets to grips with. It’s not surprising. It’s an immensely complex topic – but at least Jung provided ways to start talking meaningfully about it. He gives us keys to help us enter the kingdom, but whether he actually opened the door with the keys and went inside is not at all obvious.
Consider what Julian Jaynes said: “We are conscious human beings. We are trying to understand human nature. The preposterous hypothesis we have come to is that at one time human nature was split in two, an executive part called a god, and a follower part called a man. Neither part was conscious. This is almost incomprehensible to us.”
Let’s consider the executive, in the right hemisphere, to be the Jungian self, and let’s consider the follower part, in the left hemisphere, to be the Jungian ego. So, the Ego was originally UNCONSCIOUS and simply obeyed the Self without question, as we famously see with Abraham being willing to kill his son because “God” commanded it. We can imagine a process in which the Ego evolved and started to acquire its own agency. It became “conscious”. But the agency of the Self never went away. So, can we imagine two types of human beings – those whose agency primarily resides in the Ego, and those who are still actually operating according to the agency of the Self? With these latter people, the bicameral hypothesis is still in force – the Ego is still obeying the Self without question and cannot be considered an active agent in its own right at all. The Ego, in these terms, in these people, is just a more advanced version of the “follower” mode of bicameral times. It has not achieved any kind of authentic independence.
The reason we say all of this is that we are convinced that Corey Rebhahn is not a conscious human being in any genuine sense. We consider him totally bicameral, at all times carrying out the will of unconscious forces. And we consider this to be true of all cult leaders, pathological narcissists, psychopaths, psychologically inflated individuals, and so on. Further, we consider that such people are much more likely to achieve prominent positions in society – because they are much more driven than ordinary people (those with a decent amount of real conscious agency – which usually has the effect of filling them with doubt!). People under control by unconscious archetypes are much more confident and directed, and even have a numinous aspect, which makes others see them as “special” – and even godlike. If the Self is the “inner God” then people under control of the Self, as in bicameral times, will seem more godlike than those wrestling with all the uncertainties raised by consciousness. 
Anyhoo, that’s the background for today’s exercise. Here’s your chance to discuss the weird psychology of conman Corey Rebhahn, a person we assert is always being controlled by his unconscious and who has no true conscious agency and cannot change his mad behavior. That’s why he keeps doing totally bizarre things such as complaining to the FBI … basically for being criticized in a book (!). No conscious person would do an insane thing like that, but a bicameral person – a present-day Abraham – certainly would.
For the sake of this exercise, we are going to say that Rebhahn is completely controlled by the Jungian archetype, the ANIMA. He is literally a man serving as the puppet of his Anima, and 100% of his life – from his androgynous image radiating out to everything else – flows from his Anima, and not from any conscious agent.
We consider Rebhahn to be in every way the tool of his Anima because of the catastrophic relationship he had with the formative female in his life – his mother, of course! The Anima can be considered a “program” that gets triggered in males when they encounter females and instructs them how to respond to females. However, if the primary female – the mother – does not act in a conventional way (i.e., by responding lovingly and caringly to the male), the Anima’s programming goes haywire because the expected course of events is not happening. In these circumstances, the Anima can do something amazing – it can reprogram the male to internally give the male the female experience NOT being provided by the external female (the mother). And thus the male starts turning, psychologically, into a female, and will continue to be controlled by the Anima FOREVER – unless the male can somehow correct the faulty programming. They need conscious agency for that, but they can’t acquire conscious agency if they are the puppets of an all-powerful Anima (it became all-powerful because it had to take the position of MOTHER, an astonishingly powerful figure in everyone’s life since everyone comes from a mother).
By and large, people cannot escape by their own efforts from a disastrous childhood. The State would have to intervene to get things back on track, to correct the faulty environmental programming. But this is wholly forbidden in a negative-liberty society where the family is sacrosanct. So, we’re all stuck with fucked people in our midst – fucked by bad parenting, but all the rest of us must suffer the consequences.
Reason and logic could get victims of bad parenting out of the trap, but we don’t live in a rational and logical society. Everything is about feelings and mystical intuitions. These make the situation MUCH WORSE. They magnify the problems and issues.
Rebhahn, you will note, never talks about the Jungian Anima, regarding the whole idea as “gendered” and therefore “wrong”. A Jungian analyst would say that Rebhahn is an archetypal example of a man possessed by his Anima and, accordingly, overwhelmingly liable to be controlled by unconscious forces.
Wikipedia says, “One danger was of what Jung termed ‘invasion’ of the conscious by the unconscious archetype: ‘Possession caused by the anima … bad taste: the anima surrounds herself with inferior people’. Jung insisted that ‘a state of anima possession … must be prevented.’”
So, the anima surrounds herself with inferior people, HENCE HYPERIANISM!
Wikipedia says, “Alternatively, over-awareness of the anima or animus could provide a premature conclusion to the individuation process – ‘a kind of psychological short-circuit, to identify the animus at least provisionally with wholeness’. Instead of being ‘content with an intermediate position’, the animus seeks to usurp ‘the self, with which the patient’s animus identifies. This identification is a regular occurrence when the shadow, the dark side, has not been sufficiently realized’.”
Rebhahn is Anima-possessed and has mistaken the Anima for the Self, meaning that he believes he is God and has completed his journey (he is “hyperaware”, a “World Shaper” … God). His chief confidant, Susan Bitchell, is Animus-possessed and suffers from the exact same problem. Fat Jan, Necrophil and the Wonderpoop are all in the same game – which is why Hyperianism is so delusional and insane.
Jung said, “Possession caused by the anima or animus presents a different picture. … In the state of possession both figures lose their charm and their values; they retain them only when they are turned away from the world, in the introverted state, when they serve as bridges to the unconscious. Turned towards the world, the anima is fickle, capricious, moody, uncontrolled and emotional, sometimes gifted with daemonic intuitions, ruthless, malicious, untruthful, bitchy, double-faced, and mystical. The animus is obstinate, harping on principles, laying down the law, dogmatic, world-reforming, theoretic, word-mongering, argumentative, and domineering. Both alike have bad taste: the anima surrounds herself with inferior people, and the animus lets himself be taken in by second-rate thinking.”
So, if we characterize Rebhahn as “fickle, capricious, moody, uncontrolled and emotional, sometimes gifted with daemonic intuitions, ruthless, malicious, untruthful, bitchy, double-faced, and mystical” and who has “bad taste” and “surrounds himself with inferior people”, haven’t we perfectly hit the mark? Rebhahn is a bitchy queen, and even drag queen. Everyone knows it. He is NOT CONSCIOUS. He is controlled by his unconscious.
And if we characterize Bitchell as “obstinate, harping on principles, laying down the law, dogmatic, world-reforming, theoretic, word-mongering, argumentative, and domineering” and who has “bad taste” and “lets herself be taken in by second-rate thinking”, haven’t we again hit the mark? Jung said, “A woman possessed by the animus is always in danger of losing her femininity.” Bitchell has no femininity left.
Shaun Mathees said, “We all know at least one woman who has become possessed by her Animus. She is a ball-busting bitch. These women walk around with stinkwood penises, beating both men and women over the head with them, insisting that they know it all and know it all better than everyone else!”
Rebhahn and Bitchell people are TEXTBOOK cases of possession.
Jung said, “Identity with the persona automatically leads to an unconscious identity with the anima because, when the ego is not differentiated from the persona, it can have no conscious relation to the unconscious processes. Consequently it is these processes, it is identical with them. Anyone who is himself his outward role will infallibly succumb to the inner processes; he will either frustrate his outward role by absolute inner necessity or else reduce it to absurdity, by a process of enantiodromia [‘the emergence of the unconscious opposite in the course of time’]. He can no longer keep to his individual way, and his life runs into one deadlock after another. Moreover, the anima is inevitably projected upon a real object, with which he gets into a relation of almost total dependence.”
So, Corey Rebhahn is in every way defined by his so highly confected image, meaning that he identifies with his persona (mask), meaning that he unconsciously identifies with his anima (hence why Rebhahn is “non-binary”) and has “no conscious relation to the unconscious processes. Consequently it is these processes, it is identical with them.” That’s why we say that Rebhahn is not conscious. He is executing the will of unconscious complexes. He has no will of his own. Rebhahn is “himself his outward role” hence “will infallibly succumb to the inner processes”. Anyone with a ludicrously contrived image is literally telling the world that they are not conscious! Why do they have such a bizarre image? It’s BECAUSE they are the puppet of their unconscious. Rebhahn’s life “runs into one deadlock after another” and Rebhahn is incapable of understanding why, so just calls everyone who criticizes him “haters”, “bigots” and “Na**s”. Yawn. Could this guy get any more tiresome and infantile?
Jung said, “Moreover, the anima is inevitably projected upon a real object, with which he gets into a relation of almost total dependence.” Rebhahn projects his anima onto his substitute mother – Susan Bitchell – and is wholly dependent on her. If she deserted him, Rebhahn could kill himself. Bitchell keeps the whole Rebhahn show on the road. Their relationship is one of the most toxic imaginable, and that’s why Hyperianism is such a mentally disturbed scene.
Jung said, “The persona, the ideal picture of a man as he should be, is inwardly compensated by feminine weakness. As the individual outwardly plays the strong man, so he becomes inwardly a woman, i.e., the anima, for it is the anima that reacts to the persona. But because the inner world is dark and invisible … and because a man is all the less capable of conceiving his weaknesses the more he is identified with the persona, the persona’s counterpart, the anima, remains completely in the dark and is at once projected, so that our hero comes under the heel of his wife’s slipper.”
In the case of Rebhahn, he outwardly projects a very soft, effeminate image, and that means that inwardly he becomes an extremely aggressive man – hence his Edgelord persona, the one that does all the swatting, and all the rest of it. “Strangle the bitches,” right Corey?!
Jung said, “When the anima is strongly constellated, she [makes a man] touchy, irritable, moody, jealous, vain, and unadjusted.”
Rebhahn is staggeringly touchy, irritable, moody, jealous, vain, and unadjusted. Rebhahn has no conscious control over his life.
Jung said, “The unconscious anima is a creature without relationships, an autoerotic being whose one aim is to take total possession of the individual.” It has succeeded with Rebhahn. It’s because he is possessed by an archetype that Rebhahn is so numinous to some, and so disgusting to others.
Jung said, “The Anima is the glamorous, possessive, moody, and sentimental seductress in a man.” Rebhahn is a moody, sentimental seductress trying to project glamour and possess his cultists.
Jung said, “Both these archetypes [anima and animus], as practical experience shows, possess a fatality that can on occasion produce tragic results. They are quite literally the father and mother of all the disastrous entanglements of fate and have long been recognized as such by the whole world.”
Hyperianism is all about a fatal expression of warped versions of both the anima and the animus.
Jung said, “In the case of anima-possession, for instance, the patient will want to change himself into a woman through self-castration, or he is afraid that something of the sort will be done to him by force.”
Hyperianism is full of men who want to castrate themselves and women who want to then attach the discarded male organs to themselves! Sheez!
Love it! Send Karen your observations.
Rowan James said, “He seeks to assimilate and subsume their power under tepid androgyny.”
This is a very important point. Rebhahn seeks to claim that he is somehow a representative of women via his androgyny. But why would actual women believe that an androgynous man knew anything about femininity? Women can represent themselves, thank you very much! They don’t need Rebhahn speaking on their behalf.
Here’s what Artemis Maenad had to say: “Oh shut the fuck up, Corey. We are liberated and you don’t want anything to do with strong women. You only want weak women to worship you and pay your bills and anyone with any sense knows this is facts. You’re just posting things like this so you could attract vulnerable women by making them believe you have sympathy for this cause. But you don’t. It’s only a ploy.
Strong, highly intelligent, direct speaking women that come to your community, only stay for a flash in time because they are not welcome in the idiotic slave culture that Hyperianism breeds. They do not fit in because they ARE liberated women … not a weak worshipping slave of yours. Everyone can plainly see that this is the only kind of woman you actually want to attract, and this is why you post stuff like this. Only powerless and confused women would think they need a derisory man like you to liberate them. What a fucking joke.
The only things you really want women to be free for is… free to work, free to get a paycheck, and free to hand that paycheck over to you. You’re a fucking piece of shit, Corey. Fuck off and take the name of my gender out of your fucking pansy ass mouth. You aint liberating shit. If truly liberated women ruled the world, men like you would not even have a platform. We’d require people like you to go get a real education before you speak about anything and waste everybody’s time with your plagiarism. And eventually that will happen. The submissive women you gaslight will not be the ones with any power at all. It will be us… all the types of women you despise… and you will not like it when the Amazons rise.
We’re coming. Boy bye. Fuck you! 🖕
Real women delete #morgueofficial #hyperian #hyperianism”
There you go! Imagine a world where every woman talked like that. Well, let’s all make that world, one where the power and talent of women is fully unleashed – because it’s insane to imagine that the world can ever be strong and optimal without strong and optimal women. And men cannot be properly strong either in the absence of strong women. The Spartan men were so glorious … because the Spartan women were so glorious. Helen of Troy was Spartan.
We have no need of androgyny to solve humanity’s problems. “Non-binary” is always going to be an ultra-minority game. It’s not the cure for anything at all.
Artemis Maenad said, “Time to go full maenad and dismantle this monster. Here’s a battle cry for the ladies. Do your worst!!!”
Rico Weiss said, “Real femininity (as well as real masculinity) should be eradicated and everything should become an androgynous mishmash according to Rebhahn.”
Yup. That’s exactly what he’s preaching, assisted by the androgynous Fat Jan, spouting the same garbage.
Rico Weiss said, “Intelligent women realize that he has a deep grudge against women, brought on by his mother complex. He wants to control women instead of leading them to their true greatness.”
That’s an essential point. Rebhahn absolutely despises a certain type of woman – anyone who reminds him of his mother, or treats him badly in any way (which automatically reminds him of his mother!).
Never forget what Terrors of Men Morgue said, “I can not count how many times some ‘spray on tan’ slut has inquired in disbelief why I dress the way I do, or do the things I do. ‘It’s not sexy’, she informs me. Such stupidity makes me want to strangle the bitch. Why should I be concerned if other people find me attractive in any way? Should I change my identity, for a waste producing organ between the legs? … Morbidly Yours, Morgue”
You see, he is totally triggered by any woman who criticizes him. He absolutely loathes Karen, for example. All strong women who stand up to him are called “psychos”. He tried to sue Karen, and she was also one of his swatting victims. But he definitely picked on the wrong person when he tried to intimidate Karen.
Rebhahn craves a mother substitute, a woman of similar age to his mother who loves him unconditionally – and he got it with Susan Bitchell. She has had an ENORMOUS impact on Rebhahn and completely changed his life. She was the one who turned him from demented Edgelord Morgue into simpering Woke Morgue, the Woke Jesus.
The only women Rebhahn can stand are those who love him unconditionally, who will never criticize him, and that’s what he has in Hyperianism with all those totally bizarre women who worship the ground he walks on. All of these women appear to be androgynous like Rebhahn, and, like Rebhahn, they despise masculine men. These people regard masculinity as “toxic”, a primary theme of Wokeness – which is a sick ideology wholly opposed to straight men.
By the way, men with sisters are typically much more aligned with women’s interests than men without – because their sisters ensure that (!), and they in any case want the best for their sisters. Rebhahn notably has no sisters, and is totally estranged from his mother, and is not interested romantically in any realistic women (he likes unrealistic women like Fat Jan!). That gives him a very warped attitude towards women. He is not women’s friend!
Gerard Murphy said, “[Morgue] sees women as existing to be dominated and controlled.”
The only women Rebhahn can stand are those he can fleece, those who will NEVER talk back to him. The very act of talking back to Rebhahn would denote that you had ceased to be a member of his cult. None of his cultists EVER contradicts him, meaning that nothing is ever debated. Why does no Hyperian ever mention the FBI to Rebhahn? To do so, would mean they had left Hyperianism. Rebhahn can 100% rely on no Hyperian asking him about the FBI, or anything else awkward. Isn’t that an amazing power he has over these people? He TOTALLY dominates them. He TOTALLY controls them.
Lee Winston Daly said, “He feigns to be one, and fails miserably on both counts.”
It’s a curious thing about Rebhahn that he does not identify as a transgender woman. Androgyny has the greater appeal for him.
Lee Winston Daly said, “Because he mimics (poorly), all of the grace and femininity of the divine; immediately activating the ‘uncanny valley’ in the valleys of the canny.”
This is a striking point.
Wikipedia says, “In aesthetics, the uncanny valley is a hypothesized relation between an object’s degree of resemblance to a human being and the emotional response to the object. The concept suggests that humanoid objects that imperfectly resemble actual human beings provoke uncanny or strangely familiar feelings of uneasiness and revulsion in observers. ‘Valley’ denotes a dip in the human observer’s affinity for the replica, a relation that otherwise increases with the replica’s human likeness.”
So, androgynous people are “uncanny valley” people. They produce uneasiness and uncertainty in others because they are surrounded by ambiguity. They do not offer clarity. No one is quite sure what to do with them. With regard to Rebhahn, we do not actually regard him as androgynous at all. Unfair or not, we regard him as a male playing a game, albeit his anima makes him play this game. If he were a transgender woman, we would see much more authenticity in that, but this non-binary, androgynous malarkey seems incredibly deceptive and manipulative. Doesn’t ContraPoints seem much more real than Morguey Boy?! (ContraPoints is certainly enormously more successful!) The vast majority of Hyperians have an uncanny valley, androgynous appearance. That’s why they all bond so strongly.
Raymond Agung Susilo said, “Clearly he does not accept criticism, so frail emotionally that he considers it a threat to his own wellbeing. Out of a false sense of self-preservation he purposely silences all dissenting statements.”
It’s a key point that he accepts no criticism. How can you learn and improve unless you do? But a pathological narcissist who believes he is God cannot be criticized, can he? He is perfect. His critics are the ones who are flawed – and should be reported to the FBI!
If you go around calling yourself a hyperaware World Shaper and saying you’re “God”, it’s, er, unlikely that you will be the type to take criticism on board. An English football manager said, “I wouldn’t say I was the best manager in the business. But I was in the top one.” On listening to his players’ opinions, he said, “We talk about it for 20 minutes and then we decide I was right.” Rebhahn gets rid of the 20 minutes.
The fact that Rebhahn’s Anima has run amok has caused him to be reprogrammed to hate masculinity, especially his own (which he denies and repudiates entirely – although he has a very masculine level of aggression towards his opponents!). Rebhahn is a person with faulty programming – because of psychological developmental problems caused in childhood because, so it seems, his mother found it impossible to love him, perhaps because he was “born in sin”, hence constantly reminded her of sin and the Devil. And he certainly turned out to be Satanic, didn’t he?
So, come on then, let’s hear your take on why Corey Rebhahn is as weird as fuck! Let’s crack this nut!
Oh, it’s another deadstream tonight. Check out his body language. Do you think he has been interviewed by David McAfee yet, or is that more likely to happen tomorrow? This interview is, at last, a critical moment when the outside world comes to Rebhahn and he cannot continue his normal policy of ignoring whatever his opponents say. For the very first time, Rebhahn will be under EXTREME pressure, so intense it may break him. Let’s hope so.
Things to look out for on tonight’s deadstream … Jewel will now be an “unperson” – like all the ex-mods before him – and will never be mentioned again, although Rebhahn will make a particular point of giving a shout out to the remaining mods and saying how “fantastic” they are. No one will mention Jewel, especially not Kim Failed To Draw The Line, a person who is proved wrong 100% of the time – yet still insists she is right. Groan.
Then there’s Joanna Laguna.
Jewel said to her, “Why did I take the time to respond to you, Joanna? It’s because you fit a template that many others do as well. You came to Hyperianism to find love. Go ahead, deny it. Because the illusion of hope springs eternal, perhaps you never fully abandoned that notion. One day soon, Corey Rebhahn will see you as a potential lover. One day, your prince will come. Just wait.”
Now there’s a stake to the heart! Hyperianism is actually a really weird dating scene revolving around unrequited love, but with the hope that one day – one day … one amazing day wih a perfect blue sky – it will be requited.
Rebhahn can’t stand actual women. Haven’t you lot worked that out yet?
Watch out for more largesse from FILLANTHROWPISSED, the mysterious benefactor who appeared exactly as Rebhahn’s Patreon empire was about to collapse.
Watch out for loads of simpering and gimpering from Corey Rebhahn, the Teflon Ego, the man who pretends that Rome is not burning even as his hair is on fire.
Another car crash deadstream, displaying even more denial than last time around.
Bitchell, Necrophil, Fat Jan and Wonderpoop will do their utmost to keep the show on the road. Ah, such loyal doggies, but no bones tossed their way by their God, other than the occasional $9.99 superchat, just as a token to show that he still “cares”.
So much to look forward to!