(9/29/2022) Post #2The “Breeding” Kink
Someone from the early days of Hyperianism told us an interesting story about how Rebhahn liked to break down barriers in his inner circle: “I remember in the earliest days of Hyperianism, Corey encouraged everyone to speak openly about their kinks. The idea was to break down societal sexual repression by speaking openly about sex and kink. Anyway, and I feel nauseous even saying this, but Susan’s kink was a BREEDING kink! Quite fitting, eh? She was always the motherly figure to all of us, and considered us her surrogate mother, of sorts. Now, her star child, Corey, is under attack, and she’s doing everything in her power to protect him. That whole idea of talking openly about kink was so odd. It’s one thing to break down unhealthy sexual repression, but it’s another thing to declare society as unhealthy for not discussing intimidate personal details like kink with random strangers. As with everything, Hyperianism – and by extension the Woke – want to wage war on basic human customs and norms that have been in place for thousands of years. It never occurred to them that maybe there’s a pretty good reason why we don’t share personal sexual details about ourselves with strangers (unless of course you’re in a kink community) and that it’s not necessarily strange, or unhealthy.”
Hmmmm! That sure explains a lot.
Perhaps many of you, like us, have never come across the “breeding” kink. Further inquiries solicited the following explanation:
“Breeding kink is an impregnation-based fantasy where people indulge in the thrill of risky, potentially procreative sex. A breeding kink is different from a pregnancy fantasy. With a breeding kink, it’s the riskiness of the act of insemination that turns them on. With a pregnancy fantasy, it’s the possibility of pregnancy itself which is the turn on. However, there’s clearly some overlap between the two. There’s also the subset of forced breeding which involves the consensual non-consent of a dominant ejaculating inside a sub. So, there’s also a power-exchange aspect as well.”
Hmmm, is there some sort of breeding fantasy being exchanged between Corey and Susan (his “best friend”)? Again, that would explain a lot!
So, the Oedipus Complex involves, politely, killing your father and marrying your mother. What is the Oedipus Complex in relation to the “non-binary”? Let’s see now. Corey wants to kill his real mother (whom he despises) and get a new mother (whom he loves) … that’s SUSAN.
Susan, despite her “breeding” kink, has no children. Corey Rebhahn, Allie Torgensen, Jewel Marsh and Phillip Shope are her surrogate children. She is so insanely maternally protective towards them that she will metaphorically KILL anyone who poses any threat to them.
As soon as the former mod left the Hyperian cult, Susan ceased to treat him as one of “the family” (you know, the MANSON FAMILY), and in fact treated him as someone who had become a monstrous threat to the family and needed to be regarded as an insane gunman on the rampage, wanting to kill her “family” … oh, yes, and POTUS!
This vile, evil and totally disturbed woman was a central player in fabricating evidence and lying to the FBI. Thankfully, she will be jailed for what she did. (Come on, FBI, get a fucking move on! Get these people off the streets. Make the streets safe for decent people.)
The Hyperian leader and his four mods are some of the most psychologically abnormal people on earth, which is exactly why they have ended up in this position. This situation could never have happened if the leaders of Hyperianism were even remotely like normal human beings, but these people are 100% abnormal and toxic, and their whole ideology is about promoting the abnormal and toxic as if it were human destiny and something to be celebrated and worked towards.
Corey Rebhahn will do a livestream tonight and ONCE AGAIN he will totally ignore the fires that are burning down his cult in front of his eyes. He will once again pretend that absolutely everything is fine and normal and going great. And his four mad mods will totally back him up and delete any comments at all that pertain to reality. And all of his top Patreon backers will continue to lavish love on him and send him even more money via super chats. Everyone will say hello to everyone else, and absolutely no one will refer to the FBI and SWATTING and lawsuits and smear campaigns and website cancelation. We all know the drill by now. This is all GUARANTEED. Because that’s exactly what the totally abnormal world of a cult is like. 100% of these people have totally warped and harmful psychology. That’s why they’re still in this cult.
And Mark Wonderpoop will do what Mark Wonderpoop always does. Is there a more sanctimonious Woke prick on earth than that guy? He seems like someone who actually inhales his own farts, like a character from South Park. He’s like a cartoon version of a Woke nutjob. You can’t believe such people actually exist. The last person on earth who would ever ask his cult leader Corey Rebhahn to explain about the infamous FBI complaint is Mark Wonderpoop. That would end his entire Woke fantasy on the spot. And Wonderpoop just wants to go living in his Woke dreamworld where all poops are wonderful and smell of roses.
Ezio Creed said, “Welcome to the Valley of Ashes. Welcome to the Hollywood show known as Hyperianism. Hyperianism has become a show — a horror show — with heads spinning and no exorcist in sight. Hyperianism: get your tickets, come to the amusement park where everyone comes for a joyride, to hang out, laugh, and be merry. Welcome to the abominable emoji orgy. Bread and circuses for everyone. Hyperianism — a cult of the meek. Ad astra per alia porci.”
Absolutely right! Great job.