So, something is bugging the hell out of us. Here’s how it goes. RJ was under caution when he was interviewed by a VPD detective. He was read his rights and asked if he wanted a lawyer. In other words, he was only one step away from actually being under arrest for the insane lies told about him by Corey Rebhahn and his deranged gang. At that police interview, RJ emphatically denied ever having made any statement about POTUS. RJ was of course concentrating hard on what had happened since he resigned from Hyperianism. Although he wasn’t formally told who had made an astonishingly serious complaint about him – he was accused of being someone about to become an ACTIVE SHOOTER because he had supposedly been radicalized by the AC/PI to become a terrorist and assassin targeting “Hyperians”, “Woke liberals” and POTUS! – it was self-evidently Corey Rebhahn and his gang of freaks who were responsible.
Can you imagine the horror of being branded a would-be shooter just because some Hollywood weirdo was crying and vomiting because his sick and dangerous cult had at last been exposed in David Sinclair’s book? RJ didn’t even have a gun!
Anyway, RJ knew for sure that he had not mentioned POTUS when he resigned from Hyperianism. Why would he? What connection does POTUS have to resigning from Hyperianism? There’s no conceivable connection.
We entirely accepted that RJ never made any POTUS comment when he resigned from Hyperianism, and that meant only one thing …. THE POTUS COMMENT WAS A FABRICATION.
We ran big with that. We wanted a full forensic check of phone records to prove that RJ never made any such comment – and thus to prove that the Rebhahn gang had concocted false evidence and should be immediately arrested.
Nevertheless, this POTUS comment nagged away at us. It would mean instant jail for the Rebhahn gang if they had simply invented this comment. Even they couldn’t be that insane, could they? It never occurred to us that the comment was real – BUT YEARS OLD. Because, of course, we imagined that RJ was being questioned about RECENT events, not things said years earlier THAT HAD NEVER BEEN COMPLAINED ABOUT AT THE TIME!
But that’s exactly why the deliberately omitted DATE of the POTUS comment in the Rebhahn gang’s complaint to the FBI is DECISIVE … because it makes something very old and totally irrelevant SEEM totally recent and relevant. In other words, a malicious decision was taken by the Rebhahn gang to create an impression in the minds of the FBI that RJ had very recently said the POTUS comment when every member of the gang knew perfectly well it had been said years earlier in a totally different context – when Trump was president and half the world was hating on Trump! And when PHILLIP SHOPE was saying much worse things (none of which was ever reported to the FBI!). Why was RJ being asked in the present day about stuff relating to former president Donald Trump from years ago? ONLY BECAUSE THE REBHAHN GANG HAD DELIBERATELY PUT IN THE COMMENT AS IF IT RELATED TO THE CURRENT PRESIDENT, JOE BIDEN.
The VPD detective who on a prima facie basis fully accepted that RJ had made the POTUS comment wanted to know if RJ supposedly posed a current threat to JOE BIDEN, Donald Trump, or Barack Obama. In other words, he accepted that RJ was potentially a threat to the life of the American president (!), but he wasn’t sure which president or former president was being threatened. This line of questioning could NEVER have occurred if the true source of the POTUS comment had been supplied. It was INTENTIONALLY WITHHELD (by the Rebhahn gang). IT’S AN AUTOMATIC FELONY TO WITHHOLD CRITICAL INFORMATION REGARDING AN EXCEPTIONALLY SERIOUS ALLEGATION ABOUT OTHERS. To remind you, RJ was cast by the Rebhahn gang as someone about to go on a murderous rampage … and that’s exactly why two cops hammered on his door on 6 August to see if it was true. CAUSE AND EFFECT.
The Rebhahn gang staked everything on being able to prove that RJ said the POTUS words, while not having to reveal the context of the POTUS words. So far, their gamble has paid off – for reasons unknown. We find the whole thing deeply sinister. We now share the opinion of many Americans that the FBI has been fatally internally corrupted by ideology and is now no longer an investigative body but an arm of Woke ideology. It has ceased to be fit for purpose, and ought to be closed down. An organization that supports extremist Woke cults that detest normality has no right to exist in the law enforcement sphere. The FBI is now all about politics and has nothing to do with law and justice.
We said before that it would have been insane to fabricate the POTUS comment, as we once believed the Rebhahn gang had actually done. What the Rebhahn gang ACTUALLY DID was only marginally less insane. They gave DOCTORED EVIDENCE to the FBI and expected to get away with it. You know how it goes with experienced liars … if they can tell the truth about something they are saying, they believe this protects them from an accusation of doctoring evidence. So, the Rebhahn gang knew they could truthfully say that RJ made the POTUS comment. What they had no intention of admitting was WHEN he said it, and in what context (with Phillip Shope – one of the conspirators!). And that information is of course 100% critical in how to correctly interpret the POTUS comment. For a person to intentionally supply a comment without a date – to make it seem current when it was in fact completely historical – is to commit an automatic felony. The person is trying to conceal the truth, trying to create a false impression, trying to make his target believe what he wants them to believe rather than to know the truth. It’s called cherry-picking evidence and we all know whose entire MO revolves around distorting evidence by completely removing it from its context … COREY REBHAHN. Both his “STATEMENT” and his “MESSAGE” show his sinister, criminal technique in full flow. And, of course, he used exactly the same technique in the complaint he filed with the FBI. He left out ALL CONTEXT and created a vision of RJ – based on cherry-picked comments taken wholly out of context – as an unhinged maniac with a gun, about to go on a rampage.
Why do you think Rebhahn refuses to show everyone his complaint to the FBI? Because 100% of people, if they ever saw it, would be absolutely horrified by what he put in there. They would instantly see that this weird man is a psychopath! Rebhahn, who has absolute control over his cult, knows that none of his cultists will EVER challenge him about this. And he has in fact banned the phrase “FBI” from being used in his deadstreams! Something to hide, Rebhahn?!
Anyway, all of this is leading up to the central issue here. We now know for a fact that the FBI, after RJ’s interview and his strenuous denial that he ever made the POTUS comment, ordered Rebhahn to prove that RJ did make this comment. (RJ said, “I would assume Morgue and/or the moderators supplied screenshots of the statements I have admitted to making. I would like to see the screenshot of me talking about executing the POTUS. I never made that statement.”)
We now know that Rebhahn had originally supplied no screenshots of anything, so no screenshots could be shown to RJ.
After RJ’s interview, the FBI went to Rebhahn and ordered him to show them the POTUS screenshot. (That’s how seriously they regarded this POTUS screenshot.) What Rebhahn sent them – we know for a fact – was a doctored screenshot, lacking the date, Phillip Shope’s comments, and the key disclaimer words “Never harms self or others”. This is where Rebhahn and his gang finally hanged themselves. They knew what the true source of the comment was and then they sent the FBI, following a formal order from the FBI, a doctored version that bore no relationship to the truth of the situation. That, right there, is why all of these people are going to jail. They are ALL now – currently! – engaged in a conspiracy to obstruct justice, to prevent the FBI from being shown the true source of the POTUS comment. They lied to the FBI, doctored evidence, and they are PERSISTING in these actions, contrary to law. As we speak, these people are refusing to go to the FBI to tell them what they know of these matters, and that means that all of them are criminally culpable. They are engaged in a criminal conspiracy.
Shope, Mitchell and Torgensen are aiding and abetting a felon who sent doctored evidence to the FBI – doctored by OMISSION, NOT COMMISSION (i.e., the doctoring is entirely about what was REMOVED from the screenshot, not what was RETAINED). This is all 100% factual. We know exactly what Rebhahn sent to the FBI. Even Bitchell admitted that the screenshot was sent without a date. She said, “It had no date on it to identify it.” Of course, it DID have a date on it – when taken from its actual source. The date, as we all know, was 30 March, 2020. Mitchell knows this and has said nothing about it to the FBI, and that means she is going to jail. She, at this very moment, is withholding key information from the FBI regarding an allegation about a would-be presidential assassination. THE STAKES COULD NOT BE ANY HIGHER. That’s why we know Bitchell will be going to jail. She has refused to disclose to the authorities critical information regarding a live, ongoing, extremely high-stakes FBI case involving POTUS. She is engaged in conspiracy, aiding and abetting, and obstruction of justice. The same goes for Shope and Torgensen for exactly the same reasons. So, THEY’RE ALL GOING DOWN WITH REBHAHN! He is the liar and criminal in chief, but the others have 100% supported him in his lies and fabrications, contrary to law. It is illegal to help a criminal evade justice.
But we still haven’t got to what is bugging us. Here is that thing. We know that the FBI ordered Rebhahn to produce the POTUS evidence and we know that he sent them a doctored screenshot … and that, as far as we can tell, was when this case basically ended. WTF! WHY?!!!
There appears to have been no activity since then, despite the fact that RJ then sent the VPD detective the full context and original source of the POTUS comment, thus falsifying the Rebhahn gang’s entire narrative and proving they that fabricated evidence and maliciously lied to the FBI to fuck over their legitimate critics.
Why was nothing done regarding the key evidence RJ submitted to the VPD detective? He never heard a thing back, he wasn’t reinterviewed … just NOTHING. How can that be accounted for? The detective was supremely keen to interview RJ when he thought RJ might be guilty, and then had zero interest when RJ proved he was innocent. Funny, that. Why is this detective still in a job? He ought to be investigated. Something is incredibly off with all of this.
In fact, on a prima facie basis, RJ should have been arrested when he denied making the POTUS statement and the screenshot (no matter how doctored) was provided “proving” that he did say it.
But there are two vital points here. First, RJ made it clear that an attempt may have been made to fabricate the POTUS screenshot, so the mere fact of the existence of the screenshot would have meant nothing by itself. Since it was disputed, it would have had to be forensically investigated.
Secondly, it must be noted that RJ would not have been arrested for the POTUS comment itself, which is entirely NON-CRIMINAL … you can daydream about whatever you like! – but for LYING TO THE FBI. But, of course, RJ is not an American citizen and is subject to Canadian law, not American law. And perhaps this is the technical reason why nothing further has been done regarding this very strange case. The VPD have, we assume, cleared RJ of being any kind of unhinged, maniacal killer, but, we assume, they have wrongly agreed that RJ lied about the POTUS comment (even though RJ has since submitted incontestable evidence proving that the statement was made years ago and had no connection at all to present events and the current president of the USA). We assume the VPD have refused to look at RJ’s decisive evidence. Why else have the Rebhahn gang not been arrested?
Our working hypothesis is that the Vancouver detective is totally inept and has no interest whatsoever in justice. How else can we account for his refusal to act on definitive evidence supplied by RJ, by his refusal to communicate with RJ (who the fuck do these detectives think they are? – they are happy enough to interrogate you as a suspect, and then don’t want to know when it looks like they’re not going to bag a crime… they refuse to interact with innocent parties looking for justice … 100% of detectives of this kind should be fired … completely unfit for purpose … they are a total disgrace to policing).
We also assume that the FBI have never been made aware that Rebhahn sent them a doctored screenshot, and that’s why the Rebhahn gang have not been arrested. Moreover, it’s impossible to get through to these people. 9/11 happened because of the absolute failure of the intelligence services to engage in joined-up analysis. And nothing has changed. It’s more or less impossible for a person complained about to turn the tables and complain about the complainant. The system has no capacity to operate that way. Why not? Shouldn’t that be an automatic part of the system? This becomes more and more important since we now live in an insane Woke culture of victimhood and thus insane Woke complainants such as the Rebhahn gang have all the power and can make absolutely deranged complaints about others, more or less with total impunity. The law is being turned into a joke, a sick system supporting the sick ideology of Wokeness, always coming down on the side of professional complainers, professional victims, people who take offence at anything, and weaponize everything. It’s IMPERATIVE that we get Rebhahn jailed to send out a very clear signal to all the Woke maniacs who are eager to play this game.
For some reason – and one must entertain the greatest suspicions about the conduct of the VPD and the FBI in this case – key evidence has not been acted on by either the VPD or FBI, and so everything has just been … left. The case is in a state of suspended animation.
So, the task of our side for the new year is to ensure that the vital evidence is confirmed to have been received by, and looked at, by the VPD and the FBI and they must be compelled to explain why they have not acted upon it. Never forget, these are public servants. They are not a law unto themselves. They are paid for by our taxes. They work for all of us … but you would never believe it, would you? They appear to work for themselves, or their bosses, or their rich elite puppetmasters.
Dealing with these people is absolutely Kafkaesque. These people are not your friends. They are not helping you. They do not cooperate with you. But Rebhahn, the son of one of these people, feels right at home with these people.
This is a self-evident felony case. The Rebhahn gang self-evidently doctored evidence and did not give the FBI the complete picture when ordered to do so. They MUST go to jail for that alone, never mind their insane complaint against RJ, Apollonius and the AC/PI. There is no way out of this. The facts are now crystal clear. There is nothing complex going on here.
The Rebhahn gang relied on the POTUS comment to get the FBI to take action, and they deliberately denied the FBI the full content and date of this comment in order to sell the FBI a cock and bull fantasy which the inept FBI agents involved in this case totally bought. All of the FBI agents involved in this case should be fired for gross incompetence. So should the VPD detective who interviewed RJ. There is nothing mysterious about this case. A group of highly motivated liars – members of a sinister cult – told incredibly serious lies about their legitimate critics in an insane attempt to silence them. 1 + 1 = 2.
It is STAGGERING that the VPD and FBI – supposedly professional investigators – did not work this out. We have provided a mountain of evidence to explain what happened. We’re not the police and we’re not the FBI, so why have we had to carry out the investigation that they SHOULD have done? The thorough investigation we have done – despite no cooperation at all from the authorities – completely exposes the ineptitude of the VPD and FBI. They are a disgrace to law enforcement, and the reek of police corruption unquestionably hangs over this case. Why have clearcut felons not been arrested and prosecuted? The evidence is overwhelming and incontestable. It is astounding that Corey Rebhahn, Alexandria Torgensen, Susan Mitchell and Phillip Shope have not been arrested for what they did. You CANNOT go around claiming that people are TERRORISTS just because they were provoked into saying a few heated things. That is absolute madness, and it should have been self-evident to the FBI and VPD what was going on. What kind of world are living in?!
This case has been going on for FIVE MONTHS. Conclusive evidence against the Rebhahn gang has been available since September. Why has nothing been done?
Never forget, we have produced ABSOLUTE PROOF that Corey Rebhahn, with the full knowledge and cooperation of Phillip Shope, Susan Mitchell and Alexandria Torgensen, sent a doctored screenshot of RJ’s POTUS comment to the FBI as the centerpiece of a staggeringly serious set of allegations against RJ, Apollonius and the AC/PI. All four WILL go to jail for their fabrications, their lies, their conspiracy to deceive the FBI, and their ongoing obstruction of justice. They have zero chance of evading jail – unless one of them cuts a deal with the FBI and turns in the others. But these people are all fantasists and magical thinkers who believe they can talk their way out of this. They can’t. They believe they’re protected by screenshots. They’re not … we have far better screenshots, totally incriminating them! Remember, four former Hyperian mods have provided inside information about this cult. There’s no way the remaining Rebhahn gang can beat the rap. They’re totally fucked.
McAfee Update
We were expecting David G. McAfee to have published his first article on Morgy Porgy by now. He hasn’t. We have not heard any reason for the delay, though we were previously informed that he was receiving threats. Perhaps these threats have been escalated. It wouldn’t surprise us in the slightest, of course. That’s the MO of this and sick and sinister Hyperian cult.
Regarding the two parts of “Take Hyperianism to the Morgue”, we were expecting to publish these by today, but, alas, we are delayed.
The first book is 140,000 words long, and the second is 132,000 words long. Each book is totally devastating for Corey Rebhahn and his dangerous cult. These two books, on their own, would end Hyperianism if Hyperians actually read them. They will not, of course, just as they didn’t read David Sinclair’s book. These people who claim to revere reason and logic and despise faith do nothing to rationally and logically inform themselves. Instead, they rely on their absolute faith in their God, Corey Rebhahn.
This sick scene must be ended. It will be.