It’s an astonishing thing, but the FBI/VPD – utterly inept people – basically carried out a totally half-assed “investigation” of the false and malicious complaint submitted to the FBI by Corey Rebhahn (MorgueOfficial). They found nothing in it and dropped the case (without telling anyone), and made ZERO attempt to then investigate Corey Rebhahn, as they automatically should have done given the simply astonishing magnitude of the seriousness of Rebhahn’s insane concoctions. WHY? How can you just let an incredibly serious complaint about alleged terrorism and a POTUS assassination plot merely dissolve, with no action at all being taken against those complained about, nor against the complainant? What, was it just an innocent “mistake”? Remember, Rebhahn knew RJ and Apollonius extremely well. He had worked with them for YEARS. So this guy was either revealing accurate information about them – based on his close knowledge of them – or he was maliciously lying about them to get revenge against them. Well, we all know which of those two options is true!

YOU CANNOT BE ALLOWED TO MAKE FALSE AND MALICIOUS COMPLAINTS ABOUT INNOCENT PEOPLE. Yet the FBI/VPD have so far turned a blind eye to what Rebhahn did. Sure, if RJ or Apollonius had been shot dead – a very high probability event given the astonishing seriousness of what was alleged against them – Rebhahn would already be sitting in jail for the rest of his life. But he should be anyway.

REBHAHN ATTEMPTED TO GET RJ AND APOLLONIUS KILLED. There’s no question at all about that, and it’s a miracle they survived his false and malicious allegations, given the gravity of his deranged lies. Rebhahn must face the full force of the law and be charged with attempted murder. This fucking disgusting maniac must be permanently removed from interaction with normal, decent, moral people. He should be behind bars for the rest of his pathetic, twisted, malignant, pointless, diseased life.

This is what this insane person has literally said,

“I’m not anti-social, I just want you dead.”

Rebhahn absolutely wanted RJ, Apollonius and the AC/PI dead, and he did all he could to make it happen.

This monster said,

“I am not one to settle, I seek to be the best and I deserve the best. … I don’t associate with people just because they make me feel good like a fearful child who clings to a stuffed animal. I have had many personal paradigm shifts in my life, from religion to science to intuition to reason. I burn at maximum and I don’t expect to have a long life. … INFECT THE MASSES – and soon we will reach our new goal of 10,000. Bleed the world, stain it RED. Morbidly Yours, Morgue … If you could MURDER anyone and get away with it, who would it be? Relationship should be spelt ‘relationshit’. If you had the chance to try human flesh, would you? … 4/20 – Hitler’s Birthday – National pot smoking day – Columbine Massacre – My ex’s birthday. That should have been a red flag! Any plans for the day? … Am I the only one, that when seeing signs that read ‘ATM’ I immediately think of Ass To Mouth? … NEW Update, when are these fuckers going to learn I will not put up with their shit? … Die facebook die … My glass isn’t half empty or half full, it’s poison filled. … Haha some Jews tried to convert me yesterday. That is a first. I should have distracted them with some change. … I am really sick of people. … My nightmares have become my dreams. … This is just the beginning. Stain it RED. … Your life is a cancer and I am the cure. … Merry christmas you pieces of shit. I Don’t Give A Fuck. … Life is my stage, and the show must go on. … If I cut out your eyes, would you still see? … I admire anyone who is completely and honestly themselves. Those rare individuals who don’t try and ‘fit in’, those who don’t fear the judgement of others. Sadly, I have met very few people like that. But maybe it’s you… If it is, I’d like to meet you. … Let’s go HUNTING. … It’s amazing what you can do when you just don’t give a fuck. … Before we can CREATE, we must DESTROY. … They say to live everyday as if it were your last. Be glad I don’t or you’d all be dead. … I can break the rules. Can you? … Things are about to get… strange. … Many Enemies bring much Honor. … What would you choose: a happy content life, or would you risk losing EVERYTHING for fame and power? … We are the people our parents warned us about. … If music had an asshole, I’d fuck the shit out of it. … I finally finished my move to Los Angeles. Now to piss off the neighbors! Unpacking, and blasting ‘Pussy Liquor’. … Johnny’s parents just want him to fit in, to be normal like all the other kids. Conditioning to despise individuality begins at an early age. … There is nothing more frustrating than the long wait for the sex toy you ordered from China… Waking up this early makes me want to kill somebody… well… more so than usual anyway. … Christ and Satan, they are the same to me. … Sanity is for the unimaginative. … Aren’t you sick of all the peace and love? Don’t you want to taste a little blood? … Regarding the proposed censorship of the internet: We have been dealing with censorship for centuries, we have always found a way to be heard and we always will. We will NEVER be silenced. Fuck THEM. … While you are busy searching for the meaning of life, your life has been wasted. … Why is everything fun illegal? … You all are fucking crazy. … I am in a dark mood. … See ya, bitches. … Everyone just wants to be liked and accepted. Except for Tim. Tim doesn’t give a shit. … Most people make me sick. Their behavior resembles that of ants and cockroaches more than it does of human beings. … I’d rather change the world than change myself. If only more people had this attitude… Burn me at the stake. ‘Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.’ -exodus 22:18 … Fuck your fashion. Fuck your shops. Fuck your magazines. Fuck your makeup. Fuck your gossip. Fuck your malls. Fuck your clubs. Fuck your amusement parks. Fuck your PASS TIMES. Fuck your sex appeal. Fuck your workouts. Fuck your diets. Fuck your lattes. Fuck your trends. Can you even hear me through all that SHIT in your head? You are in a PRISON and it’s your own damn fault. This is a war. Wake up, break out and FIGHT back. Are you going to fight with me? … Reality bitches. I’m the real deal. … Been too busy getting fucked up, fucking up and fucking myself up. So shut the fuck up. … It’s a very, very mad world. … When you get to the end of your rope. Tie a knot and hang from it. … The white rabbit is an asshole. … Sick of stupidity. … Where’s the off button? … I like my wine how I like my people, bitter. … Sitting in the shower with a bottle of wine. #myfridaynight … I’ve lost so many phones by using them in the shower. … I am toxic. … ‘Men have called me mad; but the question is not yet settled, whether madness is or is not the loftiest intelligence.’ … Feeling dirty. … A neurologist approached a mentally ill woman named Elyn Saks and offered to help cure her. She declined and replied ‘Don’t take my demons away for my angels may flee too.’ … Repeat after me. I’m not real. … This is real life baby and I’m an angel. … We looked to happiness, then to darkness and now to insanity. … You’re not a person, you’re just an asshole, and I’m gonna fuck the shit out of you. … ‘I got that fucked up self-destructive thing goin’ on’. … To be happy one must be in love with suffering. … I was going to put something meaningful/inspirational but fuck it… kiss my ass. … Sobriety, what a horrible horrible feeling. … I hate people being able to see my eyes. They’re not for everyone. #SuicideChic … One day you must look in the mirror and accept the fact that you might simply, actually be insane. … If I were a priest I think I could handle a gun quite well. … If you ever wondered what I look like after taking a piss. … Just noticed there’s a wine bottle in the bottom right corner. You really need to have one within arms reach at all times. … This way … the wrong way. … I have a desire to be understood NOT to be accepted. … Thank you, I try to be real regardless if what I am is considered ‘acceptable’ or not. … I get a lot of messages from people facing depression. They tend to look at is as something weak and to be ashamed of. Suicidal individuals are some of the strongest people I have ever met. For them every day is a battle. … Sanity is overrated and excruciatingly boring. … The children love me. … The lights are everywhere but all lights will burn out eventually. … This place is strange. … I am a fine wine in the gutter. … Unhappy world goth day motherfuckers 😉 Morgue. Normal is an illusion. … I was born to succeed, not fail. … I’ll only fuck you when you’re DEAD. … Do you believe in right and wrong? … I create my own FATE. Do you? … Medical marijuana for babies. … SMILE. (Such a disgusting word)… Most of you have no idea who I am. Some of you have seen my shadow. Just wait… Normal is DEAD. … So many speak when they have nothing to say. My words are precise and toxic. … Say No to Normal. … Normal is dead and I carried the coffin. … Normal… What is normal? … Pull the trigger boys and girls. … I’m not anti-social, I just want you dead. … I DO NOT want or need approval from anyone other than myself. … You would make a beautiful corpse. … Today a little girl asked her mother if I was a real monster. … I have driven kings to madness. Their bodies hang in their own house. Can you see me? … ‘I am the Lecher bitch and I wear the X of castigation. I am the whore of the extreme.’ … Sometimes it takes a knife, to open a mind. … This photo was taken at an abandoned asylum. … Let me hear YOU say it. POST a comment here now and share it: ‘BLOOD!’ … Most performers block out the pain, however I intensify it. Pain can be beautiful. Pain reminds you that you are alive. … I’m not alive. I’m undead. … Do I make you wet? … Today a woman asked me nervously, if I was ‘actually’ dead. She seemed completely serious… and frightened. … Pretty little bitches afraid to get dirty. They are obsessed with popularity and ‘success’ in their celebrity world. Fuck them and their cute little skulls, and their pretty-boy makeup. They are the popular kids in high school, the only difference is they wear black clothing. Fuck them. I will have nothing to do with the bullshit culture they have created. We are the heretics, we are the rebels, we are the outcasts. We don’t give a shit about being accepted and we put no importance on popularity. We are real, fearless and dangerous.
#fakes #frauds #scum”

It’s INCONCEIVABLE that the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit, if presented with these direct quotes by Corey Rebhahn, would not conclude that he was a potential serial killer, and might already actually be one. Many of Rebhahn’s heroes (anti-heroes) are serial killers. He has quoted many of them approvingly. Who in their right mind would imagine that this obvious nutcase would NOT make a false and malicious complaint to the FBI to try to get two opponents killed? His social media is basically a signed confession.

Here’s a telling AC update from last October, which we look forward to being read out in court when Corey Rebhahn is being prosecuted:

The Case Against Hyperianism: Is Hyperianism a Misanthropy and Murder Cult?

Consider the evidence in the cult leader’s own words:

“If you could MURDER anyone and get away with it, who would it be?” – Corey Rebhahn

“They display proper etiquette at the dinner table while they feast on carefully prepared pieces of the dead. I grip the steak knife and my knuckles turn white as I long to plunge it into their rancid flesh. They can not comprehend the futility of their life. I could show them.” – Corey Rebhahn

“If you had the chance to try human flesh, would you?” – Corey Rebhahn

“I want to eat you.” – Corey Rebhahn

“We are the instruments of destruction. We will sing the songs of creation. #thenewdeath” – Corey Rebhahn

“Everyone has a demon inside yearning to escape. We are all born with it but everyone tries to hide it. First your parents, who are your world and then the world itself. They try to hide it and they usually do. Even you try to hide it. There are a few of us who recognize this and let the demon out little by little and more each time. Those of us who work at this will eventually become the demon. You must help it.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I can not count how many times some ‘spray on tan’ slut has inquired in disbelief why I dress the way I do, or do the things I do. ‘It’s not sexy’, she informs me. Such stupidity makes me want to strangle the bitch. Why should I be concerned if other people find me attractive in any way? Should I change my identity, for a waste producing organ between the legs? … Morbidly Yours, Morgue” – Corey Rebhahn

“An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. This is reality, and we need both love and hate.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Fight fire with fire.” – Corey Rebhahn

“To those who wish to make our lives hell, we will give you hell.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Hate or love?” – Corey Rebhahn

“This is not playtime, this is not the playground, this is real life. I will not hold hands and sing songs with those who wish to destroy me.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I’m getting sick of all this peace and love.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Unconditional love makes you weak and docile. Should you love the ones who bind you? Should you love the ones who burn you at the stake?” – Corey Rebhahn

“Don’t forget hate, anger, and will. Hate the ones who control and use you. Hate those who seek to make you their slave. Use your anger to fuel your will. Get angry and do something about it. Do not settle for the illusion of peace and freedom. Some of us still have a little fight left in us.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Fuck you!” – Corey Rebhahn

“Long live the heretic, long live the madman. To hell with the rest.” – Corey Rebhahn

“My “leave me the fuck alone” posture. It gets used often.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Stain it red.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Something I wrote:
I have a game
That we could play
Its piece’s made
From blood and clay
You roll the dice
To choose your place
And take your life
To end this race
I have a lie
That I could tell
You’ll never die
And end this hell
Divinely wrought
From deadly spit
The weak are taught
Their wrists to slit
Don’t let them beg
Don’t let them cry
We want them dead
We’ll watch them die” – Corey Rebhahn

“Pariah. #heretic #vagabond #outcast #outlier” – Corey Rebhahn

“Fuck them. I will have nothing to do with the bullshit culture they have created. We are the heretics, we are the rebels, we are the outcasts. We don’t give a shit about being accepted and we put no importance on popularity. We are real, fearless and dangerous. #fakes #frauds #scum” – Corey Rebhahn

“I burn at maximum and I don’t expect to have a long life.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I’m coming back bitches. It’s time to light the fuse.” – Corey Rebhahn

“The forgotten one
Erased from the pages, lost in history
Forger of insanity
Creator of a new sin
Lord of initiation
Mention not his name” – Corey Rebhahn

“Disgusted by “humanity”.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I’m not anti-social, I just want you dead.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I DO NOT want or need approval from anyone other than myself.” – Corey Rebhahn

“You would make a beautiful corpse.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I have driven kings to madness. Their bodies hang in their own house. Can you see me?” – Corey Rebhahn

“I am the Lecher bitch and I wear the X of castigation. I am the whore of the extreme.” As quoted by Corey Rebhahn

“So many speak when they have nothing to say. My words are precise and toxic.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Say No to Normal.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Normal is dead and I carried the coffin.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Normal… What is normal?” – Corey Rebhahn

“Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Sanity is overrated.” – Corey Rebhahn

“One day you must look in the mirror and accept the fact that you might simply, actually be insane.” – Corey Rebhahn

“So many people are fucked up inside because they are made to be someone they aren’t.” – Corey Rebhahn

“You’re not a person, you’re just an asshole, and I’m gonna fuck the shit out of you.” – Corey Rebhahn

“This is real life baby and I’m an angel.” – Corey Rebhahn

“We looked to happiness, then to darkness and now to insanity.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I like my wine how I like my people, bitter.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Reality bitches. I’m the real deal.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Right and Wrong DOES NOT EXIST – Eliminating Morality Part 1
YOUTUBE.COM SUBSCRIBE! Morgue shares his views on morality. First video in the series proposes that morality does not exist.” – Corey Rebhahn

“They say to live everyday as if it were your last. Be glad I don’t or you’d all be dead.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I can break the rules. Can you?” – Corey Rebhahn

“It’s amazing what you can do when you just don’t give a fuck.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Before we can CREATE, we must DESTROY.” – Corey Rebhahn

“The Insanity Drug.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Terrors of Men: I don’t give a fuck.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Life is my stage, and the show must go on.” – Corey Rebhahn

“If I cut out your eyes, would you still see?” – Corey Rebhahn

“Let’s go HUNTING.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Morbidly Yours,
Strangle the B*tch” – Corey Rebhahn
“Home of Morgue – Musings of a Dead Soul” – Corey Rebhahn

“Ah trivia time! “It wasn’t as dark and scary as it sounds. I had a lot of fun…killing somebody’s a funny experience.” Do you know who said this?” Yes yes! Albert Desalvo is correct. The Boston Strangler, confessed murderer of 13 women. I knew my bloodthirsty friends would get this one fast.” – Corey Rebhahn

“NEW Update, when are these fuckers going to learn I will not put up with their shit?” – Corey Rebhahn

“Ah Trivia time, here is a favorite of mine: “I believe the only way to reform people is to kill them” Do you know who said it?” – Corey Rebhahn [Serial killer Carl Panzram]

“My glass isn’t half empty or half full, it’s poison filled.” – Corey Rebhahn

“What’s your favorite non-alcoholic drink? And if someone says blood I will stab you!” – Corey Rebhahn

“Things are about to get… strange.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Bite me.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Sanity is for the unimaginative.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Aren’t you sick of all the peace and love? Don’t you want to taste a little blood?” – Corey Rebhahn

“Let’s learn german. Today’s phrase is “Eat shit and die”.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Waking up this early makes me want to kill somebody… well… more so than usual anyway.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Many Enemies bring much Honour [Mussolini]” – Corey Rebhahn

“What would you choose: a happy content life, or would you risk losing EVERYTHING for fame and power?” – Corey Rebhahn

“Thank you bluetooths, for making me appear sane when I talk to myself.” – Corey Rebhahn

“It feels so GOOD to be BAD.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I’m such a nice guy.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Your life is a cancer and I am the cure.” – Corey Rebhahn

“We won’t keep calm.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Feeling dirty.” – Corey Rebhahn

“What do you think is lacking in the world right now? What would you like to see more of? Some of these answers make me want to vomit.” – Corey Rebhahn

“One day you will see my face.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Most of you have no idea who I am. Some of you have seen my shadow. Just wait…” – Corey Rebhahn

“Fallen angels are the true liberators of spirit. We bow to no one and we ask no one to bow to us. Get off your knees and stand on your own feet.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Truer words never spoken. 😉 Morgue … Sticks and stones may break my bones … but a 12 gauge sawed off will BLOW YOUR FUCKIN’ HEAD OFF.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I was going to put something meaningful/inspirational but fuck it… kiss my ass.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I am toxic.” – Corey Rebhahn

And, by the way, if Hyperians complain that we are using cherry-picked quotes from years ago, well, all we’re doing is deploying the exact same tactic as your cult god when he literally told the FBI (!!!) that we were deadly Nazi Terrorists, based on quotes from a NOVEL from years ago. So spare us your fucking hypocrisy. Our plan is to make this person the most toxic person on earth, just as he attempted to do to us. And we shall succeed – since this actually is an utterly toxic human being, despite his claim that he doesn’t identify as human. What, do you identify as a PSYCHOPATH? Accurate!

So, tonight is another deadstream. We all know the drill. This insane person will continue to act as if absolutely nothing is up, that his cult is not in an existential battle, and all of his insane followers will do exactly the same, and not one will ask the cult god to address what is going on. And these people claim to be HYPERAWARE WORLD SHAPERS! In fact, they are all lunatics, and they all ought to be in mental asylums. You cannot make a problem go away by pretending it’s not there. Didn’t you learn that as children? You think that if you don’t look, the thing you fear isn’t there. But it is! And it’s not going away, no matter how much you close your eyes!

How could anyone imagine that someone who says these things would NOT make up false and malicious shit about others to try to destroy them? This man is so sick, so mentally diseased, that he is capable of any crime at all, especially MURDER. He literally says so! This is not some “nice”, innocent man. This is a true monster, sadist, torturer, and predator. He is hiding in plain sight. He has openly told us that he is a dangerous monster. Just read his quotes. This isn’t hard, folks!

The VPD idiot detective was so befuddled by the POTUS comment that he had no clue whether it was directed at Biden, Trump or Barack Obama. But that means that the idiot detective had no idea what was going on. Because how could it NOT be clear? How can it be unclear who the target is of someone accused of being a terrorist/assassin? Trump belongs to a totally different political camp from Biden and Obama so the very fact that the idiot detective mentioned all three presidents means that he couldn’t even “detect” what RJ’s politics were. RJ hyperbolically spoke of “killing” bigots, racists and misogynists, yet Rebhahn claimed that this meant that RJ was a deadly threat to “Woke liberals”. WTF! Why did the detective not detect the ABSOLUTE CONTRADICTION? But contradiction seemed to worry the idiot detective NOT AT ALL. He kept accepting totally contradictory things – such as RJ emphatically denying making the POTUS comment in the days running up to August 6, 2022, and Rebhahn insisting that RJ HAD said it just days earlier. Isn’t it the job of a “detective” to detect the truth? What “detective” accepts both accounts when they are the OPPOSITE of each other? Yet this VPD clown did exactly that, and that’s why we have ended up in the INSANE position of no action being taken against RJ or anyone else accused by Rebhahn, and also no action being taken against Rebhahn, even though he literally falsely and maliciously accused completely innocent people of being terrorists and would-be presidential assassins based on TOTALLY DOCTORED (hence criminal) screenshots. Any decent, competent detective would have reached a conclusion about who was lying – RJ or Rebhahn – and responded accordingly. But not the idiot VPD detective who basically thought, “I can’t be bothered with this. I’m just going to drop it without doing any actual detective work.” And it’s because of that detective’s shameful incompetence, apathy, laziness and neglect of duty that this has dragged on for over a year now. That man simply refused to do his job! What a disgrace. Rebhahn got stunningly lucky that the detective who looked at his deranged, false and malicious complaint was such a bad detective, so hopeless at his job, and so entirely uninterested in this case and who was telling the truth. He just couldn’t be arsed! So much for justice! The idiot detective is 100% guilty of neglect of duty. He should be fired. He is unfit to be a detective. He provably can’t do his job. He provably has zero interest in getting to the truth, and that’s the No.1 reason why Rebhahn and his gang aren’t in jail now. We thought this case was all over as soon as RJ found the original POTUS comment, proving his 100% innocence and the 100% guilt of Rebhahn. How wrong we were. We didn’t factor in an idiot detective, or even corrupt detective, who simply refused to do his job and simply blatantly ignored the slam-dunk proof of Rebhahn’s absolute and incontestable guilt. What staggering bad luck it was for our side that this was the detective involved with this case. Had an honest, competent detective been assigned to this case, the Rebhahn gang would now all be sitting in jail where they belong for insanely accusing 100% innocent people of being terrorists and assassins – false and malicious accusations so serious that they MUST result in lengthy prison terms for those who made them, and supported them. It’s incredibly depressing how much “justice” depends on the competence and honesty of those assigned to cases. If you get an incompetent, dishonest cop assigned to the case, as our side did, you’re fucked. Justice will not be done – until you find a way round the corrupt cop … and that’s ALWAYS a long hard slog. As we all know, the cops always defend their own and justice can go fuck itself as far as these vile, evil people are concerned.

When the sex pervert and drug addict Phillip Shope is finally interrogated by law enforcement, he will be asked whether he believed that RJ’s POTUS comment was a genuine, viable death threat against Joe Biden, as his cult leader (the man he loves unconditionally) claimed to the FBI. If Shope tells the truth – that he knew it was nothing to do with Biden and was just banter in a private chat where he said worse things than RJ! – then Rebhahn, his idol, his god, goes to jail. If Shope tries to lie to help Rebhahn – as he has been doing relentlessly since last August – then he will be PROVING that he was an accomplice of Rebhahn and will definitely be jailed along with him. It’s almost impossible to see how Shope can avoid jail since he has very clearly conspired with Rebhahn, aided and abetted him, and obstructed justice at every turn.

Isn’t it hilarious that not one Neogenian cultist can say to their cult leader, “Hey, Corey, er, Morgue, we know you’re 100% telling the truth so why don’t you put those evil liars in their place by publishing your IC3 complaint to the FBI?”

Because 100% of Neogenian cultists KNOW that Rebhahn lied through his teeth in his false and malicious complaint to the FBI, and they also know that the Neogenian cult is finished if Rebhahn’s IC3 is ever published. Just as much as Rebhahn, they don’t want Rebhahn’s IC3 complaint revealed. They don’t want to know what Rebhahn is truly like. They want to remain in his shared fantasy with him, where they feel special. They won’t feel special when Rebhahn and his gang are in jail. They will feel terrible. Several of them will commit suicide. The world won’t shed any tears.

Not one of Rebhahn’s mods can ask to see the IC3. They all know it’s a total lie, and they don’t want to see it and be confronted by the harsh, hard truth.

Everyone KNOWS FOR A FACT that Rebhahn removed the words “Never harms self or others” from RJ’s POTUS comment, removed the date (30 March, 2020), removed the fact that it was about Donald Trump, and removed the fact that Neogenian moderator Phillip Shope said worse things than RJ and was never reported by Rebhahn to the FBI! Everyone KNOWS that Rebhahn criminally doctored the evidence to pretend that RJ was about to assassinate President Joe Biden! Yet not a single member of Rebhahn’s cult can challenge him about this. Absolutely every one of them knows to ignore the whole subject. How well trained these mindless poodles are that hilariously call themselves fearless, hyperaware World Shapers. They’re too scared even to ask Rebhahn to show them his IC3. If it was in any way truthful, he would have published it long ago. What has he got to hide? No cultist is allowed to ask! So much for being able to ask Rebhahn any question you want. Every one of his groomed cultists knows all the things they must NEVER ask about! Everything important! Everything REAL.

By the way, why didn’t Shope report Rowan to the FBI on 30 March, 2020? How come this POTUS comment became an issue that had to be URGENTLY COMMUNICATED TO THE FBI two and half years after it was written, regarding a different president … and only after RJ had resigned from the cult? Why didn’t Rebhahn make a complaint to the FBI about an online death threat to POTUS by his moderator Phillip Shope, who made enormously more explicit threats against POTUS than RJ did (with his mere daydreams), and indeed started that whole conversation. Oh, right, Shope didn’t resign from Hyperianism. So, you’re a deadly threat to POTUS not based on what you put in private chat, but on whether or not you remain a Hyperian moderator. I’m sure the FBI will be very interested in that as a criterion for making incredibly serious complaints to the FBI!

Funny how a two-and-a-half years old comment became an issue only after the publication of “Without the Mob, There Is No Circus”, and before that there was no issue at all. Funny how this two-and-a-half years old comment suddenly had to be communicated to the FBI with the utmost alacrity. Not to do with revenge, or anything, right guys? You know, by dredging up an ancient comment and suddenly presenting it as a CURRENT threat to the CURRENT POTUS. Do you lunatics actually believe the FBI will buy this when they finally get round to actually looking at the evidence?!

The Rebhahn gang LITERALLY told the FBI that ancient banter was a current, real threat to Joe Biden. And they expect to get away with that. Mind boggling.

These maniacs are all going to jail.

We all know that the sex pervert Phillip Shope goes to bed every night fantasizing about Morgy Porgy (did you just throw up in your mouth?!), but what will he think when he realizes that Porgy is the man who ruined his life? Porgy is so contemptuous of Shope that he didn’t even consult with him when he decided to make the POTUS comment given to him by Shope the gleaming centerpiece of his false and malicious complaint to the FBI. Shope himself thought that the POTUS comment would be used by Rebhahn to show that RJ used to qualify his rhetoric. The very first thing Rebahn did – without a word to Shope (well, why would a master talk to a poodle, a glove puppet, a dancing monkey, a ventriloquist’s dummy?!) – was to remove the qualifier, remove all context, and any hint of a date, from the POTUS comment so that he could sell it to the FBI as an immediate death threat against Joe Biden. Shope would never have agreed with that … well, until he did! It’s not as if he would ever question his God, is it? Like Abraham, he must do whatever his God wants. It’s all about UNCONDITIONAL FAITH, you see. Abraham was prepared to kill his own son to prove his loyalty to his God. And Shope wants to go to jail to prove his loyalty to his God. And he will!

Shope will go to jail for supplying the POTUS comment that he KNOWS was illegally doctored by Rebhahn without him taking action to report Rebhahn to the authorities (as Jewel did), thus proving that he conspired with Rebhahn, aided and abetted Rebhahn, and obstructed justice.

Hey, Shope, maybe jail will, finally, make a man of you! Hee hee!

Why is the Neogenian cult full of half-men and eunuchs? Oh right, they’re the only ones who can put up with Rebhahn. Because they all romantically love him. How fucking squalid can you get? The whole scene is so sordid and twisted, full of so much psychological malfunction and dysfunction. It’s full of manifest perverts. Every single one of them despises normality and campaigns against it. How sick and degenerate.

Never forget how Rebhahn self-identified:

“Freak, Monster, Witch, Murderer. My name is Morgue, I am an extreme stunt artist and performer on the TV series FREAKSHOW on AMC. I REJECT the anesthetic of MORALITY and religion. My blood will set me free. ‘Will’ is the knife that removes weakness and all that obstructs the path to vitality. Weeding out the weaknesses of the mind and limits of the body, I believe in overcoming resistance. Not contentment but constant self-improvement. Wake up. Sacrifice the sheep and become God.”

Did Rebhahn murder two gay lovers and pass off their deaths as suicides? Why would anyone refer to themselves as a murderer if they were NOT a murderer? Why would anyone pose as a pedophile if they were NOT a pedophile? Why doesn’t Rebhahn do a response video to clear all of this up? Oh yeah, and publish your false and malicious IC3 complaint to the FBI while you’re at it, you freaky, monstrous, murderous, witchy cunt – to quote yourself!

Hey, Rebhahn, did you regard RJ and Apollonius as “sheep” to be sacrificed to make yourself “God”, you insane, evil bastard? Like all insane psychopaths, you have no limits, no moral inhibitions. You are pure, true evil. No wonder your Christian mother detested you. She knew she had birthed a devil. Was that why she kept you away from school?

Here’s a telling video from Clarice:

“The Evil Of The Narcissist… The Simple Truth”

“Narcissists are evil. I know it is a strong statement to make and some people do not agree but I strongly believe that all true victims of Narcissistic Abuse will agree that Narcissists are evil. And whether you believe it is a mental or spiritual disorder does not matter. Narcissists have a desire to hurt people and that is what makes them evil.”

Everything Clarice says is 100% true of Corey Rebhahn – an authentic MONSTER. And what sane person could doubt it given what we have quoted on this page?!

It’s about time the world took the strongest possible action against malignant narcissists. Only then can humanity progress.

Rebhahn literally said,

“Why is everything fun illegal?”

This fucking psychopath gets his fun from doing illegal, criminal actions. That’s why he’s going to jail.

“Facebook just sent me an official notification that they are concerned for my mental health, and that I should consider professional help. I must be doing something right 😉 – Corey Rebhahn.

“I got that fucked up self-destructive thing goin’ on” – Corey Rebhahn

“To be happy one must be in love with suffering.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Repeat after me. I’m not real.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Anal Prolapse is the reason I decided to get my Ph.D in Butt Stuffology. In my unprofessional opinion: just try shoving it back up there! Just … have it … And if that doesn’t work out, surgery … get surgery…” – Corey Rebhahn

“Deathbycrimson (Corey Rebhahn):
Why me?
Why not anyone else?
Can’t you see I’m a fuck-up!?
Can’t you see none of my relationships work out…
I’ve crushed on you for too long….
I got you a ring…
I wanted to put it on you…
But maybe it’s a waste…
Maybe ‘fate’ isn’t going to be nice this time…
Maybe I am delusional…
The professionals say I am…
Maybe I’m just blind…
Maybe I don’t deserve love.”

This is Nazi book burner, a danger to all knowledge and intelligence. A total enemy of humanity and evolution. This guy is as insane as it gets. And so are the sick and degenerate cultists who worship this dangerous, homicidal lunatic. This guy must be put behind bars as soon as possible to protect the public. Why aren’t the FBI arresting this madman?! His total insanity is there for everyone to see. You could not get anyone more seriously mentally ill than this man – a man who hasn’t spoken to his mom for twenty years, who says himself that he suffers from RTS, PTSD and CPTSD, and has openly referred to his insanity and delusions countless times. Why doesn’t the world simply agree with this nutjob and lock him up before he does any more damage? It’s a scandal that this maniac is still at liberty.

Here’s another fantastic Sam Vaknin video, providing a great summary of Vaknin’s work on pathological narcissism:

“Narcissist Needs You to Fail Him, Let Go (with Azam Ali)”

“The narcissist enters a shared fantasy with a maternal figure (his intimate partner) only in order to separate from her (which he failed to accomplish with his biological mother). The intimate partner is expected to help the narcissist by acting the part of a rejecting, betraying mother. If she refuses, he tries to coerce her into this role and then devalues and discards her.”

Never forget that Corey Rebhahn’s (Morgue Official’s) entire life is defined by his mother, with whom he has not communicated for over half of his life! Everything he is and does is all about his MOMMY.

Malignant narcissism, based on a malignant shared fantasy, is all about a really horrific version of power. As this video points out, the malignant narc cult leader infantilizes his cult slaves and serves as their mother, unconditionally loving them, and they all LOVE being LOVED unconditionally. They have been regressed to childhood and now act like children (just look at the Neogenian cultists!). But the malignant narc cult leader’s game is all about MOMMY – recreating mommy so that he can finally separate from her and individuate. So, he uses the shared fantasy to get his cult slaves to UNCONDITIONALLY LOVE HIM. In other words, by mothering his cult slaves via unconditionally loving them, he gets them to unconditionally love him back and act as HIS mother(s), all protective towards him and telling him how perfect and amazing he is (as mothers often say to their babies!). Vaknin called this “dual mothership”. Look at the sick and degenerate Neogenian cult. Rebhan is the mother of his cult slaves (rendering them children who never talk back), and they are also his mothers, (rendering him a child, constantly being praised by mommy!). The whole thing is psychologically SICK and about 100% infantilization. But never forget that Rebhahn has the mental age of a two-year-old, and the same is true of his cult slaves. These are all SERIOUSLY MENTALLY ILL PEOPLE! They prefer a fantasy world to reality. They are engaged in shared psychosis (shared psychotic disorder). That’s what cults are all about. Just look at the Neogenian cult. These cultists are dysfunctional people from dysfunctional backgrounds, often drug addicts and alcoholics and full-on criminals, and they invariably had terrible relationships with their parents and claim to suffer from made-up conditions such as “RTS” (allowing them to play their favorite game of posing as VICTIMS), instead of facing the facts – that they were raised incredibly badly and have been psychologically totally fucked because of it.

It wasn’t religion that screwed you, it was your parents! You need to become self-aware and face up to your problems, you fuckwits, not run away from them to live in Corey Rebhahn’s sick fantasy world where you feel oh so special. You’re not special. You’re pathetic fantasists. You’re marks and suckers, being groomed and fleeced by a totally sick conman and grifter. We told you all this last year in “Without the Mob, There Is No Circus”, but you wouldn’t listen. Cult slaves never do.

FYI, there will be another post tomorrow.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Hyperianism
What is Hyperianism?
Books by Morgue
Books by Morgue
What is Ontological Mathematics
What Is Ontological Mathematics?
Morgue from Freakshow
Morgue From Freakshow
Who is Morgue
Who Is Morgue? The Truth is More Sinister Than Imagined

Tags: Hyperianism, Morgue Official, Hyperian, Morgen Night, AMC Freakshow, Corey Rebhahn, Inner Star Actualization, What is Hyperianism, Morgue Official Real Name, Hyperian Founder, Morgue from Freakshow, Neogenian, Neogenian Oculus, Neogenianism, Neogenian Collective