“It’s a cyclical cosmological cycle.”
The domain of Becoming is cyclical. The domain of Being is absolutely
NOT. It is eternally and necessarily static (i.e., immutable). Come on, people, have you understood
NOTHING of our system? Plato sought to bring together the unchangingness (
BEING) of Parmenides and the ever-changingness (
BECOMING) of Heraclitus. Plato came up with unchanging Form (Being) and ever-changing matter (Becoming).
Ontological mathematics has unchanging frequencies (Being) and ever-changing spacetime (Becoming), the two domains reflecting a dual-aspect monism via ontological Fourier mathematics, linking the frequency domain of mind and the spacetime domain of matter, thus solving the otherwise impossible problem of Cartesian substance dualism.
The ancient Atomists had a system of eternal, unchanging atoms (Being), which, via hooking together or unhooking from each other, generated the temporal and contingent domain of change (Becoming). A vital consideration here is that the eternal units here, the atoms, actually participate in the temporal and contingent order by moving around in it.
Let’s be very clear about this. Unchanging atoms create change by MOVING and coupling or decoupling with other unchanging atoms.
What about ontological mathematics? Ont math is all about a Singularity. Everything happens within this Singularity. Nothing physically moves. There is no physical space, so Atomism cannot apply. Ont math is all about the superposition of mathematical waves. The eternal and necessary basis waves never move anywhere (there is nowhere to move to!), so how do they generate change? They do so via TRANSFORMATION, via mathematical transforms (the inverse and forward transforms of ontological Fourier mathematics). Transformation, in these terms, is EXCLUSIVELY MATHEMATICAL, meaning that reality is exclusively mathematical. Science, even though it uses math all the time, is of course profoundly anti-mathematical since it always looks for PHYSICAL explanations, and never for MATHEMATICAL explanations. So, it would NEVER accept a non-physical domain of eternal frequencies as being the source of spacetime via ontological Fourier mathematics. Instead, it prefers randomness … spacetime randomly jumping into existence out of non-existence. Science has NO eternal and necessary features (these are non-scientific!). It is entirely about the temporal and contingent, so has to get the temporal and contingent started via randomness, since it has no eternal and necessary order to appeal to. Ont math gets rid of randomness entirely. Ont math is based on the PSR, so absolutely everything has an explanation. Randomness IS IMPOSSIBLE! For science, eternal and necessary existence is impossible! (Such existence is not material and empirical, hence is incompatible with the scientific method, a method that assumes the temporal and contingent).
Many people assume they “get” ont math when they self-evidently do not. They are trying to generate physical models – picture-thinking stuff – of what is going on. They refuse to, or cannot, migrate to mathematical conceptualism (non-picture thinking). Most people CANNOT grasp the idea that an eternal and necessary system of mathematical frequencies (sinusoids), by its very conceptual, mathematical nature, generates a secondary mathematical domain of spacetime – the temporal and contingent material domain of becoming, of SCIENCE. Even Nobel laureates in physics cannot grasp such concepts. It’s not that these concepts are difficult … it’s that they are profoundly alien to how humanity pictures reality. Atomism gives people a picture they can grasp. Ont math, with its wave superposition and wave transforms, does not. Ont math conceptually solves all of the great issues of philosophy, but people just can’t get their heads around it because it’s conceptual rather than picture-based, meaning that you have to be really fucking intelligent – a thinking type using reason and logic – before you can get anywhere near understanding what is going on. Absolute knowledge is for thinking types. Sensing and feeling types will never get there. Intellectual, but not emotional, intuitives can get there too. There are people out there who know that ont math is right – because their intellectual intuition immediately showed them the truth of it, even if the details of ont math are still difficult for them.
Bryan Walters said,
” After entropy is the total heat death of the universe.”
Eh? Wikipedia says,
“The heat death of the universe (also known as the Big Chill or Big Freeze) is a hypothesis on the ultimate fate of the universe, which suggests the universe will evolve to a state of no thermodynamic free energy and will therefore be unable to sustain processes that increase entropy. Heat death does not imply any particular absolute temperature; it only requires that temperature differences or other processes may no longer be exploited to perform work. In the language of physics, this is when the universe reaches thermodynamic equilibrium. The Heat Death theory has become the leading theory in the modern age with the fewest unpredictable factors.”
This is pure scientific materialism. It has nothing to do with ontological mathematics, which is driven by the ultimate and inevitable victory of NEGENTROPY. This is all mathematically baked in. To be more precise, all spacetime functions must unravel (through space expanding, and so on) and bring the domain of Becoming back to the pure non-spacetime, zero-entropy domain of Being that spawned it at the Big Bang (which was actually just an ontological Fourier mathematical event of frequency generating spacetime!).
Walters said,
“You would then have a singularity and another big bang.”
To repeat, this heat death stuff is nothing to do with our system. There is an eternal and necessary Singularity – which permanently exists at zero entropy and thus has an absolute temperature of zero – and nothing EVER leaves the Singularity. All mathematical operations are carried out WITHIN the Singularity. The Big Bang universe is an internal mathematical projection – a true, ontological HOLOGRAM – within a frequency domain of Being that cannot but create a spacetime domain of Becoming because of the intrinsic properties of mathematical sinusoidal waves. It’s all in the math!
How many times have we said that the signature analogy is dreaming. Your individual mind creates an individual dream and then ends that dream when you wake up. The dream at no time leaves your mind, or sticks out of your mind into the physical world. It is totally self-contained. The dream is a mathematical projection within the mind of the dreamer. It is physical. The dreamworld is purely mental.
There is no “physical” universe at all. There is a mathematical, mental universe that APPEARS to be physical and is misinterpreted as being physical – because people don’t understand ontological mathematics and how it creates the spacetime universe of “matter”.
Bryan Walters said,
“it’s called the cyclical cosmological model.”
But in a totally different way from how you imagine. It has nothing to do with scientific materialist heat death, with relentlessly increasing entropy. In fact, the universe is driven to its conclusion by NEGENTROPY, and its base state is zero entropy, the total elimination of entropy!
Wikipedia says:
“The first antinomy (of space and time):
Thesis: The world has a beginning in time, and is also limited as regards space.
Anti-thesis: The world has no beginning, and no limits in space; it is infinite as regards both time and space.”
Kant believed that pure reason (metaphysics) could not solve various problems, hence his “critique” of pure reason. As you can see, Kant put up an antithesis against a thesis, and said that no resolution was possible. Hegel said that an answer IS possible, via a dialectic involving an additional SYNTHESIS phase.
In fact, all of these things are just mathematical issues. So, the domain of Being – the frequency domain – has no beginning (it’s eternal and necessary) and is NEVER in space and time. It’s a pure, immaterial Singularity and can contain infinity (ONLY a singularity can ontologically accommodate infinity).
The domain of Becoming – generated as a mathematical projection within the domain of Being – has both a beginning in time, and an end in time, and is a limited material universe in space and time guaranteed to come to an end.
It’s Kant’s anti-mathematical reasoning that was flawed and must be critiqued … not pure reason … WHICH NEVER ERRS!
Wikipedia says,
“The second antinomy (of atomism)
Thesis: Every composite substance in the world is made up of simple parts, and nothing anywhere exists save the simple or what is composed of the simple.
Anti-thesis: No composite thing in the world is made up of simple parts, and there nowhere exists in the world anything simple.”
So, reality comprises simple units/unities (monads), constituted of a complete set of simple basis waves (basis thoughts). Reality, via Occam’s razor, must be about absolute simplicity, the simplest reality possible of the simplest units possible, sufficient to create the greatest number of phenomena possible (absolute simplicity must not be maximally sterile; on the contrary, it must be maximally universal and fertile … as Leibniz said: “[reality must be] simplest in hypothesis and the richest in phenomena.”; maximum simplicity, maximum universality and maximum productivity all go together – which is yet another reason why there can be no such thing as ONE MIND!) The universe must be maximally universal (!) in order to produce the maximum number of particulars; there is no reason why reality would restrict itself so as not to achieve this outcome … it would never, for example, be ONE MIND!!!
All complex things are derived from simple things. It’s impossible to get complexity not grounded in simplicity. Complexity has no sufficient reason. It cannot be arrived at via any rational means. Complexity can only logically come from simplicity!
Wikipedia says,
“The third antinomy (of spontaneity and causal determinism)
Thesis: Causality in accordance with laws of nature is not the only causality from which the appearances of the world can one and all be derived. To explain these appearances it is necessary to assume that there is also another causality, that of Spontaneity.
Anti-thesis: There is no Spontaneity; everything in the world takes place solely in accordance with laws of nature.”
Everything does indeed take place solely in accordance with the laws of nature, but these ontological mathematical laws are both syntactic and semantic, rational and empirical, objective and subjective, and support subjectivity and free will – exactly because our basis thoughts are ours forever and can never be melted into any other minds to become
THEIR basis thoughts! That would instantly destroy free will and subjectivity! That’s why there is no such thing as
ONE MIND, the ultimate solipsistic and narcissistic system, hence why solipsism (inherent ontological unity) is so beloved by the
malignant narcissist Corey Rebhahn, Queen Bee leader of the Hyperian cult of mindless slaves (drones)!
There are absolutely no random processes, processes without sufficient reasons (“spontaneous” processes). Material causation is very different from immaterial (mental) causation. Our physical bodies are not ours – they are made from material atoms that didn’t originate with us. Our basis thoughts, on the other hand, are permanently ours, and ours alone. THERE IS NO HYPERIAN “ONE MIND” OF TOTAL SOLIPSISM AND NARCISSISM!
Wikipedia says,
“The fourth antinomy (of necessary being or not)
Thesis: There belongs to the world, either as its part or as its cause, a being that is absolutely necessary.
Anti-thesis: An absolutely necessary being nowhere exists in the world, nor does it exist outside the world as its cause.”
Individual monads are beings that are absolutely necessary. ONE MIND is absolutely unnecessary and doesn’t exist. There are always MANY monadic minds. Hyperianism is 100% false. We live in a Hive Mind (Many Minds) reality, not a One Mind or Zero Minds reality! Hyperianism is totally false. So is mindless scientific materialism.
Monads can NEVER ontologically vanish (into other things, such as into ONE MIND, as Hyperianism fallaciously claims).
There is definitely NOT ONE absolutely necessary being. Whatever reason would justify the existence of one immediately justifies the existence of others. There is NOTHING to stop a myriad of monads, an ontological HIVE MIND. Monads are net zeros. They require nothing, and nothing can stop them, and so their existence is therefore compulsory. The existence of ONE MIND alone is absolutely FORBIDDEN! And so Hyperianism is impossible, and so is whatever Bryan Walters believes in (which is basically just Hyperianism).
Can you imagine Hyperians like Shope, Mitchell, Torgensen, Dyslexic Fairy, Kassidy, Wonderpoop, PUKES, and all the rest of the halfwits and dunces trying to follow these arguments? The whole idea is comedy gold. These people are MORONS, and they led by the moron in chief – Moron Morgue, the man with no education and no qualifications! That perfectly sums up Hyperianism. It’s the Dunning-Kruger effect on stilts, or on high heels in the case of Moron Morgue, the crossdresser!