The Hyperian Thieves



The Hyperian thieves wholly lack a moral compass. They are in a very real sense immoral and evil. They believe that it is absolutely OK to STEAL the work of others and then TOTALLY CORRUPT that work in order to satisfy their own demented Woke ideology. They see nothing wrong with that at all. They argue that it is perfectly fine for them to use ontological mathematics because it’s out there in the world. Well of course it is … we put it there! And had WE not done that, no one would be talking about ont math, and Hyperianism wouldn’t exist and there would be no Corey Rebhahn grifting from suckers on the basis of providing the answer to existence. It’s Illuminism’s answer and it will always be Illuminism’s answer, and anyone else who references this answer is copying OUR ANSWER. And that can never change.

Hyperianism is 100% dependent on Illuminism for its answer to existence, and yet it CONSTANTLY TROLLS Illuminism because Illuminism is ANTI-WOKE.

We troll Hyperians BECAUSE they are abusing OUR WORK. They troll us … because … they are abusing our work! They think they have a RIGHT to abuse our work. They think they have a right to take ANTI-WOKE systems and wreck them by applying Wokeness to them. How fucking sick can you get? These monsters believe they are building “New Terra”. They are building it on the foundations of work they stole and then malignantly corrupted. What kind of decent people do that? These people are DISGUSTING. They are wholly anti-social and could never play a part in a healthy society. They are malignancies on the body politic.

New Terra is nothing but indecency. These Hyperians are PERVERTS, and we absolutely mean that. They pervert everything to cater for their own perversions – which are legion – and they want the world to celebrate their pervertedness. They think perversion is “diverse” and “wonderful” and should be respected and celebrated. They want drag queens to indoctrinate children! Well, why not hard core porn stars, or BDSM dominatrices, or practicing witches, or Nazis … or whatever. Let’s just DESTROY children’s lives by removing them from normality, and majority standards, and subjecting them to every fucking diverse freakshow we can imagine. No, let’s NEVER do that!

The Hyperian Thieves
Pedo Rebhahn luring youth to his WOKE Cult

Hey, you know all those pedo-style Rebhahn pics. If Hyperianism had its way, children would be getting rounded up so that the disgusting pervert Corey Rebhahn could tell them all about the “Terrors of Men”, strangling bitches, hating sluts, stabbing people with steak knives, asking if rape and murder are fine. Rebhahn would tell them to hate normality, campaign against normality, hate conformity and campaign against it, and in every way reject anyone who doesn’t fully embrace “diversity” and extreme minorities. Within six months of New Terra being established, pedophiles would be invited into classrooms – because where the fuck does this perversion stop? It has NO END. There is no limit to it. Corey Rebhahn is perverted in every single way. He even calls himself a murderer, and poses in a raincoat with a lollipop – the iconic image of a stranger-danger PEDOPHILE. And the perverted Hyperians sing hosanna! All of them should be arrested. They are a serious threat to humanity and support the most perverted things in the name of “diversity”, which apparently excuses all crimes. It’s a universal get out of jail card, seemingly. The FBI have become so Woke that they refuse to arrest the Woke.

Now, nothing would please us more than never to have to mention these perverts and degenerates ever again. We take zero pleasure in having to write about these botched and bungled human beings, as Nietzsche put it. No part of Illuminism has any connection at all to Hyperianism. But the converse is not true. Corey Rebhahn did not originate any system. He has no originality AT ALL. All he did was steal our system and then impose Wokeness on it to justify his own life choices and preferences. He took OUR SYSTEM and used it – abused it – to make it support non-binaries, veganism, pacificism, the “diverse”, and every type of perversion. Never forget, these people openly call for children to be exposed to drag queens, as if that’s something vital to what a child needs to know about. How utterly disgusting. Children MUST be protected from these insane predators. But the more they talk about these perversions of theirs, the more likely it is that their YouTube channels will be closed down. Immensely Fat Jan must be incredibly close to being banned now. That person can’t keep her big, fat, slurring mouth shut and just gets more and more perverted and says more and more things to outrage public decency and morality.

Key ideas of ont math were absolutely twisted by Rebhahn, a total charlatan, to make them fit Wokeness. Rebhahn is a person who will do anything for attention and money … including stealing the work of others and maliciously corrupting it, as well as trying to get his legitimate critics shut down and SWATTED. He is an animal. He is subhuman, a truly disgusting piece of shit. Humanity must defend itself against such people. Some people truly are beyond the pale, and he is one of them. But his future is already written. He will end up in jail or a mental asylum – where he belongs. Healthy society has an absolute right – and indeed duty – to defend itself from disease. The human condition is a very wide one and can embrace all sorts, but it must not tolerate the kind of people who produce the TERRORS OF MEN content and openly preach the death of normality and elimination of majority values. Woke “diversity” is an outright assault on what humanity is, and that means that huge convulsions are coming when the normal world, the majority world, will finally take decisive action against the Woke. And the worst aspect of this is that many decent, sensible members of minority communities will find themselves targeted by association, and huge social gains could even be reversed … all because the insane Wokesters thought they could get away with anything. This Hyperian idea of allowing drag queens to brainwash children really needs to be highlighted to media sources. We need serious media scrutiny of this sick cult. It probably needs FOX NEWS to have a good look.

Deadstream after deadstream, Rebhahn abuses our work, and gets massive amounts of adoration and money for doing so. And he is DELIGHTED by this.

Remember when his defense against plagiarism was that he every now and again hastily mentioned Mike Hockney and Dr. Thomas Stark – without ever elaborating on them! Well, of course, now he absolutely never mentions them, so his own “defense” has been destroyed! That’s how “logical” this nutjob is. Rebhahn NEVER reveals the true source of his knowledge and now openly says he “taught himself everything he says”!

Even Rebhahn’s own website contradicts his blatant lies. It says, “The author of The Unity Document, Morgue, came into contact with what have been called secret societies and is bringing a system of timeless knowledge to the public so that the world and its people may reach the next step of their evolution and become whole. … This system of unity is a blueprint for your mental evolution and the evolution of the species. It was given to the highest minds of your people where it was guarded in secret to be protected from fracture.”

Note that Rebhahn ADMITS that this knowledge comes from a secret society – the “highest minds of your people”! Now he tells a totally different story, but, hey, what do Hyperians care? They are all brainwashed cultists! They literally believe whatever their cult god says moment by moment, even if it’s 100% different from what he said the pervious moment. Because these people are not in this cult because they value truth, integrity, standards, morality, high values, nobility, honesty. They are in it because they are Woke perverts and their cult leader is the biggest Woke pervert in the world. He is a MURDERER. He himself said it! He described himself as a MONSTER. We 100% agree, and healthy society must root out monsters.

Hyperianism is a joke. If it ever got anywhere – ever became “famous” – the very first thing that would happen is that the media would do a bit of digging and the first thing they would find is all of our content denouncing Hyperianism and calling Corey Rebhahn a plagiarist and pervert. Hyperianism would instantly be over in the consequent media storm. So, there isn’t going to be any New Terra. Hyperianism has no future. A system that is stolen from others and then hideously corrupted OBVIOUSLY has no future. But all of these Hyperians are irrational and illogical. Although Hyperianism is simply someone else’s system wrongfully subjected to Woke insanity, all Hyperians are perfectly happy to go ahead on this basis – a basis that can never work. Hyperianism is a perverted niche scene. It has no legitimacy. Corey Rebhahn is simply someone monetizing the intellectual property of others, which he stole. This is a true piece of shit, yet he is loved – ADORED – by Hyperians. They don’t care that he’s a thief. They don’t care that he corrupts the hard, painstaking work of others. They don’t care that he has no originality. They don’t care that he makes stunning errors regarding ont math and states absolute fallacies. No, none of that matters to them. Because he’s Woke, and they’re Woke, and apparently that justifies being EVIL. It’s a free pass by all accounts: “Hey, I’m just being ‘diverse’ and ‘expressing myself’.”

We would be utterly ashamed to be using someone else’s work and hideously wrecking it. It would mean that we had zero respect for those whose work we were abusing … but then WHY would we be using THEIR work? Anyone who says that ontological mathematics is the answer to existence is agreeing with US. Because ont math is OURS. We gave it to the world. Hyperians say that ont math is the answer to existence and then show zero respect for us and actively troll us and viciously campaign against us, and support Rebhahn’s efforts to get the WOKE FBI to shut us down. How does that make any sense? How can you have zero respect for the people whose answer to existence is the one you are 100% reliant on? In any sane world, that cannot happen. But it can and does in Woke World, the world of perverts and degenerates with no respect for others … unless you belong to an exotic minority.

Woke people just prove over and over again how they are a staggering threat to the world and to the Truth. They are not just perverts, they are SHAMELESS perverts, entitled perverts, perverts who believe they have some right to do what they do.

We are people of integrity and honor and the idea that we would steal someone else’s work, give them no acknowledgment, and totally wreck their work is literally impossible. Impossible for us, but bread and butter for Corey Rebhahn. His whole existence now revolves around twisting and sullying what he stole from others. If that’s not a subhuman, what is?

Imagine spending your whole existence being a parasite on the work of others, and doing everything you can to sabotage that work even as you promote it. Look at some nutjob like Tyler Waffen SS – an ultra-anomic troll constantly attacking Illuminism while ALWAYS supporting Hyperianism, which is just Illuminism subjected to Rebhahn’s insane Woke ideology! He’s attacking the very system that his cult god relies on. But at least he admits that he’s a sick, perverted troll. This is a totally dysfunctional, poisonous, anomic, anarchic human being. All Hyperians are. They don’t inhabit reality, and they detest the TRUTH. They are even rubbishing biology – scientific facts – to advance their insane gender theories. If you want to be a “woman”, you just have to announce it, and the world must yell HOSANNA … OR ELSE. Women have been erased. Being a woman is now simply an assertion someone makes in the moment. Genuine transgender people do everything they can to respect biological women. Extremist transgender activists – Hyperians – are repulsed by female biology and deny that it has anything to do with reality! Corey Rebhahn was livid at the statement that every child has a MOTHER. What fucking world is it where someone denies motherhood? No normal human being would ever live in such a world, and of course Hyperianism HATES normality and constantly campaigns against it. Just tune into any of Immensely Fat Jan’s hate-speech diatribes against normal people, who are insulted as “cis”.

Er, how do you vegan, pacifist fuckwits expect to beat the normal world? Are you going to subject it to your magical “hyperawareness”?

You people are totally fucked in the head. You are GROTESQUE. Look at your leaders – four absolute freaks – the Murderer Corey Rebhahn (self-declared!), the Immense Grotesqueness Fat Jan (who hates “cis” people), the necropants obsessive Phillip Shope, and the super-rich narc groupie, and aspiring tar pit, Breeder Bitchell. This is a FREAKSHOW, and only the freaks roll up to watch the freakish, perverted performance.

Hoël Kinsella said,

“Hyperianism as publicized Illuminism (its original conception) was a complete and utter failure, other than bringing more people to its parent movement (which has disastrously flipped to trying to keep people from the source) … Here’s what we learned tho: Hyperianism is a complete inversion of Illuminist values to woke culture slave morals, blatant plagiarism plus defamation of its original movement, and preying on vulnerable people just to make money — it ABSOLUTELY must be destroyed for the sake of humanity’s attainment of divinity and Illuminism’s mission. Someone like Corey CANNOT be associated with ontological math and meritocracy as everything he stands for and does is the opposite of the Illuminists new world order.
Once the movement is destroyed, we will never forget its mistakes and work to ensure this never happens again in the formation of new, properly publicized exports of Illuminism…
The only synthesis here is learning from the mistakes of Hyperianism and never making them again. Hyperianism has been too far gone to save for YEARS — it must and WILL be deleted off of our planet as the force of negative liberty.
Yes the Hegelian dialectic is built into monadic evolution but sometimes the antithesis barely offers any positives to take to the synthesis and the negatives are discarded. As we delete Hyperianism, just as we delete the old world order, we are synthesizing a better, more rational, more positive liberty society. That’s the synthesis: a world without Corey and his goons fucking up our mission while taking advantage of people JUST like the elite they claim to be against.
Once Hyperianism is gone, here is the new question.
Thesis: privatized Illuminism
Antithesis: publicized Illuminism
Synthesis : what Hyperianism FAILED to be
I also just had the idea that maybe the formation of a new publicized Illuminism might be a valuable force to delete Hyperianism and raise awareness. Anyway, have a good one!”

Hoël is absolutely right.

De Lano said,

“Unfortunately Hyperianism has become a grotesque form of woke Illuminism and there will be no synthesis between Illuminism and Hyperianism. It was supposed to be the Mythos public facing form of Illuminism but it failed horrifically.”

That’s absolutely right too.

Hoël Kinsella said,

“Hyperianism just needs to be deleted and a new public image of ontological mathematics and meritocracy must supersede it where it fell vastly short, that’s about the only synthesis. It’s fair to acknowledge that mathematical speaking the dialectic is hard programmed into monads and is an inescapable process in the evolution of becoming God, but that doesn’t mean every antithesis has much to bring to the synthesis and the antithesis can wholly be discarded — like in the case with this disgusting cult. Trial and error — Fail? Fail again harder. We will rise from these ashes.”


Hyperianism is an abomination and Hyperians are abominable. We don’t, and never would, use ANYTHING produced by Hyperianism, while they abuse our work ALL THE TIME, and they believe there is nothing at all strange or wrong about that. Rebhahn tried to close down the AC/PI by going to the FBI! He literally tried to have the people whose work he stole sent to jail! He tried to have former Hyperian colleagues jailed, including his mod of just days earlier.

No sane person can believe such things – they could never happen in the normal world – but Corey Rebhahn is a mental case, an absolutely delusional malignant narcissist and psychopath … and he has brought the entire Hyperian cult into his psychosis.

Hyperianism must be utterly destroyed. It is in an intrinsic error, an intrinsic evil. No decent human being could join a cult that relies on the systemic abuse of work stolen from others. But these Hyperians are the very definition of indecency.

Absolutely all of the things that Rebhahn says that people imagine are “clever” – came from us. We are the ones with the academic qualifications who have devoted our lives to finding out all these things. Rebhahn, by contrast, is a somatic and cerebral narcissist who didn’t even go to school and has no qualifications. He malignantly stole our ideas and presents them as if they were his. All you need to do to see the truth of this is GO READ OUR BOOKS. But, of course, Hyperians don’t read books. They are deadstream people. They are extreme feeling types. They need to be in an emotional, bonding situation with someone they love. They need to be interacting. They need to be in a “community”. They need to be a “hyperfam”. Truth means nothing to them. Being in emotional accord with a group of fellow nutjobs is what they get off on.

In his last deadstream, Rebhahn solemnly said,

“Why does anything exist at all? Non-existence is impossible, and only the possible can exist.”

Did  you know that Rebhahn believes that, with this utter twaddle, he is the greatest thinker of all time?! He really does.

Non-existence is certainly not impossible. If ont math didn’t exist, non-existence would be true. Without PSR-existence (ontological mathematics), the only serious alternative is non-existence.

“Impossible existence” certainly isn’t the alternative to existence, as Rebhahn crazily says. How can the impossible be the alternative to anything?! How can any argument be formulated on the basis of things that cannot happen and cannot be? – well, you would have to ask the freakshow sword swallower Corey Rebhahn. No intellectual in history has referred to the impossible as a possible alternative to existence. The clue is in the definition of the word – the impossible ISN’T POSSIBLE. So, you cannot create an argument that RELIES on impossibility.

Leibniz, a genius, asked why there is something rather than nothing – certainly one of the most important questions of philosophy and absolutely foundational. He didn’t ask why there is something rather than impossibility. That would be totally dumb. It is “nothing” that is contrasted with something, not “impossibility”!

Rebhahn – a circus clown – said that there is existence because non-existence is impossible. A five-year old child could say that. Only someone who doesn’t understand philosophy AT ALL could say something so monumentally crass.

Arguably, “non-existence” is a permanent feature of existence. We just need to define it as the set of all existents with no properties and no behaviors, which do nothing. We can precisely model non-existence as dimensionless points with no properties that are permanently static. So they have no means to do anything. This type of existence sits alongside actual existence, which, mathematically, is the set of points that have one property – they move in Euler circles by virtue of the PSR, and thus generate sine and cosine waves, which are basis thoughts, and a full set of which equates to a basis mind (the monad, the unit). That’s literally all you need for reality. We wrote whole books on it! And Rebhahn has of course read them. But reading something and understanding it are two very different things.

Rebhahn said,

“This system can express itself mathematically because it’s possible to do so …”

There is no such thing as “possibility” when it comes to the foundational nature of existence. There are infinite “possible” inconsistent and incomplete versions of mathematics, but the very fact that they are inconsistent and incomplete MEANS that they are infinitely unstable, hence IMPOSSIBLE (in relation to the PSR).

Only the PSR can be used to define impossibility. Without the PSR, it is funnily enough impossible to define impossibility, because what possible criteria could you use? Without the PSR, you would have only unreason and illogic.

Can we conceive of a universe of unreason and illogic? Actually, we can. It’s what we call CHAOS. It’s exactly a world of infinite instability. But just as we wouldn’t be around if non-existence were true, we wouldn’t be around if Chaos (unreason and illogic) were true. If we imagine non-existence to be the total absence of states, and existence to be the presence of mathematical states then CHAOS EXISTENCE is the absence of mathematical states, but the simultaneous presence of all non-mathematical states. Of course, no such thing as Chaos exists, but we can conceive it and even define it to an extent, and so it is not impossible, as Rebhahn claims. Rebhahn is a person who reaches a conclusion before he develops an argument, just like Abrahamists. He decides that an anti-PSR reality is inherently impossible and then tries to use that assumption to validate the PSR reality. An anti-PSR reality is not impossible. It doesn’t exist, but it might have done.

Without the PSR, the obvious alternative is total non-existence (nothing has a sufficient reason to exist … without sufficient reasons, there is no sufficient reason for anything). But let’s play the Rebhahn game and imagine that the alternative to the PSR is not non-existence (things having no sufficient reason to exist) but anti-PSR existence (i.e., things existing without sufficient reasons).

Rebhahn’s strategy is to basically ignore non-existence since it destroys his argument, and instead he contrasts PSR-reality with anti-PSR reality and says that the latter is impossible and so the former is true. It took him 90 minutes to say that in a video! But of course our argument is about what EXISTENCE is. That’s the whole point of ont math.

We are explaining THIS reality, but how could we explain other realities that we could never experience? We cannot experience non-existence (the absence of all states) and we cannot experience anti-PSR existence (the presence of all states incompatible with ont math), but we can certainly conceive of them. So, without the PSR, there would either be total non-existence, or total chaos. Neither alternative is impossible, contrary to Rebhahn’s entirely fallacious thesis. In fact, without ont math, either one would be true (with non-existence being overwhelmingly the most probable since it has no requirements, and what could stop it? … anti-PSR existence appears to need something, a non-zero something, which would seem to rule it out, but of course we would rule it out on the basis of the PSR, which is absent from such a system, so who knows how such a “reality” would go?!) What’s for sure is that an anti-PSR is not impossible … EXCEPT IN RELATION TO THE PSR, i.e., you need to have the PSR to declare an anti-PSR reality impossible. Without the PSR, it’s game on. We cannot experience that state, but we can define it: it’s the set of all non-ont-math states.

We can in fact define four different situations:

PSR existence: this reality; the reality of ont math states (points moving in Euler circles).
Anti-PSR existence: all non-ont math states (points moving randomly).
Non-PSR non-existence: the absence of any states.
PSR non-existence: the presence of only static mathematical points with no properties (functionally equivalent to non-PSR non-existence).

Anyway, you can see that all of these considerations – the things that actual intellectuals ponder – feature not at all in the daft musings of the cretin Corey Rebhahn … a ferocious anti-intellectual. He simply lacks the intelligence of a thinker. He does however have the cunning bluster and bullshit of an outright conman – which he has been all his life.

Only one version of mathematics is complete and consistent, and that is ontological mathematics. Ont math isn’t “possible” … ont math is absolute and certain. It is eternal and necessary. There was no stage when ont math did not exist. There was no stage when ont math was ontologically up against “impossibility”, or an anti-PSR reality to be more accurate. To even say such a thing is to completely fail to understand the eternal and necessary order. The eternal and necessary order was NEVER in competition with anything else. You can’t perform a thought experiment, you can’t establish a “proof”, based on eternal and necessary things NOT being eternal and necessary, or on the basis of what existence is not (allegedly). You have to prove what existence IS, and that’s exactly what we have done in our books. We alone have answered the Ontological Question – what is existence made of?! Our answer has zero input from Corey Rebhahn and Hyperianism!

A reality like this one that is not defined by the PSR is literally unthinkable within the terms of the PSR. The PSR is eternal and necessary. It was never a hypothetical and mere possibility, in some sort of bizarre existential competition with irrationalism. So no proof of the PSR and ont math can ever rely on impossible hypotheticals that require us to consider the PSR (ont math) to NOT be eternal and necessary. To even perform the “proof” you have to deny the truth of the PSR and ont math – i.e., Rebhahn has already contradicted himself and is himself making impossible claims! In relation to the proof of why we live in a PSR-reality, you can never consider the PSR to be anything other than eternal and necessary. It is functionally equivalent to Leibniz’s necessary being that grounds all things (which stands as the root, the source, the base, of all temporal and contingent things).

Rebhahn said,

“If they did not exist then reason would not exist and if reason did not exist then the impossible would exist and that is of course impossible.”

It is IMPOSSIBLE for the impossible to exist under any circumstances and so to refer to the impossible in a supposed proof of PSR-existence is already to have committed a category error. And, as we have seen, an anti-PSR reality, although it doesn’t exist, certainly isn’t impossible. We can define it in terms of ont math. It is the presence of all anti-ont math states. Also, non-PSR non-existence is the absence of all ont math states, while PSR non-existence is the presence of only one state: static points with no properties and do nothing (and this is functionally the same as non-PSR non-existence).

So, there you have an exact definition of what anti-PSR existence or non-PSR non-existence would be, and neither state is inherently impossible, as Rebhahn fallaciously states. But they are irrelevant because we exist in a PSR reality of all ont math states.

The presence of the PSR – it’s eternal and necessary – is what renders non-PSR existence impossible, i.e., you actually require the PSR for the impossibility of the alternative (anti-PSR existence or non-PSR existence) to be established.

As for non-existence, that could easily be accepted as an abstract counterpart of reality, i.e., abstract “reality” (non-existence) is about static points and concrete reality is about moving points (existence). Anti-PSR reality would be points moving contrary to the PSR (i.e., not generating Euler circles and thus sinusoidal waves).

Do you see how we give precise, logical answers and definitions while the moron Corey Rebhahn just gibbers in his obsessive pursuit of narcissistic supply and money. And he has plenty of cults slaves willing to adore him and call him a genius. For shame! These people are DISGUSTING. They are outright enemies of the Truth and hate and campaign against the Truth.

Never mind impossibility, existence isn’t even about possibility. It is about what is ETERNAL AND NECESSARY and can never not exist, and any proof must reflect exactly these definitional considerations. The absence of the PSR cannot even be entertained given that its essential property is having eternal and necessary existence.

Tomorrow, we will arrive at Rebhahn’s equally hilarious “flower of life” garbage. Man, it’s embarrassing to see our work getting so badly vandalized by this vile creature, a true beast. He calls himself a freak and a monster and that’s exactly what he is.

The total moron “Kassidy” – a person who never seems to have encountered intelligence at any point in her life (does she have formal learning difficulties?) obsessively quotes Morgy Porgy, while sending him loads of money. Her facebook profile says, “By our will, it will be done” – Morgue

This is a hugely significant quote. Porgy doesn’t say, “By our intelligence and pursuit of absolute truth, it will be done.” No, he’s all about will, which Schopenhauer, the philosopher of Will ,defined as IRRATIONAL, while Nietzsche said it was all about power.

No person of intelligence would operate as Rebhahn does, but a person of fanatical will and desire to be rich and famous and FUCK ANYONE WHO GETS IN HIS WAY certainly would. Rebhahn is a feral animal, a rabid creature. Society, sadly, is full of such people.

Hyperianism is a confederacy of feral dunces campaigning against the people they robbed. How fucked is that? Can you imagine a burglar stealing all of your possessions and then complaining when you demand their return – and then calling the FBI against you and campaigning to get you to stop calling them THIEVES! What the fuck!?

These Hyperian thieves are hideous, malformed, twisted freaks of nature in every way. Just look at them!


Tags: Corey Rebhahn, Morgue Official, Morgen Night, Hyperianism, Hyperionism, Hyperian, Hyperion, AMC Freakshow, Inner Star Actualization, Cult of Hyperianism, Hyperian Founder, Morgue Official Real Name, What is Hyperianism, Hyperianism Beliefs, Hyperian Plagiarism