Sam Vaknin said,
“Today we’re going to discuss the narcissist as a social misfit, a failure when it comes to social interactions, social roles, social scripts, functioning in society, socialization processes, etc.”
When you look at the Neogenian cult, what you see is a group of children (the cult slaves and dogs) doing everything they can to please daddy, to be best girl or (gay) boy. There are no adult interactions, no adult relationships. And how could there be? Rebhahn has the mental age of a two-year-old. He himself is a child. And thus we return to Vaknin’s concept of dual mothership. Rebhahn is a mother (or father) to his cult slaves – they look to him to direct their lives – and he is also a baby for them to mother. They all treat him as a special baby in a pram, who needs to keep up his fluids, eat properly, and all that. No one would EVER talk to an adult like that!
So, we have most bizarre psychological situation. Rebhahn mothers the cultists and they mother him, and they are all tuned into childhood roles that they never managed to master. They are recreating their childhood from an “idealized” position, where they get to be ideal children being unconditionally loved, and also ideal parents giving unconditional love. These cretins are 100% infantilized. They never individuated, they never made it to adulthood. They never GREW UP. Which is why they spend their life in a silly cult pretending they are all “special”. This is a living death. It’s the avoidance of living. It’s how to flee from reality and instead stay in the cocoon of a fantasy.
Rebhahn saw the fantasy movie “The NeverEnding Story” and it became the template for his life. Reality has nothing for him. His cult slaves are all fantasists too. They are all queer, which is a telling fact. These people find reality hostile and threatening and so they avoid it. They need a fantasy as a refuge and so they entered Rebhahn’s queer fantasy, where diverse queers like them could feel good about themselves. They feel GREAT about giving all their money to Rebhahn. He is their sacred cause.
Vaknin said,
“The narcissist’s social failure is at the core and the heart of the very important process of narcissistic collapse. It is inevitable. It is intimately intertwined with other phenomena such as narcissistic mortification, another example of social inadequacy.”
Why is Rebhahn’s life so doomed? It’s because he is externally regulated and so, to have any sense of self worth, he needs people to tell him he’s wonderful and amazing (his internal voice tells him he’s a pathetic, worthless piece of shit). He converts these external people into internal objects whom he can control totally and secure constant narc supply from. He then needs to get the actual external people who correspond to these internal objects to behave exactly as the internal objects, as cult slaves capable only of worshiping him. And you can see from the Neogenian cult that Rebhahn has managed to get 150-200 external people to become his idealized, perfect internal objects whom he can rely on 100% to regulate his grandiose, inflated sense of self worth by always telling him he’s a “god”. Now, no one behaves this way in real life, adult life. Adults don’t want to worship other and don’t want to be worshiped. They want, you know, adult, meaningful, productive relationships.
Mike Hockney, for example, is greatly admired by many people, but he would never try to leverage that admiration to get people to worship him. No normal human being has any desire to be worshiped. The whole concept is disgusting. Yet Corey Rebhahn’s whole existence is directed towards getting people to worship him for work that belongs to others. But this is a seriously mentally ill man, and so are all of his worshipers. They all admit to suffering from “RTS” and they are all on the queer spectrum. That’s WHY they are in a cult. Rebhahn WANTS to be worshiped to make himself feel special and powerful and in control, and his cult slaves WANT to worship him because that’s what makes them feel special and powerful and in control. They are fulfilled through their God, while their God is fulfilled through his worshipers. This is just basic ABRAHAMISM. This is an archetypal force and all of these people were raised as Abrahamists. They all know the game. Conservatives worship JESUS and thereby feel powerful. Queer Neogenians worship Rebhahn and he literally poses as the Second Coming to get this worship. And that’s how they feel powerful.
We need to move to an AUTONOMOUS world where 100% of people are adults and no one anywhere wants to worship anyone, and no one wants to be worshiped. The worship game is for CHILDREN. The worshipers are looking for a parent, and the “god” wants his worshipers to be as easily controllable as five-year-olds and for them to be totally dependent on him.
There are no adults in Rebhahn’s cult. They all left last year. And this is Rebhahn’s whole problem. He can only interact with adults prepared to be children, but any time he tries to cultivate an adult relationship, it automatically fails because he doesn’t know how to relate to others as adults. So, all of his relationships with real people ALWAYS go wrong and the only people he has in his life are infantilized cult slaves who can’t talk back to him, or challenge him. Parents cannot have adult relationships with children. The children have to GROW UP, and when they do, the first thing they do is REBEL against their parents.
Rebhahn isn’t an adult. He’s a man with the mental age of a two-year-old, but he unconsciously knows how to get even more infantilized people to regard him as a parent. They are like people with the mental age of one-year-olds! So, they can’t challenge him, and his whole thing is not to be challenged. As soon as Rebhahn is challenged, he goes PSYCHOTIC because he no longer has CONTROL.
You cannot go through life like that and expect things to work out well for you. Rebhahn’s life is already HORRIFIC, but he deludes himself that it’s WONDERFUL. Because he inhabits a fantasy world where a neverending story is served up to him that he is the SPECIAL ONE.
Rebhahn can never enter reality, and nor can any of his cult slaves. They can never be autonomous adults. There are sixty- and seventy-year-olds in Rebhahn’s cult who are 100% infantilized. It’s a totally shocking thing to see.
This guy is a total clown and yet not a single person is willing to say to him, “Why not be honest with us, for once, Corey?” Because everyone knows that to say ANYTHING to Rebhahn that displeases him threatens the cult or their place in it – and they cannot bear that. That’s not how ADULTS behave. Adults always reserve the right to have a difference of opinion, often heated. That CANNOT happen in Neogenianism. Because it’s a fantasy world for children, not a real world for adults.
Let’s continue to look at Porgy’s emails from 2017: 11 April 2017
This is a good idea. Originally I was planning on doing a series of videos where I, for example, discuss the fear of death and then swallow a scythe, but this may be a better and more popular direction. I am imagining short experimental videos, similar to a music video format. Is this along the lines of what you envisioned? Or one long video? 15 April 2017
I like these ideas a lot. Soon I will be meeting with the individual who took the photo associated with the caption you quoted to see if he would be interested in working on videos like this with me. Public displays are a must as well! I would like to figure out ways to orchestrate various publicity stunts, captured on video. Even “found footage” of a secret ritual would be interesting, similar to the videos on YouTube labeled “hidden camera footage of secret masonic ritual”.
One element that is a slight issue, with respect to certain mythos elements like the 36, is that it seems to have less effect if it comes from me. For example, Christ never directly claimed to be the son of god (though he did confirm it to Pilate), it was something others said about him. I’ve been trying to plant seeds and “lead people down the garden path” by dropping strong hints but people are so dumb these days they don’t get it unless you say it with a bullhorn in front of their face. I’m working on how to best actualize this. 25 April
Hello! The videos have been doing well on facebook. The first video is at 1.1k shares with 143k views. The video I posted yesterday is currently at 760 shares and 41k views, and climbing.
I’ve been discussing with NK about a video whose topic is on the errors of empiricism/scientism/materialism
I think this is doable but will be very challenging, especially to put it in a 3-4 minute viral package that interests the general public. To the general public, science is synonymous with logic, math, reason, and critical thinking in general. My greatest concern is that, at this stage, I don’t want to have the perception become that of the ICP “What are magnets?” fiasco. Years ago the music group ICP released a music video in which they asked “How do magnets work?” and implied science couldn’t explain it, of course they were ridiculed.
Obviously we are nothing like this group, but it’s good to keep in mind, especially since my style is over the top (make up wearing etc) in order to generate views and increase virality. 7 May
I’d like to give you a progress report, the videos are doing extremely well.
Video 1 is at 1.4k shares and 171k views and it seems to be staying there
Video 2 is at 11.8k shares and 778k views and it is continuing to climb
Video 3 is at 7.3k shares and 574k views and it is continuing to climb and it may very well surpass video 2 soon.
This is very good. Originally I had planned that if we consistently averaged 10k views per video this would be worth doing and an average of 50k per video would be a great success, but this has gone well beyond my expectations. Not only are the numbers great but video 3 is about 5:30 long. That is extremely long for a facebook video and to be holding people’s attentions for that length of time on social media is a great sign. If we can do this consistently we will start making big waves very fast.
I am attaching a poll that I took asking some of my followers what topics they would like to see covered, the responses may be of interest to you. I am also attaching the scripts for the next set of videos and I plan on recording them Monday evening. If you have the time it would be very helpful if you could take a quick look to see if I made any obvious errors, as I am sure that my words will be closely scrutinized by critics at some point if not now. If you don’t have the time I completely understand.
The latest AC update was excellent by the way and I have ordered the book you suggested by Kuhn and it should be here shortly. 11 May 2017
This is exactly what has been on my mind since discovering the AC, the content is so powerful, people just need a way to see it. Only a tiny fraction are going to stumble upon it via amazon. People really do want this, they just have to be shown it in a way that they can understand and through an accessible medium.
“You might try a tactic of trying to split the scientists into two camps. You might say, for example, that scientists over thirty are already dinosaurs, already brainwashed by the existing scientific paradigm.”
This is a great idea, through I think I’d make the age factor a generality rather than a rule, to avoid accusations of age discrimination. Using wording such as “It is usually the case that scientists over the age of…” Or “it is almost always true that…”
Do you have any recommendations on books by or about Gödel that is focused on his philosophical outlook? Also, if you can recommend any books that give details of famous physicists outlook on reality from a metaphysical perspective that would be helpful. For example, I know Max Plank had very interesting views and NK mentioned to me that Schrödinger had a “World as Will” perspective. I think it would be powerful to do a video at some point showing that these physicists had ideas contrary to standard materialism, so as to shake the faith of those involved with scientism.
“No problem. Send your topics”
Great! I feel as though doing this increases the chance of the videos going viral. You guys usually send me a lot of info, and from that I trim it down to the best 10-15 minutes for youtube and then to the best 3-5 minutes for facebook. This really condenses it so that every sentence is extremely hard hitting.
What I have learned is that self interest and curiosity are the hardest hitting elements to grab a persons attention, but that self interest almost always beats curiosity. So for example, “YOU are not physical!” Would be better than “Reality is not physical!” and probably better still would be “You are not physical and math guarantees you will live forever!” etc.
Something else I came across the other day is that people are much more likely to take action in order to avoid losing something they already have, rather than to gain something they don’t have. I have not tested this but it seems likely to be true and this could be good info for inspiring action.
My topic suggestions would be:
“The cyclical nature of reality” Perhaps referencing different thought systems that came close to this, perhaps hindu thought, but then clarify that hindu thought is story thinking and reality can’t be understood through mystical intuitions. Then getting into Stoic thought, that they posit reality was governed by a rational principle, and I believe there are some poetic words about reality being born and consumed in fire, people will like that. I am not sure if mentioning hindu thought would be good or not. And then getting into the Illuminist/Hyperian view. I will have discussed the Euler’s formula at this point so any mathematics would work well, perhaps contrasting a linear system to a cyclical system. I will probably title the video something like “What happened before the big bang?” but I will try to think of a way to relate it to them… “Did you exist before the big bang?” or something along those lines.
“Is America turning your life into a reality show?” or “Is America trying to brainwash you?” Disneyland exists to hide the fact America is an amusement park, prisons exist to hide the fact you are living in a prison, reality shows exist to hide the fact the nation has become a reality show.
These are just my suggestions and I’m not terribly sure about that last one but feel free to suggest your own topics! it is a bit difficult to schedule topics months in advance. 5 Jun 2017
Hello! Apologies for the delay and relatively short comm. These videos are very time consuming and I have not had the time to focus on other projects and my logos studies. I am attempting to streamline this process so that I will have time for expanding Hyperianism and working on personal logos. However the effectiveness of the videos has been well worth it and I feel that with some practice I will be able to streamline their production so that I also am able to include these other areas.
Right now it is working VERY well and we need to milk this for all it is worth, social networking is so volatile you never know when they may change their algorithm or some other factor and suddenly you aren’t popular anymore. I had this happen to me when I was on Myspace (with 50k followers) and then that platform died and I hard to start completely from scratch. The Facebook platform is really for short punchy videos, these are almost Hyperian “toothpaste” commercials and it is not a good platform to be able to REALLY develop strong arguments through videos (though text status updates are certainly possible!) but to grab their attention so that we may direct them elsewhere where we can expand. YouTube has a much longer attention span, and if you notice I am trying to “herd” the new facebook attention over to YouTube. We need a strong YouTube presence.
What we also need is a “Hyperian Kahn Academy” of sorts where the logos can be REALLY fleshed out and new recruits can be trained. I will look into seeing if I have anyone with the capabilities to do this at the moment…
Here are my next moves once I am able to streamline the videos and can include other projects:
1. Set up a Hyperian website
2. Finish my book laying out the Three Hyperian Paths, and at this point brining in a STRONG sexual element to Hyperianism, increasing its appeal (Sex for salvation element and also intuitive understanding through sex)
3. Begin branding, clothing, wearable symbols etc
4. Bringing Hyperianism into the “real world” rather than just social networking, with real world meet ups.
5. Focus on “style” and “culture”. Creating stylized videos, rituals etc. Making it “cool” and setting a trend.
The mathematical element is actually proving to be quite popular, which is a GREAT sign. Many people are saying that they are interested in studying math/trigonometry, of course there are those nutjobs that are into numerology and gematria but discounting them, overall this is heartening.
Higher Entities, Watchers, and Wanderers are proving to be popular and has by far resulted in the most engagement (people sending me messages about it, willing to donate, etc) though it also tends to attract those that are less intelligent.
I am attaching two drafts that will be included in the next series. One on the big bang (which utilizes your contributions, thank you!) and the other on the Egyptian Pyramids. Today I will be attempting to write a script on why “something = nothing” and tomorrow on “What is Hyperianism?” that will give a basic outline of our stance. I intend to film all four of these Wednesday evening if I am able to complete the scripts in time. 30 Jun 2017
Here is a progress report:
I am attaching 3 out of 4 of the new videos I will be working on. The final video will be something less intensive, most likely a self help or self empowerment type of video. I would be very appreciative if you have the time to look over the script on ‘What is light?” and “Justification for the Soul Equation”.
These are drafts and I will be polishing them a bit but I want to make sure that I did not make any errors with these two as they will be extremely important. I’ll be filming them on Tuesday.
I want to make sure that my arguments are solid with regard to the justification for the soul equation
I’ll admit that my understanding with regard to the photon is slightly fuzzy as it is sometimes described as have a dynamic mass and a size defined by plancks constant in contrast to being completely massless and dimensionless. I am guessing this has something to do with examining the photon at a specific instance, but my math and physics is not quite yet at the level where I can say I have a full understanding.
Great points about the Egypt video, I decided to release it on social media except for YouTube because that is where all the materialist heat is coming from. I can always release it there in the near future.
I am attempting to get the basics laid out as quickly as possible. These people (the viewers) have no knowledge of AC, GS, or any of this material so many concepts are extremely foreign to them and they are making many incorrect assumptions about the system. It is my opinion that we need to have the basics laid out well before going on the offensive too strongly.
I have attached another poll result. This does not accurately reflect the virality of the videos. For example, “You Exist in a Mathematical Reality” was by far the most viral while “The Soul Equation” was the least (within this set of 4).
I created which is now live
Susan (a member of the Order of One) is going to begin releasing supplementary videos as well.
I may be adding her videos as a subsection to
If you have a Skype account feel free to add me as email can be cumbersome at times: DiracHydra
Finally, this is a rather basic question but let me know if this is correct because I am getting questions related to this often:
The frequency domain is dimensionless and is obviously not a function of space or time. Frequency, in this case is unitless and has no reference to time, but only to angle. The frequency domain can be experienced but it is not a sensory experience in the Kantian definition of the sensibility. That is, no experience of extension, colors, sights, sounds, touch etc. Instead the experience of the frequency domain is an intuitive experience and can be likened to the “downloading of data”. Similar to when one has grand realizations and understandings during the psychedelic experience. Not the sensory hallucinations associated with these drugs but rather the ideas “felt to be true”.
Rebhahn has NEVER understood the frequency domain!
Rebhahn, it should never be forgotten, is always winging it. He has never studied mathematics, science and philosophy. He has no education and no qualifications, and spent his childhood studying the Bible to please his Christian Fundamentalist parents. As soon as he has to grasp concepts at a deep level, he fails. All he can do is give a superficial and usually totally fallacious account of the difficult ideas of others. But Rebhahn KNOWS that his cult slaves are even stupider than he is, so he can get away with his con. Rebhahn took our system and dumbed it down so much that his version of it is 100% fallacious. It’s pure ideology now, designed to “metaphysically” justify Rebhahn’s personal tastes and beliefs. It’s there to validate Wokeness, gender fluidity, diversity, veganism, One and Many, love and light, queerness, and all the rest of the mind rot and brain cancer.
It’s a RELIGION, with Rebhahn as the Queer Lucifer – the Antichrist as the Second Coming of Jesus … this is Rebhahn’s top fantasy. He wants to be the SAVIOR who explains reality to humanity and they all suddenly realize that QUEERNESS is the magic ingredient that saves the world and transforms humanity, raising its consciousness to that of the God of Queerness, and humanity will worship Corey Rebhahn instead of Jesus, and his parents will admit that he is GOD and love and worship him.
It’s so fucking hilarious. But never forget that Rebhahn is someone who is staggeringly seriously mentally ill and delusional and he has surrounded himself with submissive versions of himself. These are his queer cult slaves! They worship him and as soon as they have any spare money, they give it all to him and thereby feel valuable and special. They are directly assisting their GOD!
The whole scene is sick and toxic. This degenerate cult must be destroyed.
Anyway, here is some advice from Anthony Lake to the Fat Daemon:
Notice Corey/Morgue’s you tube displays no “featured channels” !? But then, Jan Daemon and The Neogenian Orifice channel would be embarrassing as fuck…Soooooo.
These channels feature Corey’s channel. I wonder if he’ll change that now, mmm? “As if” his mods would ever bring that up, kind of fucked now if you do and fucked if you don’t, eh Corey! Doing so now would be submitting to a ‘little’ defeat, can’t have that! Not doing so IS shitting on your mods (it seems they’re into that kind of thing, two girls and a cup! Who’s the cup…yuk!) Do we have to point out every “fuck over” your Neodegenerate Mr. Whippy cult leader serves up.
Whoa! Hold up there! It appears Jan Daemon no longer features Morgue Official. Has Jan parted ways yet? Who knows, funny how only Corey’s channel grows and everyone else is left clinging on to some false hope. Why won’t he support these channels beyond meaningless shout outs? Oh right, all eyes on Morgue Official. Come on Jan WTF has Hyperianism/Neogenian ever done for you???
You know Jan Daemon could make a big impression if she wanted to, and no doubt has considered calling out Morgue/Sutanic and co. Perhaps she’s scared of embarrassing personal “things” getting out? “Coercive blackmail”, that’s what cult’s do. But that’s all fluff and bluff, it goes both ways. The cult can’t afford any internal scandal’s getting out. Cults are built around “The Bluff.” Call it out!
Why don’t you take a chance Jan?! Call out the Neogenian cult scandal, it could be your big break. Let’s get real it’s your only shot at becoming a successful You Tuber.
“You only get one shot….the opportunity comes once in a life time…” Eminem – Lose Yourself”
All the Neogenian cultists have already lost themselves. They have all been absorbed into Porgy’s shared fantasy. And they’re not getting out. They don’t want to be free – because they are terrified of reality.
Here’s “Jerk it out – Saint-Just and Committee” by Jeune Jacobine
Come the Revolution!
Tags: Hyperianism, Morgue Official, Hyperian, Morgen Night, AMC Freakshow, Corey Rebhahn, Inner Star Actualization, What is Hyperianism, Morgue Official Real Name, Hyperian Founder, Morgue from Freakshow, Neogenian, Neogenian Oculus, Neogenianism, Neogenian Collective