
Anthony Lake said, “Did anyone catch/or screenshot Hope Lunatic Bark’s damming post on Jewel’s page about Joanna before it was removed? (probably by her). Funny enough, Hope is obsessed with fancy mansions, wealth ‘knights ‘n shinning armor’ to ‘save’ her and of course the fanatical fantasy revolves around Morgue. Undoubtedly one of the most meritless fangirls ever to come to Hyperidiotism. (Perhaps we should include fanboy/girlyman(?) Does Greg Foobar-Warlock count?) Although that race to the bottom has at least a two dozen competitors vying for such ‘prize’. Ding, ding! SMASH THE DISLIKE PLEASE!”
Yes, we caught those comments by the Hopeless Lunatic Barker and we were absolutely amazed. We thought the whole house of cards was about to collapse. Firstly, the Hopeless Lunatic was openly siding with Jewel, and endorsing his post – unprecedented. Secondly, her two posts were an outright attack on JOLA. The gist was that Laguna had raised loads of red flags, and this had been true for years, and everyone knew about it … and plenty of Hyperians hated Laguna and thought she was crazy. Then there was a reference to Beetlejuice – a high-profile former Hyperian who seemed to get driven out of the community for some vague reason a while back. The Hopeless Lunatic said that Laguna’s “crimes” were much worse than those of Beetlejuice, so why hadn’t she been given the boot too?
(Anyone know what the deal was with Beetlejuice?)
We were expecting a huge reaction to her comments from other Hyperians, but when we checked back, the comments were gone. Damn! Maybe there was a brief flame war that we missed, and the Lunatic Barker pulled the comments before any more damage was done.
As Anthony says, Hope is “obsessed with fancy mansions, wealth ‘knights ‘n shining armor’ to ‘save’ her and of course the fanatical fantasy revolves around Morgue.”
Hope sees herself as a princess about to be rescued by her prince, and Morguey Boy, despite being anything other than manly – is treated as the shining knight, the dragon slayer, the prince charming. A lot of women don’t actually like men – manly men. They want androgynous men like Corey Rebhahn … much more “tame”. Poodle men.
Go and look at Hope’s profile page. It’s amazingly psychologically revealing about this individual. It shows so clearly that she lives in a fantasy world, with a fantasy vision of herself and a fantasy vision of romantic men, and these fantasy archetypes have been personified for her via Morguey Boy. All of the weird Hyperian women who are totally into Rebhahn have similar profiles. Morgy Porgy often gets likened to characters in fantasy movies, like elves and fairies and shit. He sees himself as Maleficent.
Why does Hope hate Joanna? It’s because they are competing for the same prize! All of these women are in the same game – trying to win the love of Rebhahn, to get his praise, his attention, to have him say their name and thank them and smile at them. Look at the Lunatic Fairy person who thinks she gets plus points by compulsively sending Rebhahn $6.66 Hegel quotes. Then they all start competing to send Rebhahn more and more money so that he loves them MORE. They need to show how much they adore him to get him to pay particular attention to them.
Two other prominent Hyperian women who liked Jewel’s post were Marie-Lou Bertrand and Dahlia Lovette.
Everyone should understand that jealousy is rife in Hyperianism, and there are all sorts of factions, and bitter resentments constantly bubbling beneath the surface. The whole scene is based on LOVE for Rebhahn. But everyone wants to be specially loved.
Everyone who was interested in Hyperianism as some sort of movement has left, leaving just those who are in it for LOVE. The remaining women and men are all obsessed with Rebhahn. They slavishly follow everything he does, like and love everything he posts, compete to be first to comment on his output, compete to give him the most money, and so on.
They must all hate Fan Jan – because she, so we believe, has actually fucked him, and none of the others has. How they must dream of what Fan Jan got up to with the one they worship. He – the half-man – is all their dreams come true.
Why is it so hard to end a cult like Hyperianism? Rationally, this cult is already dead. It has no future. It will get nowhere and achieve nothing. We all know that. But Hyperianism continues for the time being because of emotion, not reason. Its current survival – despite being a dead man walking – is purely psychological. Basically, a whole bunch of women who can’t interact with real men, allied with a bunch of gay men turned on by androgyny, have latched onto Rebhahn, who flirts relentlessly with them all. We all know that’s the case.
It all comes down to feeling versus thinking. Jung made a disastrous error when he said that thinking and feeling were both “rational” judging functions.
He said, “I term the two preceding types [thinking and feeling] rational or judging types because they are characterized by the supremacy of the reasoning and the judging functions. It is a general distinguishing mark of both types that their life is, to a large extent, subordinated to reasoning judgment.”
Feeling is certainly a judging function, but it has no connection to the rational at all. In fact, thinking is the RATIONAL judging function, and feeling is the IRRATIONAL judging function. It does not use any rational process to arrive at judgment; it uses emotion only.
So, with regard to Hyperianism, everyone who arrived at this entity via rational judgment was able to leave it when the rational circumstances changed. But those who arrived at Hyperianism via irrational judgment were unable to leave when the rational circumstances changed because the emotional circumstances remained the same, or were actually intensified in Corey Rebhahn’s favor because he presented himself as an innocent victim and martyr … and us as evil bigots and monsters. Those who remain in Hyperianism do so because they love Rebhahn or strongly identify with his causes, such as transgender extremism, androgyny supremacy, veganism, pacifism, and “religious trauma syndrome”. They will not abandon their love or identity for the sake of rational arguments made by people they hate and whom they do not identify with at all.
Thinking types (Illuminists) use reason and logic to arrive at their positions, and then align their feelings with those positions. Feeling types (Hyperians) use their feelings to arrive at their positions, and then look for whatever they can to support their feelings, and reject anything that displeases their feelings.
With thinking types, thinking precedes the conclusion.
With feeling types, the conclusion comes first (it’s the feeling itself!) and then thinking is used to justify the conclusion.
With sensing types, the conclusion comes first (it’s what is sensed) and then thinking is used to account for what has been sensed (this is science).
With mystical intuitives, the conclusion comes first (it’s the mystical vision) and then thinking is used to account for the conclusion.
Most people don’t like to wait for the conclusion. They get straight to it – then justify it later!
Jung said, “So far extraverted feeling is just as beneficent and rationally effective as extraverted thinking. But this salutary effect is lost as soon as the object gains an exaggerated influence. For, when this happens, extraverted feeling draws the personality too much into the object, i.e., the object assimilates the person, whereupon the personal character of the feeling, which constitutes its principal charm, is lost. Feeling then becomes cold, material, untrustworthy. It betrays a secret aim, or at least arouses the suspicion of it in an impartial observer. No longer does it make that welcome and refreshing impression the invariable accompaniment of genuine feeling; instead, one scents a pose or affectation, although the egocentric motive may be entirely unconscious.”
Hyperianism now revolves around an entirely irrational veneration of the object – the idol – Morgy Porgy. It’s a religion. It’s a cult! An androgynous man is worshiped by other androgynous types.
Jung said, “I was struck by the fact that many people habitually do more thinking than others, and accordingly give more weight to thought when making important decisions. They also use their thinking in order to understand the world and adapt to it, and whatever happens to them is subjected to consideration and reflection or at least subordinated to some principle sanctioned by thought.”
That’s us. That’s what Illuminists are all about!
Jung said, “Other people conspicuously neglect thinking in favor of emotional factors, that is, of feeling. They invariably follow a policy dictated by feeling, and it takes an extraordinary situation to make them reflect. They form an unmistakable contrast to the other type…”
So, that’s Hyperianism. That’s what Hyperians are all about. They WILL NOT reflect on what is going on. They are too trapped by their emotions. It’s too painful to think about what’s going on. They will not abandon the God they worship. Their faith is absolute. They are exactly the same as Abrahamists.
We keep presenting the THINKING position regarding Hyperianism, but we’re not getting through to these people at all because they are all hyper-feeling types – actually in the hyper-emotional state of love, obsession or identity – and we can make no impression on that. All of Rebhahn’s sick tactics are designed to increase the emotional bond, via love, obsession or identity. He is trauma-bonding with his victims to the maximum degree, and these people are far too stupid to realize that Rebhahn is a very experienced predator who has been conning people his entire adult life. He is a professional parasite.
Frith Luton said, “The feeling function is the basis for ‘fight or flight’ decisions.”
The remaining Hyperians are desperately fighting for their cult and their cult leader, their god.
Frith Luton said, “As a subjective process, it may be quite independent of external stimuli.”
Hyperianism is all about the intense subjective feelings the cultists have towards their cult leader, and he has assiduously groomed, brainwashed and mind-controlled them to have these intense subjective feelings towards him. The more they are in that state the more they do his bidding, love him unconditionally, and send him LOADS OF MONEY.
Frith Luton said, “In Jung’s view it is a rational function, like thinking, in that it is decisively influenced not by perception (as are the functions of sensation and intuition) but by reflection. A person whose overall attitude is oriented by the feeling function is called a feeling type.”
Feeling types do not rationally reflect. That’s the whole problem. They reach a judgment via a very swift System 1 response, and then wallow in their feelings. How do you stop a person loving someone? It’s incredibly hard. You need to wait until the person falls out of love, assuming they ever do.
Illuminism’s problem with Hyperianism is a microcosm of Illuminism’s bigger problem – trying to rationally persuade humanity that isn’t interested in the rational, and is consumed by their feelings, perceptions and mystical intuitions.
Jung said, “Thinking is difficult, that’s why many people judge.”
Feeling types judge irrationally, and that’s the problem right there.
Jung said, “… the functions which are not rational, not logical, and not discriminating of evaluating, [are]… sensation and intuition. These two are by their very nature opposed to the rational functions. When we think, it is in order to judge or reach a conclusion, and when we feel it is in order to attach a proper value to something. Sensation and intuition, on the other hand, are perceptive functions—they make us aware of what is happening, but do not interpret or evaluate it. They do not proceed selectively, according to principles, but are simply receptive to what happens. But “what happens” is essentially irrational…. Irrationality is a vice where thinking and feeling are called for, rationality is a vice where sensation and intuition should be trusted.”
In fact, we would be tempted to say that sensing is rational perception, insofar as a discernible process is involved and can be checked and verified (as in science).
We would call intuition irrational perception insofar as no discernible process is involved and no one can check and verify the intuitive process. It is all conducted unconsciously.
So, thinking and sensing could be regarded as fairly natural partners since they are both rational, and this is the basis of science.
Feeling and mystical intuition go together as being all about the irrational. This pairing dominates the world.
INTELLECTUAL INTUITION is very different from mystical intuition. Although it concerns an unconscious process, it is concerned with the “perception” of the intellectual world rather than the emotional world and can deliver amazing gifts to reason and logic, hence is “rational” in that sense. So, thinking and intellectual intuition are a rational rival for thinking and sensing. The latter is about science; the former about ontological mathematics.
Jung said, “I call the two preceding types [sensing and intuition] irrational for reasons already referred to; namely, because their commissions and omissions are based not upon reasoned judgment but upon the absolute intensity of perception. Their perception is concerned with simple happenings, where no selection has been exercised by the judgment.”
But there are TWO worlds to be perceived – the physical world of percepts, and the intellectual world of concepts. The senses can address only the physical world, and science is completely constrained by that fact, while intuition can address, in fact, THREE WORLDS – those of the physical world, the intellectual world, and the EMOTIONAL WORLD, which is a world unto itself, divorced from science and mathematics, but very much about religion and spirituality … and CULTS. Rebhahn is a master of the emotional world, in relation to his obsessed cultists.
Jung said, “… as a judging function feeling successfully competes with thinking…”
That’s the whole problem! Most people use irrational emotions to judge rather than rational thinking.
Remember, it’s all about keeping Rebhahn’s fluids up. Who knows what will happen if his fluids go down? The feeling types know. And they know all about hair and skin tone! You know how it goes. We know what feeling types care about!
So, according to Jung, thinking and feeling both evaluate information to reach a decision or judging. More than a simple intake of information is involved.
If sensing is, in humans, largely conscious perception, intuition is completely unconscious perception. It comes from the complex integration of large amounts of information in the unconscious rather than simply taking sensory data from the external world. Jung said intuition was like seeing around corners. The world of intuition is the great undiscovered country. It’s the basis of the paranormal.
Dr. Dewey said, “Jung observed that some people seem to use their conscious minds all the time, making value judgments about what way to direct themselves (and being able to report these value judgments in words). Jung called the active, decision-making individuals rational or judging types.
Jung said rational types come in two sub-types: the feeling type and the thinking type. The feeling type makes decisions according to emotional evaluations (for example, marrying somebody out of love).
The thinking type makes decisions based on conscious calculations (for example, marrying somebody who will someday be rich). Both the thinking and feeling types are rational personalities because both are conscious of the decision-making process. They are not impulsive. They ponder decisions.
Jung also identified two irrational types of personality. These are people who rely on perception or intuition to guide decision-making.
Irrational types tend to be rooted in the present. They are more likely to make snap decisions or do impulsive things, and they are less likely to have a specific explanation on hand if asked why they did something. They are more likely to answer, ‘I don’t know’ or ‘Because I like it’ without further explanation.”
Hyperians are definitely not thinking types. They are perceiving feeling types trapped in their feelings of the moment.
The Jungian Center said, “Which brings us to the second component of Jung’s type theory: the 4 ‘functions.’ These are features of the personality which are either ‘rational’—Jung’s term for our capacity for Thinking and Feeling — ‘rational,’ in that they can be explained, or ‘irrational’ — Intuition and Sensation — “irrational,” in that they cannot be explained through the use of reason.
The rational functions, Thinking and Feeling, refer to how we make decisions. Thinking types prefer logic and reason and stress objectivity, while Feeling types prefer to use their feelings and values, with more of a subjective or personal focus. The irrational functions, Intuition and Sensation, relate to how we gain awareness or information about the world. Sensates use their senses, while Intuitives use something that circumvents the senses, their intuition.”
Hyperians are extremely subjective and relative types. Illuminists are extremely objective and absolute types.
We see an absolute clash of different types in this conflict between Illuminism and Hyperianism. None of our intellectual arguments can reach the Hyperians, and none of their emotional bleatings can have any impact on Illuminism.
Rebhahn, to rouse emotions, calls us transphobes and antisemites. In fact, we are opposed to transgender extremism – as promoted by Hyperianism! – but have no problem with transgender moderation, which has always been part of the human condition and moderate transgender individuals have always found a way to accommodate mainstream society without fuss … the recent fuss has arisen purely because of extremist movements and hate groups such as Hyperianism.
We have always been totally opposed to Abrahamism and indeed all mainstream religions, a position that Rebhahn once held too. (By the way this is a guy who said, “Haha some Jews tried to convert me yesterday. That is a first. I should have distracted them with some change.” – total antisemite!)
Now Rebhahn and his cultists are huge pals of Abrahamism and Eastern mysticism and New Ageism, and Rebhahn has an eye to becoming the Gnostic Mary Magdalene! Sheez.
So, come on, who should play FAT JAN in the Hyperian movie? Our opening bid is Melissa McCarthy or Danny DeVito. Or Gonzo.
Who could portray the grotesque creature FAT JAN with sufficient grotesqueness to match the real thing? Oscars are waiting to be won, people!
(FAT JAN can’t play herself. That would be too horrific for the world!)