The Daily Whistle
The Library
The Library
Welcome to The Library, a space dedicated to the books written by Ex-Hyperians and Illuminists with the objective of explaining why Morgue’s (Corey Rebhahn) dangerous cult of Hyperianism must be deleted. The pages of these books encourage Hyperians everywhere to take a deep look at Morgue Official’s cult coercion tactics and to escape this dangerous cult before any more damage is done to them. Life is better outside of the cult of Hyperianim, in fact, life is beautiful sans Hyperianism.
Amor Fati
Take Hyperianism to the Morgue
Book I
With social media influencer Andrew Tate under arrest and in jail, it’s more important than ever to scrutinize these people – these online gurus who cast a spell over weak-minded individuals, and often with the most sinister of motives. All good and decent people have a civic duty to blow the whistle on those influencers who are running cults and doing severe and lasting damage to vulnerable people. …
Take Hyperianism to the Morgue
Book II
When a cult gives out red flags everywhere then all decent, moral people have an absolute duty, a categorical imperative, to blow the whistle, and protect others. People should have blown the whistle on influencer Andrew Tate long ago, and now it’s even more essential to blow the whistle on people such as “Morgue”, the leader of the modern cult of “Hyperianism”, and all the rest of the cult predators who are preying on naïve people, those easy to manipulate and fleece. …
Delete Hyperianism
The New Face of Cults In the Twenty-First Century
Articles by investigative journalist David G. McAfee, an expert on cults, have revealed what many people have been saying for years, that the New Age group known as “Hyperianism”, with several hundred fanatical followers and two millionaire backers, is a dangerous cult. The leader of this cult calls himself “Morgue”, a suitably cult-like appellation. Other names he uses are Morgen Night, the Night Bringer (89) and the Terror of Men. …
The Philosophy of Dare
Are You One of the Daring Ones?
The Philosophy of Dare, the Daring Philosophy, is all about being willing to take risks, to rise to challenges, to leave behind comfort zones and safe spaces, and seek out storms and wildernesses and mountaintops and all extreme, daring environments. One must always escape mediocrity, and wherever the mediocre congregate. Mediocrity is the original sin. The mediocre are the opposite of the daring. …
Americans or Americants?
How America Became a Can't Do Society
The American carnage is here. Hollyweird plays the slapping game (Will Smith and all that!). The Woke play the crying game. QAnon plays the game that no one sane can understand. Has America become a satirical show? Is a team of comedians running America? They’re all into black comedy, the darker the humor the better, until no one can any longer distinguish comedy from tragedy. Do you want to come backstage, and see behind the scenes, see what’s really going on? You are in the theater of the absurd. You must have worked that out by now. Or is it the theater of cruelty? I always get those two mixed up. What’s for sure is that thanks to all the madness, Americans became Americants. Can Americans ever get back to America Can? Or is it America Can’t from now on? …