Real people want to live in the real world and make real connections with real people. They have a horror of fakeness, phoniness, frauds. But many people – a growing number, and now perhaps the majority – have a deep horror of reality. These are “unreal” people and they want to live in a fantasy world, and modern technology is ENTIRELY devoted to allowing them to live in fantasy and not reality – because fantasy is massively profitable and is something that can be lucratively monetized in a way that reality cannot.
Modern political movements and ideologies now revolve around fantasy. “Wokeness” is a fantasy ideology that humans are somehow totally different from who they actually are and are massively invested in abnormality, exoticism, weirdness, freakishness, outliers, and so on. They’re not, but now they have to pretend to be because of Woke Nazi cancel culture and deplatforming, whereby any squealing extreme liberal can weep and wring their hands and express their terror and victimhood and get all strong people erased. The Last Man is here. He’s Woke Man, the opposite of strength, dignity, honor, intelligence, masculinity.
For the Last Man/Woke Man, masculinity is inherently “toxic” and must be abolished, leaving only saccharine, sanitized Woke weaklings flying rainbow flags – because they are all things to all men. These are all Bible freaks. 1 Corinthians 9:22 says,
“To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some.”
The Woke Nazis LOVE Christianity. They are, as we repeatedly say, the continuation of Christianity by others means.
When the Roman Empire took over Christianity, Christianity become strong. But the Roman Empire has fallen and Christianity has been replaced by Wokeness, the ultimate slave religion and celebration of all things weak, pathetic and freakish. Wokeness is the universal religion of the Last Man. The Strong Man, the Superman, is 100% demonized by Wokeness.
In “The Antichrist”, Nietzsche said,
“The problem that I set here is not what shall replace mankind in the order of living creatures (— man is an end —): but what type of man must be bred, must be willed, as being the most valuable, the most worthy of life, the most secure guarantee of the future. This more valuable type has appeared often enough in the past: but always as a happy accident, as an exception, never as deliberately willed. Very often it has been precisely the most feared; hitherto it has been almost the terror of terrors; — and out of that terror the contrary type has been willed, cultivated and attained: the domestic animal, the herd animal, the sick brute-man — the Christian…”
Or the Woke, as we would now say, the supreme herd animal, utterly sickly and disgusting – the very essence of decadence, decay and degeneration … the uttermost enemy of human progress.
The Woke are total fantasists. They flee from reality at every chance.
Philosopher Robert Nozick asked a profound question. If you could be put in a machine that would give you the experience of all your dreams coming true, would you prefer to live your life in that machine rather than in reality, where probably few or none of your dreams come true?
To express the question in another way, is a delightful experience an intrinsic good, or is there much more to life, such that to simply want delightful experiences would make you an enemy of real life?
Nozick wrote,
“What matters other than how people’s experiences feel ‘from the inside’? Suppose there were an experience machine that would give you any experience that you desired. Superduper neuropsychologists could stimulate your brain so that you would think and feel you were writing a great novel, or making a friend, or reading an interesting book. All the time you would be floating in a tank, with electrodes attached to your brain. Should you plug into this machine for life, preprogramming your life’s experiences? If you are worried about missing out on desirable experiences, we can suppose that business enterprises have researched thoroughly the lives of many others. You can pick and choose from their large library or smorgasbord of such experiences, selecting your life’s experiences for, say, the next two years. After two years have passed, you will have ten minutes or ten hours out of the tank, to select the experiences of your next two years. Of course, while in the tank you won’t know that you’re there; you’ll think it’s all actually happening. Others can also plug in to have the experiences they want, so there’s no need to stay unplugged to serve them. (Ignore problems such as who will service the machines if everyone plugs in.) Would you plug in? What else can matter to us, other than how our lives feel from the inside? Nor should you refrain because of the few moments of distress between the moment you’ve decided and the moment you’re plugged. What’s a few moments of distress compared to a lifetime of bliss (if that’s what you choose), and why feel any distress at all if your decision is the best one?”
Well, would you plug into the Experience Machine? The Woke definitely would.
Nozick wrote,
“What does matter to us in addition to our experiences? First, we want to do certain things, and not just have the experience of doing them. In the case of certain experiences, it is only because first we want to do the actions that we want the experiences of doing them or thinking we’ve done them. (But why do we want to do the activities rather than merely to experience them?) A second reason for not plugging in is that we want to be a certain way, to be a certain sort of person. Someone floating in a tank is an indeterminate blob. There is no answer to the question of what a person is like who has been long in the tank. Is he courageous, kind, intelligent, witty, loving? It’s not merely that it’s difficult to tell; there’s no way he is. Plugging into the machine is a kind of suicide. It will seem to some, trapped by a picture, that nothing about what we are like can matter except as it gets reflected in our experiences. But should it be surprising that what we are is important to us? Why should we be concerned only with how our time is filled, but not with what we are?”
The shared fantasy of malignant narcissism is an experience machine. Plugging into it is a kind of suicide. Yet countless people want to commit this kind of suicide … to exit reality, where they are nobody, and live in an absurd fantasy where they are somebody. They feel special because their chosen malignant narcissist tells them they are special, and all they have to do to keep him telling them this is to worship him and give them all their money.
And they LOVE doing that.
But they cease to live. What do the members of the Neogenian Cult do with their lives? NOTHING! They might as well be indeterminate blobs floating in a tank. All they do is feed the ego of their chosen narc. They themselves DO NOTHING in their own right.
They want the EXPERIENCE of being special, without doing anything special! These people would LOVE Nozick’s Experience Machine. It’s precisely what they crave – the experience, but not the actuality; the feeling, but without having done anything. Too much like hard work!
Echo would do ANYTHING for her Narcissus. Doing what her Narcissus wants makes her feel great about herself. She is an Echo in her PRIME, doing what Echoes do – adoring Narcissus, and living through their love of Narcissus. These people were not made for independence, for autonomy. These are the most dependent, other-directed people in the world. They only become “real” through the gaze of the Other. Otherwise, they dissolve into nothingness. They would do ANYTHING to be “seen”. If the Experience Machine “sees” them, they will definitely plug in, no questions asked.
Nozick wrote,
“Thirdly, plugging into an experience machine limits us to a man-made reality, to a world no deeper or more important than that which people can construct.”
Plugging into a malignant narc’s shared fantasy means that this shallow fantasy – a massive ego trip for a shameless Attention Whore – is all you will ever experience. You have excluded yourself from everything else.
Nozick wrote,
“There is no actual contact with any deeper reality, though the experience of it can be simulated.”
Many malignant narcissists, via their shared fantasies, are all about presenting themselves as Healers, Fixers, Saviors, Messiahs, Gurus, Ascended Masters, and so on. They are always pretending to their cult slaves that they can put them in contact with deeper reality.
Nozick wrote,
“Many persons desire to leave themselves open to such contact and to a plumbing of deeper significance. This clarifies the intensity of the conflict over psychoactive drugs, which some view as mere local experience machines, and others view as avenues to a deeper reality; what some view as equivalent to surrender to the experience machine, others view as following one of the reasons not to surrender!”
The heroin gang simply want to surrender to the experience machine. They just want to feel good. The DMT gang are different. They think they are breaking through to deeper dimensions. They think they can make contact with the Machine Elves.
Nozick said,
“We learn that something matters to us in addition to experience by imagining an experience machine and then realizing that we would not use it.”
But that’s only true of reality-based humans, an ever-dwindling band. Humanity is now full of fantasists who only feel good about themselves when they are in their fantasy, being lied to. Cultists in a shared fantasy WANT to be lied to by their cult leader. That’s why they’re there – to be lied to and told they are the most special people in the world. They will, and do, pay anything for that. They will give their chosen narc all their money to lie to them!
Nozick said,
“We can continue to imagine a sequence of experience machines each designed to fill lacks suggested for the earlier machines. For example, since the experience machine doesn’t meet our desire to be a certain way, imagine a transformation machine which transforms us into whatever sort of person we’d like to be (compatible with our staying us).”
The malignant narcissist often portrays his shared fantasy as a transformation machine. Anyone who joins him in his shared fantasy he promises to transform into a “higher” being. You know, a “hyperaware World Shaper” and all that laughable nonsense.
The Metaverse and AI are all about giving people the chance to convert themselves into their perfect avatar, for leading their perfect fantasy in their perfect Experience Machine.
Nozick wrote,
“Surely one would not use the transformation machine to become as one would wish, and thereupon plug into the experience machine!”
Have you ever actually met any human beings, Nozick?! Here’s the thing. Even if you transform yourself into exactly what you want to be, the world might still reject you. It probably will. Imagine you admire Nietzsche and transform yourself into the New Nietzsche. Well, the world rejected Nietzsche. Why would it behave any differently towards the New Nietzsche? Nietzsche had a miserable life in many ways. Most people could not endure what he lived through. You couldn’t be an actual New Nietzsche unless you were prepared to endure such horror. No pain, no gain.
And if you had a machine that transformed you into exactly what you wanted to be, and also transformed the world to exactly what you wanted it to be, you would kill yourself! As Schopenhauer said,
“If every desire were satisfied as soon as it arose how would men occupy their lives, how would they pass the time? Imagine this race transported to a Utopia where everything grows of its own accord and turkeys fly around ready-roasted, where lovers find one another without any delay and keep one another without any difficulty; in such a place some men would die of boredom or hang themselves, some would fight and kill one another, and thus they would create for themselves more suffering than nature inflicts on them as it is.”
We NEED obstacles and obstructions and resistance. That’s why Woke World is so horrific. It seeks to abolish all states of distress.
Nietzsche said,
“I condemn Christianity; I bring against the Christian church the most terrible of all the accusations that an accuser has ever had in his mouth. It is, to me, the greatest of all imaginable corruptions; it seeks to work the ultimate corruption, the worst possible corruption. The Christian church has left nothing untouched by its depravity; it has turned every value into worthlessness, and every truth into a lie, and every integrity into baseness of soul. Let any one dare to speak to me of its ‘humanitarian’ blessings! Its deepest necessities range it against any effort to abolish distress; it lives by distress…”
That’s where Christianity differs from Wokeness. Christianity wanted to retain control via distress (sin). Wokeness wants to retain control by abolishing distress (no one is capable of sin – everyone is to be accepted, respected and celebrated, no matter what … unlimited exoticism, freakishness, weirdness and “diversity”, and total CANCELATION of anyone who supports normality and reality. Only the anti-Woke are sinful. The Woke are incapable of sin! They are IMMACULATE.)
Nozick wrote,
“So something matters in addition to one’s experiences and what one is like. Nor is the reason merely that one’s experiences are unconnected with what one is like. For the experience machine might be limited to provide only experiences possible to the sort of person plugged in. Is it that we want to make a difference in the world? Consider then the result machine, which produces in the world any result you would produce and injects your vector input into any joint activity. We shall not pursue here the fascinating details of these or other machines. What is most disturbing about them is their living of our lives for us.”
And that’s what the malignant narc does with his shared fantasy. He lives your life for you. You live your life through him. You sacrifice yourself to his ego trip, and then you try to bathe in his reflected glory. You have zero interest in a real, meaningful, autonomous existence. You have outsourced your life to a fantasist who contracts to tell you that you are special, provided you get on your knees to worship him and give him all your money. And you do! And you love doing it. Just look at the sick and degenerate Neogenian cult. You simply couldn’t get a more pointless group of people! They are plugged into the shared fantasy of a madman and the “experience” they have chosen to imagine they are having is that they are the Chosen Ones changing the world, even though they do nothing in reality but tell a malignant narcissist he is “amazing” and give him every cent they can spare. THAT – not any creative actions done by them – is how they “change the world”, apparently. But these people can tell and sell themselves any lie. That’s why they’re in a deranged, degenerate cult, cut off from reality.
Nozick wrote,
“Is it misguided to search for particular additional functions beyond the competence of machines to do for us? Perhaps what we desire is to live (an active verb) ourselves, in contact with reality. (And this, machines cannot do for us.) Without elaborating on the implications of this, which I believe connect surprisingly with issues about free will and causal accounts of knowledge, we need merely note the intricacy of the question of what matters for people other than their experiences. Until one finds a satisfactory answer, and determines that this answer does not also apply to animals, one cannot reasonably claim that only the felt experiences of animals limit what we may do to them.”
Humans have made pets of many animals, and malignant narcissists make pets of those dumb enough to be absorbed into their demented shared fantasy.
A narc is a coward and weakling who cannot cope with life. To avoid contact with reality, he seeks out a protective cocoon – a cult! – where no one will ever criticize him and everyone will tell him he’s a wonder of the world. So, a narc creates a fantasy where this becomes possible. It’s his own bespoke Experience Machine. He gets exactly the experience he wants. Reality never shows up. Such a person has abandoned reality. Instead of plugging into the Experience Machine, he plugs others into his shared fantasy and then does everything in his power to get these others to give him the experience he seeks above all others … to be treated as a god. He never does anything for its own sake. Everything he does has only one goal – to get people to say how much they admire him and adore him. The narcissist may work hard but not because he has any interest in what he’s working on. What he’s interested in is the reaction to what he’s doing. The work is not done for its own sake. The work is done purely to secure narcissistic supply. This is why narcs never have any deep, detailed knowledge. They only skim things. Everything about them is superficial, shallow, all surface. Their “knowledge” is reflective of “headline intelligence”, which means that they only ever spend time on the eye-catching, people-pleasing headlines, and never delve into the topic in any depth. Detail is worthless to them. Their dumb audiences only want soundbites and headlines. That’s the world we live in today. Detail has been abolished. Social media killed it stone dead.
The narc broadcasts his fantasy to the world and waits to see who shows up. It’s a strictly self-selecting audience. The narc has no say over who joins the fantasy, and doesn’t care. He’s totally promiscuous. He applies no standard. He never rejects anyone. He will accept anyone. The fact that you have come to his fantasy is the sole criterion for being accepted by him. He takes what he can get and he turns away no one who is prepared to worship him.
Remember, the sole function of the shared fantasy – cult – is to find those prepared to play the narc’s game … to never criticize, doubt or challenge him, and always adore him and sing his praises and proclaim his brilliance and perfection. To fully engage in his ego-trip.
As we know, Narcissus always finds his Echoes! And Echoes always find their Narcissus.
Some people in real life do amazing things and their merit deserves to be acknowledged. A cult is nothing like that. A cult leader is a clown pretending to have achievements, and only by constantly lying to people, grooming them, brainwashing, manipulating then and exploiting their vulnerabilities, can he get them to come to his fantasy world and stay there, and leave behind reality.
Look at the laughable Neogenian cult – nothing but an immense ego-stroking exercise for its preening, entitled, bourgeois cult leader, a circus act, a performer, a man with no education and no qualifications who plagiarizes others to pretend to be intelligent and indulge his cerebral narcissism (on top of his somatic narcissism, his obsession with his image and especially his hair, by which he signals his non-binary Woke exoticism … another part of his game to garner narcissistic supply).
The whole scene is so tawdry, so sad and pathetic. Useless freaks, weirdos and queers have come together to worship a half-man, and through their worship of their “god” they feel good about themselves and redeem, as they imagine it, their own failed, feeble lives.
Echo needs Narcissus because he’s the only person who will tell her she’s special. She’s special BECAUSE she worships him! So, Narcissus needs to find those who will tell him he’s perfect, and he will tell anyone who says that to him that they are perfect too. And that’s the whole game right there. These people – the Narcissus and Echo archetypes – are made for each other, a match made in hell.
Narcissus needs and demands worshipers and cannot abide critics, and Echoes have spent their lives trying to find someone to worship, who isn’t repulsed by them – Jesus, Echoes are so fucking UGLY! They have an actual need to serve another, to debase themselves to another, to adore him and kneel to him. Only by doing that do they feel “fulfilled”. These people are those who would not criticize their chosen god under any circumstances. They would show no doubts and ask no questions. They will accept, unconditionally, whatever their god tells them, and this makes them feel wonderful. They associate it with LOVE, and Echo is all about love. It’s the sole thing she believes she’s good at!
Just as the narc sees his own “perfection” through the eyes of others (his Echoes), and not through his own eyes, Echo sees her “perfection” through the gaze of her god (the narcissist’s gaze), and can never on her own account see herself as perfect. So, this is a diseased symbiosis. Both of these types need to see themselves as perfect – to compensate for their failed, chaotic lives – and they can only do it through others.
The narc plays a one-to-many game. He needs MANY Echoes to tell him he’s amazing. The Echoes play a many-to-one game. Many Echoes surround one narc and tell him he’s perfect so that he will gaze on all of them and tell them they are all perfect, and they take great delight in being part of a community of Echoes worshiping one narc. It binds them together. It cures their loneliness. It gives them a meaning, a sacred cause. They will do anything for their narc, their god. They LOVE worshiping him, and he LOVES being worshiped, and that’s why these bizarre, degenerate fantasies of nobodies – i.e., cults – go on for so long. They are strictly for reality-phobic people, for those longing for the Experience Machine, for the marginal, the freakshow gang, those rejected by normality and reality. These people cannot bear to live in reality, so they don’t. Reality has nothing for them, so they reject it.
Their whole lives are just one long fantasy. Look at the idiot Corey Rebhahn (MorgueOfficial – a man named after the death of his true self! … it’s been in the morgue since he was two years old!). 100% of what you need to know about that clown is that his favorite movie is the kids’ fantasy movie “The NeverEnding Story”. Rebhahn is a lost boy, the man who never grew up, so lost he doesn’t even know what gender he is. Just like the boy in the story, he is a loner, a fantasist, a bullied little nobody in the real world who only becomes a “somebody” when he enters his fantasy world where he is a somebody, in fact the Special One.
That’s the story of Rebhahn’s failed, ludicrous, pointless, meaningless life. All he has to show for his wasted, empty life is his cancelation of the books of the smart people whose work he plagiarized to indulge his cerebral narcissism with his cretinous Echoes. What a non-life! An anti-life, a shameless attack on life and knowledge, intelligence and evolution. This man and his cultists are the absolute enemies of intellect. They have none. Rebhahn has no education and no qualifications, and nor do any of his cultists. These are classic Dunning-Kruger types. They hate real smart people, while imagining themselves incredibly smart. Because they’re so stupid, they have no means to establish what genuine intelligence is. It’s impossible for them to recognize authentic intelligence, which is why they’re in a cretinous cult of grotesque plagiarism.
Unable to cope in the real world, Rebhahn retreated to a fantasy world – his cult world – where the sole qualification for joining is that you believe in his fantasy, believe that he’s the Special One, and tell him so … as often as possible … every time he appears in front of you. If you do, you’re in, no questions asked. And then he will tell you that you’re amazing and that’s what you have always wanted to hear, that LIE – because the fucking real world never treats you as anything other than the total fuck-up and piece-of-shit you truly are. So, you deny reality and embrace the fantasy world. What else are you going to do?!
The grifter, conman, fraud, plagiarist and cult leader Corey Rebhahn has spent his whole life craving to be “special”. He has never had any other life, any real life.
Rebhahn was the only child of Christian Fundamentalist parents, yet he was born out of wedlock – a literal BASTARD (hence why he has his mother’s name and not that of his father … was it the “sin” of pre-marital sex that turned Rebhahn’s mother into a fanatical born-again Christian to compensate for her debauched past?). Rebhahn’s father was a right-wing, conservative, Christian cop who thought of himself as a man’s man, the opposite of weak, effeminate little Corey. Rebhahn was kept away from school – probably because he was obviously gay and his parents were worried that he would be bullied, and also reflect badly on them and their Christianity. Rebhahn’s parents thought they could cure him of his gayness by scaring him with hell – the penalty for sinfulness.
So, Rebhahn was rejected by his parents, was an only child, had no friends, was kept away from school so couldn’t enter the normal, real world and meet real, normal human beings and be brought into conformity with the world … hence, he just got weirder and weirder, and more and more freakish. His only companion was the Bible, which he studied intensely every day in a desperate attempt to please his parents and make them love him (all the “love” Rebhahn received in his life was strictly conditional … a key factor in producing a malignant narcissist!). The Bible is of course a total fantasy, and Rebhahn identified with three characters in it – God the Father (all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-seeing), Jesus the Messiah (Savior Syndrome, Healer, Fixer, Guru), and his favorite … Mary Magdalene (idealized female).
Rebhahn had his Christian fantasy world and also a second fantasy world which became more and more dominant since, unlike Christianity, it didn’t judge him and criticize him and tell him he was a sinner going to hell, to be punished forever.
Rebhahn was a desperately lonely and lost boy, who retreated more and more into fantasy. Rebhahn was given a magic book as a child and fancied himself a magician, and put a lot of effort into learning magic tricks to impress anyone he came across. Rebhahn’s whole life is devoted to people-pleasing to get them to like him. And to see him. Rebhahn is TERRIFIED of being invisible, which is why he is on social media 24/7, so that someone somewhere “sees” him. Otherwise, he would dissolve into the ether, as he certainly will do in the next few years. This man will never see 40. His shared fantasy is already long past its sell-by date. It’s already a pointless, repetitive, absolute bore, which has degenerated into New Age, quasi-Christian mumbo jumbo for demented Woke “intuitives”.
But Rebhan is also a sado-masochist – full of self-hate for being a gay Christian – and so, as he was growing up, his next way of trying to gain attention was to engage in extreme self-harm stunts. He could indulge his masochism – treating himself as a worthless piece of shit – and also his sadism … directed against himself (although he LUSTED to be a sadist towards others, and did so as soon as he got the chance, and continues to absolutely love extreme sadism, as his revenge on the world). Moreover, he felt himself more and more special as he did these self-harm stunts, because no one else did them. He was what he wanted to be … UNIQUE ish (in a very bad way!).
Another effect was that he felt he was creating an indomitable will and that no one could harm him (totally effeminate, Rebhahn is actually terrified of being harmed, which is why he never goes out, and lives in his Hollywood apartment like a vampire with agoraphobia). Rebhahn chose the name “Morgue” as his “power name”. His claim was that anyone who attempted what he did would end “up in the morgue”. So, already, he was a grandiose, malignant narcissist, immersed in sado-masochism, and the LA gay scene as soon as he was old enough. He had totally abandoned Christianity by then, and gone completely no-contact with his devout Born-Again mother. In fact, he had become an anti-Christian. He read Nietzsche’s “The Antichrist” and imagined himself Lucifer, the anti-Christian Messiah.
An inveterate copyist, Rebhahn fell under the spell of the anti-Christian Marilyn Manson and tried his hand at doing a crappy, creepy Manson impersonation, even making ghastly Manson wannabe songs. He thought he would be the best singer in the world, until he failed to garner any narc supply and had to drop that ambition sharpish.
Rebhahn then saw Heath Ledger’s Joker, and that became his new model to copy. He presented himself as a Joker-style psychopath railing against the normal world. He joined AMC’s freakshow and became a z-list reality TV celebrity. At last, he was getting some of the attention he craved. He established a cult for Manson-Joker goth wannabes – the Terrors of Men (“Home of the Intern Project”). But he still failed to get enough narc supply.
By this time, he had come across the AC and he moved on from being a somatic narc, obsessed with his image, to also being a cerebral narc, imagining he was intelligent (despite having no education, no qualifications in anything, and totally lacking self-awareness and any actual intelligence … he does a show pony version of smartness … you know, a stupid person’s imitation of what a clever person is; a Dunning-Kruger version of an intelligent person, i.e., not intelligent at all, but able to persuade those who are even stupider than he is that he is intelligent. This is in fact a vicious, sick Nazi book burner who campaigns against books, ideas, authors, the intelligentsia … he is the enemy of all thinkers, and is fantastically envious of them since they have authentic intelligence, which will ALWAYS be alien to him and always elude him … you can’t fake genuine intelligence, genuine intellectual originality, so it’s game over for Rebhahn the plagiarist).
At the same time as becoming a cerebral narc, Rebhahn came under the influence of the execrable Susan Mitchell and became Woke, the formal opposite of his second-rate Manson-Joker tribute act. Thus the Woke Messiah we see today was born – a Lucifer, Mary Magdalene Savior, Healer, Fixer, Guru, Ascended Master.
Rebhahn, who had flirted with establishing a Hollywood Dionysian cult, formed a personal cult – the Order of One – and then formed Hyperianism, which later morphed into Woke Hyperianism and then “Neogenianism”, although it retains exactly the same branding! Funny, that. The makeover that changed NOTHING! The message is exactly the same as before.
All of Rebhahn’s Echoes are freaks, weirdos and queers with no education and no qualifications, even more ignorant and hostile to meritorious intellectuals than Rebhahn himself is. All of his Echoes are pathetic weaklings, hated and rejected by reality. They are weird, “intuitive” women and gay men, mostly non-binary, and all totally marginalized outsiders, whose only power comes from banding together in a freakshow community, which is exactly what they do. And will keep on doing. These people will never leave their fantasy world. Reality holds nothing for them.
It’s such a sad, pathetic scene … a bunch of desperate Echoes enabling an insatiable narc’s ego trip, all because they can pay him to praise them and tell them how special they are. But, hey, that’s what cults are all about and why they are so fanatical and insane, and why they never listen to reason and always reject reality.
Echo became more and more diminished, until she faded away entirely, and that’s what happens with cultists. They vanish from their own non-lives. And all the while, Corey Rebhahn turns from a half-man into a non-man. The Eunuch, in the end, cannot be distinguished from a smooth, sexless, showroom dummy.
One of the AC team messaged Professor Sam Vaknin to ask him a question. Vaknin asserts that the shared fantasy is designed to fail since the narc is trying to separate and individuate and so NEEDS to devalue and discard those in his shared fantasy. But is this true of online cults such as Neogenianism?
The question went like this:
“If a pathological narcissist sets up a cult on social media and then interacts online with people from all over the world, who all enter into the shared fantasy he is broadcasting and give him love, adulation and money, and never once question or doubt him (his control over them is absolute), then what is the incentive for the narcissist to devalue and discard the members of his cult? If, deep down, the narcissist wants to separate and individuate, shouldn’t he sabotage his own cult? But the cult is giving him everything he wants. He gets to treat all of his cult members as children in need of his ‘motherly’ unconditional love – and he exercises absolute parental control and power over them (no one ever steps out of line) – and he also gets every member of his cult (the vast majority of whom are women) to offer him unconditional love and worship (and treat him as the most precious and unique baby … they have all become his mothers).
“It seems that this narcissist has established his Eden. He is getting to be the mother (goddess) to all of his cult members and have unconditional control over them, and he is also getting their unconditional love and devotion (they are all acting like his ideal mother).
“If it seems that the cult could go on forever, where is the incentive for the narcissist to end the shared fantasy? This is the same as asking if the narcissist actually does want to separate and individuate? Isn’t he perfectly happy with his shared fantasy, as long as can get it to work?
“The shared fantasy normally falls foul of reality, which is what brings it down. But if it never fails – if reality never intrudes – wouldn’t the narcissist want it to go on forever, where he is God in Eden, and all of his substitute mothers kneel to him and worship him and do everything for him that he always wanted from his real mother?
“In other words, isn’t the shared fantasy tantamount to Nozick’s Experience Machine? Why would anyone want to leave it if they already knew reality would hurt them? Isn’t the fantasy preferable if reality is so painful?
“So, these people – a narcissistic cult leader and his borderline, codependent and inverted narcissist cult slaves – don’t want to separate and individuate. They avoid all of that like the plague. They are reality-phobic. The fantasy is the only thing that ‘nurtures’ and protects them.
“They are actively seeking an Experience Machine that allows them to hide from reality – in which case they never want the shared fantasy to end.
“Is your position that the pathological narcissist cult leader DOES want at some level the shared fantasy (cult) to collapse? Someone such as Jim Jones seems like a classic malignant narcissist and he committed suicide to restore his grandiosity (as per one of your videos), and took everyone else with him. Rather that than see the shared fantasy ended.
“How could the shared fantasy of an online cult be ended given that everyone seems so content with the situation? In fact, they have fanatically bought into it.
“How, externally, could you bring a cult’s shared fantasy to an end?
“According to Nozick, the desire for reality draws people away from the Experience Machine, but isn’t it the case that it is the fear and loathing of reality that drives so many people TO the Experience Machine? And aren’t pathological narcissists the experts in seducing their followers into entering the Experience Machine and never leaving?”
Vaknin didn’t engage with the question, but he did say,
“As history shows conclusively, all cults end calamitously.”
Well, all physical cults end calamitously, that’s for sure – yet even that can take decades. But online cults are the new game in town. Cult leaders in person always end up physically abusing their cultists and doing physically mad things, and also start to appear dysfunctional to anyone who spends too much time with them, and that’s what brings these people down. But in an online cult, things are different. The cult leader can wear his mask indefinitely. Take a malignant cult leader like Corey Rebhahn. He is now a hermit and recluse, a man who can’t leave his apartment. He’s a prisoner. He cannot bear to be with anyone who doesn’t worship him, and the only people willing to worship him are the members of his online cult, whom he never meets! So he never goes out, and spends his life preparing the next content to show his cultists, and fantasizing about the new content going viral and making him a huge celebrity. Such is the abject life of an online cult leader, completely sundered from reality.
When will Rebhahn devalue and discard his ridiculous animus-possessed substitute mom, Susan Mitchell? If he doesn’t do so, he can never separate and individuate, but, if he does, he would wreck his cult – and that would end his narc supply. So, it’s the Devil and deep blue sea. Porgy is stuck. He can’t end his cult and that means he can never separate and individuate. He’s psychologically fucked forever!
Another thing Morgy Porgy can’t do is have any meet-ups. If he did, he would actually have to meet his mods and top donors and biggest ass-lickers in person, and that would destroy the cult. Rebhahn DETESTS these people and could not bear to spend any time with them. They would all realize how much contempt he has for them, and how weird he is. Wrath described meeting Rebhahn in person and it sounded like ultimate cringe – Rebhahn immediately went into performance mode and the whole thing was super awkward. Rebhahn CANNOT be normal. He doesn’t know how. Remember, narcs are always performers and can never be the audience, so Rebhahn can never hang out with other people and let them take their turn in the spotlight. He can’t bear the spotlight not being on him, and that means he is incapable of being with others in any normal, human way. That’s why he spends his whole life online, where he is always performing and never having a normal interaction with anyone.
Rebhahn is a truly absurd waste of space who literally cannot do something as basic as hanging out. He can’t take any pleasure in seeing other people shine – because he believes it’s unacceptable if the spotlight isn’t ALWAYS on him. What a sad, empty life this clown has as he constantly pretends to be what he is not and can never be what he is. This is what an anti-life looks like. When people like that finally perish, humanity is instantly better off.
All three of Rebhahn’s “events” were just performance opportunities for him, but he had to engage in chatting with some of his cultists, and that was unbearable for him. He will NEVER repeat such a thing. He can only interact with people who are far away from him and worshiping him! He can’t stand having people physically close to him and not being deferential to him.
What a pathetic clown. Rebhahn’s “life” is that of the undead. This half-man has never been real in his whole life and never will be. He’s incapable of living in reality, and never has. His whole life has been conducted in the fantasy space, the cult space, the space of the NeverEnding Story, for bullied little boys who think they’re ultra special and the stars of a secret world (their shared fantasy).
Imagine refusing to live. That’s what Rebhahn has chosen. He’s the undead – a person walking amongst us (well, if he ever got his ugly ass out of his apartment/coffin), and definitely nothing like the rest of us.
This man chose fantasy to life. How embarrassing. This is a totally pathetic, utterly weak human being, who lies constantly to everyone, and above all to himself – so that he never has to face his shame and self-loathing, so that he never has to encounter his TRUE SELF, which failed to separate from MOMMY and failed to become a real individual. So, now this clown spends his whole life faking being an individual. But that’s exactly what he can never be – because he never separated from MOMMY. He hasn’t spoken to her for half his life, but she’s the only thing on his mind … PERMANENTLY. He is so acutely aware of her that he is NON-BINARY because of it. He is trying to mother HIMSELF! (Because MOMMY wouldn’t!)
Now, this person is obviously getting more and more seriously mentally ill and detached from reality, but his madness never becomes publicly apparent because he never goes out in public. How long can he keep his cult show on the road – the same old faces, the same speech over and over again, the same responses over and over again from the same people? A normal person could not endure this, but we are dealing with a drug addict here – a person who needs narcissistic supply at all times.
To see a collapsed malignant narcissist, just look at Immensely Fat Jan, the Ultra Fat Mormon Demon. This is what happens when a malignant narc isn’t getting enough narc supply. They literally start dissolving in front of you, losing their physical form. The Fat Demon has to take the crumbs from Rebhahn’s table, and has to worship Rebhahn to continue to get those crumbs. Can you imagine? This malignant narc has to worship another malignant narc. What a crucifixion! But, if she doesn’t, the Fat Demon would lose 100% of her narc supply – except for the submissive simp and gimp she lives with – and she would decompose into a fatty, lumpy, glumpy pool of grease on the floor and clog up every pipe in the area. It’s happening right in front of your eyes, folks.
Remember, these malignant narcs are addicts. They would go into a state of total collapse if they didn’t have suckers flattering them.
Rebhahn, it’s now obvious, for many years failed to secure adequate narc supply and was heavily depressed and turned to alcohol and drugs to numb him. For the last few years, his online cult has sustained him, but the quality of his narc supply is of exceptionally low quality – look at his absurd mods, not a brain cell between them – and his dismal top donors on Patreon, utterly abject human beings, if they can even be called human, incapable of accomplishing anything, as they prove over and over again. This whole Neogenian scene is horrific. Just an egomaniacal narcissist begging freakish suckers to tell him he’s amazing for plagiarizing other people. What a worthless life.
By the way, have you noticed that there isn’t actually any “Neogenian” brand? And there’s no Neogenian “movement”. The brand is “Morgue Official” and he talks about people supporting HIS work (ho, ho, ho – this plagiarist has never had an original idea and never done “his” own work in his life!). No one other than him appears on his deadstreams, and all the thumbnails for his videos are of him. It’s HILARIOUS that he refers to “Neogenianism” at all. Of course, that’s just part of his grift, so that he can refer to “we” when it suits him, although it’s self-evident he’s all about “I” and is just an egomaniac on a pathetic ego trip.
It’s a horrific thing about the human race that so many slaves are out there, so eager and willing to help narcissists be narcissists. If we eliminated the Echoes, there would be no more narcs. The latter feed off the former, and the former want to be eaten alive, until there’s nothing left of them, until they have been fully absorbed by their chosen narc.
Rebhahn-style, New Age, Woke-Nazi cults are ten a penny these days.
Check these out:
“New Age Spirituality in the USA: Meet The Shamans, Gurus and Cult Leaders of America”
“Is the USA undergoing a spiritual awakening, or is it falling victim to fake gurus and new age cult leaders? In an America in search of meaning, gurus, healers, shamans and other modern wizards have become the new providers of worth. Festivals, retreats and detox courses promising spiritual wellness are multiplying. We follow emerging gurus like Unicole, who is convinced she was sent to Earth by aliens to start a new religion and uses social media to gather followers. Meanwhile, in Hollywood, Shaman Durek is adored and charges his disciples nearly $1,000 per hour to attend a seance. However, there is a fine line between a spirituality coach and a professional crook. We follow the comeback of James Arthur Ray, sentenced to ten years in prison when three of his members died during a ceremony, as he re-establishes himself on the spirituality circuit in Las Vegas.”
“Finding Salvation with an Online Cult”
“Unicult is not your typical cult. Founded in 2012 by self proclaimed pop-spiritual leader Unicole Unicron, this mostly online group and its millennial following studies everything from crystals to aliens and seeks to empower each other to seek joy on earth.”
“The Controversial Guru Who Wants to ‘Upgrade Civilization’”
“Bentinho Massaro has hundreds of thousands of followers on social media, supporters the spiritual guru gained through his teachings about ‘self-realization,’ ‘enlightenment,’ and the idea of ‘upgrading civilization.’ While some of his ideas are pretty standard, like the importance of silent meditation, others are controversial: he’s said that 9/11 was an inside job, that he can change the weather, and that humans might one day join forces with aliens. To his devout followers, he’s an inspiration — but his critics have accused him of ‘cult-like’ practices and peddling conspiracy theories during his retreats, which run up to $2,000 a pop. For an inside look at Massaro’s teachings, we went to one of his retreats in the Netherlands, speaking with his colleagues, his followers, and Massaro himself to try to understand exactly what the appeal is — and what he makes of the accusations against him.”
“Bentinho Massaro: The New Wave of Cult Leader (Spiritual INTERNET Cults) #cult #deepdive”
“Very recently, three former followers of Bentinho Massaro came forward (and shared on the A Little Bit Culty Podcast) their experiences of ‘spiritual enlightenment’ with this self-proclaimed spiritual guru. These individuals reported multiple alleged incidents of psychological control, emotional, and mental abuse within this group. With the answers to all of life’s probing questions being only one internet and Google search away, today I take a deeper look at Bentinho Massaro’s internet group, who he is, his teachings, and share how language can be manipulated. Keep in mind, these internet gurus are ever present in our current world and this video shares the traits of cultic leaders, the BITE Model, what undue influence is and a multitude of other topics I hope you will find helpful wherever you are in your current life journey.”
You see! These people are EVERYWHERE. And they are multiplying.
Compared with Bentinho Massaro, Rebhahn is a total amateur. Rebhahn is even a failure as a malignant narc. Nearly 30,000 American malignant narcs on YouTube are much more successful than he is. THIRTY THOUSAND!!!!
This is the final AC update on the Daily Whistle website. We want to take this opportunity to thank Karen who was the force behind setting up this site, and Gina, who was the technical wiz. A third person liaised with Karen and Gina, and took over Gina’s technical role. All three did a brilliant job of getting the AC content onto the site day after day for a year. An amazing effort, and incredibly hard work by all three. THANKS!
The site will remain as a resource for those studying dangerous Woke Nazi cults, and malignant narcissism, via the specific example of the half-man Corey Rebhahn (a textbook, stereotypical malignant narc who ticks every box of the pathology several times over!) and his Neogenian cult, a classic Woke-Nazi cult of victims, freaks, criminals, Nazi book burners, despisers of free speech, enemies of intellect, and so on .
The New Website
A new website – an Illuminist Army website, this time – is launching tomorrow (1 Sept, 2023).
Here’s the link:
under construction
And here’s the excellent Illuminist Army album:
“The Illuminist Army – Contra Last Man (Full Album)”
A great piece of work. It’s brilliant to see a collective endeavor like this, with a group of talented individuals getting together to make something marvelous. We need LOTS MORE of this. We are all about creativity and merit. Nothing could be more repulsive to us that Rebhahn’s Neogenianism, where a talentless, obsessive Attention Whore spends his whole life getting others – his weird, pathetic Echoes – to abandon reality so that they can inhabit his shared fantasy where their sole function is never to take the spotlight away from him, but to shine as many spotlights as possible on him.
It’s such a pathetic world we live in that meritless clowns such as Rebhahn now make a very lucrative living on social media by talking shit to shit-for-brains Echoes. A generation ago, humanity was spared madmen like Rebhahn. They just fizzled out, unable to secure enough narcissistic supply. Today, the world is their oyster, and they can get their narc supply from Echoes everywhere in the world, which means this will become a bigger and bigger problem.
The West is finished unless it can do something about this malignant Narcissus-Echo disease in its midst. Every Narcissus must be dealt with, and every Echo too. You cannot have one without the other. They are parasitical on each other. Enough already.
Tags: Hyperianism, Morgue Official, Hyperian, Morgen Night, AMC Freakshow, Corey Rebhahn, Inner Star Actualization, What is Hyperianism, Morgue Official Real Name, Hyperian Founder, Morgue from Freakshow, Neogenian, Neogenian Oculus, Neogenianism, Neogenian Collective