Last year on this day – 6th August – Corey Rebhahn (MorgueOfficial) submitted a false and malicious complaint to the FBI about his former moderator Rowan, and another former senior Hyperian, Apollonius. Rebhahn was very keen to punish these two men for daring to oppose him. Apollonius was one of the contributors to the incendiary book “Without the Mob, There Is No Circus” by David Sinclair, which totally mortified Rebhahn, nearly ended his cult, and caused him to lust for revenge so that he could make himself feel powerful again.
Rowan had made no public statement at all against Rebhahn or Hyperianism as of August 6, and absolutely no public statement supporting us, but that didn’t save him from Rebhahn’s SWATTING. Moreover, Rowan, as one of Rebhahn’s moderators, was actually heavily criticized in Sinclair’s book, so the notion that Rowan had been “radicalized” by the AC/PI – a claim that Rebhahn insanely made to the FBI – was manifestly absurd. And regarding Apollonius, he was totally opposed to Rebhahn long before we decided to take action against the plagiarist and cult leader. So, we obviously didn’t “radicalize” Apollonius either. But, hey, when did the conman and grifter Corey Rebhahn ever concern himself with the truth?! Apparently, “radicalization” involves writing intellectual books, above all about Ont Math! Who knew?
Rebhahn’s primary aim with his false and malicious complaint to the FBI was to claim that the AC/PI was an international terrorist group which had radicalized these two men RJ and Apollonius and sent them out to murder Hyperians, Woke Liberals … and … hey, it’s a busy killing schedule (!) … assassinate POTUS!
Rebhahn is a magical thinker, a pathological narcissist living in a fantasy world where he is the Special One, and his fantasy was that the FBI would investigate the AC/PI and get it shut down. That would achieve Rebhahn’s objective – to stop the AC/PI MORTIFYING him by publicly exposing the truth about him – that he’s a conman, grifter, industrial-scale plagiarist and a cult leader suffering from incredibly serious mental illness. Rebhahn HAD to get that mortification process to stop (and get revenge for “Without the Mob, There Is No Circus”), and the FBI insanity was what this lunatic came up with. It’s part of the pathology of malignant narcissism – the mental illness from which Rebhahn suffers (although he laughably calls his condition “religious trauma syndrome”) – to carry out EXTREMIST actions, way beyond what any normal person would ever contemplate, and also to expect to get away with it. Sam Vaknin, an expert on malignant narcissism, constantly refers to this certainty on the part of pathological narcs that they will succeed. It is of course this delusional belief that always brings about their downfall.
Anyone can see that Rebhahn has spent his entire life engaged in extremist actions in one way or another – exactly as would be expected of one of the most severe cases of malignant narcissism in the world. Rebhahn’s whole life has been one long cry for attention, pleading for people to tell him they love him … because his mother signally failed to do that. She HATED him. In fact, she was the first person to MORTIFY Rebhahn, to cause him absolute shame, humiliation, self-disgust, extreme anxiety, abandonment terror, and so on. That set the pattern for Rebhahn’s whole life … the little mommy’s boy whose mommy hated him, so he became his own mommy (hence why’s he’s “non-binary”), and who obsessively looks for substitute mothers to unconditionally love him and tell him what a special baby he is – the most special baby in the world. That’s what his silly, pointless Neogenian cult is all about.
In a recent video, Sam Vaknin responded to the question of why malignant narcissists can’t simply reconcile with their birth mothers but instead go through life looking for substitute mothers.
Vaknin said,
“Many of you have been asking me why doesn’t the narcissist settle his accounts with his biological mother? Why doesn’t he simply revert to the primary object? … Why doesn’t he tackle his issues with his mother? Why does he instead go through the hyper complex process of locating a potential intimate partner, converting her into a substitute mother, reenacting with her all the dynamics of the earlier relationship with his real mother in his childhood and then attempting to separate from her…”
Vaknin then says that the narc’s mother proved a
“source of frustration, of hurt, of pain, of shame, of rage, of fear, terror – because she was unpredictable, arbitrary and capricious…”
This all amounts to the original MORTIFICATION of the narc, and haunts him for the rest of his life. Rebhahn’s entire life has been lived in the shadow of his toxic relationship with his mother. Rebhahn has pathological narcissism caused by his disastrous relationship with his mother. Rebhahn, rather than admit the truth, instead tells himself that he has RTS, so that he can present himself as a victim of religion, as opposed to being a monster created by his own mother, the woman, the BAD OBJECT, who haunts him 24/7 … FOREVER.
Once upon a time, Rebhahn revealed a key detail about his “home schooling”. He said it was left up to him to arrange his day and his learning schedule. What does this tell us? His parents ABANDONED him. They IGNORED him. They let this only child live in total isolation – cut off from other children, and even cut off from them. And the bizarre albino freak psychologically responded by living in a total fantasy world. Rebhahn CRAVES company, but cannot bear criticism, so he can only exist as a cult leader, where he is surrounded by cult slaves (weird substitute mothers fawning over him like a special baby), while exerting total psychological control over them. The No. 1 characteristic of Rebhahn’s cult is that not a single cult slave can say a single negative thing about Rebhahn or his cult … “positive vibes only” … “love and light”.
When Rowan and Apollonius rejected Rebhahn, he felt mortified by them and craved revenge against them. Above all, “Without the Mob, There Is No Circus” publicly mortified Rebhahn and his lust for vengeance was infinite, hence his INSANE false and malicious complaint to the FBI.
The objectives of this demented complaint were crystal clear – to get RJ and Apollonius SWATTED and hopefully killed, and to get the AC/PI permanently shut down as a proscribed “terrorist organization”. And then, so he believed, Rebhahn wouldn’t have to worry anymore!
Let’s look at a notorious case of SWATTING, which led to the death of a completely innocent person. CNN said,
“An Ohio video gamer who played a role in a hoax phone call that led police to kill a man in Kansas was sentenced Friday to 15 months in prison, authorities said. Casey S. Viner, 19, was one of three defendants in a case of ‘swatting’ – making a false report to send police somewhere – that led Wichita police to erroneously shoot and kill 28-year-old Andrew Finch at his front door in December 2017.”
Let’s be 100% certain about this. “SWATTING” is exactly what has been defined above … “making a false report to send police somewhere”. Only in the most extreme cases does SWATTING involve the deployment of an actual SWAT team. It is overwhelmingly about police standing at your door questioning you about some nonsense that some malicious person phoned into them to try to get you into trouble and fuck up your life … to get revenge for something.
CNN said,
“Authorities said Viner asked one of the co-defendants to make the call because of an argument over an online video game – an argument that turned out not even to have involved Finch. Viner, of a Cincinnati suburb, was sentenced in federal court in Wichita after pleading guilty to one count each of conspiracy and obstructing justice, the US attorney’s office for Kansas said.”
Let’s just emphasize those charges: CONSPIRACY AND OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE. That’s what we’ve been saying all along regarding the Rebhahn gang. Phillip Shope, Susan Mitchell and Alexandria Torgensen all conspired with Rebhahn in making his false and malicious complaint to the FBI, aided and abetted him, and then obstructed justice, and will suffer the same fate as Viner. COMING REAL SOON.
CNN said,
“‘Swatting is not a prank, and it is no way to resolve disputes among gamers,’ US Attorney Stephen McAllister said. ‘Once again, I call upon gamers to self-police their community to ensure that the practice of swatting is ended once and for all.'”
By exactly the same token, SWATTING is no way for a man – Rebhahn, accused of shameless plagiarism and being a cult leader – to respond.
CNN said,
“The man who made the call, Tyler Raj Barriss of California, was sentenced earlier this year to 20 years in federal prison.”
We expect Rebhahn to receive a similar sentence when justice is finally done. He made staggeringly serious accusations that could easily have led to people being killed or having their lives ruined. It really was miraculous that RJ and Apollonius did not come to extremely serious harm given that they were declared to be terrorists and assassins on active maneuvers, about to be live shooters and assassinate POTUS. 90% of the time that would get you shot dead.
So, the big question remains … why hasn’t justice been done yet? Why is the Rebhahn gang still at liberty?
Let’s go through why. The FBI reacted instantly to Rebhahn’s false and malicious complaint. His complaint was submitted on the morning of August 6 and the SWATTING in response to the complaint was carried out that very evening, meaning that the FBI took no time at all to reflect on the complaint and check out its likelihood. Given Rebhahn’s lurid, camp writing-style, we can imagine that he sold the FBI a hysterical story about POTUS being mere hours from assassination!
Of course, when checks actually did take place, RJ and Apollonius had no criminal records and that meant that the whole thing was downgraded. Apollonius was merely phoned by the FBI, asked a set of dumb questions, and he simply denied all of the claims made against him. All that happened in the end was that he was told to be careful about what he posted online … a comment that could be made to 100% of people on social media! What a fucking waste of time, of the FBI’s resources.
We know that the VPD patrol that questioned RJ quickly realized that the complaint was nonsense and they basically said, “Nothing to see here.” The VPD cybercrime unit that looked into the complaint also said, “Nothing to engage with here.”
It appears that the VPD runs any complaint past several potentially relevant departments. So, another department that was asked to look at the complaint was the CRIMINAL INTELLIGENCE UNIT. Enter detective Darren HUDNIUK.
On September 8, this person said:
“On Related date/time: Thursday, 2022-Sep-08 14:59
File is an assistance file to…
The file concerns:
1. an on-line threat directed towards the President of the United States (POTUS);
– SOC denies having written threat to POTUS or of harbouring sentiments against POTUS;
– SOC admits hyperbolic language used in emails directed toward others. Doesn’t wish or intent to kill any
individual or group of individual.
September 8, 2022
Det/Cst 1313 Darren HUDNIUK
Don’t you find this ASTONISHINGLY odd? This “detective” has simply stated that RJ, the SOC (Subject of Complaint) DENIED making the POTUS comment. Well, where was the investigation into this matter? RJ either made the POTUS or he didn’t. If he did make it and denied it, then he was, it would appear, a liar in a serious matter. If he didn’t make it, then the complainant made it up – an incredibly serious crime.
As we all now know, RJ did say the POTUS comment, but simply as mindless banter two and a half years earlier in response to NEOGENIAN MODERATOR PHILLIP SHOPE making murderous comments about Donald Trump and his family. RJ, understandably, forgot all about the chat. But Shope didn’t.
We know for a fact that the sex pervert and drug addict Phillip Shope dredged up this POTUS comment mere hours after RJ’s final message to the private mod chat on 31 July, 2022. Yet here’s the very odd thing. Shope’s mindset AT THAT POINT was to show that RJ had used violent rhetoric in the past but had always qualified it with the bantering remark “Never harms self or others”. Shope’s “point”, insofar as this retard had one, was to draw a contrast between what RJ previously said and what RJ was saying now regarding “killing bigots” – without any qualifier. Shope was of course trying to be maximally helpful to the man he romantically loves – Corey Rebhahn – and the “ammunition” he was trying, in that camp, retarded way of his, to supply was a clear difference between RJ’s “violent rhetoric” of the past (always jokingly qualified) and “violent rhetoric” of the present (not qualified) … Shope of course ignored his own obsession with violent rhetoric, the Marquis de Sade, and NECROPANTS.
So, Shope’s intention was to give Rebhan PROOF that something had changed regarding RJ’s rhetoric and that RJ’s PRESENT statements could be regarded as a serious threat.
Of course, the sick, twisted fuck Susan Mitchell immediately saw the possibilities of the POTUS comment and immediately commented on it, and no doubt immediately contacted Rebhahn with a view to weaponizing it. Which Rebhahn did … with gusto.
Rebhahn realized that he simply had to drop the “Never harms self or others” qualifier, omit the date and the context, and the fact that the comment was about Donald Trump, and he could make the comment look like it was in fact a newly issued death threat against JOE BIDEN – something that would DEFINITELY get the attention of the FBI … AND IT DID. Moreover, RJ had talked in his resignation message about driving to see his father, and his POTUS comment also mentioned driving, so Rebhahn realized he could easily tack the POTUS comment onto the resignation message (where RJ talked about “killing bigots”) and paint the picture of a violent, unhinged murderous person, obsessed with killing, ultimately wanting to assassinate JOE BIDEN, and possibly being actively en route to Washington DC to carry out the “mission” – having being “radicalized” by the AC/PI, painted as a terrorist organization engaged in a “Armageddon Conspiracy”. All an insane fantasy, of course. But this is exactly what mad people concoct.
Rebhahn has been 100% backed up in what he did by Phillip Shope, Susan Mitchell, Alexandria Torgensen and now Mark Vanderpool. These individuals are all engaged in conspiracy, aiding and abetting, and obstruction of justice.
Shope – an absolute piece of shit – KNOWS that he introduced the POTUS comment as an example of RJ using a disclaimer “Never harms self or others”, and he also KNOWS that these exact words were deliberately and instantly removed by Rebhahn. The VPD case file explicitly gives the quote as: “Almost missed my turn off the highway because I was daydreaming so hard of all the ways one could execute the POTUS”. Absolutely no sign of the disclaimer. How can key words VANISH of their own accord? They CANNOT! They can be, and were, CRIMINALLY REMOVED.
Shope is faced with an absolute psychological – and legal – dilemma here. He KNOWS that Rebhahn criminally removed decisive words from the POTUS comment – an automatic FELONY – he KNOWS that he himself said worse than RJ about Trump, and that he was the one who triggered the “chat” that led to RJ’s POTUS comment in the first place. He KNOWS that Rebhahn made no mention of how old the POTUS comment was (it never occurred to Shope for a second that a complaint could be made ABOUT the POTUS comment … Shope specifically introduced it as an explicit contrast with RJ’s resignation message, which lacked any disclaimer). So Shope KNOWS exactly what he intended the POTUS comment to denote, and also KNOWS that it was used in a 100% different way by Rebhahn, and was made the centerpiece of a false and malicious complaint to the FBI where it was presented as an IMMINENT DEATH THREAT AGAINST JOE BIDEN, and is what caused the SWATTING.
Shope KNOWS all of this and yet has PROVABLY DONE NOTHING about it. Meaning that when Rebhahn is arrested, Shope will definitely be arrested too and charged with conspiracy, aiding and abetting, and obstruction of justice. SHOPE has 100% knowledge that evidence supplied by him was DOCTORED by Corey Rebhahn, yet Shope has done nothing to report this to the authorities. Jewel was in a similar position to Shope, but unlike Shope, did come forward and told the FBI via an IC3 report exactly what happened. So, there’s no way out for Shope. He has the explicit example of Jewel doing the right thing, while he has not done the same. He has 100% hitched his wagon to Rebhahn, despite being in no doubt whatsoever that Rebhahn doctored the evidence supplied by Shope and used it in a way that Shope never originally intended, but Shope is now 100% supportive of how the doctored evidence WAS used – and that’s why he will definitely be going to jail in due course. Psychologically, Shope – Rebhahn’s Silence of the Lambs weirdo poodle – cannot disagree with Rebhahn, which is why his life is going to be ruined for sure. He’ll need his Necropants in jail!
The question is of course why these people haven’t already been arrested. That should have happened back in September/October of last year. Why didn’t it?
It’s all to do with how botched this investigation was. Consider this. Rebhahn named both RJ and Apollonius as radicalized assassins/ terrorists engaged in a plot to murder Hyperians, Woke Liberals and POTUS, and yet RJ wasn’t asked a single question about Apollonius (his alleged co-conspirator), and Apollonius wasn’t asked a single question about RJ. They were kept strictly separate. Why? The FBI/VPD made zero attempt to investigate the alleged “conspiracy” that RJ and Apollonius were supposedly engaged in. Why? And we – the AC/PI – were not contacted at all by the FBI/VPD, yet we were explicitly named as neo-Nazi TERRORISTS and the supposed radicalizing puppetmasters who had allegedly sent out RJ and Apollonius to slaughter people and then assassinate Joe Biden to trigger “Armageddon”. According to Rebhahn, we were supposedly a group conspiring to bring about Armageddon (!!!) and introduce the Fourth Reich (or whatever).
Rebhahn omitted to mention to the FBI that “The Armageddon Conspiracy” is a NOVEL by Mike Hockney. Just as he omitted to mention that RJ’s POTUS comment was about Donald Trump and not Joe Biden. Why would a “neo-Nazi” assassin want to murder Donald Trump? So Rebhahn just pretended that Biden was the intended target. Even more absurdly, RJ spoke hyperbolically about “killing” bigots, racists and misogynists yet Rebhahn interpreted that as being a direct death threat against himself and Hyperians and even Woke Liberals. Hmmmm! Well, if the cap fits! Rebhahn is indeed a bigot, racist and misogynist, as we have proved over and over again.
So, RJ was supposedly wanting to massacre Hyperians and “Woke Liberals” and Joe Biden. Yet he actually expressed his hate for right wing racists, bigots, and misogynists, and the POTUS he had referred to … as a subject of daydreams (daydreams are not yet a crime!) … was right-wing DONALD TRUMP.
Literally nothing of what Rebhahn said in his false and malicious complaint to the FBI made ANY SENSE AT ALL. But no one in the FBI actually questioned him about it AT ALL. And the VPD clown detective proved the worst detective in history. He literally couldn’t detect ANYTHING.
There was no real investigation, by the FBI or VPD AT ALL. The idiot detective basically accepted RJ’s denial that he had ever said the POTUS thing, while also accepting Rebhahn’s “proof” that he did say it! He did fuck all to determine any kind of truth, any real facts. The whole thing was totally botched from beginning to end. The detective was, it seems, just “reviewing” the case. He concluded that there was nothing to investigate regarding RJ, and he also concluded that there was nothing to investigate regarding Rebhahn, although those are mutually exclusive positions. This, in other words, was a total shambles. It was a total, absolute failure to take an incredibly serious complaint seriously and get to the bottom of it. It was total laziness, apathy, and ineptitude by that VPD detective clown.
Here’s the bottom line. Unknown to all of us, this case was actually CLOSED on September 8, 2022, a month after it was opened. No one was told. And, since then, there has been no open case into which to introduce the decisive POTUS evidence which proves conclusively that the Rebhahn gang DOCTORED the evidence on which their whole false and malicious complaint was based. This absence of an open, active case is the SOLE reason why these people have not yet been arrested.
RJ supplied the key screenshots to the VPD detective on 20 September, but the case was already closed on the 8 September and the detective couldn’t be bothered reopening it, so simply GHOSTED RJ and ignored the proof. Likewise, numerous IC3 complaints to the FBI, and complaints to FIVE American police departments, and also to the VPD and others, have all been met either with the same ghosting response, or with a response that it is outside their “jurisdiction” and the proof should be offered to someone else. The Canadians say that this is an American issue, and the Americans say it’s a Canadian issue. What a joke!
So, our side has met with overwhelming bureaucratic obstruction, with no one in law enforcement EVER actually looking at the conclusive, incontestable proof of the guilt of the Rebhahn gang. And this gang of course now believes it has gotten away with it. It hasn’t. Our side has made massive efforts, especially in the last few weeks, to finally get the proof in front of someone who will then initiate formal legal proceedings against the Rebhahn gang. We are confident that we are finally about to succeed.
All it takes is one honest cop to finally open a case and the Rebhahn gang are fucked. The proof against these people is undeniable. And they don’t even agree on their own story. Rebhan will DEFINITELY say that he assumed that the POTUS comment introduced by Shope was contemporary and not years old, while Shope will say, as he already has done in the private chat, that he introduced the POTUS comment as an example of “violent rhetoric” where RJ used a disclaimer, and not as a supposed viable death threat against Joe Biden in the present day. Well, those two accounts don’t tally, do they? Either the POTUS comment is a present-day death threat, or an old, bantering comment qualified by a disclaimer. It certainly can’t be both. Shope submitted it as an old, qualified comment. Rebhahn, urged on by Mitchell, presented it as a current, unqualified online death threat against Joe Biden. Both positions can’t be true. SO, THE REBHAHN GANG ARE FUCKED. And what explanation will Rebhahn give for not finding out the true source of the POTUS comment – the chat where Shope said WORSE! And how will Rebhahn explain that Trump was the POTUS in question, but he made it seem as if it was Joe Biden? And how will he explain the absence of the key disclaimer words “Never harms self or others”? Even Shope supplied those words, so how did they mysteriously go missing in Rebhahn’s official complaint to the FBI? Hmmmm! You have to be 100% honest, truthful and accurate in what you supply to the FBI, especially if you are accusing people of being terrorists and assassins – accusations so serious that they can and often do get people killed.
There is no way out for these people. They are caught in their own web of sick, deranged lies.
The truth is that this case was totally bungled by the FBI and VPD – who exhibited a simply staggering degree of incompetence. THEY DID NOT INVESTIGATE THIS CASE. They simply reacted immediately to lurid madness by Rebhahn and then dropped any serious investigation of the case more or less immediately when it was obvious that RJ and Apollonius bore no resemblance to Rebhahn’s depiction of them, and they then did a few cursory things to try to cover their asses and complete their paperwork. The FBI ACCEPTED Rebhahn’s DOCTORED POTUS quote as proof that he hadn’t made all this up, and the VPD clown detective blindly accepted selected cherry-picked AC/PI quotes from Rebhahn (mostly from NOVELS!) as some sort of evidence that his complaint wasn’t invented. What a joke. What a farce. That detective should be fucking fired instantly. He’s NOT a detective. He, we certainly hope, will lose his job and his career, and if he wants anyone to blame, he should blame himself for his disgraceful conduct … and the Rebhahn Gang for putting him in this position in the first place with their false and malicious claims!
As soon as a PROPER investigation is conducted into these matters, the Rebhahn gang will all be going to jail for their malicious lies, intended to get two men killed, or ruin their lives for daring to oppose Rebhahn. There is no way out. Justice WILL prevail.
We just need ONE HONEST COP.
Just the other day, RJ was at the US Consulate in Vancouver, where the FBI has an office, handing over in person all the evidence to a member of the Consulate, who may well have been an FBI Special Agent (although he didn’t identify himself) who seemed attentive and who assured RJ that he would pass it on to the right people.
We just need one stroke of luck, and the whole house of cards will collapse on Rebhahn and his gang. These people’s names have all been passed on to their local police departments and to the FBI. Their luck isn’t going to hold forever. Remember, all it takes is for our side to get ONE CASE formally opened against the Rebhahn gang and then it’s game over. As soon as these people are actively investigated and questioned, it’s finito for them. There is literally a mountain of evidence against them, including all the incriminating statements they made in their private chat – which they have provably since attempted to DELETE. The FBI will be VERY INTERESTED in all those attempts to get rid of evidence. Too late, guys … the evidence had already been copied! But what will the fact that you tried to delete it say about you?!!!!
What will the authorities say about David McAfee’s articles? These are independent articles by an investigative journalist about how sinister Rebhahn and his gang are.
Our side has spent a whole year looking at every part of this case. We know it inside out and back to front. We have been involved in many, many attempts to overcome the various bureaucratic obstructions put in our way, and we learn more from each and every attempt.
As for the Rebhahn gang – living in their fantasy world – they don’t consider this case at all. They don’t think about it. They simply pretend it never happened. If they don’t talk about it, it will go away (magical thinking). They don’t want to contemplate it.
None of them can ask Rebhahn to show them his actual IC3 complaint because that would end the cult on the spot. To ask to see the complaint would MEAN that they didn’t trust Rebhahn, and so – since they would never challenge or doubt Rebhahn under any circumstances – they can’t see it and can’t know what was said, hence can’t prepare themselves for what’s to come and can’t even agree on a common story since they would NEED to see what Rebhahn had actually said in order to all agree on their cover story. We know much more about Rebhahn’s IC3 than his own mods do, even though they are the ones who are going to be arrested and jailed because of it! None of us were arrested or jailed because of it. It was total garbage from beginning to end.
Cults are very strange. The cultists rely 100% on the cult leader, but the cult leader 100% lies to them about what’s really going on. That’s why these cretins are doomed as soon as the shit hits the fan.
Rebhahn’s strategy is crystal clear. He will throw everyone under the bus to save himself. And he will in fact expect the others to throw themselves under the bus voluntarily to protect him. Shope, especially, already has. Shope was the one who introduced the Trump POTUS comment and knows for a fact that Rebhahn criminally weaponized it and falsely and maliciously presented it as a death threat against Joe Biden, yet he had no moral or ethical problems with this at all. Well, that’s life as a cult slave! Shope would do ANYTHING to please Rebhahn. He will end up going to jail for his slavish devotion. Good riddance to a totally toxic human being.
Back in the day, NK said,
“Morgue approached Cimmeria’s FB page in 2015/16 after being involved in TMR (The Movement Rebooted). This approach was brought to Malf and myself, and we discussed the merits of Morgue and whether he should be brought on board. I was initially skeptical and reluctant, while Malf was very keen on bringing him aboard. I thought he would be limited by his image or approach, but I also thought Morgue would grow out of this, so I had then helped Morgue to learn the material better and hoped he would one day produce something constructive.”
NK, like Porgy himself, is a great rewriter of history. It was actually NK who was Porgy’s most strenuous advocate and kept mentioning him to us. On 7 May 2016, NK said,
“Morgue’s progress, all things considered, is stunning. By far he is the most promising person when it comes to seeing things get done.”
The Movement, it has to be said, had a lot of people talking the talk and very few people walking the walk. Few people ever delivered anything. Anyone who could actually produce something was always looked on favorably.
The person we refer to as “Malf” – an influential member of early Hyperianism – was certainly an advocate for Porgy for a while, but his enthusiasm didn’t last long at all. In fact, more or less everyone who worked with Porgy turned against him. He’s incredibly weird. It is of course his pathological narcissism and constant search for narc supply that makes him unbearable – at least to all normal people. To abnormal people – his cult slaves – it’s Rebhahn’s pathological narcissism and constant search for narc supply that makes him the man they want to WORSHIP! They are the ones who live in his shared fantasy.
NK said,
“From 2016/7, I had tutored Morgue in mathematics and philosophy, in science, and we discussed how he would develop and what was the next step.”
On another occasion, NK said,
“I thought Morgue would understand and just let me be, since I had helped him to learn all this material after all.”
Well, we spent a lot of time trying to educate Porgy, and it looks like NK was in the same game. Porgy was not a good learner. Sam Vaknin says that narcs have surface intelligence, “headline” intelligence. They skim read. They’re useless at detail. What they’re looking for is superficial, “show off” material – stuff that looks good and sounds impressive … until you actually study it in detail, and then it all falls apart, exactly as is obvious with Porgy’s laughable crap.
NK said,
“It was somewhere during late 2017 that I had noticed Morgue was not interested in ontological mathematics or intellectualism so much as building up a personality cult. During that time, I withdrew my support and stopped any tutoring or discussions with him.”
Porgy is a cerebral narcissist – he craves people telling him he’s smart (because he’s uneducated and has zero qualifications, hence is technically retarded!) – but he has no conception of what intellectualism is. No one who cancels books by smart people is anything other than a moron and serious enemy of intellectuals and knowledge.
NK said,
“During late 2017/2018, the Cambridge Analytica scandal had finally hit the mainstream media, despite its being published right after the Trump Election. This scandal had a direct impact on FB and YouTube, and thus on Morgue. You see, Morgue had relied on buying clicks and likes from FB and Instagram in order to swell his reach. This was the model of Twitter bots as well: game the algorithm with an inflated high reach so as to appear at the top. After Cambridge Analytica, the tech firms got together and quietly altered their algorithms so this cannot happen again. Now, content does not reach the ‘Trending’ page by way of mass appeal (since there is no real way to distinguish between real vs. artificial popularity), but by the media companies’ algorithmic definition of ‘mainstream’ instead of ‘fringe’.”
That was all true. Porgy did very well on social media for a while – he knew how to game the system by buying likes. However, when the algorithms changed, Porgy’s “popularity” declined steeply. The algorithms definitely regard him as “fringe”. This weirdo will never achieve mainstream popularity.
NK said,
“This ‘Adpocalypse’ had a disastrous effect on Morgue’s reach on FB: it went from 1 million or more, to a few thousand. YouTube was the same, while Instagram was not touched since it was still deemed an open market and the firms had money to make from selling bot clicks and bot likes. Instagram is still the place where you can buy bot clicks and bot likes for very cheap, so this remained Morgue’s mainstay. The ‘Adpocalypse’ had another effect on Morgue: math and science — no matter how strange or fringe — was now next to impossible to promote on social media. Thus, Morgue turned to mysticism, new age mythos, veganism, etc. These were popular trends, so he made the choice to hitch a ride on them. Thus we saw videos on ‘pyramid power’, ‘chakras’, ‘reincarnation’, and veganism. As people began to question this turn, Morgue turned the screws on the personality cult and turned Hyperianism more or less into his direct fan club. A number of people were alienated and decided to back away or keep quiet.”
Well, that’s certainly all true too. And it’s even worse now, of course. Neogenianism is all about UFOs, aliens, queer Gnostics, Lucifer, Ra, channeling, and all the rest of Rebhahn’s mystical, irrational gibberish.
NK said,
“I was bothered by all the cult associations and wanted to have something different.”
NK wanted Mandarinism! NK’s own narcissism was expressed through a craving to get recognition from his professors at university.
Announcement of New Website
This website will be mothballed at the end of this month. It will remain a vital resource for anyone researching the profoundly sinister and dangerous Corey Rebhahn and his sick and degenerate Neogenian cult.
What’s coming next is an Illuminist Army website, which is scheduled to go live on September 1st.
The new website will be featuring the sort of content produced in the three Illuminist Army books. So, this is an invitation to everyone out there to write their own versions of our daily updates. You can write articles like ours on this site, or like the submissions to THTTM (I and II), or like those submitted to the Neogenian movie, or some new angle that you have devised.
Get started now and have material ready for 1 September. We shall be doing a post here on 31 August to announce the new site.
We shall also be doing a post tomorrow, and later on in the month if any big news breaks. We have high hopes of a couple of moves currently underway regarding bringing the Rebhahn gang to justice, and good news could come at any time. But never forget that we have so far met extraordinary resistance – making us suspect that Rebhahn is an actual FBI agent and being explicitly protected, or is having favors corruptly done for him because of his cop dad – so we’re definitely taking nothing for granted. In any sane world, this would all have been over in September/October of last year and the Rebhahn gang would already be in jail. But patience is a virtue, as they say.
We have a couple of freedom of information requests still being processed. If we get access to Rebhahn’s unredacted IC3 complaint, we shall immediately publish it. There is no way on earth that evil weirdo would EVER himself publish what he put in the IC3. He would be finished on the spot.
We have two basic strategies: 1) The legal route: to get all of the Rebhahn gang arrested for felony SWATTING and felony lying to the FBI, and 2) The publicity route: to get one big social media story to break, totally exposing and mortifying Rebhahn. David G. McAfee has got the ball rolling with his third article on Rebhahn, but we need a much bigger hitter (and much better writer!).
Here’s a great vid from RJ:
“McAfee’s Moments and the HARD FACTS | Morgue Official’s PROVEN GUILT”
And here’s RJ, Jewel, and Artemis doing their thing:
“The Somatic/Cerebral Binary of NON-BINARY MorgueOfficial: SUPREME NARC | The Facebook Years Part 3”
The Rebhahn Gang are totally fucked. It really is just a matter of time before these creepy, queer fantasists have to face reality … and JAIL!
Tags: Hyperianism, Morgue Official, Hyperian, Morgen Night, AMC Freakshow, Corey Rebhahn, Inner Star Actualization, What is Hyperianism, Morgue Official Real Name, Hyperian Founder, Morgue from Freakshow, Neogenian, Neogenian Oculus, Neogenianism, Neogenian Collective