Human history revolves around Turning Points. One of the biggest turning points was when the Roman emperor Constantine threw in his lot with the Middle Eastern slave morality of Christianity. He thereby wholly transformed it – by making it the religion of Power, of the masters (!). With Roman Catholicism, the oddest thing emerged … a slave morality ruled over by the masters.
But is it odd? The human psyche seems to be drawn to enormous contradictions. Protestantism decided that wealth was a sign of God’s favor – that the rich were the Elect, the Saved – and so Protestantism duly furnished the spiritual wing of predatory capitalism. Nowadays, it looks very much like the Protestants worship wealth, not Jesus. Jesus Christ explicitly condemned wealth, yet Protestantism celebrates wealth as the very mark of a good Christian! How can anyone make sense of that?
All sorts of things simply do not work – unless combined with their OPPOSITE. How weird is that? People say one thing and do another. They love the image of being such and such, but functionally live their life in the opposite way. As Nietzsche pointed out, what people actually want is POWER, and judge all around them by how much power they have. Yet people posture as religious or spiritual or compassionate or loving, or whatever. This is the self-image they like, while in fact they are up to their neck in the power game, just like everyone else.
Machiavelli proved so shocking because he ignored all of the propaganda that people engage in and just went straight to the central topic of winning and keeping POWER. All politicians play the power game, yet they all pretend they are in some other game – such as public service, serving their faith, promoting universal love and peace, or whatever.
People don’t like talking about the Power Game – because nearly everyone is losing (or not wanting to admit they are winning so well)! So, they dress it up as something else, where they can claim some sort of victory. Look at Hyperianism – a failed, illegitimate, plagiarized, pathetic scene going nowhere. Yet the weird and freakish members of this cult believe they are “hyperaware World shapers”, raising human consciousness and bringing about the unity of humanity. It’s pure comedy, pure insanity, yet also so symptomatic of the human condition. These people are 100% delusional. People are fatally addicted to their delusions. Nietzsche said,
“Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.
That’s “all the time” in the case of the Hyperian cultists.
It’s incredible how much feeling types cling to their illusions. Once they have emotionally bonded with someone, reason can hold no sway over them. Only when the emotional bond breaks by some means or another do feeling types manage to free themselves. Many never do. You can imagine many of the weird Hyperian women on their deathbeds saying “Corey…” as their last utterance on earth. After all, he is their GOD. The world is full of ludicrous gods but surely these influencer gods are the worst of the lot. Can humanity actually sink any lower? People are now literally worshiping pathological narcissists and psychopaths … and sending them as much money as they can. Truly unbelievable.
Anyway, how do you create a successful, healthy, sane movement? Unfortunately, it’s not by being concerned with the Truth. The average person just isn’t interested. Nietzsche pointed out that an empowering lie will always beat a disempowering truth. It’s more life-enhancing. That’s why it’s so hard for the truth to win, to be accepted. There is inbuilt human resistance to it. Reassuring human lies will always be preferred to cold, analytic, non-human truths.
This is incredibly problematic for us. We, as rationalists, actually crave truth – but that’s because we perceive that our power is increasing as we discover more and more truths. So, we’re in the power game, just like everyone else. It’s our notion of power that is different. Sensing types experience power via “understanding” what they sense, and expanding their sensory powers via technology. They ignore what they can’t sense. They can see no power in that. Feeling types experience power via feeling good, feeling pleasure, and the absence of power through feeling bad, feeling pain. They are indifferent to anything that doesn’t register emotionally. It might as well not exist. That’s why they barely engage with the intellectual world. A philosopher or mathematician working very hard on a complex problem for ten years is in a thinking state not an emotional state. An emotional person can’t do this – because no emotions are involved, and would in fact just get in the way. An intuitive person experiences power through some grand vision that seems to unite everything. Usually, they can’t express their mystical vision – but they get round that problem by saying it’s beyond words, and you must be in the right mental state, your mind fully open to the cosmos, or whatever, to share their ineffable vision.
Since we are thinking types, we are driven by answers, and what is the quintessential, unique subject for providing answers? – it’s mathematics, of course. The most hated and feared subject on earth! For existence to have an answer, it MUST be made of the subject with answers built in – it must be made of math. For this to be true, mathematics MUST have an ontology, and everything else follows. But try telling that to the feeling types, the sensing types, the mystical intuitives. They aren’t listening. They aren’t interested. They think you’re wrong and bizarre.
And this is the whole problem – you cannot reason people into reasoned positions if they fundamentally reject reason because they fundamentally buy into something else, such as emotionalism, or mysticism, or basing everything on observation (Step One of the scientific method concerns observing, definitely not thinking!)
So, as thinking types, the problem looms large that we would of course love to wallow in the world of thinking, but we immediately recognize that we will get nowhere with that approach, because humanity is overwhelmingly AGAINST thinking. In Star Trek, the Vulcans transitioned from an emotional society to a society of logic. That’s what we would love to accomplish, but, hey, it ain’t happening any time soon. It must happen eventually, but all we can do at this point is steer the ship in the right direction, towards the right port.
We wanted to replace science (materialism and empiricism) with ontological mathematics (idealism and rationalism), but that’s a bridge too far. So, we have been working on a new subject that can bridge the gap between science and ontological mathematics. With our new system, all scientists can keep doing exactly what they’re doing right now, but the more theoretical scientists will be given a whole new vision and set of tools to play with. These tools won’t compete with science, but, rather, complement science. As the years go by, these tools will prove so useful to science that these will start to take over all scientific theories, and we will eventually achieve a science that is much closer to ontological mathematics than abstract mathematics, i.e., mathematics will no longer be treated as an abstraction to help explain real “matter”, but matter itself will be seen as something actually mathematical. And originating, of course, in mathematical monadic minds!
Anyway, the general game is to be more practical, more realistic. So, how do we produce something that we, as thinking types, can be interested in, while also appealing, especially, to feeling types – since their emotions self-evidently drive this world.
Hesse’s “The Glass Bead Game” sought to present intellectualism in terms of a supremely beautiful and beguiling game. Hesse’s “Steppenwolf” had the image of humanity as both wolf and spirit. Wikipedia says, “As the story begins, the hero is beset by reflections on his being ill-suited for the world of everyday, regular people, specifically for frivolous bourgeois society. In his aimless wanderings about the city, he encounters a person carrying an advertisement for a magic theatre who gives him a small book, Treatise on the Steppenwolf. This treatise, cited in full in the novel’s text as Harry reads it, addresses Harry by name and strikes him as describing himself uncannily. It is a discourse on a man who believes himself to be of two natures: one high, the spiritual nature of man; the other is low and animalistic, a ‘wolf of the steppes’. This man is entangled in an irresolvable struggle, never content with either nature because he cannot see beyond this self-made concept. The pamphlet gives an explanation of the multifaceted and indefinable nature of every man’s soul, but Harry is either unable or unwilling to recognize this. It also discusses his suicidal intentions, describing him as one of the ‘suicides’: people who, deep down, knew they would take their own life one day. But to counter that, it hails his potential to be great, to be one of the ‘Immortals’.”
We love the image of the MAGIC THEATER.
The movie “The Matrix” presents the philosophy of Plato and Descartes, and also Gnostic religion, in terms of a sci-fi love story involving superheroes in a simulation (who replace the gods of religion). > > Basically, the task is to produce a compelling story – a MYTHOS – laden with psychological power, but which is underpinned by an amazing Logos explanation of reality.
Hegel brilliantly saw that the Truth has different levels. Art (and one could also say science) deals with the truth at the external sensory level, and religions (and spirituality) at the level of the internal senses (imagination). Art and religion (and science) belong to the domain of “picture thinking”. Hegel’s highest level of truth was conceptual philosophy, involving no pictures at all – but he knew full well that hardly anyone could reach this level.
The ultimate Mythos would be one that had a level of truth for feeling types, another level for sensing types, another level for mystical intuitives, with the final, ultimate level of truth reserved for the thinking types (the idealist rationalists).
But you can’t just magically summon such a Mythos into existence. You need a Movement to set about establishing what the Mythos is – an all-encapsulating Mythos that satisfies everyone (at different levels). This is the holy grail of Mythos (and thus of the underlying Logos). It’s the supreme exercise in APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY, and understanding Jung’s archetypes. What is the most archetypal story of all, of which all others archetypal stories are offshoots?
Artemis Maenad said,
“A ‘popular platform’ would be welcoming to everyone in the working class. Something that anyone could easily and comfortably walk away from whatever divisive bullshit they’d been subscribing to and truly unite in reason. A place that a conservative can turn away from traditionalism or a liberal could turn away from other-directedness and embrace autonomy! How beautiful does that sound, huh?”
That sounds fantastic. We won’t be able to unite people in reason, though. We CAN unite them via a multi-tiered Mythos that has something for all the different psychological types, and we absolutely need to be aiming for a new humanity based on Autonomy (rather than tradition-direction, parent-direction, other-direction, or anomie).
As thinking types – the ERUDITE in the “Divergent” movies – we are the bossy ones who think we know what’s right for everyone else. The problem of course is that they don’t agree – that’s why no one has ever implemented Plato’s Republic!
“Divergent” was in a sense an exploration of Plato’s Republic, but written from the viewpoint of an anti-Platonist! As ever, the intellectuals in that movie are depicted as sinister fascists.
Wikipedia says,
“In a future dystopian Chicago, society is divided into five factions: Abnegation (the selfless), Amity (the peaceful), Candor (the honest), Dauntless (the brave), and Erudite (the intellectual). The remaining population, the Factionless, have no status or privilege. Upon turning 16, children undergo a serum-induced psychological aptitude test which indicates their best-suited faction but can choose any faction as their permanent group at the subsequent Choosing Ceremony. “
We need a platform that unites people at DIFFERENT LEVELS OF STORY-TELLING. The story can contain conservative elements, liberal elements – whatever (but definitely none of the Woke crap of Corey Rebhahn and his degenerate Hyperian cult). The unity of humanity is brought about by a Mythos everyone can buy into – because part of it is specially intended for them. It contains “their truth”, while also having THE TRUTH at its foundational level, the SOURCE.
Think of reversing the tale of the tower of Babel. That ended with everyone telling different stories (in different languages). Can we get everyone to follow the same story (but in different psychological languages: those of sensing, intuiting, feeling and sensing)?
Rowan James said,
“I can’t wait for Hyperianism to be buried. A fresh scene with the true Illuminists sounds exciting as hell, and we’ve all learned a lot from this recent mess and have come out better from it. Round table group operation. Different divisions even. We could have a meme division, devil’s advocate division, a boots on the ground team, theory groups, arts, the whole works. There is so much room for opportunity here. We have the collective will to make the most of it. Peace out Rebhahn and Co. You’re done.”
Yes, we like the sound of that. Practically, this is likely how things will start out, but eventually, we would love to see everything converging on finding the ultimate human Mythos. Jung spoke of using the “transcendent function” to unify thinking, feeling, sensing and intuiting. The true transcendent function would be a brilliantly symbolic story that unites everyone through the supreme symbols of unity.
Historically, big stories that humanity has loved are Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and so on. These stories succeeded because they tapped into powerful archetypes. Jordan Peterson has become successful by analyzing Christianity in terms of powerful archetypes.
We need a Mythos reflecting Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. People can be at different stages of the story in different stages of their life. The more enlightened you are, the more you can ascend the story hierarchy, the more you can level up. Secrets societies and freemasons have utilized ascending “degrees” to reveal different, higher parts of a story to members as their knowledge of the system becomes more profound and they can learn, understand, accept and internalize higher truths. The idea that you can dispense the highest knowledge like candy, to any toddler holding out their fingers, is so dumb that only Corey Rebhahn could promote such an idea. That guy is such a dumb fuck. Fundamentalist Christian homeschooling obviously rots the brain!
Lee Daly said,
“A new Illuminist platform, run meritocratically by the intelligent, for the intelligent, and without any ‘fluff’. We can have in microcosm the very future we are all striving for.”
We would love to have a fluff-free system, but since most of humanity loves “fluff”, we will need to address fluff in some sort of way.
What we are aiming for is a system, a story, with multiple levels – a Maslowian hierarchy, a Hegelian Absolute Spirit – where people can find their truth at a certain level, but with the system reaching an apex (Absolute, Omega Point) of THE TRUTH. Everyone is engaged in a dialectical process to get to the apex. Everyone is part of a multi-dimensional story.
It’s a somewhat complex vision, but, hey, we like big challenges. Is it absurdly unrealistic, completely impractical, too ambitious, too “Erudite”?
Maybe we need to go in the other direction – to seek an incredibly simple story, a fairytale. Fairytales wield incredible archetypal power.
Also, we need the working-class to be the heroes of this tale. The force of evil is the Elite, and all the bourgeois people who support the Elite. Influencers must be regarded as an absolute evil – the Dark Triad monsters who prey on the weak and gullible.
Logos on its own will never get anywhere. We need to sugarcoat it with Mythos. But not just any old Mythos. It must be a Mythos freighted with archetypal psychological power.
Something of this task is already prefigured in the work of Hegel. The Christian Mythos present in the Bible is nothing like the Christian Logos presented in Hegel’s work. Someone who would find Biblical Christianity comical could easily become a Hegelian philosophical “Christian”.
Isn’t it amazing that the same thing could be presented in different forms such that two people of very different types could both agree that the thing is true, while completely rejecting the other form in which the idea is presented? So, Hegel had the idea of religious Mythos versus a philosophical, conceptual Logos presentation of the same content, providing two different levels of understanding of the content. That could unite different types of people who would otherwise completely disagree. But Hegelian philosophy is too difficult for the average person. What about using psychology instead of philosophy? What about presenting every story in “four-dimensional” terms? One dimension of the story would be for feeling types, another dimension for sensing types, another dimension for intuitives, and the final dimension for thinking types. Each type gets the same story, but told from their perspective, just as they like it. So, they can all agree on the same story, albeit seeing it from a very different dimension. Nevertheless, they are all brought into unity instead of conflict.
If you look at humanity, you suddenly realize that it’s actually separated by STORIES. All the different religions and spiritual systems tell different, conflicting stories. Different political parties tell different stories. Different races and cultures tell different stories. The conservatives in the USA tell the opposite story from the liberals in the USA. Thus America is a house divided. In the 1950s, most Americans accepted the same story. A country cannot succeed unless most of its citizens accept the same story. China has a much more united story than the USA. You cannot unite warring factions unless you have a story that brings about a synthesis of the thesis story and the antithesis story. Why did Hyperianism fail? Because it told an absolutely insane Woke story that alienated everyone except insane Wore fanatics.
Why have we failed? Because we teach Logos and the world isn’t interested. So, Mythos it is. What is the Mythos that can bring all stories into one supreme Glass Bead Game, connecting and harmonizing everything? Can people become united by getting them to work on a unifying Mythos? At the moment, all stories are about division, and social media is massively increasing factional, tribal tales.
The truth that unites cannot be one-dimensional and one level – because humanity is not configured that way. It must be multi-dimensional and multi-level, a multi-faceted jewel that attracts different viewers in different ways.
Is the Mythos That Unites Everything a fable, or can such a thing actually be constructed? Shouldn’t we find out?