The No.1 Hyperian Cultist



Dyslexic Fairy, the No.1 supporter of the plagiarist and conman Corey Rebhahn (MorgueOfficial), exercises narcissistic control over both Rebhahn and the entire Hyperian slave cult by donating more money than anyone else, and by performing in every deadstream the ritual of sending monetized quotes to Rebhahn – always grabbing the attention and focus – and she takes IMMENSE pleasure in Rebhann praising her and her “taste” in quotes. Watch out for the inevitable performance of the ritual tonight!

This person has ENSLAVED Rebhahn. He MUST praise her if he wants her money, which he most certainly does. So, she is financially controlling Rebhahn. This is financial domination. It brings to mind an episode of The Simpsons where Homer had to do whatever Mr. Burns wanted, but was massively rewarded for each stunt. In the end, Homer, at the promptings of Lisa (inevitably), regained his dignity and turned down Burns’ money.

Rebhahn actually gets paid to read out the Dyslexic One’s quotes and praise her choice. I mean, it’s not as if he’s ever going to say, “What a shit quote. Why are you sending me this crap? Don’t you have any thoughts of your own? Can’t you make your own contribution to the world? Have you EVER had an original idea?” No such thing is possible. The outcome is INEVITABLE as soon as the Dyslexic One sends the monetized quote. Everyone knows the script. Everything happens like clockwork. She is GOING to be the center of attention, she is GOING to be praised by Rebhahn, she is GOING to be applauded by the other Hyperians. There is zero chance of anything negative happening (Rebhahn will never turn down money!). So, this is this weird person’s drug of choice, how she makes herself feel important and “loved” and gets “high”. This is her heroin. This is her addiction. And you realize that all Hyperians are engaged in this same shitshow, this same addiction. They all ritualistically perform their roles … they all “spam the emojis” or whatever it is they do with emojis. They all feel good by performing all of these mindless rituals, all designed by Rebhahn to get these people addicted to him, and it worked! It’s not that they are absolutely addicted to him, but they are absolutely addicted to the shared fantasy that he has constructed. Why? Because it gives these people the FEELING of being important, of having a point, of having a meaningful existence. And that makes them feel WONDERFUL. And without it, they feel TERRIBLE.

They are narcissistically invested in this to the hilt. Professor Sam Vaknin calls it the “Hall of Mirrors” (“The narcissist invites you into his hall of distorting carnival mirrors where you see yourself idealized and amplified a thousand times. Infatuation with oneself is one of the two pillars of trauma bonding, the other being intermittent reinforcement: the threat of expelling you from this newfound reflective Eden” – Vaknin). These people are in “NEW TERRA” and in there they see themselves reflected exactly as they want to see themselves. Vaknin said that the narcissist preying on you is so powerful not because you love HIM, but because he allows you to love YOURSELF. People find it hard to escape from narcissists because they would have to abandon self-love! What is Dyslexic Fairy going to do in the real world? In real life, this person is either invisible, or actively pointed at and called “freak” and “weirdo”. So, rather than engage with the world and try to change how she is perceived – actually make her REAL life better – she withdraws into a fantasy space, where, purely because of MONEY, she now has a crucial position. She is Rebhahn’s No.1 supporter, she is seen as a great person by the Hyperian community, and no one calls her a piece of shit. What’s not to like? Except she IS a piece of shit and she’s inhabiting a total fantasy and not interacting with reality at all. She is NOT living. She is AVOIDING living, because she can’t cope with living. And this is true of all Hyperians, all cults, and these patterns are being repeated everywhere on social media. The vast majority of “influencers” are cult leaders, and all of these cults have their equivalent of Dyslexic Fairy, Hopeless Lunatic Bear (Smash the Like!), PUKES, Exploring the Holos, Hyperian Frequency, Tyler SS, and all the rest of the pointless cultists. None of these people can see reality, and that’s because they don’t want to. They have fled from reality. And what is the “Metaverse”? It’s where people can flee even more strongly from reality than ever before. And it will be a catastrophe for humanity. Dyslexic Fairy will be able to have her avatar being kissed by Rebhann’s avatar when she sends her future monetized quotes in the Hyperian Metaverse, and she will be ECSTATIC. That woman is NEVER leaving her fantasy space. She cannot. Life is too hard for these abject failures.

The whole theory of pathological narcissism is that these narcissists construct a FALSE SELF specifically to avoid the real world and inhabit a fantasy world. Corey Rebhahn has the mental age of a toddler, because his real self “died” in his earliest years, and a false self – a total fantasist took over.

Social media has now created the fantasy environment that allows countless people – such as all the Hyperians – to ACQUIRE a False Self. Even if these people were real as children (unlike Rebhahn), they have ceased to be real now because, like Rebhahn, they have chosen the False Self option, and Hyperianism is a False Self playground where people who are barely conscious pose as Hyperaware World Shapers. Seriously! PUKES – a World Shaper?! Don’t make us puke!

Lives that countless people are leading now are horrifically bad, which is why there’s a pandemic of bad mental health. 

How can Dyslexic Fairy be happy? She PAYS a man to say her name and tell her she’s important. Yet she ignores the fact that she literally has to buy praise (she sure as fuck isn’t going to get it otherwise, right?!). In her fantasy, she is “supporting a genius” and thus doing “a great thing”. This is what infinite self-delusion looks like. People will invent ANY story to justify themselves. They will ignore reality – because it has nothing for them.

Paying for compliments and to be told she is important is how this pathetic Fairy gets her jollies in life. This is the saddest life, a life with no one at home. The real person has gone, and is never coming back. This person has chosen to abandon life. She is one of the undead. These Hyperians are zombies.

The Dyslexic Fairy feels alive only through manipulating others financially. Money is the sole “tool” she has to influence anything. She has zero charm, and no personality. Without money, she would be totally ignored. As it is, she has made Rebhahn dance to her tune, and the crossdressing dancing monkey has to perform the same dance on every deadstream … and it makes the Dyslexic one feel so powerful … so SUPERIOR.

These Hyperians are the archetypal humble braggers and virtue signalers. That’s what Wokeness is all about. To be seen to be RIGHTEOUS, to be regarded by others as morally superior, as the future of humanity. It’s all about performative “compassion”. You must be seen to support the “right” causes and the “right” people.

For thinking types, this is HELL. An intellectual could never endure having to put up with a cretin like Dyslexic Fairy – fuck your money, you fucking pig! (the very essence of privilege and anti-meritocracy) – but Rebhahn is a malignant narcissist and so cultivates people like that – those willing to give him narcissistic supply and loads of MONEY.

These people have an absolute compulsion to feel SUPERIOR and they choose different narcissistic strategies to arrive at this feeling (to compensate for their incredible inferiority complex, naturally!). Hyperians are malignant. They are seriously mentally ill, and they have entered into a codependency with Rebhahn – the Woke Messiah – which makes them feel even more SUPERIOR.

Think of the Dunning-Kruger effect. Stupid people think they are smart. Well, this is just an example of a much wider effect. Inferior people think they are SUPERIOR. And social media has literally made this acquired, compensatory SUPERIORITY COMPLEX amongst total losers and failures a pandemic. TROLLS – like the sick pervert Tyler Waffen SS – have no means in real life to express power. The world laughs at them, ignores them, or holds them in contempt. These people can’t bear it, so they flee from the world and live on social media where they exercise THE POWER TO AGGRAVATE OTHERS, i.e., trolling. When we attack people, it’s always as RETALIATION against hawks (conservatives) or doves (the Woke). When people attack us, they do it for shits and giggles, purely to cause aggravation to people by whom they are consumed with envy – i.e., people with actual merit. The talentless always plagiarize the talented and then attack the talented because talent is grotesque to the untalented.

So, exactly as predicted – Hyperians are like robots! – we got zero apology from PUKES for our total destruction of her sick lies that Rebhahn was not responsible for the cancelation of the AC website. Then we got a classic deflection tactic from PUKES’S equally PUKEY partner in crime: Ivieanne Rein Nightwell, a person who calls herself a “dark psychologist”, which we interpret as as confession that she is a pervert and deviant, hence why she is one of the top five Hyperian trolls, despite hilariously claiming sometimes not to even be a Hyperian. Can anyone point to any Hyperian who is NOT perverted and deviant (and delusional … and foundationally dishonest)?

Anyone, this sick person said, 

“evedentially these ppl rely on nobody having any type of memory. my only fault at this was not getting screenshots of Karen litteraly telling Pauline that having photos of her children on her facebook page was equevelant of child endargement.”

Does anyone even know what this person is talking about? We all remember what happened. Diarmuid Russell outed PUKES and then was accused of endangering her children by linking to her profile – which had her children’s pics on it. We fucking have the profile in question! Karen then 100% correctly said that PUKES was the one endangering her own children by irresponsibly putting their pics on her profile. 1 + 1 = 2. Do these people now live in a parallel universe of alternative Hyperian facts. Probably! What’s for sure is that they NEVER under any circumstances tell the truth or admit the truth or acknowledge their proven lies. These people still DENY that Rebhahn went to the FBI, and canceled our website, and swatted three people, and issued a lawsuit, as well as maliciously lying about us and smearing us, and plagiarizing our work. These people are pure scum.

Note that Mina Lotus has not outed herself as PUKES!

Hyperians actually believe that they are MORALLY SUPERIOR to us. We are called “haters”, “bigots”, N**is” and all the rest of it … that was the degenerate pervert Corey Rebhahn’s strategy right from the get-go. We even said in the sensational “Without the Mob, There Is No Circus” that this would happen. It did. It’s not as if Rebhahn has any bright ideas. He just does the moronic thing every time, and he KNOWS his morons will fall into line.

It must have shaken Rebhahn to the core when around half of his Hyperians, including some of his top supporters and even his elite mods turned out NOT to be simps and gimps but were actually capable of THINKING FOR THEMSELVES. OMG! They thought about the situation – carefully from all angles, without rushing to judgment – and then reached a logical and rational conclusion, justified by thoughtful arguments. But people such as Dyslexic Fairy cannot engage in that kind of process. They are locked in, and thinking cannot release them, because they can’t think. They FEEL.

Dyslexic Fairy (Mary Martin) cannot get out. She is in prison, but it’s a prison she had no desire to leave … because she built it herself! All Woke people are entering into a bizarre Woke fantasy being sustained and indeed rocket fueled by social media, and countless people are morphing into dismal, pointless cretins like Dyslexic Fairy, paying social media influencers like Corey Rebhahn to validate them! Can you imagine the horror of that … NEEDING Corey Rebhahn to tell you that you are worthwhile. Man, I’d kill myself if I were in that situation. In fact, I’d already be dead. Once you have fled to a False Self, you have to all and intents and purposes died.

The real world is for real Selves. If you can’t cope with reality then fuck off and die. You are an INSULT to life. And that’s why Nietzsche is someone we are turning to more and more, the exact antithesis of Wokeness. Is there anything more perverse than that Corey Rebhahn dedicated his first book to Nietzsche? Rebhahn is the Anti-Nietzsche, just as he is the anti-Hegel and the anti-Hockney. He inverts the work of all the thinkers he dares to go near with his sick, diseased, pathological mind.

And Dyslexic Fairy claims to be a Nietzschean. Can you imagine?! That is a person who is 100% delusional. Zero self-awareness. Nietzsche called for everyone like Dyslexic Fairy to be … destroyed.

OK, you fucking retard, tell us how many of these quotes by Nietzsche you endorse:


The annihilation of the decaying races. Decay of Europe.—The annihilation of slavish evaluations.—Dominion over the earth as a means of producing a higher type—The annihilation of the tartuffery [hypocrisyl called “morality.” … The annihilation of suffrage universel; i.e., the system through which the lowest natures prescribe themselves as laws for the higher—The annihilation of mediocrity and its acceptance. (The onesided, individuals—peoples; to strive for fullness of nature through the pairing of opposites: race mixture to this end).

A declaration of war on the masses by higher men is needed! Everywhere the mediocre are combining in order to make themselves master! Everything that makes soft and effeminate, that serves the ends of the “people” or the “feminine,” works in favor of suffrage universel, i.e., the dominion of inferior men. But we should take reprisal and bring this whole affair (which in Europe commenced with Christianity) to light and to the bar of judgment.

A society that definitely and instinctively gives up war and conquest is in decline: it is ripe for democracy and the rule of shopkeepers—In most cases, to be sure, assurances of peace are merely narcotics.

Democracy represents the disbelief in great human beings and an elite society: “Everyone is equal to everyone else.” “At bottom we are one and all self-seeking cattle and mob.”

Mankind was first taught to stammer the proposition of equality in a religious context, and only later was it made into morality: no wonder that man ended by taking it seriously, taking it practically! —that is to say, politically, democratically, socialistically, in the spirit of the pessimism of indignation.

I distinguish between a type of ascending life and another type of decay, disintegration, weakness. Is it credible that the question of the relative rank of these two types still needs to be posed? 

The most fearful and fundamental desire in man, his drive for power—this drive is called “freedom”—must be held in check the longest. This is why ethics . . . has hitherto aimed at holding the desire for power in check: it disparages the tyrannical individual and with its glorification of social welfare and patriotism emphasizes the power-instinct of the herd.

‘The will to power” is so hated in democratic ages that their entire psychology seems directed toward belittling and defaming it. . . 

European democracy represents a release of forces only to a very small degree. It is above all a release of laziness, of weariness, of weakness. 

I am opposed to 1. socialism, because it dreams quite naively of “the good, true, and beautiful” and of “equal rights” (— anarchism also desires the same ideal, but in a more brutal fashion); 2. parliamentary government and the press, because these are the means by which the herd animal becomes master.

[Social media is now the tool by which the herd animal dominates the culture, hence cults like Hyperianism.] 

Another Christian concept, no less crazy, has passed even more deeply into the tissue of modernity: the concept of the “equality of souls before God.” This concept furnishes the prototype of all theories of equal rights:

In the age of suffrage universel, i.e., when everyone may sit in judgment on everyone and everything, I feel impelled to reestablish order of rank.

What determines rank, sets off rank, is only quanta of power, and nothing else.

What determines your rank is the quantum of power you are: the rest is cowardice. 

The root of all evil: that the slavish morality of meekness, chastity, selflessness, absolute obedience, has triumphed—ruling natures were thus condemned (1) to hypocrisy, (2) to torments of conscience—creative natures felt like rebels against God, uncertain and inhibited by eternal values.

A doctrine is needed powerful enough to work as a breeding agent: strengthening the strong, paralyzing and destructive for the world-weary.

[What doctrine will bring the Hyperians to their end?!] 

In summa: the best things have been slandered because the weak or the immoderate swine have cast a bad light on them—and the best men have remained hidden—and have often misunderstood themselves. 

[Tell us about it!] 

When lesser men begin to doubt whether higher men exist, then the danger is great! And one ends by discovering that there is virtue also among the lowly and subjugated, the poor in spirit, and that before God men are equal—which has so far been the . . . (height) of nonsense on earth! For ultimately, the higher men measured themselves according to the standard of virtue of slaves—found they were “proud,” etc., found all their higher qualities reprehensible.

[Nietzsche was denouncing Wokeness long before it even existed! He knew it was coming!] 

Order of rank: He who determines values and directs the will of millennia by giving direction to the highest natures is the highest man. 

I teach: that there are higher and lower men, and that a single individual can under certain circumstances justify the existence of whole millennia—that is, a full, rich, great, whole human being in relation to countless incomplete fragmentary men.

The highest men live beyond the rulers, freed from all bonds; and in the rulers they have their instruments. 

Not “mankind” but overman is the goal! 

This world is the will to power—and nothing besides! And you yourselves are also this will to power—and nothing besides! 


The weak and ill-constituted shall perish: first principle of our philanthropy. And one shall help them to do so. 

[Fuck the Woke!] 

What is more harmful than any vice?—Active sympathy for the ill-constituted and weak—Christianity. . . . 

[For the Woke. … Wokeness is simply what Christianity became. Every reference to the Christians is a reference to the Woke. The Antichrist is the sworn enemy of the Woke.] 

What is good?—All that heightens the feeling of power, the will to power, power itself in man. 

What is bad?—All that proceeds from weakness. 

What is happiness?—The feeling that power increases—that a resistance is overcome. 

Not contentment, but more power; not peace at all, but war; not virtue, but proficiency (virtue in the Renaissance style, virtù, virtue free of moralic acid). 

The problem I raise here is not what ought to succeed mankind in the sequence of species (—the human being is an end—): but what type of human being one ought to breed, ought to will, as more valuable, more worthy of life, more certain of the future.

This more valuable type has existed often enough already: but as a lucky accident, as an exception, never as willed. He has rather been the most feared, he has hitherto been virtually the thing to be feared—and out of fear the reverse type has been willed, bred, achieved: the domestic animal, the herd animal, the sick animal man—the Christian. [The Hyperian.] 

One should not embellish or dress up Christianity: it has waged a war to the death against this higher type of man, it has excommunicated all the fundamental instincts of this type, it has distilled evil, the Evil One, out of these instincts—the strong human being as the type of reprehensibility, as the “outcast.” Christianity has taken the side of everything weak, base, ill-constituted, it has made an ideal out of opposition to the preservative instincts of strong life; it has depraved the reason even of the intellectually strongest natures by teaching men to feel the supreme values of intellectuality as sinful, as misleading, as temptations. The most deplorable example: the depraving of Pascal, who believed his reason had been depraved by original sin while it had only been depraved by his Christianity!. . . 

[The Woke have waged relentless war against Higher Humanity. They are the absolute obstacle to the evolution of humanity.] 

Christianity is called the religion of pity—Pity stands in antithesis to the tonic emotions which enhance the energy of the feeling of life: it has a depressive effect. One loses force when one pities.

[Wokeness is the religion of compassion and pity, and all force has been lost. Life is being killed off by the Woke.] 

In Christianity neither morality nor religion come into contact with reality at any point. Nothing but imaginary causes (“God,” “soul,” “ego, spirit,” “free will”—or “unfree will”): nothing but imaginary effects (“sin,” “redemption,” “grace,” “punishment,” “forgiveness of sins’).

[Hyperians do not come into contact with reality at any point.] 

The Christian conception of God—God as God of the sick, God as spider, God as spirit is one of the most corrupt conceptions of God arrived at on earth: perhaps it even represents the low-water mark in the descending development of the God type. God degenerated to the contradiction of life, instead of being its transfiguration and eternal Yes! In God a declaration of hostility towards life, nature, the will to life! God the formula for every calumny of “this world,” for every lie about “the next world”! In God, nothingness deified, the will to nothingness sanctified! . . . 

[The God of Wokeness is the DEAD GOD. He is pointless. He does not deserve existence.] 

In Christianity the instincts of the subjugated and oppressed come into the foreground: it is the lowest classes which seek their salvation in it. . . . 

[The perfect description of the Woke, of Hyperians … the lumpenproletariat in alliance with the bourgeois avocado toast eaters.] 

The poison of the doctrine “equal rights for all—this has been more thoroughly sowed by Christianity than by anything else; from the most secret recesses of base instincts, Christianity has waged a war to the death against every feeling of reverence and distance between man and man, against, that is, the precondition of every elevation, every increase in culture— it has forged out of the [resentment] of the masses its chief weapon against us, against everything noble, joyful, high-spirited on earth, against our happiness on earth Immortality” granted to every Peter and Paul has been the greatest and most malicious outrage on noble mankind ever committed—And let us not underestimate the fatality that has crept Out of Christianity even into politics! No one any longer possesses today the courage to claim special privileges or the right to rule, the courage to feel a sense of reverence towards himself and towards his equals—the courage for a pathos of distance. . . . Our politics is morbid from this lack of courage!—The aristocratic outlook has been undermined most deeply by the lie of equality of souls; and if the belief in the “prerogative of the majority” makes revolutions and will continue to make them—it is Christianity, let there be no doubt about it. Christian value judgement which translates every revolution into mere blood and crime Christianity is a revolt of everything that crawls along the ground directed against that which is elevated: the Gospel of the lowly makes low. . . . 

[The Hyperians – those that crawl along the ground!]


The No.1 Hyperianism CultistIn the name of Nietzsche, we CONDEMN Hyperianism. This abomination must be exorcised. These people are the actual enemies of the human race. Everything they represent denotes the end of this species. Their gospel is that of total decline, degeneration, and de-evolution. Humanity’s very survival is at stake in the War on the Woke.

Humans must have the STRENGTH, the POWER, to get rid of this cancer spreading so rapidly amongst us. If not, we are finished. The Idiocracy comes first, and then the extinction of humanity, as its direct consequnce. 

The intelligent MUST fight back. The strong must rally. 

It’s all on the line. This is the war for the truth itself. In terms of human evolution, it was the war that could never be avoided, the war for the values of humanity.

Never forget what Nietzsche said: 

“What I relate is the history of the next two centuries. I describe what is coming, what can no longer come differently: the advent of nihilism. This history can be related even now; for necessity itself is at work here. This future speaks even now in a hundred signs, this destiny announces itself everywhere; for this music of the future all ears are cocked even now. For some time now, our whole culture has been moving as toward a catastrophe, with a tortured tension that is growing from decade to decade: restlessly, violently, headlong, like a river that wants to reach the end, that no longer reflects, that is afraid to reflect.”

So, here we are, in the very midst of it. What will humanity do? Overcome itself – the Woke disease right in our midst – or succumb to the Idiocracy and see humanity wiped out because that is surely humanity’s fate if sick, degenerate cults like Hyperianism and their sick, degenerate leaders like Corey Rebhahn prevail in this world of ours, this humanity of ours. The disease must be cut out. There is no other way.




Tags: Corey Rebhahn, Morgue Official, Morgen Night, Hyperianism, Hyperionism, Hyperian, Hyperion, AMC Freakshow, Inner Star Actualization, Cult of Hyperianism, Hyperian Founder, Morgue Official Real Name, What is Hyperianism, Hyperianism Beliefs, Nietzsche