Morgue Official and the Not-So-Secret Secret Society



(9/24/2022) Post #1
Corey said in his Order of One documents, “This represents a fork in the road of your life. You can choose to ignore this message and continue your life as it is, or you can choose the path that will forever alter your reality in ways that you cannot yet imagine.”
Doesn’t this sound EXACTLY like a cult?
Corey wrote, “Throughout the planet there exist keys that one may use to enter into a hidden world. Only those with the eyes to see will recognize these keys for what they are. The vast majority of your people will not see them. This book is such a key. This We have provided but it is up to you to see. It is up to you to open the door and begin your journey. Think carefully on this and remember that this journey is not for the weak. It is only for the Willed, the greatest and the best.”
Remember, this is coming from the guy who says he hates secrets, secret societies, rituals, initiations, and anyone engaged in withholding anything from anyone. Yet, at the beginning of Hyperianism, when it was called the Order of One, it was nothing other than Corey’s own secret society! This is what you call a TOTAL HYPOCRITE.
Corey changes his tune whenever he wishes, to push whatever agenda currently suits him, or whatever product he is currently selling. This guy has no principles and stands for nothing. All he cares about is money, power and fame. He doesn’t care at all how he gets them, or who he has to con, or throw under the bus. It’s always ALL ABOUT COREY. What
Corey wants, Corey gets. His Hyperian cult is about all of his cultists serving his every whim. And they do!
Corey said, “However, We are not just knowers but also doers. Those who are merely curious are rejected.”
That’s not what he says now. EVERYONE is welcome. The red carpet is rolled out for the “merely curious.” As we say, you can rely on Corey to keep changing his mind. He is directed by whatever he believes will prove most successful in increasing his “reach”. He has no interest in principles.
Corey wrote, “This is one of many reasons why further information beyond this book remains hidden and discussed only within our Order.”
How times change!
Corey said, “Ad Astra, to the stars.”
Does he still say that? That was once the chosen motto of his SECRET SOCIETY